K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

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The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
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Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
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A Fierce Dagger
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Spirit Journey
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Return To New York

36 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

On a bright sunny morning, the Channel 6 breaking news had interrupted the episode of Fujita Des Cartes.

"Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is...going on." Carlos O'Brien announced. "Everything is...fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraang...Uh, the military allows it. This is Carlos Kraang O'Brien Gambe."

The mage family saw the whole news with suspicious thoughts.

"The Kraang can't be any more obvious for anything." Talia sighed.

"You got that right." Camilla replied with a nod.

"They might've brainwashed him." Ezra said.

"Brainwash can cause memory loss and loss of personality." Norbit said.

"The Kraang may have the rest of the world fooled, but not us." Coral said furiously.

"What's the plan, Kirana?" San asked.

"Step one is, storm the castle walls." Kirana answered firmly. "Ariana?"

"I called it the Magnolia Cycle." Ariana explained. She set out a blueprint of her latest invention to her family. It was a futuristic two-wheeled vehicle that resembled a motorcycle distinguished by a unique blue light on the sides and the large wheels. "It's capable of incredible speed that allow us to ride almost anywhere and has far more advanced weapons than the Sonicruiser."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's build this thing!" Mūn grinned.


Few minutes later, Ariana have finished building five Magnolia Cycles equipped with new weapons. The mystic family gazed at the Magnolia Cycles with smiles on their faces. Kirana's Magnolia Cycle was distinguished by a unique blue light on the sides, Camilla's Magnolia Cycle was distinguished by a unique red light on the sides, Ariana's Magnolia Cycle was distinguished by a unique purple on the sides, Talia's Magnolia Cycle was distinguished by a unique orange light on the sides and on the large wheels, And Ezra's Magnolia Cycle was distinguished by a unique teal light on the sides.

"Our work here is done!" Ariana announced proudly. "The Magnolia Cycles are good as new."

"It's so awesome!" Ezra smiled excitedly.

"All right, guys." Kirana grinned determinedly. "Let's do this!"


Outside, the K-5 and Norbit packed their belongings onto the Magnolia Cycles. Only Ariana and Camilla sat on their Magnolia Cycle. Talia carried the small cooler down to her Magnolia Cycle as it flipped itself open.

"Come on, Pink Hallow. We're going home." Talia said.

Pink Hallow hissed happily as Talia hopped on her Magnolia Cycle.

Ezra and Norbit stood by Ezra's Magnolia Cycle and showed Norbit a little station for him.

"Ok, Norbit. All you have to do is deflate into this." Ezra explained. "Just stand on it and deflate."

Ezra set the station down on the ground and Norbit stood onto it. He deflated and the station kept him secure inside. Ezra grabbed the station and placed it on his Magnolia Cycle.

"Goodbye, my nieces and nephew." Coral smiled with a wave. "Come back to visit us soon."

"See you later!" San and Mūn grinned as they waved at their cousins.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra waved good-byes at their aunt and their cousins.

"Guys, let's roll!" Kirana said boldly to her sisters as she sat on her Magnolia Cycle.

"New York, here we come." Talia said.

The engines revved in the Magnolia Cycles and the K-5 drove out of the opening portal. Coral, San, and Mūn let out one more goodbye wave as they watched the siblings disappeared from the closing portal.


By the time the sun has sunken below the horizon, the K-5 had arrived a few distances from the gates of New York City until they halted their cycles for a second as they remained silent upon the looming city entrance.

"Home." Ezra sighed.

"All right, guys." Kirana spoke. "First, we track down mother. Then we hunt for Kuro and free the city."

Camilla, Talia, and Ezra nodded their heads in agreement while Ariana pulled out purple futuristic binoculars from her Magnolia Cycle to observe the city gates.

"We park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for mother." Kirana added.

"Uh, that might be a problem." Ariana said, lowering her binoculars down from her eyes. "There are several soldiers having the city quarantined from entering inside."

"Norbit, stay hidden." Ezra said to his robot friend.

"Okay, Ezra." Norbit said.

"Oh, man! They're not gonna get us! It's game over for us, man!" Talia panicked.

Camilla rolled her eyes and hit Talia in the head. Then, Ariana looked through her binoculars and noticed something when she saw a tiny blinking device attached on the back of the human soldiers' necks from view.

"Wait a minute!" Ariana exclaimed. "Those soldiers have Kraang mind control devices on them. The Kraang got the control of them."

"Then, we have no choice." Kirana said firmly. "Let's crash this party."

"Now this I'm going to enjoy." Camilla smirked.

"Girls, strap in!" Ezra added. "We're making our own entrance."

The K-5 floored the gas pedals on the Magnolia Cycles and they launched forward to ram through the gates. They finally entered back in New York City and immediately parked their cycles in the dark alley without being seen.

"Look what's happen to our city." Ezra gasped as he, his sisters, and his robot friend looked around.

"There is Macey's school." Norbit said as he saw the abandoned elementary school.

"And there's our school." Ezra sighed as he saw his damaged school.

Ariana activated her scanner from her Magnolia Cycle and began scanning for the citizens inside the city.

"Um, where are all the people? You think the Kraang mutated everyone?" Camilla wondered.

"According to my scanner, I only detect a few hundred people left in the entire city." Ariana said curiously. "But they're gone. Very strange."

"One good thing. We haven't run into any Kraang." Talia said optimistically.

Suddenly, a group of Kraang soldiers stepped into the alley.

"Me and my big mouth." Talia whimpered.

"It is the ones known as the K-5." A Kraang droid said to the Kraang soldiers.

"Let's lock and load, ladies and gentleman." Kirana said.

The K-5 took out their weapons out from their birthmarks and charged forward to attack the Kraang droids, who began firing their laser guns at them. Kirana twirled rapidly around with her twin tessen glowed in blue energy and outstretched at high speeds like a spinning top to damage the Kraang droids that entered her attack radius. Ariana stabbed her spear into the ground and unleashed a large purple energy quake with massive strength to knock down the incoming Kraang droids. Ezra rode on his shield to knock down at Kraang droids and jumped up to fire teal energy balls at five Kraang droids. Camilla caught the Kraang droids with a brutally fast combination of red energized gauntlet punches. And Talia grabbed the last Kraang droids with her whips and smashed them mercilessly into the ground. The K-5 revved their engines and made their escape out of the alley to the empty streets.

"Follow me!" Ariana ordered her siblings. "There's a secret entrance to the basement of the empty warehouse."

Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra followed Ariana as they went through the basement entrance. They finally pulled to a stop inside the basement and hopped off their Magnolia Cycles to scan outside. Norbit activated out of the station and activated his armor.

"You think we'll be safe down here, guys?" Talia asked.

"Kirana, can you read mother's aura to track her?" Ariana asked Kirana.

"I can try, but her mind is no longer one with her body." Kirana replied. "Which means she could be crazy or...unconscious, but we still need to find her."

"Hey, what about the Crete Fortress?" Talia suggested.

"Alright." Kirana said. "Talia and Ezra, you stay here and keep a sharp eye."

"Got it." Talia said with a quick nod.

"Be careful." Ezra said.


Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana teleported themselves as they arrived inside the underwater Crete Fortress protected by transparent blue, red, and purple force fields. Their home was filled with empty Kraang bodies scattering across the floor and burn marks scorched the ground in various places. They searched everywhere in the kitchen, dojo, living room, and bedrooms with no sign of Sage anywhere.

"She's not here." Kirana said sadly to Camilla and Ariana.

Then, three mage kunoichis detected the sight of a floating Kraang-like orb floating around the water. They quickly swam to hide behind the broken couch as Ariana quietly threw out a medium-sized rock at the hovering robot, who used four thin pink lasers to exterminate the rock into pieces. Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana's eyes widened in shock as they immediately teleported themselves out of here before the robot noticed the bright colorful lights.


Talia, Ezra, and Norbit were completely bored on checking clear search for the Kraang until a bright colorful light made them to turn around as they found the other sisters made it back safe.

"Any sign of mother?" Ezra asked hopefully.

"No." Ariana replied.

"The Kraang have some kind of freaky security system to make sure we don't come back home." Camilla explained.

"But we have to go take it down and move back in. That's our home." Talia said fiercely. "I miss everything we did in there."

"It's not that simple, Talia." Ariana said comfortingly. "We can't just move back."

Talia sniffed and looked down to the floor with tears in her eyes. Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana moved to their youngest sister and hugged her softly as Talia hugged them back tightly before pulling Ezra in the hug.

Suddenly, Kirana's eyes went blazing bright blue as if she felt a mage aura out of the basement.

"Guys, I think I sense mother's aura out there close by." Kirana shouted. "Her aura appears to be faint and she seems...different. Come on!"

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit followed Kirana out of the warehouse basement as they dashed to the next corner of the two-block building and stopped their tracks to find Sage fighting off the Kraang droids. But they knew that their mother was acting entirely different. Her dress was ripped and her hair was set in an untamed style as if she was becoming a highly dangerous woman.

"Mother!" Ezra called.

Sage turned to her children and her robot friend with a dangerous snarl. The K-5 screamed as Sage charged forward and jumped towards Norbit to the ground. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra watched their mother trying to tackle their robot friend.

"It's okay, mom." Ariana exclaimed as she, Talia, Ezra, Camilla, and Kirana grabbed Sage to hold her back from Talia. "It's us! We're your children! Try to remember who you are!"

Sage kept struggling for her children to hold her down harder.

"Ugh, she's too strong!" Ezra squeaked.

"Mother, it's us!" Kirana said desperately. "Calm down."

Then, Sage grew tired of struggling and the K-5 breathed out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a Nanocat appeared out of nowhere and meowed in alert that made the team jump to attention as many Shadow Droids dropped from the scene as backup.

"Shadow Droids." Norbit alarmed.

"Get ready, guys! Don't let them harm our mother!" Kirana ordered.

The K-5 and Norbit drew out their weapons and charged forward to attack the Shadow Droids. One robotic ninja knocked Sage unconscious and vanished out of sight with her.

"Oh no. Mother!" Camilla called.

"After her!" Kirana shouted.

The K-5 and Norbit finished the last remaining Shadow Droids and went after the one who took the K-5's mother away.


At the Shadow Clan's HQ, Lady Shade sat on her throne and gazed at a picture of herself and Kuro as Tigress walked inside the throne room.

"Mistress Shade, your enemies are defeated." Tigress said. "I'm starting to become well aware of the Kraang's plan, but I don't know why we're wasting our time waiting for those disgusting aliens. They will destroy the planet and everyone with it."

"Patience, Tigress." Lady Shade assured as she got up and walked down on the steps. "I'm also well aware of the Kraang's plans. When the time is right, we will destroy those pathetic aliens and the city will belong to me. Now, keep searching for Kuro!"

Suddenly, the doors opened up and a group of Shadow Droids walked inside with an unconscious Sage tied up in chains.

"What? Sage is alive? This cannot be!" Tigress asked incredulously.

"She survived, but she has clearly lost her sanity." Lady Shade said as she was sensing Sage's untamed behavior.

"Shall I put her out of her misery, mistress?" Tigress asked with a grin as she extended her claws with burnt orange energy.

"No." Lady Shade said. "Take her to Viral. I have plans for Sage's closing demise."


In the Shadow Clan laboratory, Viral slithered down towards her desk past the giant spherical orb of glowing mutagen set in the center of the room. She rose and watched a tiny vial of blue liquid in her hand as she was secretly planning to create a perfect chemical of retromutagen for herself.

"Viral!" Lady Shade called.

Viral quickly hid the formula into her desk drawer and slithered down to her mistress.

"I want you to restore Sage's mind." Lady Shade ordered.

Lady Shade snapped her finger and the three Shadow Droids brought the unconscious Sage into the lab.

"I want her fully aware of who and where she is before I end her life." Lady Shade continued.

"Yes, mistress." Viral said with a nod.


The K-5 and Norbit raced down to the Shadow Clan HQ and dashed through the tunnels with their eyes focused on the path ahead. They came to a stop as they peeked into a dark secret access tunnel and saw two Shadow Droids guarding at attention.

"Talia?" Kirana whispered.

"I'm on it." Talia grinned.

Talia clutched her whip tightly and swiftly slashed the droids in various pieces. But unfortunately, the K-5 are now confronted by a familiar teen mage kunoichi of the Shadow Clan.

"Amora!" Kirana exclaimed.

"I've should have known that you six would've survived." Amora smirked. Her smirk slowly changed into a sly grin. "But not for long."

Amora quickly jumped into the air and fired a barrage of dark energy bolts in a 360-degree fashion at the K-5. The four mage kunoichis, mage ninja, and robot companion dodged out of the way and the mages pulled out their weapons out from their birthmarks before charging forward. Ezra created an energy ball to strike Amora's chest before he threw his shield to knock her back on the head. Talia charged forward first to curl herself into a ball as her whips covered her in sharp spikes and rolled forward to attack Amora. Ariana quickly threw her spear to keep it encircling Amora to high damage. Camilla then rapidly punched Amora with a flurry of punches and launched the dark mage kunoichi into the air with the last punch. And Kirana finished Amora by performing two forward somersaults with twin tessen in her hands. Amora groaned in pain and slowly collapsed on the ground, leaving four mage kunoichis and one mage ninja victorious.

After a quick battle, Ariana pulled out her K-Phone and opened the secret hatch that led them to Viral's lab. They snuck themselves and moved forward until Kirana held up her hand as an order to stop and saw Viral slithering around below. The blue mage kunoichi waved her hand and the team moved forward with the plan. They leaped along the metal bars soundlessly as Viral walked towards Sage's glass containment capsule.

"A mind is a terrible thing to lose." Viral smiled tauntingly.

Sage's eyes widened and punched the glass desperately as Viral slithered back to her desk with a smirk. The team had enough and dropped down in front of the capsule. They moved to the glass and watched their mother stopping punches breathlessly.

"Mother!" Kirana whispered as her hands were against the glass. She looked back to Ariana, Camilla, Ezra, and Talia. "Quick, we have to get her out of there."

Ariana took a small purple device and hacked into the system that opened the capsule door.

"What?!" Viral exclaimed. She stood behind the mages and gasped slightly. "K-5? Here? All of you were destroyed!"

"How's this for being destroyed?" Camilla snapped.

Camilla shot her gauntlets off her hands like two powerful rockets and hit Viral for them to propel the computer virus mage mutant to the wall before the gauntlet rockets reattached back to Camilla's hands.

"Let's even the odds, shall we?" Viral hissed angrily.

Viral dashed forward and shot out grey wire-type beams that nearly strike them. The K-5 and Norbit dodged and readied their weapons not before Amora flipped down behind the team from her recovery. Norbit stayed with Sage as his friends dealt with the other issue. The K-5 watched as three more mage kunoichis came out of nowhere and stood behind the dark mage kunoichi into the same fighting stances. The three mage kunoichis were teenage girls with the same height as Amora. One has long wavy black hair styled in drill-like pigtails and grey eyes while wearing a metallic full-body armor beneath her black sleeveless crop top, a black mini-skirt, and long black gloves, and black thigh-high boots. Another has long wavy black hair styled in drill-like pigtails and grey eyes while wearing a metallic full-body armor beneath her black sleeveless crop top, a black mini-skirt, and long black gloves, and black thigh-high boots. The third has long wavy black hair styled in drill-like pigtails and grey eyes while wearing a metallic full-body armor beneath her black sleeveless crop top, a black mini-skirt, and long black gloves, and black thigh-high boots.

"O.M.G." Ariana whimpered.

"They all look like Lady Shade." Ezra said.

"Do you like my mother's clones?" Amora smiled darkly. "They make excellent teammates in battles."

The K-5 dashed forward with their weapons as Amora and the Shade Clones did the same thing with their blazing magic. Viral immediately slithered away from the battle and went back to her desk while trying to restore the white mage kunoichi mistress back to normal.

Meanwhile, Sage walked out of the glass containment capsule and stood next to Norbit as they watched her children fighting their enemies in various directions before Sage collapsed onto the ground with a fearsome yell. Norbit tried to help, but he couldn't do anything to help Sage. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra looked at their mother worryingly. They closed their eyes shut and concentrated on their magical powers to cast a spell on Sage, but they quickly opened their eyes to see five dragons emerged from their birthmarks. The five dragons entered Sage's state of mind, making her breath slowly while finally starting to calm herself down. Sage started to receive flashes of her memories coming back to her. The memories of her late husband, her daughters, her youngest son, her reunited son, and her allies have brought came to her senses. Sage stood up bravely as the five dragons poured out and returned to the mages' birthmarks.

As her mind was fully restored, Sage engulfed her hands in blazing bright white energy and lunged forward to lash out Amora and the Shade Clones with extreme speed. Amora and the Shade Clones got smashed into the ground unconsciously. Viral saw the whole scene and set on the alarm button on her desk before knocking out to the floor by Talia's lashing whip.

The K-5 and Norbit gathered together and slowly walked over to Sage.

"Mother?" Camilla whispered.

"Mom?" Ezra asked.

"My children." Sage smiled.

"You're back." Talia said gleefully.

The K-5 raced forward and hugged Sage happily.

"We missed you." Kirana and Ariana smiled.

"How I have missed you too, my children." Sage said lovingly as she hugged her children back. "And you too, Norbit."

"We are glad that you are back, Sage." Norbit said.

Unfortunately, the family reunion was interrupted when the mage family looked up with wide eyes. Lady Shade stood above them with Tigress and the Shadow Droids.

"So, the Magnolia Clan lives." Lady Shade said. "And the witch thinks like a woman again. Now you will know when my power is at your heart."

"But this isn't the time to fight." Sage said. She looked down to her youngest daughter. "Talia!"

Talia immediately threw a ninja smoke bomb to the ground and covered the heroes in a puff of sparkling black smoke. When the smoke cleared, the mage family and robot companion were gone.


Outside, the K-5 and Norbit hopped on their Magnolia Cycles on the empty road and Sage hopped behind Kirana and Norbit was at his station in Ezra's Magnolia Cycle. They drove away from the Shadow Clan HQ as quick as possible, but they turned their heads to see Tigress chasing after them with her catlike speed. Tigress extended her claws as she managed to hold herself onto Talia's Magnolia Cycle.

"You can't escape from me!" Tigress shouted.

"Hey, Tigress, take this!" Talia yelled.

Talia summoned her whip from her birthmark and wrapped Tigress around to release the feline mage mutant off her vehicle before flinging her high in the air. She then pressed a button on the edge of the handle of the cycle and fired several small, powerful missiles at Tigress, who was screaming in pain before falling hard to the ground unconsciously.

"Yeah, nice aim, Talia!" Ariana chuckled.

Finally, the K-5 drove away from the knocked out Tigress.


Meanwhile, the K-5, Norbit, and Sage quickly hid into the dark alley from the Kraang and Lady Shade's forces.

"We made it." Ezra exhaled heavily. "Because I can't take much more of this."

"You say it, little bro." Camilla agreed.

"But we have no home to go back to." Talia said sadly.

"Homes are transitory." Sage said. "What matters is that we are together."

"But we still need a place to hide ourselves, mother." Kirana pointed out. "So, where are we gonna live?"

"Well, there's the old nursery house, or maybe an abandoned warehouse." Ariana suggested.

"Wait, I have an idea!" Talia exclaimed. "It's so secret that no one would ever find us!"

"Oh, boy." Camilla groaned.


Sage, Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Ezra, and Norbit followed Talia as she led them in the abandoned subway tunnel underneath the city. They followed the tracks all the way to an old, broken down subway car. They rested their Magnolia Cycles on the sides of the subway car and walked quietly inside to scan the dark, empty area.

"It is a subway car." Norbit said.

"Perfect, right?" Talia asked with a smile.

"I wouldn't exactly say that." Camilla said in disagreement.

"But it will serve for now." Ariana said with a shrug.

"We've got a lot of work to do." Ezra added.

"Next up, take the city back." Kirana said determinedly.

"And find Kuro." Sage added. She closed her eyes to sense her oldest son's mage aura. "I know he's out there somewhere."

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