K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Upcoming Books

Mages Forever (Part 2)

35 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

(Extra #10)

The K-5 groaned as they got up and found each of themselves in a glass cage. The siblings tried using their magic to break the glass, but it didn't work.

Suddenly, the mages heard a familiar sound from outside.

"Reptiles, time to wake up." A mysterious rang out.

The K-5 looked over at the other glass cages and saw the Turtles trapped in glass cages.

"Guys!" Talia gasped.

"Talia!" Mikey shouted in worry. "What's going on?"

"I think the Majo captured us." Ezra replied.

"Along with the Dark Keeper." Vee muttered in realization. "Let us go free, you creeps!"

A hooded figure, known as the Dark Keeper, and the Majo stepped out from the shadows to look at the Turtles and the K-5.

"I'm afraid we can't do that." Dark Keeper said. "You see, you all make the perfect target."

"For what?" Leo demanded.

The Majo turned on the big television screen to show a huge supply of mutagen in a secret room.

"With your mutations you two teams have created, we were able to create the perfect mutagen to wipe out all of humanity." Majo explained.

"You're responsible for the deaths of all those mutants?" Mikey asked in suspicion.

"You're both monsters!" Talia retorted.

"Heh, no wonder you don't see them anymore." Dark Keeper chuckled.

"Spider Bytes? Justin? All of those other mutants?" Donnie asked. "You killed them for your mutagen compound."

"Even all of those mage mutants as well?" Ariana asked. "Spider Fang? Omalgae? The others?"

"You're both psychos." Raph insulted.

"You both make me sick." Camilla added.

"Call us what you want." Majo said. "But we intend to keep it all in plan."

Dark Keeper pressed a button on the computer to show a blueprint of a bomb with a mutagen fuel system on the tv screen.

"You see, in about 5 hours till midnight, that bomb is gonna launch up and explode." Dark Keeper explained. "Turning every human into nothingness or mutants. Everything will become a huge apocalypse."

"You can't do this." Kirana said, trying to negotiate. "This is the world where humans, mutants, and mages live together."

"Live together, huh?" Majo questioned. "Then why do you hide? But since you're all wanting to know more, how about we show it to you."

Dark Keeper pulled away a dark purple curtain to reveal April, Casey, Macey, and Norbit in chains that were hooked onto the wall. They look up and see their mutant and mage friends.

"Guys!" Ezra gasped. "Are you all okay?"

"We're ok, Ezra." Casey reassured.

"Let them go, please!" Vee pleaded.

"First, we need just two little favors." Dark Keeper said.

"Like what?" Raph asked, keeping an doubtful expression on his face.

"Oh, you will know what our favors will be." Majo answered. "And all we had to do was take away the things you love the most."


Meanwhile at the battle, the fight continued as the Mutanimals, Karai, and Bruce spotted their mage friends and decided to help them out. They kept attacking with their strength and magic as more dark mutant monsters kept coming.


Back at the Dark Tower, the Dark Keeper and the Majo pulled out their own spell books and a canister of mutagen. They revealed a small bag before they pulled out needles and tubes.

"What are they going to do?" Mikey asked quietly, feeling scared.

"Whatever it is, we'll find another way." Talia replied.

Dark Keeper and Majo pulled out ten empty blood packs.

"Our favors are plainly simple; your bloods are the key ingredient for the mutagen fuel for the bomb." Dark Keeper explained.

"And why ours?" Donnie asked.

"What's the price for it?" Ariana added.

"Well, I suppose your loved ones are the only mutants that have enough." Majo explained. "I mean it'll most likely drain them but..."

"You're not taking any of our blood." Leo denied.

"Then what else can we do, Leo?" Raph asked.

"He's right, Leo." Dark Keeper mocked. "Oh and there's a time crunch here so we're gonna have to speed this up a bit."

Dark Keeper lifted up his hand to use his magic on the chains that made them wrap around April, Casey, and Macey's necks while Majo used her magic to hold Norbit in a strong grip in the air. The Turtles and the K-5 tried to resist but Vee and Ezra couldn't take the risk of their friends on the line.

"Stop! I'll do it!" Vee and Ezra shouted in unison.

"Vee, don't!" Mikey pleaded.

"No, Ezra!" Talia denied.

Dark Keeper and Majo stopped what they were doing and went to the cages to open Vee and Ezra's cage doors.

"Well, shall we get started?" Majo asked, with an evil smile.


Meanwhile at the front entrance, Karai and Kuro snuck their way inside and took out security before they climbed up the stairs with stealth.


In the top floor, Vee and Ezra had the tubes injected into their arms and they were strapped to a table next to each other. The turquoise masked turtle and the teal mage ninja looked at their friends in worry.

"Dark Keeper, Majo, if this doesn't work, please let our friends and siblings go." Vee pleaded.

"There's no promises, De Milo." Dark Keeper replied, coldly.

"Vee, if this is our end, I want to tell you that I love you with all of my heart." Ezra said.

"I love you too, ever since I've met you and I will never stop." Vee replied as she and Ezra held hands.

Majo flipped the switch and the tubes begin sucking up their blood, that made the youngest siblings feel very weak. Mikey quickly thought of an idea and pulled out a popsicle stick, which he made into a key and unlocked his cage. He jumped up to kick the Dark Keeper and Majo, that sent them hard to the wall before he freed Talia and she used her magic to free her sisters, her brother in laws, and friends. Donnie unstrapped Vee out from the table and carried her in his arms as Ariana used her magic to unstrap Ezra out from the table and held him in her arms while Raph and Camilla grabbed the blood packs that belonged to the turquoise masked turtle and teal mage ninja.

"We have to go, now." Kirana ordered. "But where to?"

"The lair." Leo answered.

"But what about the bomb?" Donnie asked.

"We still have to stop it." Ariana added.

"Vee and Ezra need to get their blood back in their bodies." Leo explained.

"They're dying and need help now." Kirana added.

The teams stopped when Dark Keeper pulled out a black gun and pointed it at the team.

"You're all not going anywhere." Dark Keeper said.

Suddenly, Karai and Kuro broke into the room and Karai quickly ran into the Dark Keeper to knock him down. With the Dark Keeper knocked out, the team members made their escape.


At the lair, the Turtles were working together in the lab to save Vee with medical supplies while the K-5 were using their magic to save Ezra in the dojo. April, Casey, and Macey watch in the lab as Norbit watched in the dojo while Karai and Kuro were in the living room, waiting patiently with Bruce and Nixie. Karai slightly looks at her side and quietly wiped her side with her hand to reveal blood on her hand.


Sometime later, Vee and Ezra woke up feeling better after their recovery. They got up from the beds and walked into the living room to see Karai and Kuro sitting on the couch before they saw each other with relieved smiles on their faces. They walked up to each other to embrace before they sat next to Karai and Kuro.

"They're discussing what to do about Dark Keeper and Majo's bomb threat in the kitchen." Karai said.

"Oh." Vee replied.

"Karai, what's wrong?" Kuro asked. "You don't sound like yourself."

"I'm fine, seriously." Karai reassured.

"But you don't..." Kuro denied as he tried to reach his hand to her, but Karai moved back.

"Don't." Karai urged. "Don't touch me."

Ezra widened his eyes when he realized what was wrong.

"Omg." Ezra said quietly, that caused both Vee and Kuro to look at him while Karai looked down in shame. "She's been shot."

Kuro looked at Karai and moved back.

"Kuro." Karai said softly.

"Let me see it." Kuro said, keeping himself from feeling sad.

"I didn't mean for this..." Karai whispered, trying to reason.

"Show it to me." Kuro demanded.

Karai looked at Kuro sadly and removed her hand from her side to show a big red liquid stain from inside her top.

"Aw, man." Kuro sighed in sadness and disbelief.

"You were shot?" Vee asked, with a shocked expression.

"I managed to get the bullet out myself." Karai said. "I can still help you fight."

"You sure your up for this mission?" Ezra asked.

"I'm not gonna stand down while my home is being taken away." Karai said with a determined nod. "Even with a scratch, I'm gonna fight." She looked at Kuro with a serious face. "Listen, if I get killed, I want you to take my blade."

"I... I can't do that, Karai." Kuro replied with a stutter. "I would do anything to save you."

"I know you would, but I've lost Shini and the Foot Clan." Karai explained. "If anyone is to blame it's me. I was distracted by my fear and I lost track of them."

"You're not alone, I've lost Gumko and the Shadow Clan." Kuro stated. "We all have lost our loved ones and have a need to avenge them. But we're not giving up. All we have to do is stick together and everything is gonna be okay, I promise."

Karai gave Kuro a sad smile and kissed his cheek. The Turtles and the K-5 walked back into the living room, but stopped when they looked at Vee and Ezra. They walked over to their older siblings and hugged them, who hugged them back. They separated and looked at each other.

"We can't let the Dark Keeper and Majo win, guys." Vee said.

"Vee is right." Ezra agreed with a firm face. "The only thing we can do is end this once and for all."

The Turtles and the K-5 nodded their heads together and got everything they need to do their final battle.


In the city, the Turtles, the K-5, April, Casey, Macey, Norbit, Zack, Yami, Karai, Kuro, Bruce, and Nixie stood on a rooftop to look at the Dark Tower.

"Everyone, it's time to finish this." Leo announced.

"Be careful, everyone." Kirana said.

As the Turtles, the K-5, April, Casey, Macey, Norbit, Zack, Yami, Karai, Kuro, Bruce, and Nixie snuck into the skylight of the Dark Tower, they've reached the lab to look at the same photos from TCRI and a list.

"Whoa, some creep." Bruce muttered.

"Yeah, really." Nixie agreed.

"Nut job is more like it." Macey whispered.

"Look at this." Casey whispered as he found a big list that was titled 'Mistakes' and showed the mutants, mage mutants, and other allies that the team knew.

The team looked in shock at the names that were killed with red slashes over them. They saw Shinigami's name and Gumko's name on the list.

"No one calls Shini a mistake." Karai muttered with a glare.

"You will be avenged, my friend." Kuro muttered as he placed his hand over Gumko's name.

"How could someone so awful do this?" April sighed sadly.

Suddenly, the lights went out for a brief minute and turned back on.

"Whew." Mikey breathed. "That gave me the chills."

"My scanner indicates: the Dark Keeper and Majo are in here." Norbit said.

"Where?" Talia asked as she conjured up her whip.

Mikey felt a pair of hands on his shoulder and looked behind him to see the Dark Keeper, that made him scream in fright before Vee blasted a turquoise energy ball at the Dark Keeper's face to knock him back and the orange masked turtle ran to his team. Talia felt a grip on her body and a hand covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming, but Ezra looked over and saw Majo holding his sister hostage that made him blast a teal energy ball at the dark witch's face to knock her back and the orange mage kunoichi ran into her husband's arms.

The team pulled out their weapons or summoned their magic and charged forward to fight the Dark Keeper and the Majo. Donnie ran up to strike at the Dark Keeper with his staff, but the dark sorcerer used his magic to teleport behind the purple masked turtle and knock him hard towards the wall with his hand. Casey shot out two explosive pucks at the Dark Keeper before he skated towards the dark sorcerer with his baseball bat, but the Dark Keeper swiftly knocked him up in the air with his magic and threw the explosive pucks at the human vigilante to hit him on impact and fell to the floor in pain. Macey raced forward to slash her claws at the Dark Keeper, but the dark sorcerer paralyzed her palms and kicked her toward the human vigilante in pain. Bruce fired five green energy balls towards the Dark Keeper, who managed to dodge them and threw a needle to scratch the young sorcerer's arm that made him fall to the ground to clutch at his injured arm. April threw her tessen at the Dark Keeper to slash his face before she ran up with her tanto blade to strike, unfortunately the dark sorcerer blasted a dark energy ball that sent her to hit a huge pipe and she fell to the ground in pain. Vee constructed two turquoise psychic energy chains to capture the Dark Keeper and charged forward with her sword, until the dark sorcerer broke the chains and clashed his dark energized hands with the turquoise masked turtle's sword before he sent her back twenty feet away. Karai used her serpent hands to attack the Dark Keeper, who dodged the attacks and grabbed them before he spun her around to hit the giant tv screen. Raph delivered several slashes with his sais at the Dark Keeper, who avoided them and kicked the back of his knees before he used his magic to send the red masked turtle up to hit the ceiling. Leo ran up to deliver several slashes with his katanas, until the Dark Keeper grabbed the blades and tossed them aside before he knocked the blue masked turtle to crash towards the computer. Mikey used his nunchucks to strike at the Dark Keeper, who managed to avoid the hit and grabbed it to tangle the orange masked turtle up.

Ariana stomped on the ground to create an earthquake attack and blasted three huge orbs of purple psychic energy towards the Majo, who froze the purple mage kunoichi's purple orbs and shot them back to hit Ariana that made her fall to the ground. Zack performed two ectoplasm energized drills kicks towards the Majo, but the dark witch caught his legs and knocked him to the floor ten times before she tossed him towards the wall. Norbit fired six incoming missiles at the Majo from the air, until the Majo used her magic to turn the missiles into stuffed animals and forced the armored robot to the ground before using her hand to crush his armor into small pieces. Nixie conjured a whip made of sky blue psychic energy and grabbed the Majo, until the dark witch used her magic to zap the young sorceress in black lightning that knocked her down with ease. Yami dashed forward with her magnetic powers to strike at the Majo, but the dark witch released a powerful clap to send her towards the wall. Ezra created two teal psychic energy daggers to throw at the Majo as he charged forward with his shield, until the dark witch poofed away the daggers and clashed her glowing dark energized hands at the teal mage ninja's shield before she sent him to crash towards his wife. Kuro dashed forward to strike the Majo with his claws, who dodged the attack and sent a dark energized punch to knock the dark mage crashing into the glass cages. Camilla created a fire ring around the Majo before she sent out two red psychic energy orbs, who jumped out of the fire ring and sent the red psychic energy orbs at the red mage kunoichi that knocked her towards the wall. Kirana created a water dragon to grab hold of the Majo and sent out a massive blue psychic energy orb, until the Majo evaporated the dragon with her own magic and stopped the blue psychic energy orb to hit the blue mage kunoichi on impact. Talia sent the Majo in the air by her glowing orange palm and delivered four orange psychic energy orbs, but the dark witch broke free and evaded the orbs before using her magic to paralyze Talia to the ground.

"Maybe I should take you're blood as well." The Dark Keeper said as he started walking towards Mikey.

"I don't think so!" Vee snapped as she threw a smoke bomb to blind the dark sorcerer before she grabbed the hood to remove it.

"I'm really gonna enjoy ripping out your heart after I take the freak's." The Majo said as she stepped closer to Talia.

"Guess again, witch!" Ezra snapped as he created a teal fog around the dark witch before he used his teal energized fist to break the Majo's mask into pieces.

The team members got up and looked at the Dark Keeper and Majo to find their unexpected identities. The Dark Keeper was revealed to be an old friend to Shredder and the Majo was revealed to be an old friend of Lady Shade.

"Baxter Stockman?" Vee questioned in surprise.

"Greetings, Turtles." Baxter said with a cold smile. "Did you think I was gone forever?"

"Donna?" Ezra asked in surprise.

"Hello, K-5." Donna said with a wicked smile. "Long time no see."

"But how are you back?" Macey asked. "You were trapped in the burning building! You died!"

"That's what Tiger Claw thought of what happened to me, but he didn't know what really happened." Baxter explained. "When I was trying to escape, I was corrupted by dark magic by Shadow Lady Shredder. It gave me multiple darkness abilities and I was determined to get my revenge on both humans and mutants for everything that has happened to me. And now you'll only have an hour to stop the bomb."

"Donna, how could you do this?" Norbit asked. "I thought we were all friends."

"I'm afraid there's a darker truth to this." Donna explained. "After I made it back to the city, I was captured by a dark spirit and he tortured me until I became the Majo. I vowed to rid the earth after I've accepted the truth that nothing will ever get better in this world. And you'll all be too late for the bomb is only a couple of minutes away now. But to make sure nothing will stop us, have a little present from me and Stockman to the fifth married couple."

Baxter and Donna aimed their own energy balls at Vee and Ezra, but Karai and Kuro jumped in to attack the dark sorcerer and dark witch. The team dashed forward to help, but their combined dark powers knock everyone down. April and Macey looked down at their sides to see slash marks, that made them gasp in shock. Casey threw a proton puck at Baxter and Donna to make them fly back before Vee used her magic to heal Karai and Ezra helped Kuro up.

"It's alright." Vee reassured to Karai before she turned to her eldest brother. "Leo, I need you to tend to her while I help April and Macey."

"On it." Leo replied with a nod as he helped Karai up before Vee went to April and Macey to heal them.

Everyone made their way to the skylight, but a huge piece of debris knocked Bruce unconscious.

"Bruce!" Nixie shouted as she raced down to carry him on her back.

"I'll help them up." Ezra said to Kirana before he used his magic to levitate Bruce and Nixie up to the skylight.

Baxter and Donna made a sudden jump in the air to grab the young sorcerers, but Karai and Kuro jumped down to knock them into the ground and separated them from the team.

"Karai! Kuro!" Kirana shouted in worry trying to jump in, but Leo held her back.

"Get out of here with the others!" Karai shouted from below.

"Not without you both!" Leo resisted.

"Leo. Kirana." Kuro said, with a soft smile. "We'll always be with you."

"No!" Kirana cried out as tears began to blind her vision.

"Take care, sister." Kuro said as he waved goodbye to his sister and brother-in-law before they were dragged off.

"Kuro, go." Karai urged, softly.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." Kuro denied as he held Karai's hands. "I love you, Karai."

"I love you too, more than you will ever know." Karai replied as she held his hands in return with a sad smile.

The two shared a passionate kiss on the lips before the fire explosion was sent off. The team was saved by Vee and Ezra's combined bubble as they were floating down, but they looked at the flaming Dark Tower in shock and sadness. Ezra lowered his head in shame as Vee let a tear fall down her face while Kirana wept in Leo's arms as he silently mourned over the loss of Karai and Kuro.

Vee and Ezra landed their combined bubble on the streets to release everyone before they continued to look at the burning building.

"They saved us." Mikey said.

"They saved all of us." Donnie reminded.

"Oh, Kuro." Talia sniffled, that made Mikey wrap his arm around her.

"I'm so sorry." Vee said to Leo and Kirana.

Suddenly, the Dark Keeper and the Majo appeared behind them from their dark portals and they both smiled evilly.

"Why you...!" Raph growled as he charged forward to attack.

"Raph, don't!" Camilla shouted.

The Dark Keeper vanished out of thin air before Raph had the chance to slay him and reappeared again behind the team.

"I'll have to admit, not all of your allies would be willing to pull a stunt like Karai and Kuro did." Dark Keeper said. "Let's change that."

Dark Keeper used his magic to trap the Turtles in a black bubble above him as they tried to break out.

"That goes for you as well, K-5." Majo said as she faced the mages. "You always seem to have everything you've ever wanted. Why don't we fix that by pushing away all the friends you've made."

The Majo used her magic to trap the K-5 in a dark purple bubble above her as they tried to break out with their magic.

"Let them all go!" Casey demanded.

"Why thank you for being my first volunteer." Dark Keeper replied.

Casey attempted to strike with his hockey stick but the Dark Keeper blasted his dark magic to encase the human vigilante into a frozen statue before he was obliterated into his skeleton. That move shocked the team in pure horror.

"CASEY!!!" The Turtles, the K-5, April, Macey, Bruce, Norbit, Zack, Yami, and Nixie shouted.

"NO!" Vee and Ezra cried.

"How could you?!" Zack yelled.

"It's nothing personal, but I think you'll be my first volunteer." Majo said.

Majo used her magic to encase Zack in a dark purple statue and obliterated him into green dust in a jar.

"ZACK!" Yami cried.

"No!" The K-5 shouted.

Bruce attempted to attack with his magic, but the Dark Keeper used his magic to turn the young sorcerer into ash.

"BRUCE!" Nixie cried out. "Not again!"

"STOP!!! LEAVE THEM ALONE!!" Vee demanded.

Macey and April attempted to attack with their weapons but the Dark Keeper immediately shattered the weapons and disintegrated their bodies.

"Enough of this!" Nixie demanded.

The Majo froze Nixie into a frozen statue and delivered a punch that shattered the statue into pieces.

"You monster!" Yami yelled.

The Majo used her magic to disintegrate Yami into pink dust in a jar in quick speed.

"Stop!" Norbit threatened.

The Majo used her magic to break Norbit into pieces, until he could no longer function.

The Turtles and the K-5 look in shock, sadness, and disbelief at their now lost friends. The Dark Keeper and the Majo walked toward the bubbles with a glare on their faces.

"Now you ten will watch as your world is gone." Dark Keeper said.

"Consider this lesson as a disaster, ever since you've experienced our world." The Majo added. "Now get out of our sights."

The bubbles were sent away by the dark sorcerer and the dark witch to a rooftop before the darkness haze began to overtake the city including the citizens, the other mutants, and the other mages. The Turtles and the K-5 watched in horror and sadness as their allies were killed off in the darkness haze. The Turtles and the K-5 looked up at the bomb as they realized it was beginning to blast down.

"Donnie, can you disable it?" Vee asked, hopefully.

"No!" Donnie replied. "This thing's gonna explode."

"There's nothing we can do." Ezra whispered to Vee. "I'm sorry."

"At least our life was worth everything we've been through together." Ariana said as she wrapped her arms around Donnie, who hugged her in return.

"I love you guys!" Mikey cried. "I wish we didn't have to die like this!"

"I love you all too!" Talia cried as well. "Despite everything that's happened today, I'm grateful to die among my family."

"No." Leo announced. "You're all not going to die on my watch."

"But there's nothing we can do!" Camilla said. "It's going to kill us all!"

"Then I can do something about it for you all." Kirana said as she created a blue psychic energy circle around her siblings.

"What are you...?" Raph asked before Leo guided his siblings to the edge of the rooftop.

"Kirana, what are you doing?" Camilla asked.

"I'm sorry, my family." Leo said sadly to his siblings.

"Goodbye, my family." Kirana said with a sad smile.

Without another choice, Leo pushed his siblings out of the way and Kirana conjured up a blue portal beneath her siblings to get them off the rooftop. The blue mage kunoichi then began to cast a spell onto herself before the blue masked turtle noticed and ran to her.

"KIRANA!" Leo yelled as he tried to grab his wife's hand.

But it was too late as the blast immediately exploded on its estimated time and the humans began to mutate. As the portal reappeared on an alleyway, a flying sign came out of nowhere to hit Ezra that made him fall unconscious.


As Ezra slowly began to wake up a little, he could see the city was now in flames and everything he once knew was gone. He could also hear faint roars and people screaming in terror. But something magical happened before the teal mage ninja could suffer in pain. He looked up to see a glowing pink portal shining above him.

"Kirana? Camilla? Ariana? Talia?" Ezra called out weakly, but his voice was low that nobody could hear him. "Help me."

Ezra passed out before he could say anything again. The portal began to lift Ezra up in the air and into the portal as if it was taking the weak teal mage ninja to an unknown dimension.


Ezra snapped awake and breathed heavily before he saw the blue sky with a confused face. He sat up with a groan and found himself at a beach with a small town by the side and a hill top that revealed a giant statue of an unknown lady above a small house. As Ezra continued to look around, he gasped in surprise as he was encountered by a young boy. He was a relatively short young boy with a thick and stocky build. He had fair skin, curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyebrows, and full black irises. He wore a salmon-pink T-shirt with a gold star in the center. He also wore cuffed blue jeans and salmon-pink flip-flop sandals.

"It's okay, I can help you." The young boy said, as he offered his hand to Ezra.

Knowing that the boy can be trusted, Ezra slowly took his hand.


Back in the future, Vee and Ezra were wrapping up the story by telling the children where they were. The girls were in tears while the boys were saddened as they continued to listen.

"When I came back to New York with my children, I saw my home become like a horror film." Vee said. "All the humans were gone and there was only mutants and mages. We traveled to find food, water, and shelter. I still remembered what my father said when I was lost or scared. 'Let your heart guide you'. And it's helped me remain calm."

"As for me, I used a portal to travel back in hopes of finding my siblings." Ezra said. "I used duplicate spells on food and water. I always let my mother's words inspire me to keep going."

"So that place you were at was a valley with animals?" Mikey asked Vee.

"It was the Valley of Peace." Bailey answered. "We had a lot of friends there. Some we lost and some who are always with us."

"We always had each other's backs on every step of the way." Varian added.

"I bet it was hard at first but you overcame that, right?" Mira asked.

"Oh yeah." Mica nodded. "We did struggle a bit but we got through it."

"Mica was mostly the one struggling." Yuri joked, that caused Ellie to giggle while Mica glared at her twin brother. "Wait, Dad, where were you at? You mentioned something about Crystal Gems. Who were they?"

"The Crystal Gems are heroes like us." Ezra explained. "They shared many things in common with mages that included some similar spells and weaponry. They were also a second chance of a family that I would've never thought of having."

"Wow." Donbot said. "I've never heard of those dimensions before."

"Yeah, not even mages can travel to them." Ariana agreed.

"You both stayed strong." Raph said to Vee and Ezra.

"And continued to have friends by your sides." Camilla added.

"We all thought you both were destroyed when I became Maximus Kong." Leo said. "We were all heartbroken."

"It wasn't just that." Kirana stated. "We thought you were killed by those mutant clans a long time ago."

"But we all found each other." Vee reassured. "And I've never spoken that story until now, not even our friends at the Jade Palace. But as my friend, the Dragon Warrior, would say; "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift". I am pleased that there can be hope for everyone."

"And I've never told anyone at Beach City about what happened." Ezra said. "But as my friend would know what to do if anyone is feeling lost. He'd always find a way to help people and in a way, it helped me do exactly what I needed."

Vee pulled out a scroll to reveal a painting of her and her friends from the past and from the Valley of Peace. Ezra pulled out a poster of his friends from the past and from Beach city.


At sunset, everyone got together for a nice picnic and looked at the Mountain View.

As the wind flew by, a bow and a shield were resting on a tree stump while the sunset light reflected on both the weapons.

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