K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Follow the Ice
Sandra Unleashed!
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Talia Gets Sonically

39 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

In the Crete Fortress, three mage kunoichis were trying to make breakfast in the kitchen.

"Here's some toast!" Ariana said.

Ariana hit the toast with a swift kick towards Kirana, who held a plate out to catch them. But one of the toast landed in her mouth.

"I got one, Ariana." Kirana said.

"Here's some orange juice!" Camilla said.

Camilla tossed two oranges in the air and jumped up to grab them in her hands until she landed on the table and the juice squirted everywhere that ended up squirting straight into Ariana's eyes.

"Oh, god! It burns! It burns! It burns!" Ariana screamed, running around the kitchen table in circles.

Ariana ran into Kirana, who was making scramble eggs and fell down to the ground. Then, the frying pan went flying in the air and hit Camilla in the face when she turned around and fell over the table. The three mage kunoichis jumped up and looked around the chaotic kitchen. Kirana and Camilla are disappointed while Ariana's eyes became blurry from the pain of the orange juice. Ezra walked in, half awake with Norbit walking with him.

"I notice that there were some complications. What seems to be the trouble." Norbit asked.

"Ugh. Breakfast attempt. This is the fourth time this week." Ezra yawned before he grabbed a pop tart and sits in a high chair.

"Man, this place is a mess." Kirana groaned.

"Yeah, Talia always make us breakfast." Ariana agreed as she was rubbing her eyes. "I don't know why she's still asleep."

"TALIA! TALIA, GET UP!" Camilla yelled.

In Talia's bedroom, the orange mage kunoichi was sleeping peacefully in her bed. But she heard her older sister's screaming from underneath her orange covers. Talia groaned heavily as she turned on her lamp and got out of her bed.

"Oh man." Talia yawned. "I knew I shouldn't eat that hot cheese pizza last night."

Talia walked past her mirror with a groan. But out of the corner of her eye, she quickly looked herself and saw her orange diamond-shaped birthmark glowing rapidly. She gasped as she then saw her hands engulfed themselves in sound wave pulses. She gazed at the trash can and sent out a blast of sound energy towards it, causing the trash to explode into tiny pieces.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Ezra, and Norbit heard Talia's scream and stood still when the entire kitchen began to shake uncontrollably. The kitchen stopped shaking when Talia ran out of her room and halted herself into the entrance.

"Guys, look at my bellybutton! It's glowing all of a sudden!" Talia yelled, lifting up her shirt and pointed at her birthmark in her bellybutton area.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra gasped sharply as they stepped back from the orange mage sister. But Norbit stepped towards Talia and scanned her bellybutton.

"Glowing often indicates a sign of nuclear radiation. There is no nuclear radiation. However, this reaction is making you; shocked and frightened." Norbit said.

"Of course I'm frightened! My birthmark is glowing!" Talia said, while trying to keep calm.

"Talk about a bellyache, but it looks like your birthmark is having a major blowout." Camilla said.

"Don't worry, Talia." Kirana said reassuringly. "It's just part of mage teenager."

"Did your birthmark do something like this?" Talia asked.

"Heck no!" Kirana exclaimed as she held her hand out sassily.

"Kirana, this is serious! We gotta find a way to help Talia!" Ezra snapped at Kirana.

"Wait a minute! I think it might be serious." Ariana said, pulling out her K-Phone to run a scan on Talia's birthmark. "Remember what happened to me and Kirana when our birthmark spirals out of control? This could also be happening to Talia."

Talia gulped with a worry look on her face as she doesn't like the sound of that.

In Ariana's lab, Talia was demonstrating her new powers in front of her older sisters, younger brother, and robot friend. She aimed her hands at the tackle dummy near the wall. She grinned as she shot out a small sphere of sound at the tackle dummy, causing it to explode on impact. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra gasped in surprise. Ariana was running scans on Talia from her computer for the results.

"Okay, Talia, the good news is your birthmark isn't a big deal at all." Ariana said. "And that your sound-based attacks are stable for you to control as your new power."

"That's a relief." Talia sighed happily.

"But the bad news is your birthmark will continue to mess up with your voice until it gets worse and worse." Ariana said, putting her hand on Talia's shoulder.

"And then what?" Talia asked nervously.

"Then, your voice will become so strong that you'll become a total sonic destruction." Ariana responded dramatically.

Ariana's words echoed in Talia's mind. Her eyes widened wide in shock and she screamed so loud that shook the entire lab as she quickly ran back to her bedroom and locked the door behind her.


Later, Kirana was knocking on the door since Talia locked herself in her room. Camilla, Ariana, Ezra, and Norbit stood right behind the blue mage kunoichi.

"Talia, come on! It's not as bad as you think!" Kirana said.

"That's right." Camilla said. She started banging on the door with her fist. "Now come on. Open the door!"

"No way!" Talia shouted through the door. "Not when my birthmark still glowing!"

"Technically, your birthmark is glowing because of your new power linking to your..." Ariana pointed out.

"I think she gets it." Ezra said, knocking on the door. "Talia!"

"Talia, it is alright to feel nervous about a big change in life." Norbit said, helpfully.

"Forget it!" Talia shouted again. "I'm not coming out! I'll stay in my room forever if I have to!"

Then, Talia's voice felt strange and she slowly released an extremely powerful scream of a high amplitude that quickly messed up her entire room.

"Oh no!" Talia gasped quietly as she covered her mouth.


Meanwhile, Kuro sat patiently in the shadows of Lady Shade throne as he waited for his summoned henchwomen to the main room. The door suddenly opened that revealed both Inque and Masque entering the room. Ever since Kuro was in charge while Lady Shade was away, Inque seems to be okay with it while Masque wasn't too fond of it at all.

"Scarlett, Sapphire, come forth." Kuro ordered.

Inque and Masque obeyed as they silently walked forward to approach the throne.

"Still bummed about your mutant body?" Masque grinned.

"Does the word duh mean anything to you?" Inque hissed. "I will do anything to be a mage again."

"Hurry up already!" Kuro snapped impatiently. "I haven't got all day."

"Don't get too comfortable, Kuro." Masque snickered. "Lady Shade is the only one who's worthy of that throne."

"My mother put me in charge while she's in Japan, remember that?" Kuro retorted threateningly. "So, learn some respect or I'll send you into the void where ghosts truly belong. Got it?"

Masque sneered as she was not paying attention to Inque, who was secretly smiling at her.

"Now listen up, I need to upgrade my Shadow Ninjas on daily basis." Kuro explained. "Someone whose loyalty can be brought. Someone with super intelligent on vast technology. Someone like..."

"Donna." Masque suggested.

"Her?" Inque growled. "That woman nearly destroyed us with her stupid machine and we haven't seen her ever since!"

"Donna's perfect." Kuro said. "Find her and bring her to me."

"Leave it to us." Masque said begrudgingly. "We'll ask your Sirens to join us."

Inque and Masque arrived to the training room as they stood there and saw the entire field completely empty.

"Where are you, girls?" Masque shouted. "Come out at once!"

Leia swung in above two mage mutants upside down with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hey, there." Leia said with a stoic look. "What do you want?"

Leia jumped away and landed down to the training field. Amora and Kale suddenly came down flipping with giggles.

"Sorry to interrupt your fun, but Kuro has a mission for us and we want one of you to join." Inque reported.

"Oh, I'll go!" Kale smiled, raising his hand in the air like a child. "We'll be best partners for our new mission."


Back in the Crete Fortress; three mage kunoichis, one mage ninja, and one robot companion sat on the couch and watched TV with pizza in the living room. Kirana and Ariana got their eyes glued onto the television screen and Ezra was playing a combat game on his K-Phone with Norbit watching while Camilla was reading a martial art magazine. Talia quietly walked past her siblings and friend in her stealth mode, but Camilla noticed the movement from the corner of her eye and caught her youngest sister in a nick of time.

"Finally!" Camilla said with a tiny smile. "Talia's out of her room! Looks like the banging echoes really paid off."

"Whatever, Camilla." Talia groaned. "Besides, I can't be a kunoichi when my birthmark reacting like a flickering flashlight."

"And why not?" Sage asked as she stood right behind Talia and Camilla that made both of her daughters jump by the sound of her voice. "Talia, I sense there is something you would need to tell us."

"What? No! Not at all!" Talia denied frantically. "Really? I don't know anything!"

Sage, Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, Ezra, and Norbit stared silently at Talia. The orange mage kunoichi could feel pressure becoming too much for her to handle. Then, she decided to give in.

"Okay, okay!" Talia admitted. "When I locked myself in my room, I've learned that I can do this."

Talia took a deep breath and released a supersonic scream in the air from her mouth before she can stop her scream by closing her mouth.

"It turns out that not only I've gained sound magic, but I also have supersonic screams." Talia continued.

"What?!" Camilla, Kirana, Ezra, and Ariana shouted in unison. "Are you kidding? How?"

"I don't know, but I was trying to use my air powers, it was gone." Talia explained. "So, I kept practicing my sound magic within me."

"But that could make you draw even closer to becoming destructive!" Ariana yelled. "Even with practice, your emotions will never get you to control your new powers just like that happened to me and Kirana!"

"But you learn how to control your new power of metal too!" Talia yelled back.

"Some newly developed powers could be dangerous, Talia!" Ezra shouted.

"Just ask Ariana! She'll tell you!" Talia shouted back.

"But I still can't change into my metal form without caution." Ariana said with no expression on her face. "My metal form can lead me into becoming an outrage monster."

"Good point." Talia admitted with a small shrug.


In the lab, Ariana typed on her computer as she was doing a quick examination of Talia's birthmark. Talia looked down at the silver high-tech wristband around her belly. Camilla, Norbit, Ezra, Kirana, and Sage stood right behind Ariana and Talia. Then, a low beep was heard and Ariana knew that there's bad news to that.

"Oh no." Ariana muttered.

"What is it? Is it good?" Talia asked hopefully.

"According to my calculations, Talia's sonic scream is currently unstable as we speak." Ariana stated. "And if Talia can't control it, she'll..."

"She'll what?" Kirana interrupted. "What's gonna happen to her?"

"She'll lose her voice...permanently." Ariana replied slowly.

"WHAT?!" Talia gasped shockingly.

Talia stumbled backwards and immediately fainted straight down to the floor.

"But I know there's an antidote to make it stable permanently." Ariana continued.

"She's right. My father's old spell books has a list of ingredients for this cure." Ezra said as he remembered about his spell books from his father that he's kept.

"Really?" Talia said as she stood right back up from the floor. "How?"

"So far, I have all of the ingredients but I'll need Ariana's help." Ezra said.

"The only thing that can help your birthmark problem is a Chiyu Flora." Ariana responded. "It can heal faster on any mage better than a healing spell, but the only place I've ever seen it is at TCRI when the Kraang was researching about our culture."

"Then, you must go there right away." Sage said.

"That dump?" Camilla said, crossing her arms over her chest. "We trashed that place down with the Turtles' help! What else could be left in there?"


Meanwhile, Inque and Kale landed on a rooftop from the last jump as they scouted the area. Kale noticed that Inque was staring silently at her inky hands as if she had never quite gotten used to her new body.

"Scarlett? Are you okay?" Kale asked.

Inque snapped out of her lost thought and looked up at Kale.

"I'm fine." Inque replied, looking away from the blue alien assassin. "I was once a proud mage, but now I'm a blob of ink."

"But don't you think this Donna actually help you on your new form?" Kale asked again.

"Hmm, maybe." Inque said with a nod.

Inque focused her ink magic and finally found Donna from the magnified scale in her eyes.

"I got her." Inque grinned slyly.

"Then, let's go greet her." Kale smiled mischievously.

Then, Inque and Kale went off to complete their objectives.


In the ruins of TCRI, the K-5 and Norbit hurried inside silently with their flashlight and walked into the dark, cold underground tunnel.

"Everyone, spread out and start looking." Ariana said to her siblings and friend.

The K-5 and Norbit continued to walk until they came up to a Kraang lab as they spread out and searched through the piles of ruin and rubble.

"Listen, do you guys hear that?" Kirana whispered.

Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra stood still as they heard someone moving through the halls towards their location. Ariana stomped her foot, creating a vibration through the room and detecting someone coming in their way with her wide eyes. They hid in the shadows and the person came closer. It was Donna! She was carrying a box of scavenged Kraang equipment with her.

"Perfect." Donna said to herself. "Bio enhancers, DNA catalysts, soon I'll be able to create my own high-tech army."

"Donna?" Camilla spoke.

"Yes?" Donna snapped. Her eyes widened wide in shock when she saw the presence of the four mage kunoichis, the mage ninja, and robot companion "What? You five? Here now?"

"She's got the Chiyu Flora!" Ariana said, pointing her finger at a beautiful golden yellow lily-like flower in Donna's hand. "Hand it over, Donna."

"No way. Not gonna happen." Donna said. "Nanocats, attack!"

At her command, several Nanocats appeared behind their master and attacked the K-5 and Norbit as their claws slashed violently at them. Talia was running away from the Nanocats because of her birthmark condition. Norbit followed her while Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra fought them one by one. Before the K-5 can get started with Donna, Inque and Kale suddenly smashed in through the ceiling and crushed the Nanocats beneath them.

"Hello, Donna." Inque smirked. "Long time no see."

"So, this is Donna." Kale grinned. "She looked more hippie than a nerd."

"Zip it, koala." Donna snapped.

"Hold it, you two!" Kirana said in her offensive stance. "We found her first!"

"Donna and the K-5?" Inque chuckled. "Well, it looks like my bad luck has change, after all."

Inque charged forward to deal with the K-5 first before moving on to Donna. Inque swung her massive stretchable fist at the K-5, but Ariana and Kirana held that attack with their own hands that only gave the ink mage mutant to hit them with a stretchable swift kick. Camilla jumped high in the air and delivered a flying downward kick down at Inque, who moved in to attack the red mage kunoichi that sent her staggering into Ariana, who quickly crashed into Kirana. Ezra charged at Inque but he was knocked back to Norbit.

"Time for my narrow escape." Donna smiled slyly.

Donna took the opportunity to try and escape, leaving the fight to her enemies. But Talia caught the techno mage running away at her sight.

"She's got the Chiyu Flora!" Talia called in alert.

"Not if I can help it." Kale smiled.

Kale charged forward and jumped up into the air, landing in front of the escaping Donna to block the exit. He systematically jabbed various pressure points on Donna, apparently causing the techno mage feel useless and fell down to the ground. With a sly grin, Inque grabbed Ariana by the waist with her massive inky hand and tossed the purple mage kunoichi at the team, knocking them into the corner of the deserted room. She slithered her way towards Kale and grabbed Donna by the shoulder.

"You're coming with us." Inque hissed.

Then, Inque punched the pillar and ran to the exit with Kale following after him as the falling part of the building blocked the exit. Ezra quickly created a bubble around himself and the team to avoid getting hurt. After the rumble was fallen, Ezra dropped the bubble and the team stood on their feet.

"Everyone okay?" Talia asked.

"Yeah, we're fine." Kirana coughed. "But they're gone."

"And they got Chiyu Flora!" Talia cried desperately.

"We know." Ariana groaned as she fell over the ground.


Back at the Crete Fortress, Talia groaned as she was lying on the couch in the living room because her birthmark was starting to glow faintly.

"I still can't believe those dirtbags beat us to it!" Camilla yelled in anger. "I want a rematch!"

"Relax, Camilla." Kirana said calmly. "We need to focus on the real problem. We need to help Talia with her new power."

At that moment, Ariana came in the living room with the paper results in her hands.

"Actually, her birthmark is getting more unstable by the minute." Ariana stated. "If she let out one sonic scream, it will cause her to lose her new magic permanently."

"What?!" Talia cried in horror. She quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. "I don't want to lose my magic forever!"

"We just have to keep you safe." Norbit said calmly. "It is too dangerous for you to leave the fortress."

"Don't worry, Talia." Ezra spoke seriously. "We're gonna get that Chiyu Flora. We'll do whatever it takes to fix you."

"Okay, so Inque and Kale got Donna." Kirana said. "Where could they be? The old city dump?"

"Nope, they turned it into retirement home." Camilla informed.

"The abandoned nuclear plant?" Kirana asked.

"Now it's a nursery school." Ariana replied.

"What about Donna's old lab?" Talia suggested.

"Now, why would they capture Donna and take her back to her lab?" Camilla questioned, crossing her arms over her chest. "That makes no sense at all."

"See, you three never take me seriously!" Talia snapped. "You girls do that all the time and I'm tired of it!"

Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana stared at their youngest sister for a moment. But it's true. They don't take Talia very seriously because she's always act immature and childish that they don't have faith in her with ideas. Then, they went back discussing about the possible location on their three enemies.

Talia became frustrated as she quietly walked to the fortress exit.

"Fine, if you girls aren't gonna listen to me, I'm not waiting around to lose my voice." Talia thought determinedly.

Talia teleported herself from the fortress exit to a rooftop near Donna's lab.


Meanwhile, Inque, Kale, and Donna walked into the laboratory. Inque and Kale could see that the lab was repaired and has contained a giant vat of mutagen ooze.

"So, a giant tank of mutagen, I presume? Making mutants?" Inque questioned.

"Not exactly." Donna replied. "I'm just studying on how it effects on people. But why are you two keeping me alive anyway?"

"Because Kuro wants it this way!" Inque responded with a hiss as she moved closer to the techno mage threateningly. "Believe me, I still owe you big time for trapping us in your illusion labyrinth."

"Also, my brother needs you for his future plans for the Shadow Clan." Kale added.

"So, you two beaten me to it." Masque said as she walked into the room. "Why haven't you taken this traitor to Kuro?"

"Don't worry, I will." Inque promised. "After she turns me mage again."

"What? You can turn us mage again?" Masque asked, turning to Donna with wide, surprising eyes.

"Oh, yes!" Donna lied. "My intellect knows no bounds."

"Good." Inque smiled.

Inque's stretchable arms sprang up in the air and attached a high-tech black metallic collar with vials of mutagen bottles on Donna's neck.

"What? Is...this...mutagen?" Donna asked in fear.

"Pretty much." Kale grinned.

"If you double-crossed us again, it will explode on you." Inque explained as she held a remote timer on her hand. "We'll get to see what you turn into."

Unknown to the villains, Talia hid sneakily in the rafters above and observed the conservation.

"I knew it." Talia whispered. "I knew Donna would be here. Let's get the Chiyu Flora back before I will lose my voice forever."

Talia slowly summoned an orange magic chain and lowered it down to grab the Chiyu Flora, but Inque grabbed the flower and pulled Talia down to the ground.

"Fool!" Inque growled.

"Look, I just get want that Chiyu Flora." Talia said. She approached the Chiyu Flora, but Inque slammed her stretchable fist onto the table. "So I'll take this flower and be on my way."

"Then, I'll tear you apart before you can make it." Inque grinned slyly.

Inque tossed the collar detonator to Masque and charged towards Talia. The orange mage kunoichi evaded Inque's stretchable fists and delivered a swift kick that only made the ink mage mutant dodge and sent Talia flying into the rafters above the mutagen vat. Inque jumped up onto the rafters and tried to crush Talia with incoming fists, but Talia dodged them one by one and released strong blasts of sound energy at Inque from her hands. Inque grew frustrated and pursued Talia, who continued to evade every attack that the ink mage kunoichi can blow at her. Talia then noticed that she's standing under the mutagen vat and knew exactly what Inque is about to do.

"Inque, stop!" Talia warned.

But Inque didn't bother to listen. She launched herself in the air to bring her stretchable fist down on Talia, who teleported herself out of sight and landed on the floor. Unfortunately for Inque, the force of her attack broke the wooden rafters that made her fall straight down into the mutagen tank below while screaming in terror. Talia, Masque, Kale, and Donna stared shockingly at the mutagen tank as they heard Inque screaming in pain before she leaped out of the mutagen in her new super mutant form. Inque now has a darker blue gel-like body composed of a fluid ink substance with a white cyclopean eye in the center of her face and her body was covered entirely in a black zigzag pattern.

"Okay, now that's creepy." Kale whispered to Masque and Donna.

"You said it." Masque and Donna nodded in agreement.

Inque approached dangerously towards Talia, who was stunned by the new form as she backed away from her. With incredible fast movement, Inque grabbed Talia in her powerful grip.

"I can feel the mutagen coursing through me." Inque said with satisfaction. "Making me faster, stronger, and more powerful than ever. I feel like a mage kunoichi once again." She threw Talia towards the nearest wall with tremendous force. "Now thanks to you, I'll end you very quickly."

"Then, bring it on, gooey slime!" Talia taunted.

"Don't ever call me gooey slime!" Inque hissed.

"Whatever you say, Galva!" Talia said with a teasing smile.

Inque, now currently named as Galva, hissed on her new mutant name. She was running forward and prepared to strike at Talia, but her attack was blocked by a flying lightning ball. Camilla then ran up to Galva.

"Stay away from my sister!" Camilla shouted.

Camilla delivered a powerful flying kick to Galva's face that knocked her back. Ariana, Norbit, Ezra, and Kirana moved their direction to Talia.

"Oh, hey, guys!" Talia greeted nonchalantly.

"You're lucky we noticed you were gone in time." Kirana snapped.

"Even luckier than we knew that you got here!" Camilla added. "What the heck were you thinking?!"

"Masque!" Ezra warned.

Camilla and Ezra got attacked by Masque's flying plasma kick. Galva charged forward to Kirana, Ariana, Talia, and Norbit with her giant fists, making the team scatter to dodge the attack.

"So what happened to Inque?" Ariana asked as she was stunned by the ink mage mutant's new appearance.

"She got double mutated and now I call her Galva." Talia informed.

"That is unsanitary." Norbit said.

Kirana and Norbit attacked Galva from above with a swift ice kick, but Galva dodged and punched the blue mage kunoichi and armored robot to send them flying hard into the wall. Ariana fired a large number of sharp metal shards at Galva in rapid succession, but Galva grabbed the purple mage kunoichi by the neck and used her to smack Ariana before tossing her to the wall. Talia was trying to grab the Chiyu Flora near Galva's foot, but she was about to face Galva and Kale. Donna snapped her fingers and a bunch of upgraded Nanocats went to attack Kirana and Ariana. Camilla and Ezra were busy fighting with Masque. Talia was left alone with Galva and Kale, who were chasing after her.

Talia released a strong beam of sound energy directly at Galva and unleashed a sudden barrage of rapid sound blasts at Kale. Galva and Kale got up in a nick of speed as they both delivered their rapid kicks and punches at Talia. But one hard punch from Galva and Kale hit Talia's birthmark that made the orange mage kunoichi to become strictly dangerous.

"Now you two really made me mad!" Talia thought angrily.

Talia got back on her feet and quickly hurtled her foot into Kale's stomach before sending him flying into Galva's stomach. That caught everyone's attention, including her three older sisters and younger brother as if they have never seen the dangerous side of their sister.

"I've got a surprise for the both of you and it sounds like this!" Talia said threateningly.

Knowing the risks of losing her voice, Talia took a deep breath and immediately released a powerful supersonic scream to damage Kale and Galva's ears that sent them to crashing onto the wall. Talia noticed the central power line for the lab and got a bright idea.

Talia started taunting Galva about being a gooey slime as she was tricking the ink mage mutant into attacking at her. Just before Galva's fists could reach the orange mage kunoichi, Talia dodged out of the way that got Galva's fist straight into the power line and got herself electrocuted. Camilla managed to grab the flower in her hand and revealed it to her sisters, who sighed in relief. Once the K-5 and Norbit got themselves safe in the rafters, Ariana created a metal shuriken to hit every sprinkler that released water onto her enemies down below. The electricity surging through Galva created a reaction that caused Masque, Kale, and Donna to get electrocuted as well as all of the Nanocats exploded completely. Galva, Masque, Kale, and Donna collapsed to the floor unconsciously.

"Mission accomplished." Kirana smiled. "Let's go."


After the K-5 and Norbit left the scene, the Shadow Clan ninjas arrived just in time to observe the mess with Galva, Kale, Donna, and Masque lying around the floor out cold from their battle. Donna slowly woke up from her unconscious state and found Kuro standing over her with his dark energized claw poised to her face.

"Rise and shine, Donna." Kuro smirked. "You're officially working for the Shadow Clan now. Mother will be pleased for your return."


Back at the Crete Fortress, Ariana had finished the antidote for a couple of minutes with Ezra's help and poured it onto the cup of water.

"Antidotes ready, Talia!" Ezra called.

Talia took the cup in both hands and drank it all. After a couple of seconds, Talia's birthmark was glowing brightly until it disappeared out of sight.

"Thanks, Ariana and Ezra! You're the best!" Talia smiled, hugging Ariana and Ezra high in the air.

"I must commend you on your resolve, Talia." Sage grinned, walking in the lab. "You fought your enemies through your resourceful view, which leads you having that quality in your heart."

"See, guys?" Talia smiled with a smug look at her older sisters. "Who's right about Donna's secret hideout? Oh, that's right. Me!"

"You really had no idea." Camilla smiled.

"It was no easy guess." Norbit lied.

"Oh no, Talia!" Ariana gasped falsely as she pointed her finger at Talia. "You have...a zit forming at your stomach!"

"Are you kidding me? No!" Talia screamed, running to grab the compact mirror from the desk.

But Talia noticed that there's no zit on her stomach and looked over her sisters to see them laughing at her.

"You three think that's funny?" Talia grinned slyly as she stood in front of her sisters. "Let's see if my sonic scream is funny!"

Kirana, Camilla, and Ariana stopped laughing as they ran out of the lab just when Talia released a powerful supersonic scream at them. Luckily, Ezra summoned a pair of earmuffs for him and Norbit.

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