K-5 (Full)

By LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... More

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Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books


34 1 0
By LeslieHowell021

On a dark night, the K-5 are heading toward the Kraang lab in the Sonicruiser. They heard about the Kraang experimenting in an apartment building on Ariana's Kraang radar, so they decided to go to the city for a checkout.

"Talia, are we close to the lab?" Kirana asked as she looked back at Talia's station.

"Turn right to the next four blocks and we'll be there." Talia said as she stared at the map.

As Kirana turned the Sonicruiser to four blocks up ahead, the K-5 finally arrived at the apartment building and parked the vehicle into the alleyway.

"Yup, this is the hidden Kraang lab alright." Ariana said as she looked at the view screen from her station.

"It looks like the lights still on." Ezra commented.

"Let's find out what the Kraang are up to and blow up the joint." Kirana said.

"That's what I'm waiting for." Camilla grinned.

The K-5 exited the Sonicruiser and walked through the portal that Kirana created into the apartment building, where they found the entire place was trashed with empty mutagen canisters, broken Kraang droids, and scattered overturned tables.

"Whoa. What a mess." Talia said.

"Yeah, we miss all the fun." Camilla said with a groan.

The K-5 looked around the place to see more empty mutagen canisters on some of the standing tables.

"It looks like their mutagen experiments took all of them down." Kirana said.

"Found one of them." Ezra said as he found a document folder which Ariana took a look with her younger brother.

"They are actually experiments on mystical creatures." Ariana informed as she studied the document and a group of poster charts on all types of rare mystical creatures on the bulletin board. "Some of them are extremely rare that not even I heard about."

Talia walked over to a nearby cabinet and opened it up to see good conditioned science equipment. She took out a centrifuge in her hands and heard something that made her look at the shadows above the team.

"Uh Ariana, will one of the rare mystical creature look like centipedes?" Talia asked.

"Yeah. They are called Fuketsunas." Ariana answered. "Why you ask?"

"Would that be it?!" Talia shouted, pointing her index finger to the shadows.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra followed Talia's pointed finger and looked up to see a centipede-like creature crawling out of the shadows. It was pale green-grey with black eyes, a dark blue nose, and four pairs of white inner legs. Its head also has a shape of a crown. It dropped down to the floor on its legs and began charging to attack the K-5.

"Gangway!" Kirana yelled.

The K-5 quickly dodged away from Fuketsuna, who turned around and charged toward the K-5 again. Kirana, Talia, Ezra, Ariana, and Camilla moved aside to hide behind the overturned table as Fuketsuna started searching around for them.

"We need a plan and fast." Kirana said.

"I got one. I'll chained that thing down while you four attack." Talia suggested. "All I have to do is get its attention."

"Okay, go for it." Kirana said.

Talia jumped from the table and moved behind Fuketsuna, causing the creature to his attention to the orange mage kunoichi. Before the creature could attack, Talia swiftly shot long chains made of solid air from her hands and launched it to restrain Fuketsuna tight with her strength.

"Now!" Kirana called.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra jumped to capture the creature, but Fuketsuna started crawling around that forced Talia to fly into the wall. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra immediately ducked down to watch their orange mage sister groan in pain. Ariana sculpted a large fist from the ground to attack Fuketsuna, but the creature avoided the fist and crawled away as the fist started following after its movements by the purple mage kunoichi's command. Camilla extended her hands upwards to conjure a large ball of fire and then threw it at the creature. Fuketsuna dodged the attack and slithered past both Ariana and Camilla, causing the earthly fist to hit into the two mages and threw them on top of Talia. Ezra conjured a set of arrows made of lightning and shot them at the creature. Fuketsuna avoided the arrows and knocked Ezra down to his sisters. Kirana swiftly summoned a stream of big bubbles from her hands at the creature multiple times, but Fuketsuna started charging forward to the blue mage kunoichi while avoiding the stream at the same time. Fuketsuna jumped above Kirana and attached itself on her face. As Kirana was trying to get the creature off, Fuketsuna bit Kirana's neck sharply and suddenly fell dead to the ground.

"Uh, what just happen?" Ezra asked as he and his three older sisters got up from the floor.

"I don't know." Talia said. "Ariana?"

"Fuketsuna just died when it did something to Kirana." Ariana said.

"Yeah. It bit me on the neck." Kirana said as she showed a white inner spiral mark to her siblings. "It stings so bad."

"Let me see." Ariana said as she walked over to Kirana for a closer look on the mark. "That's strange. Normally, Fuketsuna never died instantly after biting their enemies. How do you feel, Kirana?"

"Still feeling burn, but I'll be fine." Kirana replied.

"Are you sure?" Talia said. She started to move closer to Kirana. "Because it looks pretty nasty."

"Don't touch me!" Kirana snapped with a glare.

Talia stepped back away from Kirana. Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra looked at each other, knowing that something's really odd about Kirana's sudden behavior.

"Kirana, are you alright?" Camilla asked in a worried tone. "'Usually unmotivated bursts of anger is normally my job."

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I really need to lay down." Kirana said calmly. "Let's go home."

With that, Kirana walked towards the opening portal she conjured up to the wall. Talia, Ezra, Camilla, and Ariana stared at Kirana with worried eyes as they followed after their oldest sister.


In the Crete Fortress, four mages took Kirana into the lab as Ariana stared closely at the mark on Kirana's neck. Camilla and Talia leaned against the lab door while Ezra stood by the table to watch Ariana examining Kirana's neck.

"Fascinating." Ariana breathed with a smile. "Truly fascianting. Who knew the Fuketsuna are evolving in this century?"

Ariana conjured up a scalpel in her hand, causing Kirana's eyes to widen wide in alert.

"Wait a minute! What are you think you're doing?" Kirana shouted.

"Dissecting your scar." Ariana answered simply.

"Absolutely not!" Kirana snapped as she pushed Ariana away from her. "I'm gonna mediate on this problem that way I'll figure out the effect faster."

Out of the corner of her eyes, Ariana detected white inner veins surging slowly from the mark on Kirana's neck.

"Okay, okay." Ariana said with a shrug. "I'll leave you alone."

"Good idea." Kirana said with a nod. She pointed her index finger to the lab door. "Now, get out."

Ariana stepped away and stared at the mark. Kirana sharped her glare, making her four younger siblings step out of the lab in quick speed. Kirana sat on the floor and started mediating with her powers.


Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra gathered together into the kitchen without Kirana hearing their conservation.

"Okay, Kirana is seriously acting weird." Ariana said.

"Yeah. It's like she's becoming dangerous from that mark on her neck." Camilla said.

"We should ask mom about this problem." Talia suggested.

"No can do." Ezra said. "She took Casey and Norbit out for a training exercise in her pocket dimension. They won't be back until tomorrow."

"Okay, it's official. We gotta cure that mark before it changes our sister." Camilla said.

"How are we gonna do that? If we get anywhere near her, who knows when she can do to us." Ariana noted.

"Or maybe we make her comes to us instead." Talia suggested.

"I agree, but we gotta think of a plan." Ezra agreed.

Camilla, Ariana, and Talia nodded their heads in agreement.

Unknown to her younger siblings, Kirana overheard the conservation from Ariana's lab and felt a strange sharp pain from her neck, causing the white inner veins to grow rapidly.


Unfortunately, Kirana's younger siblings have tried anything to get their oldest sister's attention, but none of their plans have worked on Kirana at all. Talia came up with her pizza idea, but Kirana wasn't responding. Then, the mages went with Camilla's idea: Battlestar Matrix because they know that Kirana never misses an episode. But Kirana still didn't respond to her favorite tv show. Finally, Ariana remembered that Kirana had a collection of Battlestar Matrix comic books, especially one special edition that she won't let her younger siblings touch. But once again, Kirana stayed focused on her meditation.

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra finally returned into the kitchen.

"We've tried everything to get Kirana's attention and still nothing." Ariana noted.

"And I've had it. If we can't get Kirana to come to us, then I'm gonna go to her. Alone!" Camilla said.


As soon as her younger siblings were asleep, Camilla snuck quietly out of her room and made her way to the lab. Camilla opened the doors and saw her older sister meditating in mid-air. She drew flames from her left hand and approached the blue mage kunoichi. Before Camilla could aim her flaming hand to burn the infested mark, Kirana suddenly caught Camilla's hand with her own.

"Kirana, what are you doing?" Camilla asked. "I'm trying to help you."

Kirana looked at Camilla with a silent stare. Her eyes were pale green-grey and white inner veins appeared over all her body. Kirana threw Camilla away from over her shoulder.

"Look, you have to snap out of it. I don't want to fight you as much as I want to." Camilla said to Kirana.

"Now, here's your chance, sister." Kirana snarled.

Camilla charged forward towards Kirana and fired a number of rapid fierce red-orange flaming spheres at her older sister, but Kirana blocked the attack with a solid water shield and moved forward to slash Camilla with her razor-sharp water claws. But Camilla was able to backflip away from Kirana in a nick of time.

"Snap out of it, Kirana!" Camilla shouted. "Let me help you."

But Kirana wasn't listening. She charged forward and swiped her arm to release scythe-like blades of water at Camilla, but the red mage kunoichi blocked the attack with a flaming force field. Kirana created a large sphere of water that instantly trapped Camilla inside. Kirana slowly moved closer into the water sphere and her claws slowly changed into pale green-grey. Camilla felt a sharp pain and punched Kirana off the water sphere, causing the water sphere to disappear from thin air. Kirana stood up from the floor. Camilla looked at her right arm and saw a slash mark before looking at Kirana.

"You didn't!" Camilla said.

Kirana smiled sinisterly as her response.

"You did!" Camilla shouted.


Ariana, Talia, and Ezra exited their rooms as they began stretching on a quiet morning. But Ariana noticed that Camilla wasn't in her bedroom.

"Hey, where's Camilla?" Ariana asked.

"She was going to check on Kirana last night." Talia replied.

Ariana, Talia, and Ezra walked over to the lab. They peeked through the slightly opened door and saw that Camilla meditating in mid-air with Kirana.

"Oh, this can't be good." Ezra groaned.

Ariana, Talia, and Ezra quietly entered inside the lab, but Kirana and Camilla immediately sensed their younger siblings that made them summon their magic.

"Oh, hey, girls? What's sup?" Ariana chuckled nervously.

"Ariana, something's definitely wrong with them." Talia whispered.

Ezra looked at Camilla's arm and gasped at what Talia just said.

"Look at Camilla's arm." Ezra whispered.

Ariana and Talia looked to see a slash mark on Camilla's arm and then noticed her older sister's eyes were pale green-grey just like Kirana's.

"Oh no. Kirana must've clawed Camilla." Ariana whispered back.

"Girls, snap out of it! You have to fight it!" Talia said.

As Ariana, Talia, and Ezra backed away from their older sisters, Kirana and Camilla charged forward towards them with dangerous growls. Ariana, Talia, and Ezra ran quickly out of the lab as Ariana closed the doors and Talia used her magic to lock the door shut.

"That should hold them for now." Ariana sighed in relief.

"Guys..." Ezra said, slowly. "I got clawed..."

Ezra showed his leg to Ariana and Talia, to reveal a slash mark on his knee.

"Oh, no." Talia said. "Ariana, we need something to fix this."


As Kirana and Camilla started banging on the door, Ariana conjured her laptop into the kitchen and opened up the document about Fuketsunas on the screen. Ezra was struggling to contain himself before turning.

"Here it is. The Fuketsuna infects creatures by entering itself into individuals' bodies in microscopic size and infects them with an unique virus." Ariana said. "But the Fuketsuna we saw was a mutant version. Kirana slashed Camilla and infected her with the virus. And either one of them infected Ezra with the virus."

"I'm starting to lose myself..." Ezra groaned.

"Just hang in there for a little longer, Ezra." Talia told Ezra. She then turned to Ariana. "Will they go back to normal?"

"Not quite." Ariana replied. "As the virus continues to infect them, they become Fuketsuna humanoids themselves."

"We can't let that happen!" Talia gasped in shock. "What can we do?"

"Simple. I can create an antibody to cure them." Ariana replied. "But, I need a sample of the virus from the mark."

Ariana and Talia suddenly heard the lab doors banging even louder. They ran out of the kitchen and headed into the living room to see Kirana and Camilla finally broke out of the lab with their elemental magic.

"Guys...go..." Ezra screamed as he was in pain.

Suddenly, Ezra's eyes turned pale green-grey and he smirked evilly as he summoned his elemental magic.

"Run." Ezra said, evilly.

Kirana jumped to attack Ariana, but Ariana dodged away from her older sister and summoned five large arms made of earth that held Kirana tight from all sides. Camilla jumped to attack Talia, who created several blades of wind that attacked Camilla that sent her straight to the wall.

"Talia, where's Camilla and Ezra?" Ariana asked.

"I took Camilla down over there. But I don't know where Ezra went." Talia said, pointing her index finger to the wall. She looked at the wall and noticed that Camilla was gone. "Oh no. She was right there. Where did she go?"

"We can worry about her later." Ariana said. "Kirana is the best chance to create the antibody."

Kirana was struggling to get free while using her magic to attack Ariana and Talia, forcing them to step back to avoid the attack.

"It is useless to resist. It is only a matter of time before the virus spreads and we will become viruses ourselves!" Kirana spoke in a distorted voice.

Ariana punched Kirana's face hard, knocking the blue mage kunoichi unconscious.

"Sorry, Kirana. But I need a sample of your blood to create a cure." Ariana said.

Ariana inserted the syringe in Kirana's neck mark. Talia looked over at Ariana's left arm and saw a white inner mark on it.

"Oh no! Ariana, you have a mark on your arm!" Talia shouted, pointing her index finger at the mark.

Ariana looked down on her left arm and saw the white inner mark as well.

"I must have gotten during the fight with Kirana." Ariana said with wide eyes. "Now, I'm infected as well."

Talia whimpered in a mix of fear and worry.


Inside the lab, Ariana began working on the antibody. But she was starting to panic as the mark was starting to effect her on her left arm.

"I'm not gonna make it!" Ariana whimpered. "I'm not gonna make it!"

"But you're almost done." Talia said.

"Talia, you have to help me." Ariana said as she looked up to Talia. "I could already feel the mark effecting my mind. I need you to finish the antibody yourself!"

"Wait. Me? Finish the antibody? But you know, I'm not good with that kind of stuff." Talia said.

"Please, Talia!" Ariana pleaded. "It's up to you to cure me and our siblings."

"Okay, I'll do it! So what should I do?" Talia asked.

"First, the hybridoma culture has to incubate for ten minutes. And then it has to spin in the centrifuge for another five." Ariana explained. She suddenly started clutching her head in pain. "There's no time. Knock me out now!"

Talia swung her right leg at Ariana's face, but Ariana caught Talia's leg instantly. Her eyes are now pale green-grey like Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra's. Ariana pulled Talia forward and bit her on the neck. Talia screamed and swung her other leg, knocking her older sister out in the process.

"Oh no. I'm infected too." Talia yelped as she touched the mark on her neck. She looked at the centrifuge immediately. "I can do this. Gotta remember what Ariana said."

Talia moved forward to the table, but she started to feel a little dizzy.

"Oh...not...now..." Talia murmured.

Talia collapsed on the ground.


Meanwhile, Ariana used her earth magic to release Kirana from the large earth hands in the living room. Camilla and Ezra helped Kirana up from the floor.

"Where's Talia?" Camilla asked.

"I turned her into one of us." Ariana replied. "The infection should control her mind momentarily."

Camilla, Kirana, Ezra, and Ariana gathered together in a circle. They heard footsteps coming from the lab and looked to see Talia walking into the living room in front of them.

"Glad you have come to join us, Talia." Kirana said with a smile.

"Yes, I finally understand the true purpose from the virus." Talia droned.

"Our mark is finishing the infection." Ezra said in alert.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra noticed the marks are turning their skins pale green-grey.

"To be one with the Fuketsunas." Kirana said in awe.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra closed their eyes as they are ready to become Fuketsuna humanoids. Then suddenly, they felt the antibody injecting in their marks and turned to see Talia was holding a syringe gun.

"What are you doing?" Camilla asked.

"Saving your lives, that's what!" Talia replied with a grin.

"Ariana, you said Talia was one of us." Ezra said as she looked at Ariana. "You bit her and gave her the infected mark."

"What do you mean? I did." Ariana answered.

"Yes, she did." Talia grinned. She then recollected his thoughts and remembered completing the antibody without any accidents. "Even though I almost passed out twenty-five times, I was able to finish making the antibody."

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra's eyes returned to normal after they have listened Talia's story.

"So you finished the antibody without any problems?" Ariana asked.

"And pretend to be infected to cure us?" Kirana concluded.

"That was the plan!" Talia answered with a smile.

"Well, thanks for saving us, Talia." Ezra said.

"Then, why I feel so tired?" Camilla groaned.

"Oh, yeah, it cause drowsiness." Talia replied.

"Now you...tell us..." Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra groaned.

Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra collapsed on the ground as they fell asleep on the floor.

Suddenly, the marks on the sleeping mages' necks started moving from the skins and formed together into a huge Fuketsuna.

"Oh, you got to be kidding me!" Talia exclaimed in shock. She started shaking her older sisters and younger brother to get them to wake up. "Girls! Ezra! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!"

The huge Fuketsuna started to attack Talia, but the orange mage kunoichi jumped out of the way and quickly ran for the Sonicruiser to hide inside. The Fuketsuna followed after Talia and began jabbing its white inner legs through the doors. Talia hopped into the driver's seat and tried starting the Sonicruiser, but the vehicle didn't powered up its engines.

"Oh, come on!" Talia muttered.

"Hey, freak! Leave our sister alone!"

The Fuketsuna turned its attention to Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra. Talia looked at the view screen to see her older sisters and younger brother woke up from the drowsiness. The Fuketsuna sprang high in the air and started attacking the mages with its legs, but the mages moved out of the way. Kirana summoned a stream of big bubbles from her palms to hit the Fuketsuna at great force. Ezra summoned a cloud of lightning from his hands to strike at the Fuketsuna. Ariana created a large rock in the air and shot it to hit the Fuketsuna. Camilla released a large, bullet-like stream of fire towards the Fuketsuna. But three mage kunoichis and mage ninja were having trouble with the huge Fuketsuna because of its quick speed. The Fuketsuna now got the mages cornered to the wall.

"We're trapped." Kirana said as she, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra huddled together in a tight hug.

Suddenly, a powerful bluish-white ball of cackling energy hit the huge Fuketsuna with extreme force. The Fuketsuna roared in pain and stepped back away from the four mages. Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra looked to see Talia firing another cackling energy ball at the Fuketsuna from the Sonicruiser. The Fuketsuna exploded on impact and pale green slime covered Kirana, Camilla, Ariana, and Ezra.

Then, Talia exited out of the Sonicruiser.

"Hiya." Talia said with a smile.


Kirana and Camilla finished mopping up the slime from the floor while Ariana was fixing the Sonicruiser and Talia sat on the chair while eating slices of cheese pizza. Ezra was creating a new page for his scrapbook.

"Thanks for saving our lives, Talia." Camilla spoke.

"But I can't believe she actually came through." Kirana said.

"Trust me, it wasn't easy." Talia said as she finished her slice of pizza. "But it was worth risking."

"I'm still surprised that you have finished the antibody." Ariana said as she lifted her purple goggles. "Especially you remember exactly what I told you."

"I guess it's real luck." Ezra commented.

"I have a sharp memory." Talia said with a shrug. "It's one of my many talents."

Ariana rolled her eyes and lowered her goggles to continue fixing the door on the Sonicruiser.

"I'm the hero, baby!" Talia grinned proudly.

Kirana and Camilla rolled their eyes as they hit Talia down to the floor with their mops with smiles on their faces.

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