The Red Hair Boy

By Lorena785

99.9K 2.7K 665

When you were 12 you and your twin brother left Japan to US because of your parents getting a job offer. 5 ye... More

First Day (โ€ข_โ€ข)
Those red eyes
Meeting the team
Exchanging numbers
The Group Chat
Morning Practice
School (-0-)
Pracitce with the boys
The store
Movie time
Train ride
Hang out
~True or Dare~
Stuff animal
Sleep over?
Bus ride
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Ride back home
The Homies
Hot Chocolate
Date Night
Jealous ;)
Meeting parents
Girl's day
New Years
The Homie pt2
Double Date
Apartment ;)


1.4K 45 12
By Lorena785

It was Monday and you were in your roomhome with Wakatoshi, the teacher was talking about the lesson. And all you could think of was how you and Tendou slept cuddling with each other and how he called you beautiful. "Miss l/n pay attention this will be on your guys test next week okay" your teacher say. You were embarrassed of spacing out and having the class stare at you.

It was lunch time already and all throughout this day you've been spacing out and being called on for not paying attention. What the hell is wrong with me. Ughh I need tell someone but who...?

Your thoughts were interrupted by a guy bumping into you. It made you drop your phone, "dam it please don't be broken" you whispered. As you were reaching out to grab it the guy who bumped into grabbed it first saying "my bad here you go, it's not broken so that good".

You blushed from embarrassment thinking he didn't hear you say that, you mumbled a Thanks and turned around to walk. But the boy grabbed your wrist saying "hey wait a second my name is Wilson Kyo what about yours cuties". You turned around and saw his face, he was awfully attractive for sure an athlete.

"Mm names l/n f/n I have to go bye" you say waving and walking away from the awkward situation. "See you around l/n" was the last thing you heard him say before seeing Shirabu waiting for you.

You and Shirabu alway walked together to the cafeteria since our classrooms were close.
"What was that about f/n" Shirabu said looking at you with his eyes narrowed.

"Oh he bumped into me and made me drop my phone then he picked it up and asked for my name that all." You didn't give it that thought about it but Shirabu looked back and just mmm. "What Shirabu" you asked which he just told you it was nothing and both arrived to the cafeteria where everyone else was already sitting.

After getting your guys lunch you went to the table and sat next between Yamagata and Shirabu and Tendou was in front of me. We all talked about random things and wonder about the camp training.

"Guys there was a guy flirting with f/n and she flirted back." Everyone's face went( •0•) looking at you while you choked on your food. You punched Shirabu for saying a lie, you then glanced over Tendou who had a some what sad serious face not his happy face. You told everyone "NO I didn't you IDIOT he bumped into me and then asked my name that's all okay".

"Exactly I saw the scene it was like from one of those cheesy movies where the girl bumps into the guy and then fall in love at the end" Shirabu say. You just laughed at what he say making the rest laugh to. "Shirabu who knew you watched cheesy movies" Semi say making everyone laugh more. Shirabu didn't respond just started to say thanks before eating.

"No but for real I didn't flirt or anything he just asked for my name no big deal". When you said that Tendou looked relieved which made you confused was he jealous or something???
You continued to eat before going to your next class.

The rest of the classes went well and now was heading to the volleyball gym with Tendou and Wakatoshi. On our way I saw the guy from earlier walking towards us. "Heyy l/n we meet again" kyo said while winking at me.

I was say hello trying my hardest not to cringe at what he did. After we walk pass him I see Tendou again with that face he had at lunch. "Hey Tendou are you okay?" He simply say he was fine and smiled at you. So you decided to ignore it just time.

Practice started and today I would be joining them for practice. It went well I practiced on my spike and serves. The boys were giving their all in the match practice. I say able to receive some of Wakatoshi spikes now.

Which always amazed the guys and myself. Practice ended and we started to clean the court and put everything back. After we did we stood around Coach Washijō to tells us the details and permission slips for the camp training.

"Alright boys the camp training will be held in Fukurodani high school. The other schools that will be attending are Aoba Joshai, Nekoma, Inarizaki, Johzenji, and us. The training camp will be a 5 days so we'll be excused from school. We leave to Fukurodani, Sunday at 3:00am it's a 6 hr drive."

^^so it's like the training camp in season 2 but I added and took some schools out. It won't be like the version in Haikyuu. I will be making it up ^^

As I was handing out the permission slips I thought I'm going to see Oikawa and Iwa in training camp ^..^ yay.

We were heading out the gym all the boys looked excited expect Wakatoshi no emotion. "You guys I'm so excited for this!!" Goshiki happily yells jumping like a little kid.

"I'm excited to I get to see Oikawa and Iwa and watch you guys play against other teams." You say. "Liar you just wanna go see if there's hot guys in the other teams" Shirabu said next to you. You just punched him again and both of you guys laughed.

You had gotten close with all the guys mostly with Tendou but you also talked Shirabu, Semi, and Yamagata on the phone or hung out and rest we talked in person Wakatoshi was a dry texter so in person was better.

You say goodbye to the boys and started to walk to your dorm with Tendou, he alway walked you back even if you  told him not to.
"You excited for the training camp Tendou" you say smiling at him.

He looked at you "Ofc I'am we get to play" he say while patting your head. You pouted at him for patting your head and he laughs at you saying "cute". This made you blush, he has been calling cute, beautiful and teasing you ever since we went to the carnival.

Both arrived at your dorm and say bye good to each other. "Alright beautiful see you tomorrow goodnight" he say to you. You closed the door and leaned on it, your head tilted up a little blushing biting your lower lip.

"Aww look at you, biting your lip that's new" Sara say winking at you. "Shut up Sara" you told her as both went to the kitchen. You made dinner while she kept teasing you about Tendou.

After eating and taking a shower you laid on your bed texting some of your friends from American and talked to your mother for a bit. You then texted Oikawa
Hey babes can't wait to see you and Iwa at the training camp 😘

Well hello beautiful it's been a while I thought you forgot about me 😖
And yes I'm excited to see you and beat you guys.

How could I ever forget you don't be dramatic I know your busy with volleyball and... I don't know babes about beating us 😗 we'll see.
Text you tomorrow Goodnight Shittykawa ♥️

You know I alway have time for you f/n  and Good night beautiful. You better text me 🥺

You put your phone down and fell asleep.

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