My Green Eyed Drummer

By HeDa_WaHeDa

458K 14.1K 11.3K

Clarke is new to the Miami Beach side. She meets a drummer that will change her world forever. Years of love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapert 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
66 Chapter
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 104
chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127

Chapter 121

2.1K 85 48
By HeDa_WaHeDa

Clarke and Raven laugh at the video they have been watching on repeat. Lexa and Luna walk into the kitchen where their girlfriends sit, watching the wisdom tooth video again.

"Not this again." Luna groans while getting an apple for her and her sister. Lexa catches the apple that is tossed to her.

Raven turns the video to Luna, showing her crying on Raven about the hot chocolate, "Beautiful chocolate is now hot chocolates new name." Raven says with a smile.

Luna rolls her eyes while biting into the apple. Raven blushes a little at the sight, it was kind of hot.

Clarke fast-forward to the part we're Lexa rubs her happy kiss onto Luna and then gets all sad, "You are too cute, Lex." Clarke says while Lexa kisses her head.

"It's been two weeks... I am going to delete that video." Lexa says sweetly before she bites into her apple and looks down at Bongo.

"Over Clarke's dead body." Raven says and Clarke gives her a weird look.

"Don't you mean over my dead body." Clarke asks and Raven just stares at her.

"Yeah... that's what I said... over your dead body. The video isn't worth my precious body." Raven says and Clarke scoffs.

"Damn right." Luna says while checking Raven out.

"Keep your eyes above the collar bone." Clarke snaps at her best friend's girlfriend. Lexa laughs a little before taking Ravens phone and putting it on top of the refrigerator.

"Oh you think you are so clever!" Raven stands and walks over to the refrigerator. She is too short to get the phone, it's a pretty big refrigerator.

"Yes, I do." Lexa smirks proudly then bites into her apple with a curtain confidence that makes Clarke bite her lip. Let's just say the Woods Twins eating apples is very attractive.

Raven thinks for a moment then turns to Luna, "Get it!" Raven points at the phone and Luna shakes her head no.

"I'm sorry, baby, but absolutely not." Luna looks at the phone, "I hate that video." Raven pouts her lip and Luna has to turn away so she doesn't give in.

"Fine." Raven says before she gets a chair from the dining table and brings it over to the refrigerator. Raven stands on the chair and gets the phone while the Twins watch her, amused.

Raven hops off the chair and glares at both of them, "I am going take a shower." Raven grumbles.

"Can I-" Luna starts but Raven cuts her off.

"No." Raven points her finger at Luna and walks out. Luna frowns before Raven turns back into the room, "Fine, come on."

"Yay!" Luna cheers while following Raven up stairs. Lexa laughs at her sister while she leaves the room and then turns to Clarke with a cute grin.

"Hey baby." Lexa throws away her apple core while she walks over to Clarke and wraps her arms around her.

"Hey." Clarke grins while wrapping her arms around Lexa's neck. Lexa kisses Clarke softly and smiles.

"Hi." Lexa buries her face in Clarke's long hair, "I'm tired."

Clarke plays with the baby hairs on the back on Lexa's neck. The blonde knows this always makes her sleepy, "Probably should have come to bed when I told you to last night."

"I wasn't tired then." Lexa laughs and moves her head to look at Clarke.

"Yes you were! You were hiding your yawns just because you wanted to play drums with Luna a little longer." Clarke laughs and Lexa holds her girlfriend closer.

"Okay, maybe you were right." Lexa admits and Clarke pulls her in for another kiss.

"Don't worry, I'm tired too." Clarke says in between kisses.

"Good..." Lexa grins at all the kisses she is getting, "So we can go up stairs and cuddle." Lexa kisses Clarke's nose.

"You are so soft." Clarke cups Lexa's jaw and pulls her close. Lexa pulls away and pouts.

"No. I'm tough." Lexa says with a nod and Clarke laughs.

"Yeah, and I have a great relationship with my mother." Clarke laughs and pulls Lexa in for another kiss. Lexa tries not to laugh at the dark joke.

"Fine... maybe I like being the little spoon... sometimes." Lexa admits.

"So... do you want to be the big spoon for our nap today?" Clarke asks with an eyebrow and Lexa thinks.

"No..." Lexa says quietly and Clarke laughs again.

"That's what I thought." Clarke says while pushing Lexa away from her and to the exit of the kitchen. Lexa smiles while Clarke stands up and takes her hand.


Octavia😙- i have an idea!

Murphy🦗- oh no...

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- lets here it babe

Octavia😙- okay so... seeing as we are all moving into our own places and probably won't see each other as much i suggest we take a trip :)

Mya❤️- THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA! but jas, monty, harper, and i already have plans :(

Octavia😙- awe okay... have fun and we will see you around campus :))))

Mya❤️, Jasper⭐️, Monty♻️, Harper😈 left chat

Raven😉- i'm definitely in

Murphy🦗- i'm down.

Luna💧- sounds great 👍

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- i'm always in with octavia

Murphy🦗- i'm going to pretend that doesn't have a double meaning

Raven😉- clexa, what do you say?

Murphy🦗- where are they? they are usually fast responders?

Luna💧- i think they are taking a nap

Octavia😙- wake them up

Luna💧- um... i don't want clarke to punch me. she might be small but she is a good puncher

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- just wake lexa up and have lexa wake up clarke

Raven😉- that doesn't work. Lexa is always little spoon so it is hard to get to her.

Octavia😙- go wake them or we aren't going on the trip.

Raven😉- okay, lun, rock paper scissor shoot.

Luna💧- alright

Raven😉- 3

Raven😉- 2

Raven😉- 1

Luna + Raven- ✂️

Murphy🦗 has left chat

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- really....

Octavia😙- 👁👄👁

Luna💧- what can i say 🤷‍♀️

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- consider yourself blocked

Raven😉- that was beautiful

Octavia😙 added Murphy🦗 to chat

Murphy🦗- is it over?

Octavia😙- yes. i'm just going to pick

Luna💧- that's not fair

Octavia😙- ennie minnie miney mo, catch a tiger by its toe, if it hollers let it go, my mother told me to chose the best one and you are it 👉 Raven.

Raven😉- wat.

Luna💧- yeah that's fair.

Raven😉- wHat.

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- go wake them.

Raven😉- fine. but only cause i wanna go on a trip.

Murphy🦗- luna go be moral support

Luna💧- i always am. but i'll be moral support from the warm comfy bed.

Murphy🦗- cant blame you

Octavia😙- are they up yet?

Luna💧- nope.

Luna💧- no wait i heard yelling.

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- i cant imagine living in that house.

Luna💧- it's a lot.

Raven😉- they are up.

Murphy🦗- see. that wasn't so bad

Raven😉- clarke punched my boob

Clarke🦝- as i should

Lexa🥁- hey guys :) clarke is a little grumpy that raven literally john cena-ed us

Murphy🦗- damn.

Raven😉- hey it worked

Clarke🦝- why did you guys wake us up... i was warm and now Lexa is on the other side of the room so this better be good.

Octavia😙- okay so... seeing as we are all moving into our own places and probably won't see each other as much i suggest we take a trip :)

Murphy🦗- did you copy and paste that?

Octavia😙- yes i did :)

Clarke🦝- that sounds like a good idea. we are in

Lexa🥁- yeah, been kinda wanting to get out of the house.

Murphy🦗- says the one that just was on a private island

Luna💧- we don't talk about it

Lincoln🏋🏼‍♂️- so we're do you say we go?

Octavia😙- DISNEY!


Clarke🦝- Ive never been, this will be exciting :))))


Lexa🥁- keep in mind clarke moved to florida bout two years ago

Murphy🦗 disney it is. i'll start packing.




"Disney! Disney! Disney! Disney!" Octavia cheers when Lexa pulls up to her house. Lincoln is carrying Octavia's bag over to his car. Murphy also bring his bag over to Lincoln's car.

"Okay, so the plan is to drive to Orlando and get a cheap hotel and then tomorrow we will go to Animal Kingdom." Lincoln explains to the group while we stand in a circle.

Raven is bouncing up and down next to me and Luna, "We are going to Disney!" Raven claps her hands and Murphy rolls his eyes.

"Calm down, child." Murphy says and Raven stops bouncing just to glare at him.

"We all know you are just as excited as I am. I can see your leg bouncing." Raven says while pointing out Murphy's leg that is just shaking with excitement. Murphy stops moving his leg and scoffs, "That's what I thought."

"Anyways," Octavia laughs, "Lincoln will drive Murphy and I in his car while Lexa has Clarke, Raven, and Luna." Octavia points at everyone while she talks.

"Wait, why do I get Seamechanic?" Lexa asks Octavia and Clarke pinches her, "Ouch! Never mind, I will take them."

"As you should." Raven nods then drags Luna over to the Jeep, "Okay, lets go! Disney is waiting!"

Clarke kisses Lexa's cheek and then makes her way to the passengers side of the car. Lexa sighs while she watches Raven plug her phone into the AUX through the window, "5 hours... 5 hours with them..."

Lincoln laughs and pats Lexa's shoulder and then gets in his car with the other two. Lexa gets in her car and smiles at Clarke who is snuggling in a blanket for the trip, "You look so cozy." Lexa says while putting her hand on Clarke's thigh.

"Okay, we get it! Clarke is cute, but Disney is waiting." Raven says while she presses the play button and the song, 'Kiwi by Harry Styles' starts blasting in the car.

"She works her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes!" Raven shouts and Luna laughs at her girlfriend while they sing. Lexa and Clarke look at each other with small smiles. Lexa pulls out of the driveway and follows Lincoln out of the neighborhood.


"Knock knock." Raven says while poking Lexa's shoulder.

"No." Lexa responds and the Latina frowns.

"Come on! I have a great joke." Raven pouts and Lexa glances over at Clarke.

"Tell it to your own girlfriend." Lexa says and Raven pouts more.

"Clarke! Tell your girlfriend to say who's there." Raven starts poking Clarke's shoulder.

Clarke laughs and turns to look at Lexa, "Answer Raven please so she will stop annoying us." Lexa sighs and scratches the back of her neck.

"Fine. But this is the last knock knock joke." Lexa says and Raven nods.

"Okay, knock knock." Raven smiles.

"Who's there?" Raven asks while she passes the car in front of her.

"Figs." Lexa pauses at what Raven says, trying to figure out the joke before Raven tells her.

"Figs who?" Lexa says slowly. Raven starts snickering at her own joke before she even says it.

"Figs your doorbell, it's broken!" Raven says and breaks out laughing. Luna looks up from her phone and laughs with Raven. Clarke smiles down at her own phone. Lexa shakes her head with a little chuckle.

"That was great." Luna says while she kisses her proud girlfriend's cheek.


"Babe, what about an apartment like Rachel and Kurt had in Glee?" Clarke asks Lexa.

Lexa laughs, "One with a barn door?" Clarke nods and Lexa smiles at her and looks back at the road.

"If you do that, we are moving in too." Raven says and Clarke sighs.

"Never mind." Luna and Raven gasps at Clarkes words.

"Hurtful." Luna says and Lexa laughs.

"We have lived together for about two year, yeah we are inseparable, but I think we should settle with having our own apartments." Lexa says then murmurs, "On the other side on the towns."

Clarke gasps now, "I am sorry Lexa, but I don't think I can live that far away from Raven... she can only be, at most, 5 doors away." Clarke explains to Lexa and Raven sits up to kiss Clarke's cheek.

"That's right, baby." Raven sits back.

"Fine... I guess I would miss them too." Lexa sighs and pulls into the exit that leads to Orlando.


Lexa flops down on the springy bed of the cheap hotel room her and Clarke are staying in, "Driving with Raven is like someone scratching their nails along a chalkboard for 5 hours." Lexa complains.

Clarke laughs at the woman on the bed while she joins her. Clarke lays her head on Lexa's shoulder. Lexa wraps her arms around the beautiful woman she is laying with, "You love her though." Clarke says and Lexa chuckles.

"I love you and you love her... so I guess that means that I love her too." Lexa says even though Raven is like another sister. She truly does love the little bird.

Clarke sits up to look down at her girlfriend, "I'm excited for tomorrow... I can't wait to make you wear micky mouse ears." Lexa rolls her eyes and leans up to kiss her girlfriend.

"Or," Lexa lays back down, "I can hold your hand while you have micky mouse ears on. Then the micky mouse energy will go from your head to your arm to your hand and then to me so I won't need to wear them" Clarke smiles and give Lexa a deep kiss.

"Or you can wear one." Clarke rubs her hand up and down Lexa's neck. Shivers run down Lexa's spin.

"Or... I can just hold your hand." Lexa smiles before Clarke gives Lexa another deep kiss. Clarke pulls away but Lexa follows, wanting more.

"Or you can wear one." Clarke says while she holds Lexa down with her hand on the brunettes chest. Lexa gulps.

"Or... I can wear one." Lexa say, not knowing what she is saying because she is memorized by Clarke's eyes and glossy lips, "Can I get more kisses now?" Clarke smiles and leans down to makeout with her girlfriend.


"Disney! Disney! Disney!" Raven jumps up and down on the bed in the middle of the cheap room.

"Very exciting, but don't hurt yourself please." Luna says while watching Raven bounce on the uneven bed.

"Come here!" Raven smiles while jumping and landing on her butt. Raven puts her arms out for Luna, "I want cuddles."

Luna smiles and kicks off her shoes so she can get into Raven's arms. Luna snuggle into her girlfriend who is kissing her head, "I am ready to move into our own apartment together."

"Me too." Luna says while kissing Ravens cheek, "As much as I love Clexa... I can't wait to have you to myself all the time." Luna smirks.

"Aren't you cute." Raven kisses Luna's lips and then Luna kisses Raven's nose, "I love you."

"I love you too."


Murphy throws his bag to the other side of his room. The man jumps onto the bed and pulls out his phone. He smiles a little at his home screen.

It is a picture of the drumline with their drums on on the beach. All of them are doing something stupid and silly. Luna and Lexa are having a sword fight with drumsticks. Lincoln is flexing while Echo holds her drumsticks a curtain way so it looks like she is shooting an arrow into the distance. Indra and Gustus are making 'Hey Mamas' faces while Murphy has his arms spread out in the middle like he rules the drumline.

"You guys might be annoying and stupid... but I love you all." Murphy sighs and goes onto twitter. He doesn't want anyone to know it but when Octavia invited him to go to Disney with them he almost leaped with joy.

Whenever his friends show that they are thinking about him it fills his heart with joy. They are the reason he did well in school. Murphy couldn't imagine what it would be like to not go to college with them

They are his family.

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