And yet there will be happine...

Oleh TatianaSaz

36.8K 386 20

This is a continuation of the incredible love story of Sidney and Charlotte, based on the series Sanditon, by... Lebih Banyak

Reception. Part 2
Tom and Mary
Mrs. Campion
Change scene
The masquerade ball. Part 1.
The masquerade ball. Part 2.
The masquerade ball. All masks removed.
Between the past and the future
Time does not wait
Back to Sanditon
At last...
Admiral Heywood
I have a word...
True self...
Chink of armour
Share with me
More assumptions...
Forgive me
Substantial conversation
When i 'm with you
Fine fresh day
Well done
To find a moment...
Looking to you
Well met
Are you looking forward to the ball?
Despite everything
Don't doubt yourself
Much improved
Would rather be here
You are lost
Ready to you
Be carefull
Carefull of what? Everything!
Rewrite the history
A chance of happiness
Splendid! Splendid!
What do you know about love?
When it comes to love...
From one gentleman's pursuit to another
What is it you want from me?
What more proof do you need?
Gracious no!!!
The farmer's daughters
What are you waiting for?
Now I have to protect you
Please, believe me...
I wasn't expecting this
I cannot go back. I am compelled to go forward.
Anything can happen anywhere
Fate is gifted us a second chance
You still proclaime your independence?

My thoughts exactly

499 5 0
Oleh TatianaSaz

She was awakened by a noise. The gentle sun was already lighting up the room. Charlotte stretched luxuriously, burying her hands in the soft pillow, and reluctantly got out of bed.
- Shhh...-  came a strangled whisper - God, what have you done?
- I couldn't leave it like this, it's not fair - the second voice replied, also in a whisper.
- We need to get out of here, and right now - Allison whispered (Charlotte finally recognized her) - this is going to get us in trouble.
-  Allison, please ! - cried Phillip - please.
- Let's go to the garden before we Wake up the whole house - Allison said sternly.
Phillip grunted back at her and they left the hall.
"I wonder what they're up to?" - Charlotte thought.
Allison was a sensible and clear-headed girl, but Phillip was constantly inventing new adventures for himself, not letting his sisters or parents get bored.
Charlotte dressed hastily and went down to the garden, determined to find out what the hell was going on.
Since Sidney had left for London, she had been very lonely. Charlotte missed him and couldn't imagine how she could live without him for the rest of her life. Her younger sister also didn't find herself anxiously awaiting the return of Crowe.
The lovers did not want to part, but the circumstances demanded their presence in London. A little more than a month had passed since Howard's attempt on Charlotte and Georgiana, and now he and his men were brought before the court, where the gentlemen were witnesses. With regard to Mrs Campion, the case was more difficult than expected Charlotte in the beginning. A lot of money and connections played a role, and Eliza was released. However, her joy did not last long. The timely intervention of Lord Broome, and later of Lady Wooster and Crowe, persuaded the authorities to take a closer look at Mrs Campion and her activities. In the end, Mr. and Mrs. Campion's business dealings came to light and sealed Eliza's fate. Their income was declared illegal, and most of their wealth, including a large estate and town house in London, was requisitioned for the Treasury. Mrs. Campion received a meagre allowance, which would hardly have attracted a suitor of any sort, especially after the publicity in the papers. The court had been kind to her, sparing her a prison sentence, but even this was hardly liking to her, since she had no money for better things she had been forced to live on her parents ' estate. God only knew what kind of life awaited her there, in the house where she had grown up, with a father who had never loved her and who reminded her day after day of Charles.
The trial was over and everyone got what they deserved, according to Sidney's last letter, but the men stayed in London for a couple of days to finish their business, including wedding preparations. Charlotte was really hoping that they will be able to return to the ball on the end of the tournament.
She smiled. Their great adventure was a success, and Sanditon was the talk of England. The lease of the apartment was scheduled for the end of the season, and Lady Denham was able to return her investment and was very happy. Tom was soaring in the glory and finally found time to be with his family. Diana received a marriage proposal from Dr. Fuchs, and for a long time refused it, expecting that this would insanely upset Arthur. But after talking to her brother, she decided not to miss this chance.
Charlotte went out into the garden and looked around, seeing neither her brother nor her sister.
Suddenly she heard a stifled laugh in the thicket by the far bench where she and Sidney had so often walked. Charlotte crept closer and saw Allison and Phillip sitting with their backs to her, giggling happily.
- What's going on here? - Charlotte said as sternly as she could, using the older sister's privilege.
Since his parents had left, Phillip, who had been left in the care of his sisters and Lady Denham, had been remarkably quiet, but now he was clearly planning something bold.
Allison and Phillip stood up abruptly, hugging each other tightly, as if hiding something behind their backs.
- It's all right - Phillip said with a broad smile that didn't convince Charlotte.
- What are you hiding from me? - she asked - Allison, I know something's wrong, I heard you talking in the hallway.
- I told you we'd Wake up the whole house - Allison said, pointing at her brother - why did I listen to you?
- Hey, you made a fuss yourself - Phillip said, sounding offended -he's been here for three days and no one has noticed anything. If you hadn't intervened, no one would have found out.
Allison glared at her brother, then lowered her eyes again.
- Who is he? - Charlotte asked- what in God's name is going on here?
- You're not going to like this - Allison said, stepping aside to reveal her secret guest to Charlotte.
Her unease turned to emotion as soon as she saw who her brother and sister were hiding so fiercely.
Not far from the bench, a puppy was sitting in the tall grass. Small and clumsy, with large paws and drooping ears, he looked at her with such piteous eyes that Charlotte's heart sank. Its Golden fur glistened in the sun, making it incredibly cute, as if showing everyone a real little miracle of nature. The puppy was shaking with fear, but it took a couple of steps toward her, as if it wanted to make friends. One step, one more, one more. It was so touching that Charlotte couldn't help but smile, which was immediately rewarded with a welcome wag of his little tail. She crouched down, holding out her hands, which were immediately licked. Charlotte scratched him gently behind the ear and picked him up. She felt an incredible tenderness as she hugged the small, fluffy, warm ball, thinking once again how much she missed Sidney.
The puppy licked her cheek and she laughed.
- Isn't he very nice? - Phillip said - I couldn't leave him there, he would have starved to death.
- Yes, he's lovely - said Charlotte, smiling, but then she added - wait, did you bring the puppy to Sanditon house? What will Lady Denham say when she finds out? Phillip, we're not on a farm, you can't do this.
- I know - he said seriously - but what was I supposed to do, leave him to die? He was sitting next to the cliff, so hungry and so alone.
- I don't remember you being allowed to go anywhere alone - Allison said.
- Well, I'm not a girl to sit around and wait for permission - Phillip replied hotly - and then, since the gentlemen have left, you've been doing nothing but patronizing me. And I am , by the way, already an adult and can take responsibility for my actions.
- Oh, Yes, I can see that - Charlotte said, shaking her head, still holding the puppy in her arms  - and he's proof of that.What are we going to do with it now?
- I don't know - Allison said.
- Would Lady Denham like to keep it? - Phillip suggested.
- Are you kidding? - Allison asked him.
- She same soon will remain quite one, you and Charlotte will marry, I'll leave immediately after wedding Charlotte - observed Phillip - she perhaps will be lonely.
- I don't think she was going to get a dog - said Charlotte - but it's not polite, you're visiting, Phillip, and it's not acceptable.
- I know, I know - Phillip said quietly.
- We'll try to get him some where - Charlotte said - and I'll talk to Sidney or Mr. Stringer. They will help, but keep him away from Lady Denham.
Phillip nodded and took the puppy from Charlotte and ran briskly back to the house.
- I wish Francis and Sidney would come back - Allison said with a sigh - with them, Phillip is completely different.
- Me too, cannot wait for their return - answered Charlotte smiling - thank God, that all bad already ended.
- I hope so - Allison said.
There was a thud and a patter of feet.
- Stop! Well, stop you, finally! - Phillip exclaimed.
A woman's scream, the clatter of broken dishes, and Lady Denham's menacing voice told the sisters that their brother would need their help.
- Phillip Heywood! - she said - immediately take the trouble to explain what is happening here, and why this creature is in my house!
Charlotte and Allison looked at each other and ran to the open terrace.

All the words were spoken, and the looks were presented. The young Heywoods were all ears, anxiously awaiting their hostess's decision.
- All right, let him stay - she said sternly - but don't let him get in my way any more... and the servants, too, or you won't get any dishes!
Lady Denham proudly left the drawing-room, with only a cursory glance at the dear pup, and left the Heywood family alone. The dog was wagging its tail and caressing Charlotte.
- Did you hear the same thing I did? - Allison asked - she'd let him stay here. Was it really Lady Denham? Was I dreaming?
- Then we had the same dream - said Charlotte with a smile, patting the baby's ear - you are very lucky, Phillip, and so he is.
- Yes, I am very grateful to the old Lady - he replied - you know, I think he likes you.
- He's just a little darling - said Charlotte, still stroking the dog - what do we call him?
- Maybe Sunny or Sandy?  - Phillip suggested - he's from Sanditon.
- That's right! - Allison said with a smile - choose name yourself. After all, it was you who brought him into the house.
- Let it be Sunny - Phillip said.
- Great name - Charlotte said with a smile - can we go for a walk with our new friend?
The siblings nodded happily and ran out into the garden after Sunny pup.

She was exhausted and sat down on a boulder to rest. The fresh sea wind blew her hair up and tangled it, but it didn't bother her much. The arrival at Sanditon house of this sweet, cheerful little bundle lifted her spirits and filled her heart with joy.
Warm, soft hands gently closed her eyes.
- Allison? - Charlotte exclaimed, laughing, but when there was no answer, she added - Phillip?
- Georgiana? -  Charlotte tried again, still smiling, enjoying the game as if it had taken her back to her childhood.
The man behind her moved closer and gently kissed the top of her head. Her hands flew up and touched his. "It can't be!" - she thought to herself.
- Sydney! - Charlotte exclaimed aloud, and he lowered his hands to let her turn.
- I thought you'd never guess - he said - why are you...
Before he could finish, Charlotte threw herself into his arms and, clasping his head, showered his face with many kisses.
- God, I'm so glad you're back! - she said - I was so afraid there might be trouble.
- All is well, my dear - with a smile he replied - all the bad things have already happened and now we are waiting for only good.
He took her chin in his hand and lifted her face up.
- You can't imagine how much I've missed you - Sidney said, his voice hoarse with excitement - there hasn't been a moment in London when I haven't thought about you.
- So did I - Charlotte whispered.
- Charlotte, I love you - Sidney said, leaning closer and closer to her.
- I love you, too - she said, trembling with excitement.
His lips were so close, and his deep dark eyes made her heart beat faster and faster.
He gently touched her lips, and Charlotte willingly leaned forward to meet him, giving all of herself without reserve.

- You still won't tell me where we're going? - Charlotte asked, a little flustered.
- We're almost there - Sidney said, smiling and squeezing her small hand even tighter.
- But Allison and Phillip, they'll lose me - she said, still looking back.
- I think Crowe will find something to entertain your brother and Sister - said Sidney - we came together, but I think they will easily survive our absence.
- Was he able to talk to my Mother? - Charlotte asked - Allison is very worried about it, and so am I. We are quite poor and cannot expect a good dowry.
Sidney stopped and looked at her tenderly.
- You and your sister are a treasure in your own right - he said.
- Sidney..  - Charlotte said softly, smiling.
- Crowe's Mother is all right,and he has received her blessing - he replied - if it makes you feel better.
Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief.
- And still where are we going? - Charlotte asked again.
- We're here - Sidney said, stopping.
- But this is the place... - she began.
- Where I first kissed you - Sidney continued for her.
She smiled and ran her fingertips over his face.
- That's when I realized I couldn't live without you - Charlotte said faintly.
- I realized this a little earlier - said Sidney - at the regatta, when you asked what I want from you. I suddenly realized that I knew the answer. I only wanted you, you alone, you know. I knew that after I met you, my life would never be the same.
- But why didn't you answer my question then? - she asked - I thought I was just a bit of fun in your social games.
- No, no, now you know that's not true - he replied- I was terribly ashamed of that conversation, for not being able to protect you. I was a weakling and I hated myself for it, not knowing if you needed me at all.
- I would follow you to the ends of the earth - said Charlotte, still caressing his face with a gentle caress that brought him to an indescribable ecstasy.
- So why are we here, Sidney? -she asked entrance - did you want to talk to me alone?
- No. .. or rather Yes, and this too-said Sidney, very excited - our engagement was so unexpected and fast, and all these events after it. I wanted to do everything right, but I didn't do the most important thing - I didn't give you a ring.
- I understand Sidney - Charlotte said - but it doesn't matter...
- No, it's important, both to you and to me - he said impetuously -I wanted it to be special, and I've been looking for it in Sanditon for a long time, but I haven't been able to find anything worthy of you.
- Oh, Sidney - Charlotte said, tears glistening at the corners of her eyes.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Sidney opened it and handed it to Charlotte. Taking out the ring, he slowly placed it on his ring finger.
- I can't wait for you to be my wife - Sidney said hoarsely - I dream of falling asleep and waking up next to you. I dream of seeing our children. I've waited all my life for you, Charlotte.
Tears of happiness slowly rolled down her cheeks, pink from the walk. Love and joy filled her whole being. Her heart was beating so fast that it seemed as if it would jump out of my chest. He leaned down and began to kiss her face tenderly, wiping away the tears with his hot lips.
Charlotte smiled and hugged him tightly around the waist, burying her face in his chest, as if she wanted to hide in his arms from all the world and never leave her safe haven again.
- Can you do something for me, Sidney? - she asked softly.
- Whatever you want, honey - he said, smiling.
- Let another tenant live in our future home - Charlotte said nervously.
Sidney hesitated for a moment, not expecting such a request from her.
- Of course, if that's what you really want - he finally replied - but who is this? To be honest, I'm intrigued.
She pulled back a little and looked into Sidney's eyes, confused.
- You don't know him - said Charlotte, smiling - but you will like him.
- Him? - Sidney asked, wondering who his future wife might have met during his absence. Mr. Parker couldn't even imagine who he would have to share his home with now - I'm not going back on what I said, but is there anything you want to tell me?
Charlotte smiled broadly and snuggled up to him again.
- I'll explain everything to you... - she said.

#Sanditon #Sidlotte #Sanditonfanfiction

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