And yet there will be happine...

By TatianaSaz

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This is a continuation of the incredible love story of Sidney and Charlotte, based on the series Sanditon, by... More

Reception. Part 2
Tom and Mary
Mrs. Campion
Change scene
The masquerade ball. Part 1.
The masquerade ball. Part 2.
The masquerade ball. All masks removed.
Between the past and the future
Time does not wait
Back to Sanditon
At last...
Admiral Heywood
I have a word...
True self...
Chink of armour
Share with me
More assumptions...
Forgive me
Substantial conversation
When i 'm with you
Fine fresh day
Well done
To find a moment...
Looking to you
Well met
Are you looking forward to the ball?
Despite everything
Don't doubt yourself
Much improved
Would rather be here
You are lost
Ready to you
Be carefull
Carefull of what? Everything!
Rewrite the history
A chance of happiness
Splendid! Splendid!
What do you know about love?
When it comes to love...
From one gentleman's pursuit to another
What is it you want from me?
What more proof do you need?
Gracious no!!!
The farmer's daughters
What are you waiting for?
Now I have to protect you
I wasn't expecting this
I cannot go back. I am compelled to go forward.
Anything can happen anywhere
Fate is gifted us a second chance
My thoughts exactly
You still proclaime your independence?

Please, believe me...

387 6 0
By TatianaSaz

The warm sea breeze that a moment ago had caressed her face, as if maddened, flung the hat from her head with a sharp gust. Even now, tearful, dazed, and shocked by what she had just heard, Allison was so beautiful that Francis's breath caught in his throat and his legs went weak.
She turned to face him, hugging herself nervously, making Crowe wish that he had let her out of his arms a few minutes ago.
-  Can people be so evil? - Allison asked softly, looking up, and Francis saw tears at the corners of her eyes.
- Unfortunately, yes - he said  - But you don't have to worry, we'll get through this, but please don't run off on your own again. I can't stand it, you hear?
She looked at Crowe with wide, surprised eyes, hardly expecting such frankness from him.
- I didn't mean to startle you - a barely audible she whispered - I don't know what I wanted, I was just scared and lonely.
- Why didn't you wait for me?  he demanded.
- I ... I don't know - answered Allison - I really don't know, I wanted to rush down and protect you... but...
- What stopped you? - Francis asked.
- I didn't know if you needed it - she said - I'm still don't know.
- Do you doubt me? - Crowe asked, leaning a little closer to her, trying not to let his voice crack with excitement - or perhaps you doubt yourself?
These questions had been bothering him for a long time, but he didn't dare ask them. She was probably the purest creature in the world, and what could he offer her in return?
His reputation was not his strong point, drunken carousals, questionable women, idiotic antics at balls that he was madly regretting lately. What could he give her? Except for money and a better position in society. For many of the young ladies he knew, this was a definite plus, but Francis knew perfectly well that she had never been interested in it. Even with a fairly modest allowance, his beloved never looked at people as a source of income, and this fact greatly raised Allison in his eyes.
- No - she said firmly, wasting no time in thought - I don't have any doubts.
She looked at him so honestly and openly as she said these words that all the arguments he had previously made had lost all meaning for him.
- Allison - he began, his voice trembling and hoarse with excitement - I have to tell you the truth.
She tensed, instinctively clenching her hands into fists, straining to attention.
- Since I first saw you at Lady Denham's ball I can't find my place - Сrowе continued - this has never happened to me in my life, and I have no idea how to behave in such a situation. I know that I am far from ideal and have nothing to do with virtue, my reputation and my actions speak for themselves. Almost everything I did was selfish, frivolous, and reprehensible. It's true, and I can't hide it. But none of this matters if you believe in me.
She stared at him, not taking her eyes off him, both wanting and afraid to hear something that could change her life forever.
He moved closer to her and dropped to one knee.
- I love you, Allison Hеywood - Francis said - sincerely and honestly, as much as I can. I know I am not worthy of you, but I ask you to do me the honor of agreeing to be my wife.
For a moment there was an oppressive pause that seemed like an eternity to Сrowе. A whole host of thoughts and feelings almost carried him off his feet. He stared at her, not blinking, afraid to miss anything. She blushed and lowered her eyes in confusion, trying to collect her thoughts.
- Francis, I am. .. I love you, too - Allison began, and then, choking with her own excitement, she stopped to catch her breath, not daring to look at him. His heart raced, waiting for her answer. She took a deep breath and said - Yes... I agree to be your wife.
His face lit up with a happy and tender smile.
Francis stood up and took her hands. They were cold with excitement, and Сrowе could barely stop himself from scooping her up in his arms.
- You are the most incredible woman I have ever known - Francis said, his fingertips barely touching a strand of her hair that had escaped from its coiffure and now was being torn by the wind. He ran his fingers gently over her cheek. Allison's lashes lifted slowly, allowing him to sink into the warm depths of her eyes. Her happy smile and the flush on her cheeks spoke for themselves, she was happy.
Crowe's warm fingers touched her chin and lifted her face with a light movement. The desire to kiss her was so intense that Francis could hardly contain his impulses. Allison stared at him, also fighting the urge to touch his face. Her innate modesty and upbringing had not allowed her to dive into the maelstrom of her own feelings, which were tearing her young heart apart. Francis sighed and smiled at her, breaking her resistance with a sudden, unexpected for himself. Her slender hand shot up to touch his hair, which was raging in the wind. Then she slid down, as if exploring every curve of his face. He turned and touched his lips to her open palm.
Allison whispered, leaning forward to meet him. Her breathing was so fast and ragged that Crowe felt dizzy with excitement. The temptation was so great that he finally surrendered to his desires. Francis was well aware of the depth of his feelings for Allison, and he knew that now he was truly lost and that his life would never be the same again.
He leaned down and touched her warm lips to his, hoping that she would respond in kind. Allison flinched, frozen in place, but only for a second, as if deciding something, and then her hands were in his hair, and her lips parted to meet his kiss. Both were swept up in a powerful wave of tenderness and passion that neither of them even thought to resist. Crowe put his arm around her waist and held her as tightly as he could.
For a while they could not let go of each other, not wanting to part for a moment.
Allison pulled back, still breathing hard, and looked at Crowe.
- We can't do this, we're not married yet, and we're not even officially engaged - she said - This is all wrong
- Wrong - Francis agreed, touching her cheek - but tell me, did you not like it at all?
- I' m - she began hastily, but the embarrassment was so great that she blushed and was completely speechless.
- I liked it very much, too - he said in a whisper, leaning close to her ear, which sent a shiver down her spine - but if you insist, we'll tell everyone that we went to the beach and collected shells. I'm willing to train three or four pounds to be sure.
- Francis!  - Allison exclaimed, laughing, breaking the last barrier between them - you're making fun of me again.
- No, no, I'm absolutely serious - Crowe said, trying not to smile - if you want, we can get a whole cart. Let's borrow it from the workers, I saw one today at the bottom of the arena.
- Oh, Frances, you're just incorrigible - she said, smiling happily - what should I do with you?
- Love and never let go - he said, smiling back at her - this option will suit me perfectly.
-I can handle that - Allison said, taking his hands and burying her face in the collar of his shirt. Feeling her soft breath on his chest, Crowe suddenly felt like the happiest person in the world, only momentarily oblivious to what was happening around them. He leaned down and buried his face in her dark, soft curls.

- Charlotte wait - almost begged Sidney - forgive me, I was wrong.
She spun around and glared at him, reminding Sidney of the scolding they'd given each other after Georgiana and Otis had secret's met.
- When were you going to tell me? - she exclaimed, kicking the sand so hard that it splattered all over Sidney's black trousers, but he didn't even notice it - When I would have come face-to-face with him, or Georgiana, or  Allison maybe? . What were you thinking, Sidney?
She kicked the sand again and growled something to herself.
- I was thinking of you, Charlotte - he said firmly - and of all those who might have suffered at the hands of Howard and his men.
- I found out about it only last night from Crowe, the messenger brought the letter when I was talking to your father - Sidney continued, not taking his eyes off her - I would tell you, but not now, when I'll know something.
- My God, Sidney - Charlotte said, almost bursting out - why do you always decide everything for others and for me?
- You are my future wife - Sidney said - and I must protect you at all costs. Do you think I'm not afraid? I'm afraid. Not for myself, no, for you, Charlotte! I will never forgive myself if something happens to you.
- I'm  - Charlotte began.
- Don't tell me you can take care of yourself - he said harshly - I know you can. I've seen it for myself, but this is a different threat. And this is my duty, and I'll do it, damn it, especially since I'm the only one to blame for all this.
Charlotte suddenly froze, finally understanding the reason for Sidney's actions. He turned away and stared at the water, breathing deeply and trying to get his thoughts in order.
Charlotte felt her heart tighten with a sudden rush of tenderness. The anger that had gripped her a few minutes ago suddenly disappeared, leaving only love and understanding in her heart.
She moved closer to him and put her hand on his forearm.
- You don't have to blame yourself, Sidney - Charlotte said - you didn't hire the bandits and send them to Sanditon.
- I didn't - he said angrily, and turned to her - but it's all my fault. How much longer will I pay for a mistake I made eleven years ago? I must finally fix it... myself...
Looking into the eyes she loved so much, she felt all the anxiety, excitement, and shame that seemed to fill him to the brim.
-  I'm sorry, Charlotte, I was wrong - he said quietly - and you have every right to be mad at me.
-  I'm not mad at you, she said, touching his cheek - now I understand why you did it.
He looked into her eyes and finally realized why he loved her so much, why he was drawn to her with every fiber of his being. She was the one who understood him without words, felt his pain and sadness, and allowed him to be himself.
- You have no idea how much I love you, Charlotte - he said, taking her small hands in his - and I won't let anyone hurt you, you must trust me, do you hear?
- I believe you, Sidney - she said, squeezing his hands back - as never before. But what should we do now?
- Promise me that you will obey me implicitly and will not disappear anywhere, as Allison today - said Sidney - this is very important.
- I promise - she said, looking into his eyes with a smile.

With an elegant movement of her hand, she stirred the sugar in a beautifully painted Cup and inhaled the divine aroma of tea, laced with hints of lemon and cinnamon. She smiled as she looked at her companion, who was clearly a little nervous about the meeting.
- How are you, my dear? - ingratiating asked Mrs. Burke, looking at the shining Eliza - hope you're feeling better. You look wonderful.
- Thank you, Jane - said Mrs. Campion, and smiled, pursing her lips again - You can say it like never before.
She looked at Mrs. Burke, noting  her obvious, uncharacteristic nervousness and an unconscious desire to hide her gaze.
Eliza was well aware that the reason for Jane's visit was banal and ill-concealed curiosity, but she decided to pretend that she had no idea about it.
- Eliza, I saw the announcement about the breakup of your engagement with Sidney - finally said Mrs. Burke - I'm so sorry, you were such a beautiful couple. What happened?
- Oh, Jane, it's simple - said Mrs. Campion, with as genuine a smile as she could manage - I'm just tired of him, and there are so many joys and pleasures around, that I've decided not to burden myself with a marriage, especially with a man who doesn't want to support my lifestyle.
- So that's why he immediately threw himself into the arms of this country girl, I could hardly believe it when I read it in the papers. This little flirt won't let her go, it didn't work out with the Lord, so she attacked poor Mr. Parker - Mrs. Burke reasoned aloud - my dear, you got rid of him just in time, God knows, he's so reserved and boring, not at all like you. You know a lot about pleasure, and you even throw parties for the ton. Oh, I wish I could get a glimpse of them.
- I don't know anything about any parties! - Eliza snapped, suddenly forgetting her role as a gracious hostess and socialite. Her face was pale and drawn, her lips drawn into a thin line - it was all nonsense and had nothing to do with the truth. And I don't want to hear anything about this hillbilly, she doesn't even deserve to have her name mentioned under the roof of this house.
- All right, all right, honey - Jane tried to reassure her, realizing that she had said something too much after all - as you say.
Eliza nervously tried to put the Cup on its saucer, but failed to calculate the trajectory, and dropped it, spilling the last of the tea on the hem of her skirt.
- Damn you all to hell! - she exclaimed, trying to shake the liquid from her skirt, but it was no use, the incredibly beautiful sky - blue muslin dress was hopelessly ruined. Such a small thing would never have upset Mrs. Campion before, but now it was a blow below the belt. She picked up her mug and flung it at Mrs. Burke side with a quick, easy movement. The mug hit the wall with a thud and fell to the floor, splintering into many small painted pieces, causing Jane to freeze in horror, waiting for her fate, not knowing how her ill-considered visit would end.
Eliza tried to pull herself together, not wanting to show her confusion to her recent friend, but she couldn't. Her usual relaxed calm and self-confidence had been replaced by anxiety, anger, and panic. She hated Charlotte Heywood and wanted to tear her to pieces, destroy her in the eyes of society, discredit and humiliate her entire extended family. However, Eliza was well aware that this would be followed by a reckoning that would turn her own life around, and her name would be slanted all over London. Damn her brother, why had he ever come into the world, even now, from the grave, he was threatening to ruin his sister's life. Mrs. Campion was at a loss to know how Crowe and Sidney had come to know about her opium business, much less about the affair with Charles, which she believed was safely buried with him.
Finally, Eliza sat down, summoning all her willpower, and smiled graciously at Mrs. Burke, who let out a loud sigh in response and was able to relax.
- Maybe some more tea, Jane? -  Eliza asked softly.
- Yes, thank you - said Mrs. Burke, still cautiously.
- So you were at the Sanditon tournament? - Mrs. Campion asked, fixing her friend with an icy blue stare and a false smile - my business did not allow me to be there.
- Only at the opening - said Mrs. Burke apologetically, and when she saw Eliza's questioning look, she added - I expected the worst, but they were able to surprise me. The performance was really amazing. The whole society, and even the Prince Regent himself, were delighted.
Mrs. Campion frowned, knowing full well that she had lost this battle to Charlotte, but then she pulled herself together and gave Jane a charming smile. There was a trump card up her sleeve that no one else knew about, and soon Charlotte Heywood would regret standing in her way.

#Sanditon #Sidlotte #Sanditonfanfiction

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