And yet there will be happine...

By TatianaSaz

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This is a continuation of the incredible love story of Sidney and Charlotte, based on the series Sanditon, by... More

Reception. Part 2
Tom and Mary
Mrs. Campion
Change scene
The masquerade ball. Part 1.
The masquerade ball. Part 2.
The masquerade ball. All masks removed.
Between the past and the future
Time does not wait
Back to Sanditon
At last...
Admiral Heywood
I have a word...
True self...
Chink of armour
Share with me
More assumptions...
Forgive me
When i 'm with you
Fine fresh day
Well done
To find a moment...
Looking to you
Well met
Are you looking forward to the ball?
Despite everything
Don't doubt yourself
Much improved
Would rather be here
You are lost
Ready to you
Be carefull
Carefull of what? Everything!
Rewrite the history
A chance of happiness
Splendid! Splendid!
What do you know about love?
When it comes to love...
From one gentleman's pursuit to another
What is it you want from me?
What more proof do you need?
Gracious no!!!
The farmer's daughters
What are you waiting for?
Now I have to protect you
Please, believe me...
I wasn't expecting this
I cannot go back. I am compelled to go forward.
Anything can happen anywhere
Fate is gifted us a second chance
My thoughts exactly
You still proclaime your independence?

Substantial conversation

558 5 0
By TatianaSaz

It was a very pleasant morning. Sidney walked through the streets of Sanditon, returning to Trafalgar house after a morning swim. He needed to cool down and think hard. He was more than ever looking forward to Crowe's arrival. A lot depended on what he was able to unearth.
Sidney entered the house, thinking of Charlotte. They hadn't seen each other for only a few hours, and he already missed her terribly.
Sidney smiled, remembering last night. He didn't know how long they stood on that rock without saying a word, but they were probably the happiest moments of his life.
Charlotte held him so tightly that he could feel every curve of her beautiful body. His hands held her gently, afraid to let go for a moment. Sidney's heart was pounding, unable to resist the attraction that had re-emerged between them.
-Sidney, are you here yet? - Tom asked, coming out of the living room and into the hall - You have a note.
- A note? Where is it? -  Sidney asked anxiously.
- Here you go! What happened yesterday? - said Tom, handing his brother a neatly folded piece of paper  - Why did Charlotte leave? And you? Lady Denham was displeased.
Sidney picked up the paper and his throat went dry with excitement. It was Crowe's handwriting. He eagerly unfolded the note and, after reading it without a word, went to the door.
- Sidney! What's going on here? - Tom shouted after Him - Can I help?
Sidney stopped at the door and turned to Tom.
- It's all right, Tom. I just need to go to a meeting - said Sidney - I'll explain everything to you after.
He nodded to his brother and went outside. After flying to the pub in a couple of minutes, Sidney went inside in search of Crowe. He was sitting impressively at a table in the corner of the room, sipping a cigarette and drinking something from a wine glass.
Sidney walked across the room and sat down opposite him.
- Crowe - Sidney said.
- Parker!  - said Crowe - would you have a drink with me?
His friend's cheerful mood cheered him up a little.
- No, thank you - he replied - I'd rather listen to the news that you brought for me.
Sidney was very worried and couldn't hide it.
- Well, then you definitely need a drink first - Crowe said, pouring a second glass.
Sidney silently drank and looked at his friend, waiting for him to start talking.
It was some time before Crowe finished his long story about Mrs. Campion. Sidney was silent. The shock of what he heard left him speechless.
- Is Charles Colins dead? - he asked.
Crowe nodded in response.
- Eliza never mentioned about his death - Sidney said.
- Did you know him? Crowe asked.
- Yes - said Sidney, still recovering - a fine fellow, Jolly, well-read, and very interesting to meet. However, they did not get along with Eliza, constantly clinging to each other in small things.
- Did she know about Charles's addiction and keep pushing him to do it? - he asked, unable to believe what he had just heard - How is this possible? I also sometimes want to kill Tom, but these are just fleeting thoughts. I would never lay a finger on him... I would die for him... God, she is a monster...
- Unfortunately, this is true - continued Crowe - my source can be trusted.
- I can't believe it - Sidney said - I'd heard about these parties, but I couldn't imagine that she was involved. I almost married her.
Crowe poured him another glass and Sidney drained it in one gulp.
- What am I supposed to do with all this? - Sidney asked, confused, not fully aware of the gravity of the situation.
- Nothing - Crowe said - at least until we get proof. It takes time
- Yes, you're right - Sidney muttered.
- And - crow said - don't get into direct conflict with her.  We need to do everything delicately, so that she decides to leave. This is too personal for you, so leave it to me.
Sidney was so grateful to Crowe that it took him a moment to find the words.
- J...  Sidney began.
- Thank you then, when I finish - interrupted his Crowe - better tell me what you have here is happening. Babbers says the Regent's messenger surprised you all.
Sidney smiled.
- Surprised - not this  word - he said - I thought I was going crazy.
Crowe laughed.
- Miss Heywood will wipe our noses, I'm sure - he said - and you, my friend, are now, like Babbers, completely lost to humanity.
- She's amazing - Sidney agreed
- Tell me, how far is Willingden from here? - Crowe asked, smiling - and are there any other miss Heywood?
- No, not very far - said Sidney, not understanding to what is leading his friend - Charlotte have a sisters, and why you ask?
- I think, me is worth go there - said Crowe with a sly a smirk - maybe I will have chance to join in your society lovers idiots, until not vanished desire to.
- Crowe, sometimes you really surprise me -  Sidney said seriously.
- I'm very discouraged myself - Crowe said, laughing - drink?
The men drank another glass of wine.
- Did I miss something? -  Babbington said, sitting down at the table.
- No more than three glasses - Crowe said - join us?
- With pleasure - Babbington replied with a smile, gesturing to the waiter.
- Where are your Ladies? - Sidney asked.
- Esther has gone to lady Denham, who asked Her to help with the paperwork, but I think she just wants to chat - Babbers said, smiling - and I've just handed Augusta over to Miss Heywood.
- Oh, I see -  Sidney asked.
- She's just fascinated by Miss Heywood - Babbington said.
- They'll go alone? - asked by Sidney - it's quite far.
- I think Mr. Sidney Parker wants to see the ladies off - Crowe said with a grin - Babbers, maybe we shouldn't bother him.
- I think you're right- said Babbington.
Sidney smiled and got up from the table.
- I'm not saying goodbye, gentlemen - he said.
Friends in response only raised their full glasses in greeting. He took his leave and went in search of Charlotte and Augusta.

Sidney didn't want to miss a moment with Charlotte. He reached the hotel in no time, and after making sure that the ladies had already left, set off at a brisk pace in the direction of the arena.
Sydney saw them at the entrance to Crawford garden. Charlotte and Augusta walked slowly toward the Park, talking enthusiastically. He quickened his pace and caught up with them.
- Miss Hаywood, Lady Augusta- said Sidney, bowing - Lord Babbington asked me to escort you to the arena and back.
- Mr. Parker - the ladies said almost in unison, and curtsied.
- Well, if Lord Babbington insists on it - said Charlotte, squinting slightly - then of course you can accompany us.
- My brother didn't say anything to me - Augusta said thoughtfully - but I'm glad to see you, Mr. Parker.
Sydney smiled at her and they moved on. There was an oppressive silence for several minutes. Sidney's presence embarrassed Augusta, and Charlotte felt it, but she didn't know how to start a conversation. Sidney had come to her rescue.
- My brother uses bathing machines here in Sanditon - he said - lady Augusta, have you ever used one of these?
- Oh, no, Mr. Parker - said Augusta - I want to, but I can't make up my mind. Miss Heywood offers to accompany me.
- Miss Heywood is an expert in morning bathing - Sidney said, then added - as far as I know.
Charlotte looked down, confused.
- Everything here is so interesting - said Augusta - why my brother never brought me here? I didn't even go to his wedding, because I was living in a boarding house in France.
- Do you speak French? - Charlotte asked.
- I do, but not very well - Augusta admitted.
Charlotte smiled at her and stole a glance at Sydney. He watched her closely. Her cheeks flushed. She remembered last night as well as he did, the warmth of his hot hands and body, the peace and strength that came from him. Charlotte would have given anything to be alone with him again. He was the only person she liked to be silent with.
- Will the ladies be able to participate in the tournament? - asked Augusta - That would be so interesting. Although... we're not knights...
Sidney looked at Charlotte with interest.
- I thought about it - she said - I can't say if there are other people willing, but I would love to participate in such competitions!
- Yes? and in what disciplines? - he asked.
Charlotte looked at him with a sly smile, narrowing her eyes a little.
- Well, at least three - she said - rifle shooting, archery, and horse racing.
" Really?" Are you a good shot?  asked by Sidney
- Well enough to want to participate in the tournament - said Charlotte - I trained quite a lot.
- And you were able to use your skill? - he asked with a smile.
- Yes, I used to hunt hares quite often in Willingden - said Charlotte, smiling - and quite successfully.
Sidney looked at her in surprise.
- The hares are very small and fast - said Augusta - how did you do it?
Charlotte only laughed in response, shrugging his shoulders.
- Miss Hеywood, what about rowing? - Sidney asked again, looking into her eyes .
Charlotte remembered the regatta, the boat, and their conversation about marriage compatibility. For a moment, she felt the warmth of his hands again, and the excitement of his touch. She looked confused, but didn't look away. Sydney looked at her now as he had looked at her in the boat before the regatta. Her heart began to beat wildly, and the blood rushed back to her cheeks. He smiled at her.
- Mr. Parker, you know that's not my strong suit - Charlotte said, still embarrassed.
- I am not an expert - Sidney began - but I'm sure in your case it's just a matter of training and choosing the right teacher.
His words made Charlotte blush even more.
- I'm sure - Sidney continued - that you're one of those people with whom you can live all your life and continue to be surprised by something new every day.
Charlotte lowered her eyes, unable to look at him or answer a word.
- Do you agree with me, Lady Augusta? - Sidney added.
- Oh, Yes - she said with a smile - Miss Heywood is an amazing person.
- Thank you - Charlotte said softly, unable to look up.
- Here's the arena - Sidney said - I hope you like it, Lady Augusta.
Augusta's reaction to the arena under construction was difficult to overestimate. She was delighted with her size and the elegance of the lines. Augusta was laughing and clapping her hands, like a child enjoying Christmas presents. Sydney and Charlotte looked at each other, pleased with the impression they had made.

Labours were working in the arena. They were quite far away, but Charlotte noticed Fred Robinson. They greeted each other, and Fred went over to the other man, who was standing with his back to them. He looked around and she recognized James Stringer.
The architect went to meet them with a smile. Charlotte looked at Sidney excitedly, remembering the events of the past few days, but he was completely calm and only smiled in response to her gaze. She breathed a sigh of relief.
- Miss Heywood, Mr. Parker - Stringer greeted them.
- Mr. Stringer - Sidney said, nodding.
- Mr. Stringer - Charlotte said with a smile, curtsying -   - may I introduce Lady Augusta Babbington.
- Lady Babbington - Stringer said, looking slightly embarrassed and nodding at Augusta.
- Mr. Stringer - said Augusta, curtsying - I have heard a great deal about you from my brother and Miss Heywood.
- I hope only good? - Stringer asked.
- Oh, Yes, of course - said Augusta with a smile and then added pointing to the arena - it's just an incredible structure, it's so beautiful.
- Do you really like it? - James asked - would you like me to show you the whole project? You can see what it should be.
- With great pleasure - said Augusta - Miss Heywood, would you mind?
- Not at all - said Charlotte smiling - we'll wait for you here.

When they were alone, she looked back at Sidney, squinting slightly, trying to hide her smile.
- So Lord Babbington asked to see us off? - Charlotte asked - I don't remember him expressing any concern about it.
Sidney looked down and smiled.
- Yes, you are right - he looked at her still smiling - you revealed me, Miss Haywood, Lord Babbington had nothing to do with It, I just wanted to see you again. The past few hours seemed like an eternity.
- So did I - Charlotte said, confused.
There was an awkward silence.
- What did Tom say about our leaving dinner? - Charlotte asked excitedly.
- That Lady Denham was extremely displeased - said Sidney, with a smile - Tom.. how to say it..a little confused.
- I didn't mean it - Charlotte said quietly.
- I don't think you need to worry - said Sydney, still smiling - at the end of the evening, Arthur did another utter stupidity - broke some old vase. Lady Denham was so excited about it that she would hardly remember our departure.
- Poor Arthur! He didn't have enough pineapple last time - Charlotte said.
Sidney laughed.
- I get the impression that all the Parkers have an incredible ability to get into some stupid situation - he said, still laughing.
Charlotte laughed along with him.
Augusta and Mr. stringer came back to them.
- Miss Hеywood, I looked at the project, it's impressive - said Augusta- Mr. Stringer told me so many interesting things, it's incredible. There's still so much work to do.
- Lady Babbington is a sympathetic listener indeed - said Stringer smiling - forgive me, but I need to work further. Have a nice day.
The ladies curtsied. Stringer and Sydney exchanged bows, and James went back to work.
- Shall we go on? - Sidney asked- Let's see where the shooting competition will be?
Augusta nodded happily.
They continued along the beach, meeting no one else on the way. After inspecting the site of future shootings and the route for the race, they were ready to go back.
Charlotte and Augusta stared at the sea. Lady Babbington was full of emotion from the day, and told Charlotte about the arena and Mr. Stringer. Charlotte just smiled back.
Sidney looked in the direction of Sanditon and saw an open carriage coming rapidly toward them
- I wonder who it is? - he said - the sun is blinding, I can't see it.
Charlotte just shrugged her shoulders -
The carriage pulled up and a man jumped out of it cheerfully and went straight to them.
- I knew I'd find you here - Babbington said with a smile - how was your tour?
- Great! Why are you in the carriage? - Augusta asked.
- Esther offered to give you a ride with the wind - Babbington said.
- Oh, that would be great - said Augusta, practically flying into the carriage - Miss Heywood, you don't mind if I leave you?
- Oh, no - said Charlotte - of course go.
- Actually, I think Miss Haywood will have something to do - Babbington said, looking toward the city and smiling at them.
Soon Charlotte and Sydney saw the second carriage. They looked at each other in bewilderment, then looked at Babbington questioningly. He laughed. Babbington's servant got out of the second carriage and jumped silently into the back of Lord's carriage.
- I thought you two could use a little fun - said Babbers, and before Sidney could reply, he spurred the horses on and started off.
They stood in silence for a while, looking at each other and the newly arrived carriage waiting for them.
- Well, Miss Heywood - said Sidney - you can ride. And how are you doing with the carriage?
- To be honest - said Charlotte, smiling - I have no idea how to manage it.
- Then you'll have to trust me - Sidney said, looking into Charlotte's eyes.
- I'm not sure that this is reasonable in our case, anybody can see us - she said hesitantly.
- Just trust me - Sidney said, climbing into the stroller and holding out his hand to Charlotte.
She took his hand and Sidney helped her climb into the carriage. Charlotte sat down next to him, feeling incredibly excited by his proximity and the possibility of being alone with him again.
Sidney shouted, spurring the horses on, and smiled at Charlotte.
The horses started and soon began to gallop. Startled, Charlotte grabbed his forearm with both hands and clung to him, unconsciously seeking protection and trusting herself.
Sidney's heart leaped...

#Sanditon #Sidlotte #Sanditonfanfiction

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