My Beast

By Black_Queen_88

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There is two kinds of people in life. Those who have feelings and those who gives no fucks about the meaning... More



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By Black_Queen_88


A few days later after my "night" with Beast I did my best to try to avoid him at all cost. This time was different than the other times I didn't want to be in his view at all and I made it clear by staying out of his way.

As it was cleared to him he respected it surprisingly, putting my clothes back in my room, leaving me to roam at my wishes. Not anywhere by myself but closer than I got before.

I studied him and his way of reacting to emotions and feelings knowing he isn't the type to just leave me be like this.

It wasn't hard to keep myself busy being the only girl in the house other than the guards standing outside the barrier of the estate watching out for anything that could be harmful to the one and only.

The garden was more of a peaceful getaway for me, smelling the flowers and letting their powerful aroma set in. It brought me to a place where my mother was alive and we would plant flowers day in and out until exhaustion took over. The sun reflected my necklace as it laid on my neck making the warmth feel extra good this morning.

As I was planting some more roses a shadow blocked the view of the sun and the coldness started to set in, I looked up and saw a guard staring down at me no emotion covering his face.

"Yes?" I asked standing up backing away from him a little.

"Miss, you have a call." I looked down at the phone confusedly taking my gloves off and taking it from guard watching him walk away giving me privacy.

"Hello?" I spoke as no one from the other end was talking, it was more weirder than the guard.

"I'm sorry I can't see you in person, I wish I could but I'm trying to respect your wishes and doing what you have asked of me." Glancing over I could see the guard dart his head the other way already knowing that this whole plan was happening without my knowledge.

"Really?" I looked at the guard groaning at the fact I was listening to the only voice I didn't want to exist at this point.

"What do you want?"

"I need you to do a few things for me." His stupid voice still echoes in my brain even when I don't hear it, how it makes my legs want to collapse to the ground just by a whisper.

I scoffed laughing out loud the guard looking at me like I was crazy, "that's funny! You seemed to have forgotten that I don't associate myself with you anymore. Go ask someone else to run your errands you have enough people for it." I heard a growl on the other side knowing he didn't like back talk but did I care? Not one bit!

"I need you to do it please beauty, I know your mad..."

"Mad! Mad is an understatement of what you did! I am furious to even think that you want me to do something for you after what you did!" I couldn't stand his voice at the moment before I closed it he spoke yet again,

"Go to the room, please. That's all I ask." I clicked the phone off and threw it far looking back at the guard in anger that was already coursing through my veins.

"WHAT!!" His eyes traveled somewhere else bowing his head like he didn't see anything. Damn right!

I stomped back in the house making my large ass footsteps known slamming doors and cursing while his stupid ugly face stayed on my mind or more like what was going to be behind the door. How dare he tell me to go do something for him? He got fucking legs he should be able to do his own shit, he can wipe his ass right, then he could do this.

I stared back at the closed door ready to get this over with but my heart beating at such a fast pace was telling me otherwise. Anxiousness set in so I opened the door opening my eyes to see the most beautiful, exquisite, one and kind stupid room that was EMPTY!!


I hate Beast I fucking hate him with all of my heart this is the stuff that makes me think is it worth it, Mhm no it's not. I went closer towards our bed, wait!! No his bed towards his bed!!! Seeing a note laid down and of course it's from an asshole.

Dear, Beauty

I know you hate me at the moment and probably forever, but let me tell you I'm so so sorry. What I did is unforgivable and I know what I did in the past is more than enough for you to be scared. I don't blame you, I can't. You mean the world to me and as much as I want to change the past I can't but I can change present.

Now here's yours...

I look over it again and again trying to figure out what the hell he was trying to say about a present, I turned around stopping in my tracks my grin making its way by itself.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I ran to hug her she met me halfway holding on to my back as tight as she could.

"I came to see you of course! How are you?"

"I'm more happy that you're here now! Tell me why are you here?! Actually I want to know everything about how you've been doing the last couple months." Lyric smiled chuckling running her hands through her hair what she did when she was nervous and overwhelmed, what was she hiding?

"Well, I'm back now and better too! I don't have nightmares anymore so that's a good thing and I also met someone back at that place." Of course she did! Lyric and I spent the rest of the morning in the bed talking about her time in recovery and more on the nurse that helped her get back to her true self. I started to take in notice on how much she'd changed in the past few months from her eyes gleaming with light to her brown curls becoming more straighten.

She came back a whole different person making me think back to the last time I saw her and the state she was in.
A few months ago...

Everything hurt my eyes wouldn't stay open and my body was so still each passing second a new wave of pain would emerge from anywhere. Beast told me he was going to get me out of here while Carmelo did his best to entertain me while I was stationed in the hospital.

I woke up one day completely alone but could feel someone watching over me like they wanted to say something to show they were here but for some reason they didn't.

I tried to sit up but was far to weak and just watched her as she murmured to herself which I couldn't understand from afar but could see she wasn't looking well.

"L-lyric?" My raspy voice must have frighten her a little seeing her jump at the sound of it and her eyes connecting with mine. She stood up walking towards my bed with a sad smile on her face looking down at my wound.

"No! I'm fine, don't even think otherwise." I tried to reassure her looking up at her tears that were about to fall out of her eyes.

"It's It's all my fault! I didn't know what else to do! I couldn't do anything or help you back there! So I-I tried to look for another way and all it did was put you in a hospital bed, it's all my fault!" She clasped her hands to her face muffling her sobs that didn't stop no matter how many times I told her it wasn't her fault.

"Lyric it's better than a coffin." I pulled her hands off her face connecting my eyes with her glistening ones. "I do not blame you! The only one to blame is that sick son of a bitch who is gone because of you. You saved me girl!" Her head bowed breathing more heavier.

"But in the process I killed my brother in cold blood."

"No that's not fair you didn't do that, Lyric he was going to kill us you know that. I wouldn't be here without your bravery."

"I know, but even if he wasn't my blood he still was the only person I trusted with my life and evidently he was the one that was going to take it too. The only person I gave all my time and love for, the one who used to hold me after a bad dream or stay up with me just to eat cereal. He was my brother and now he's dead."

Her sobbs escape again and I let her, she was filled with guilt and pain. She found out so much that day and didn't get any explanations towards all the questions she's been asking herself.

Azar was the only one that she thought knew her like no other sibling knew their own, she thought she had a brother who would always protect her, but in the end he's the one that killed her.

"Look at me Lyric." She stopped her crying meeting her eyes with mine shaking as she thought back on past events. "You are not to blame and you shouldn't blame yourself either, you've been through a lot and need some help to get better. Don't look at the nightmares or terrible thoughts as an escape, listen to me as I help you ... sis."

She took in a deep breath sliding onto the side of the bed next to me running her hands through her hair.

"Say what you have to say." I cock my head to the side holding her hand.

"Zira?" She spoke softly holding her head down making me anxious to wait. "Leave."


"You don't deserve this life, you shouldn't have to be forced and bond to this terrible hold. You told me when the opportunity presented itself that I should leave but I didn't, I couldn't but you can. This power and anger my brothers are pulled towards will only bring you down in the end, they don't care for anyone but control. Now i'm telling you before I go if you have the chance to leave and never return, do it! Please."

With that she walked out the room and left me alone with my thoughts and anything but pain I was feeling. She basically gave me permission to go about my life if I did than I would lose everything I have with Beast, everything that makes me loved and feel like i'm his one and only.

Because I am in the end, he's never going to let me go and if not death then I will be forced to stay here forever.


"And that's why I don't like sushi anymore!" I snap out of my head hearing her voice make its way back in existence.

"Oh yeah."

"Ok now what?!" She crossed her arms over her chest smirking.

"What? What are you talking about?!"

"What's going on with you and Beast now? What did he do?"

"Nothing, I don't care what he does it's his life. And there isn't no me and Beast."

"Rightttttt and there is no me in team or whatever, shut up and get over it!"

"Excuse me." I stood up glaring at her she had been gone for more than two months and now she comes back pro Beast. I get that it's her only brother now at heart but I hope she still remembers what he's done to me since arrival.

"I'm not justifying anything from the past he's done but after everything you guys been through since you got here-."

"Since I was taken from my own house please remember that I did not come here willingly and i have the fucking scars to prove it."

She'd rolled her eyes smiling making this seem like a joke, where in retrospect she's the one who told me to leave him in the first place.

"I'm not saying anything about how good or bad Beast is because we all know jezz everyone that hears his name knows not to mess with him." True he is the best conversation starter I always wanted to use to people.

"But your different and to him your his whole world. What happens between you two you'll see the good in it because even if you act all badass and crazy at times you are a softy at heart and the only good that will ever come in his life."

She was speaking the truth and as much as I hated him I knew I was the only one that could handle him. Know his words and what his actions meant all his torturous ways wrapped up in one.

"Now, since thats all out of the way we can get ready!"

"Ready for?" I shrugged lying down on the bed as she rushes towards the door opening it picking up a package with a bow on top.

"What the hell is that?!"

"Your dress!" She perked a smile opening it up revealing a white laced shirt with white shorts that connected to it.

"What is this?"

"Put it on and I'll show you."

Hesitantly I shoved the "dress" on and it went over each and every one of my curves swiftly not a size too big or small. I looked in the mirror smiling at the outfit I wasn't used to this kinda color on my body.

"I love it!" She squealed coming into the bathroom throwing knocking out the question dressed in a green short silky dress. I faced her in confusion and anger in the verge of what the hell we were doing.

"Lyric what's going on?"

"Um your hair is what's going on!" She fixes my hair and adds pins to keep the messy bun in place as I yank from her trying to put eye liner on my face.


"What I'm just trying to help but I like it! Ohhhh I like so much, you look so beautiful." She was right I didn't look recognizable with my hair up and the type of colors I was wearing.

She practically forced me out the door looking me over one last time and walking downstairs noticing no one was around. It was dark in this place and I get that it's his "dark place" but still I didn't like it.

"Wait here." For a second I thought I saw a shadow of a person around the stairs and Lyric was taking to long as she's been gone for 10 minutes now.

I walked in the dining room and the lights are off of course this was another one of Beasts trainings shit's that I wasn't planning on doing. The doors shut behind me and locked I heard someone make a movement and charged at them in a second.



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