My Beast

By Black_Queen_88

416K 7.4K 433

There is two kinds of people in life. Those who have feelings and those who gives no fucks about the meaning... More



4.7K 97 4
By Black_Queen_88

*THIS WHOLE CHAPTER IS A TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ * Read at viewers discretion*


"OPEN THE DOOR!!! OPEN THE DOOR NAZIRA!!! NOW! OPEN THE DOOR!" He was screaming pounding slamming his whole body against it. He was scaring me, but I knew he wouldn't hurt me. At least his beast self wouldn't.

"I AM NOT GOING TO OPEN THE DOOR UNTIL YOU CALM YOUR ASS DOWN! STOP!" I stood in front of it watching the hinges move from each pound he made in the door.

I passed it off as life, things that happen to the worse people. Revenge, justice, whatever others want to call it. It's a payback to what you did or what you are going to do, another way of telling you to shut the hell up and move on.

In another way to put it, what happened to me back there was meant to happen, weather it was from them or him.

It went silent for a few minutes the banging subsided as I walked up to feel the door to see if he's still there.

"Nazira." The husky aggressiveness in his voice will always make me fall at my knees. The authority in one single word made it echo through my brain constantly the possession making its way well cleared.

"Open the door, please baby."

"You know I can't."

I gasp as my hand was trembling feeling the door shake once again.



I watched as the doorknob turned furiously faster and faster then stopped.

"I'll be back." He whispered.

"Of course you will, you wouldn't leave me alone for a damn day."

It sounded harsh coming out but I meant it with my feelings towards him, I meant everything I ever said to him. It's been weeks since the incident happened and I feel nothing towards it.

I've moved on, with him. He hasn't and he won't until I tell with what went down and what I did to stop it from happening.

In the end all I'm going to do is disappoint him and that's not something I want to see in his eyes. I'm already to familiar it with my own what's another word to call "father" but jackass in the same meaning.

I slumped on the bed thinking of all my memories with that bastard, hugs, kisses, assaults. Father of the fucking year! He never seems to miss when it comes to me and my drive towards freedom, I guess it's every fucking man I meet.

How hard is it to have a life you want? Why is it so damn hard to escape the obstacles that were put out but you were never supposed to receive them.

My eyes flickered opened to the sound of small but hard grunts coming from around. I groaned trying to untangle myself from the soft covers. I looked at the time and saw that it was still dark out and around 3 in the morning, he's been gone all night.

"ONE MORE TIME!" I heard another grunt hit the door knowing who was already there.

"What the hell? I don't remember doing this!" I shook my head getting up.

"1." I wrapped my robe around my body leaning against the wall.

"2." Running my eyes and yanking it was way to early to deal with this buffalo.

3!" The door shot open and a huge buffalo was revealed to be down on the floor.

"Oh finally, damn! Hey beautiful, what you still doing up?" I shut the door walking up to him covering my nose at the smell of alcohol, a lot of fucking alcohol.

"Beast! What the hell did you do!" He smirked a drunken smile.

"I relaxed." I huffed helping him to the bed trying to take off his clothes feeling his soft hands trying to pull down mine.


"What I thought we were helping each other."

"The only thing your helping is yourself to a shower and bed, ok?" He stared at me like I was speaking another language then laid his ass down closing his eyes, no!

"Ah! Why beauty!" I empty my water bottle on him waking him up dragging his ass to the bathroom running the water to the tub.

I didn't leave this room once and the minute I lock myself up he gets to go out and get drunk like there's no care in the world to it. That should be me but no this possessive Beast wants me to stay trapped in one place not being able to live the life I was regretfully not given.

"Your so beautiful you know that,." His breath reeks.

"Yes baby, you tell me that everyday and do me a favor shhhhhh." I push my finger on his lips to keep it quiet so I can focus on the task plus breath fresh air. He starts to kiss it pulling my arm towards him leaving a trail of his wet lips on my skin pulling me down on the ground so I fall on top of him.

"Let's stay here for awhile." He whispers wrapping his arms around me.

"Beast you need a shower real bad and your making me want to gag, lets go."

"Mhmhm." I roll my eyes getting up taking off the rest of his clothes stopping at his boxers signaling at him. "Go ahead baby you can touch him it's not like you need my permission right?"

"Get in the fucking tub." He splashed water everywhere his large figure barely fitting I started to clean up the rest of the mess preparing a bucket and pain killers for him, but no! Not with this guy it's never easy.

"Beast! STOP NO!" He pulled my robe off and swung my body in the tub with him.

"Now I'm relaxed." I looked at him annoyed pushing myself to get out but feeling his clasped hands on both of my hips weighing me down tight. "Nu huh your not going anywhere beautiful."

"Fine." I only had my panties and bra on while he was butt naked in the tub smirking at my movements to try to get comfortable in this little ass tub. We were practically on top of each other I didn't hate it but he was having a drunken ball with it.

He straightened his legs so they hung out the side of the tub turning me around so I would straddle his lap, my chest touching his wet one. We were so close yet so far away from one another, he was here and I was somewhere else but he's pulling me back.

"Are you gonna tell me now." I looked at him shocked seeing his drunken smile erase from his face being replaced by only his emotionless one.

"You really want to know?" I didn't look at him keeping my head down avoiding his dark chestnut eye glaze.

"You already know the answer to that so stop stalling and tell me beauty. Please?" He lifted my chin so I could see his eyes, they weren't dark. They were glistening in water, he already knows what happened as much as he wants to hear it from me he didn't want to put me through that pain again.

But it's something he needs and that's why I'm here, to provide it.

"Remember back at that cabin were I told you what-t-?"

"I remember, why?" He was speaking so softly not being the man I meant almost a year ago.

" Remember when I woke back up and you taught me how to maintain a type of control in certain situations, well I did it. I maintain it! I did it pretty well and as much as I don't remember I know I don't want to." My voice started to crack my mind was sending me signals to stop because that's what I told it to do. That's what that whole focus was all about getting around the torture and pain, seeing through a different side to survive.

"Beauty I'm so sorry-." I felt his hands grasp my bra and I immediately shot up and got out the tub grabbing a towel and getting out the bathroom.

"Don't! Don't do that! If you do that I'll remember, I'll remember everything and I don't want to! Ok!" I don't know why I was acting this way but I know my body better than anyone it's telling to stop and relax, don't dive in deeper because he told you to!

He might have claimed me but he didn't claim my body or my soul, that's mine. He can manipulate everything but he'll never take it.

He stood there a towel wrapped around his lower half water droplets rolling down his rock hard chest with steam peeling off from each side. He took a hard glance at me than annoyed my reaction turning to the closet throwing me out a pair of panties and a night gown.

I couldn't read him and it's crazy because I love him I do! But I can't explain what I don't remember.

"I'm sorry." I felt his body dip in on the other side of the bed making room between us making it clear he didn't want to touch on the subject. "I just don't remember Beast and if I did of course of course I would tell you but I don't I'm sorry. As much as it might make you mad think about how I must feel."

"Your right." He turned over looking at me. "I know you'd tell me if you remembered." His eyes changed into a dark black again the way he gets when he kills and is ready to harm someone in some horrific way.

He grabbed my hand pinning them down keeping my legs at bay with just a slam to them making me whimper in pain. He used the advantage to climb on top of me sliding both my hands into one forcing his tongue down my throat and a slap to my face. "REMEMBER NOW!"

"WHAT-T ARE YOU DOING!" Tears weren't even in my mind they were already flowing out my eyes.

"How about this,? Do you remember this?!" He started to pull down my panties as I kicked screamed yelled for anyone to help me! They wouldn't because they wanted a chance of the action! They wouldn't because they wanted a turn,


"No! STOP! DONT DO THIS PLEASE PLEASE!! LET ME GO LET ME GO!!! BEAST! LET ME GO NOW!" He opened a draw and wrapped my hands in rope against the headboard and kept my leg at bay with his strength. He pushed my legs opened and played with my folds, twisting and turning his finger like he was amazed.

"You like that, don't you? Huh babygirl?" I kept shaking my head biting my lip at the pain that emerged feeling his fingers dive in deeper hitting my core. I couldn't keep my eyes open I didn't want to.

"COME ON!! Your gonna cum on my fingers ohhh baby look how wet you are! I'm going to dive in deeper in this pussy and suck all your juices up." He pulled his hand out pushing them in my mouth as I tried to avoid the taste of myself.

"What? What the hell do you want beast! Why are doing this to me! Stop! Stop ok! Stop damn it!" He went faster and faster my legs quickening it's pace in shaking feeling the overwhelming feeling to release and let go to not hold back against his words.

"STOP NO NO NOOOOOO!!!" I came, my head hitting the backboard in exhaustion my legs in pain and tired but finally free. He looked at me with tears in his eyes, his eyes eased realizing what he did and how I looked. My breathing didn't slow as I kept down in fear of what I would see.

"Beauty? "He whispered watching my head rise sitting up pushing away from his hands.

"That's not it, that's not what happened. At least not in that way, kind of the opposite." He looked at me with soft eyes the darkness orbs fading away leaving his brown chestnut again.

"One day, over there I was too tired to focus anymore so I reconnected with my body and he was right there to watch. They had me hooked up to a machine so they could watch as my heart level went back to normal-l."

"Beauty?" He held out his hand for me and I didn't take it, I won't.

"H-he tied my hands up and laid my body on a slab and lowered me so they could-d .... Azar was first of course and I felt every inch and pain. I wanted to die right then and there I yelled for help! And they laughed and smiled holding me down. I tried I tried to focus to go back to disconnect myself from this exact pain I'm feeling right now!!! Because of you!"

"I know." That's all he could say. That's all I didn't want to hear, anything but that.

"You know?! Beast you don't know! There were 5 of them waiting their turn to cum on the fucking slut who dressed like a whore and walked around like she owned the place. They wanted a chance at the action of having the full course meal of the biggest bitch they've met. Do you want to know what it felt like?." Beast looked up at me quickly dodging away the question I knew he wanted to ask. I kicked him in his face seeing that same eye color come back.



"ASK YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOO, YOU WANT TO KNOW IF THEY ALL GOT THEIR TURN!!! IF I GOT OFF ON THAT TYPE OF PAIN LIKE YOU DID TO ME!!! NOTHING YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW!" He's breathing started to become more erratic than usual clenching the sheets and his chest rising too quickly in normal.


"Don't say it."

"Say what?" I coyed a sad smile.

I was frightened and held on to the rope closing my legs backing away from him feeling his nails dig into my skin.

"Beast?! Look at me!" My face was wet with tears my lower half and core burned in pain from memory to reality. My mind was broken in more ways than I have ever imagined. I am underneath a monster, a killer, someone who wishes to harm every piece of my body and I can't help but feel bad. He looked up with tears almost telling he was sorry but that's shit, he's not sorry he's angry, he's wants more than a description of what happened.

He wants blood and trust me he always gets what he wants.

"I was raped." He sighed softly eyes rolling down to my body across my chest all the way down to my hips back to my broken core. "It wasn't your fault and it wasn't mine."

"Then? Who's?" He huffed backing up gasping for air watching as his clenched knuckles turn to white. His veins popping out and his shoulders start to tense when he's starting to spiral.

"5 people. Azar and his guards, they did this and as much as you want to scream and rip everything and everyone apart you can't! What's done is done-e and-d you can't can't!" I broke down crying not being able to move was beyond hurting, Beast saw me struggling untying the rope and bringing me into his arms for comfort which I fought.

"No! No don't touch me!"

"I'm sorry it's all my fault baby I'm so so sorry! I'm never letting you go, beauty I'm here." He rocked me back and forth until I got tired of fighting and just fell asleep in his arms. His arms, the one that wronged me from the start and who I will always end up forgiving in the end.

That's just it it's always the one your fighting or running from that you just let go for. He's the only one I will let go for and that is both comforting and scary.


I smelled blood

I tasted it

I felt it boiling in my body as I heard those words escape from her small mouth. I wanted to make each one of those guys pay but not my way.


Nazira Asia Donatello's, her way is the best way.

Azar might be gone and it might be too late to get back what I wanted but it's not for her. She doesn't deserve this life, she doesn't deserve any of this. I certainly don't deserve her but I got her and I plan on keeping her.

Nothing taking that away, not even her.

Her dried out stained tears on her face makes my heart clench in pain to see her like that because of me. I need to do something about it, I need to get a better way to love her so she knows just how much I would do for her.

I rolled her on her side so she'll be laying across my chest. All the lies I told will be worth it in the end because she's the person I plan to spend my end with.

She is the only one that matters, her life.

"I love you Nazira. I promise even if you hate me after this I will do my best to show you how much I love you and nothing will limit that, not people, not things, not even you."

I kissed her on her head smoothing her black raven hair to the side pulling the covers up over us holding on to this girl like it's my last breath. She'll certainly be my last that's a promise I plan to keep.


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