My Beast

By Black_Queen_88

415K 7.4K 433

There is two kinds of people in life. Those who have feelings and those who gives no fucks about the meaning... More



4.6K 110 3
By Black_Queen_88


"FIND HER!" I opened my eyes to screams and shouts hearing booming echoing footsteps make their way rapidly downstairs moving faster than normal.

My eyes were opened and closed I was too weak to keep them at bay so I let them do their own thing.

I wonder who will find my body first, Beast or Azar? Lyric or Azar, Guard or Azar?

It's looking close to the bad guy now, my heart is racing right now. I can't feel my legs whether that's a good thing in the situation or a bad thing I don't know what to do.

Well this is what happens when you get captured by a sadistic monster and then find out he had more sadistic monster genetics.

I never eaten cereal before, I saw it as a commercial at a bar once in Italy back home in hell, well this is hell I guess. Is it?

My dads back there

My ex is back there

My stupid slutty ex best friend is back there

But my dogs! Damn I want to go back now.

Ok when am I going to die! This is taking too long now, I'm ready. I finally felt like a weight was being lifted off my chest and I could breathe normally. I felt like a feather floating around in the sky at its own pace waiting to hog the ground floor.

I'm floating and flying and felling great.

"Open your eyes beauty." I opened my eyes looking up at the same sex god I placed my eyes on that night. He was dressed in a killer combat color, black of course.

He had the same smell to him and that's fucking smirk rose from the dead again. I don't cry often but in that moment all I wanted to do was let it rip. He looked me in my eyes holding out his hand for me to grab onto but I couldn't I was too weak.

"Beast? Help me?!"

"I'm here beauty I'm not going anywhere else, you are all that matters." He pulled me into his lap so my head lied between as he stroke my tangled uncombed hair. I could hear him whispering softly but didn't get any understanding to it.

I was shivering....
I'm dying and he was there.

"Your gonna stay with me, right?"

"Of course just because you're going, you think I'm going to leave you by yourself?" I looked up at him with tears in my eyes shaking uncontrollably confused.


"Yes beauty, I told you from the beginning that you are mine. Your the only person I could ever see myself with forever. So imagine me coming through that door right there, looking at the beautiful body I once loved to see a lifeless one in a pool of blood."

I felt him fade away staring at the door waiting for those echoing footsteps to come back! When I couldn't do it anymore I closed my eyes holding on to the little bit of strength I've been saving, hearing the gasp and the painful screams of his.

I opened my eyes faster watching him spring to action at the sight of life. Men filled the room horror plastered to their faces trying to comprehend what to do to not get shot but help.

"GET OUT!" They stayed back out the doorway looking in at my injuries bowing their heads.

"Oh baby! It's ok! It's ok beauty your gonna be fine!" He was speaking so fast pulling my bleeding body towards his warm one. He was so warm and tense his shoulders rose up and he wasn't focused. Ha! He wasn't focused!!!!


"I'm here beauty your gonna be ok! I promise." He picked me up but I started to dose off so he placed me in his arms holding g me back in the floor yelling no screaming at the guards to get the doctor.

No doctor can heal the dead.

"Your gonna be ok! Your gonna be ok!" He repeated each and every second that passed, each one that passed more blood was lost, a cell died, my body got colder.

"Stop." I whispered softly.

"What! No! I won't stop Nazira!!! I WILL NEVER STOP!!!"

"It's ok?! I'm ok."

"No." I lifted my hand whimpering at the slight pain it caused but it was worth it to touch his face one last time. It was worth to feel that soft smooth caramel skin I love. His chiseled cheeks popping out when he smiled or smirked, oh shit I'm going to miss that smirk.

"You will be fine beasty, you were fine without me before and you'll be fine again."

"I won't because you'll be by my side every step of the way, annoying me, talking back, using that smartass mouth!" His voice cracked seeing the monster break down was a once in a lifetime experience. I'm the only fortunate one to watch it unravel.

"Baby, beasty I'm ready. I'm ok to go but you have to accept it too before I do."

"You know I will never, each time you close your eyes I swear I will bring you back."

"No!-o don't just let me go! I'm tired and in pain and I can't do anything about it."

"Nazira I'm here and as long as I'm here I will always protect you! I won't do it because I love you, I will do it because I need you! I need you! I can lose everything in my life but not you, it can't be you!"

He needs me?


"No listen to me when I say that you have changed my life baby. You walked in my life and gave me something to fight for, you gave me hope and love! I have never felt that way before and as cliché as it sounds you are my ride or die."

"Beast don't do this, don't make it harder."

He looked out the doorway for a second than back at me pulling me closer within his arms and holding me with one while the other went for his pocket.

"WHAT! What the hell are you doing!"

"If you go I'll go. I told that." He had a gun pressed to his temple and finger on the trigger ready to pull.

"Beast please please don't do this! Don't end this like that! You! Just stop!" He kissed my forehead hearing my sobs echo in the room holding me tighter than ever. "Please! Beasty please!"

I couldn't get to the gun I was too weak, he was strong than I was and he will do it.

"I'll see you on the other side. Mi devi una vita." He smirked and I screamed hearing the blast come from the other side and his blood going limped.

(You owe me a life)

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Correction he did do it.

I opened my eyes again breathing erratically feeling overwhelmed and hugged by someone strong. He looked at me with a smirk proving his point....


"I told you I couldn't live without you, but can you really die without me. Listen to your mind focus on what you know to survive." He was gone again and the footsteps came back finally matching the sound of a boot to the person.

"Get up!"

"I can't." I rolled my eyes he huffed pulling at my arms and dragging me by my chains up the stairs. My body was used and soul was tainted but my mind kept its track. I held on to that Mi devi una vita, he's telling me something my subconscious is Beast it's always Beast been him now.

"You know how much trouble you caused me! How many men you killed and ruined my plans with my little stupid bratty sister!" He sneered

"Lyric?" I whispered to myself hoping she was ok.

"Yeah don't worry I'm going to find her her ass couldn't gotten far!" I smiled and he pushed me to the ground in anger.


"I rather be the most dead one if it has anything to do with you!" He scoffed and kicked me in my stomach multiple times before stopping to take a over look at me. He looked down at me like he was in power he was the Phoenix that rose from the ashes, he had all the fire inside.

A flame that enlightened inside long ago.....

I coughed a couple of times trying to catch my breath as he laughed. "Damn I thought after the way I saw Beast train you you were gonna be an unstoppable weapon but now look at you, your just a weak mafia princess. Not even royalty anymore, huh?"

"Yup you would know?"

"What fuck did you just say!" His eyes turned red as his skin followed along.

"Your not royalty either."

"I'm more royalty than you!"

"That might be but, what about Beast."

"What ABOUT HIM!" He was growing more and more just by the mention of his name.

"He started this, this whole place when he was just a teen after that accident involving your parents he was taken under a wing in royalty while you stayed back in the shallow waters with your sister." He wanted to know more, so why not give him it.

"You stayed back like the good boy you were taking care of Lyric like she was your own! But it wasn't your job you wanted more, you wanted power the control Beast had just by walking in a room. That's all there was to it." He looked down at me and started laughing hysterically head going all the way back. I took that chance and started to crawl away it was the best effective plan but it was something.

He wasn't paying attention seeing I had made it close to the end of the hall near a window. He walked up to me seeing as I wasn't that far and far to weak to keep going.

"You! I have to admit are very smart at times, but even smart people have their moments. You want to know a secret?" He gripped my throat standing me up against his chest ready to slip a very large blade into my skin.

"Well, it was supposed to be me! I was supposed to have the life Beast had, no! Not fucking Beast Adrain took everything from me from the moment your mother laid eyes on him, he was sold."

"That's not his fault!" He pressed the knife up closer to my throat a way to shut me up.

"Your right it's your mothers! I was so glad to hear about her death."

"You were like 11 at the time, god your a psychopath!"

"A psychopath that's gonna have everything he deserves." I rolled my eyes.

"What do I even have to do with this?" He huffed and started to kiss my neck biting into my skin making it crawl in STDs probably. I grunted back trying to push with little strength that came.

"I was there that night, I watched from the audience of you making a fool of yourself in the attire you wore and than your ex coming to save you. Following you out there but was cut off by Mr. not so scary! I was going to be there to ask for your hand and it was accepted by your father as well."

No words could leave my throat while hearing all those but everything changed after closing my eyes and opening them again at the sound of a gun clocking.

"Well, speak of the devil."

He was in the same outfit I dreamed about but his eyes weren't the same he wasn't angry he was beyond that. They were black like an never ending dark hole with no light. He was gone he wasn't even here, he went full Beast! The roar of his aura screamed in death and the lock of his eyes in Azar made everything so much realer it had me smiling.

"Drop it, or I'll drop her!" Azar smirked watching Beast start to lower his weapon.

"No. Azar don't do it."

"LOWER YOUR FUCKING GUN!!!" He screamed pressing the knife closer to my neck cutting the first layer of skin.

"I'm not here to fight, talk to me." That's new.

"I hate you, I knew I couldn't kill you so the next best thing is the bitch!" I watched as Beast tensed ready to do something stupid just for the sake at a name.

"He lived in your shadow his entire life and you couldn't have the decency to give him the chance at the spotlight."

"What the hell are you talking about Nazira?"

"You ruled everything, everywhere you went you were feared but Azar was mistaken to be the good son the mothers good boy but fuck that he didn't want that! He wanted to be the favorite, he wanted to make his father proud!"

"AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY!" Azar added pushing the knife closer as Beast tried to get closer.

"I did it to protect you, you and Lyric."

"That's bullshit! You couldn't leave it for just a second you had to have control and power and everything handed to you! I hated you just as much as I hated Lyric! That bitch stole my life from me as well she made me look like a weak pussy watching her! She's not even our fucking blood!"

"AZAR!" My eyes widen trying to register this information with a blade very close about to spilt my neck in half. The faint cry made him turn around but quickly back knowing Beast would take the shot if he had a view, he groaned pushing us up against the wall with a bullet in his shoulder. He switched hands showing Beast he still had the failing control while facing both people.

"What did you say?"

"Bitch you heard me, you're not our sister! Your a hoes daughter, yeah! Our parents bought you when your parents didn't want you anymore! Sadly I don't know why they did it, it was a waste of money!" He smirked at her reaction she had her hands in back of her and head down in defeat. She wanted to cry I could see her bottom lip trembling as her eyes connected with mine when Azar turned to yell at Beast more. She moved her head to the right signaling something I couldn't understand. Showing me empathy!

"Enough of this talk!!! If I die then I'm taking her right with me!" He laughed.

"Your not gonna make it out of here alive Azar, I didn't give you the chance because your nothing but a coward. You are nothing like our father, he was actually more embarrassed to have you as his son. Let me tell you this, your brother Adrian never had any hope for you and he was the good side of me. Now looking at you I see everything much clearer, you are a disgrace to life and to the dark place and I can't wait to put a bullet in your brain."

He wasn't thinking at that moment he wasn't himself he was a force that will never be touched again. Azar tensed at his words and I heard his whimpers in shock as he clutched the knife harder and turned to Lyric.

The only one who he had felt a connection to... even if it was fake.

Lyric had tears going down her cheeks holding up a gun pointing right at me.

"Oh please don't hurt yourself now, your a waste of money remember."

"You said all those times that you loved me. You'll always be the hero in my dreams, protect me if any monster was to make their way in. You love me right, please?! Even if I'm not your real sister you're my brother?!" He looked at her with so much heart taking her words in staring back at her looking for the answers he already knew.

"Yes, I did say that but I did also thought about raping you when you were little. You weren't related to me by any means and you sure was close enough to try something, but I never did. I guess that answers your question!" He smirked hearing her cries get louder. "To end this shit, I hated you the moment I laid eyes on you! I never loved or even liked you so put the gun down don't die looking weak."

She trembled in heartbreak dropping the gun and crying.

"Your right Azar, I couldn't shoot you even if I tried." She whispered as he started to turn. "But that doesn't mean when you show your truest form in the light a shadow won't drag you back!" She dropped to her knees bursting out in tears as a shot rang out echoing and pain emerging in all directions.

"NO!" Footsteps stomping again breathing becomes erratic and everything turns to a worse form of chaos.

It's black it's finally black and I feel completely free. I did it no they did it, I'm safe I'm ok .... I'm gone.


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