My Beast

By Black_Queen_88

416K 7.4K 433

There is two kinds of people in life. Those who have feelings and those who gives no fucks about the meaning... More



4.7K 107 4
By Black_Queen_88


We stood still no space between us the silence was killing me waiting in this dark moonlit room with no air, all of it being sucked out by the rising tension we both felt.

I could see he was waiting for me to speak first but this whole thing wasn't about me, it was him he's the main focus and it's not getting through his thick head.

"Beast I have to tell you something." I whispered softly moving the atmosphere to another level of emotion.

"Speak beauty."

"Um? Where to start?" I said that out loud looking at any reaction his face could give me but it was blank and stoned to emotionless, he's mastered that!

"Have a seat." He pulled from my arms standing a few feet back waiting for me to sit.

"When I had that dream beauty I felt like I was dying as well, the air in my lungs was full of fire burning everything I held inside to ash. I held you inside and you were just gone like that."

"Beast you know I would have never-!"

"I know, but that doesn't mean you haven't thought about it before." I looked down to my arms covering the hidden secrets I knew he knew about already.

"Don't worry baby I won't push you." He held my chin up to face his face tracing my bottom lip with his thumb.

"You felt like you were dying as well." He cleared his throat backing up again starting were he left off.

"Yeah, it was terrible. I wanted to help you and catch you at the same time but you were too far, and I couldn't reach you in time. Looking down at you with your blood plastered on the ground made me want to kill the person who made you do this."

"But didn't you-?"

"Yes beauty, I wanted to kill myself because of what happened."

I sat up seeing he was turned around and fully down about this nightmare he had. I wrapped my hands around him rubbing my fingers up and down his smooth muscled chest. He grunted feeling my hands at first then let go of his alter ego.

"Look you feel this." I dragged my nails into his skin hearing him huffing. "That's me! I'm here, I'm standing right here holding you in my arms. I'm not going anywhere Beast it's me and you, right?"

He yanked me forward so he could catch me in his arms turning me back around so I wasn't facing him but was still tight in his grasp.

"What are you doing?"

"Shhhh, try to relax."

I hissed at the cold metal being placed in my neck looking down in full satisfaction at the results of the necklace. I turned back towards him and locked my arms around his thick neck staring into those dark brown orbs.



"That day when Carmelo found us you arrived am hour later after my car. Coming back was like 40 minutes I had a lot of time to kill so I made use of it." He smirked looking at my eyes waiting for the rest to unravel.

"You had me go in a different car rather than with you and Carmelo, I thought it was for my safety but it wasn't. You went back to crash site ..."

"Did I?" I bit my lip holding on the urge to scream in his face.

"Yes you did, why?!" I held my tongue trying to keep my emotions in check it wasn't a big deal for anyone but to myself it was everything.

"Because my beautiful girl needed it and seeing her face sit in sadness isn't something I wanted to see, she needs to be happy and even if something was to happen to me I wouldn't care because I won't stop trying to make you happy."

"That was stupid my necklace isn't worth all that." I smirked.

"Well I guess I'm stupid then and baby trust it's not about the necklace." He winked an eye at me looking down at the stunning piece of metal he worked so hard to make appear.

"Thank you." I said looking for anything appealing other than those gorgeous attractive eyes of his! Damn it I looked.

Silence crept up on us again not knowing what else to address but, the elephant in the room that he had no idea would crush everything he'd ever worked for. I was in his arms in the dark and felt the safest I ever felt before in my life. Breaking this up will never bring me back to the spot that I claimed, was I really ready for that?!

"Beast I can tell you anything right?" He looked down at my eyes trying to see what I was hiding looking at my facial expression alter and move.

"What is it?" His rough voice crawled back in his throat already knowing the news wasn't going to be good. He let me go standing right in front of me leaving so much space than before.

"SAY IT!." His teeth clenched as my heart did the same skipping a beat at his aggressiveness.

"Um? How well do you trust your guar-." Before the word even left my word my head slammed against a wall eyes practically knocked out of my fucking sockets. His hand tighten and gripped around my slim throat pulling the skin with his nails. I held my head high concentrating on his eyes that were bright orange.

"IM GOING TO ASK YOU ONE QUESTION AND YOU ARE GOING TO ANSWER WITH A YES OR NO! IF YOU UNDERSTAND THAT NOD!" He screamed and I nodded softly struggling to move and catch gulps of air. "DID ANY OF THEM TOUCH YOU?!"

I shudder at his voice and shook my head no hearing a slam echo right next to me.

"VERBALLY!" He looked down at me loosening his grip so I was able to speak.

"N-no!" I fell to my knees clutching my throat sucking in all the air he ripped out from my lungs. He stepped back and murmured something under his breath I sweared he said something along the lines, "control him!" I rolled my eyes standing up finally catching my breath.


"Check your tone." He clenched his fist.

"NO! I'm not gonna check my fucking tone because guess what I know how to control my anger unlike some people and right now I'm releasing this shit on you!" He stormed over to me pushing me to the wall again but softer this time holding my hands over my head caressing my sensitive side on my neck with his nose.

"Your right!" He said. "I jumped to conclusions and I'm sorry about that, but I'm not letting no one touch what's mine. Your mine! The thought of another persons hands on you makes me more angrier than I ever felt. I can't stand the thought of someone using you or hurting you like -.?"

"Like you." I finished the sentence watching his eyes travel to mine.

"Yeah like me."

He hurt me in the past and still in the present but I don't care about that right now, my mind is towards the future and killing my father is that future I just shiver and clench at the thought of me and ...

"Beauty you make me smile just by smelling your perfume or conditioner and I can't imagine not having you in my arms." He placed kisses on my neck leaving hickeys and bruises that I know will make me scream later. "I always knew it was you since the moment I laid eyes on you, your body turns me on more than anyone I have ever encountered."

The arousal was clear feeling his bulge poke at my pussy lips that was about to open wetter that a wetland, I couldn't contain my moans he bit in deeper in my neck causing water to cry out and push in deeper. He pushed his erection deeper in my pants as if I couldn't feel it from where I stood.

He switched my position turning me around so I was ached and my hands were glued to the grip of his. His erection in my ass felt bigger making me gasp at the size.

He forced his hands in front of my pants drawing little circles around my panties than ending at my clit making me throw my head back hearing his heavy breaths in my ear.

"You want this don't you?! You want me to fuck that drenched pussy." I couldn't answer him all I could do was cry out in want and pleasure, he was teasing me and he knew it.

"Please Beast, don't-."

"So sensitive beauty, you want me to stop."

I whimper feeling him start to move aside my panties cupping my pussy with his large hand and pushing his middle finger in between my lips pushing deeper while rubbing my clit.

"Oh fuck! Those sounds your making is bringing out a side in me I haven't felt in a long time, your so fucking sexy Nazira! Oh and this body of yours it's so gorgeous and perfect!" I yelped as he slapped my ass. "Your perfect the only one who gets me, the only one that's on my mind in the morning and when I fall asleep at night. You give me more strength to fight when I feel like I'm losing, you are the light in my dark life and after everything that I've been through I know it's true when I say, ... I love you beauty." I threw my head back feeling my g- spot being played with cuming on his fingers feeling his kisses in my ear.

He loves me!

"Baby did you hear me?" He landed more and more kisses going up and down my neck.

"A guard for the mall."

"What?" He stopped working pushing slightly backwards.

"Me and Lyric wanted to go shopping tomorrow and we need a guard to go with us." I spoke keeping my head on the wall not looking back.

I heard him stomp back huffing grabbing a shirt and looking at me with no emotion like he was trained to do.

"I will have two guards escort you to the mall tomorrow afternoon and you can use my credit card I will leave it before I go to the office. If that's all go back to your room, I'll be in my office the rest of the night."

He looked so broken his eyes weren't red or orange or even brown they were black and hurt in pain, and I was the stupid one to put him there.

"Beast I-."

"No! Don't you dare. Get out and enjoy the rest of your fucking night." He slammed the door closed leaving me feeling like the worlds biggest bitch. Before me he never even smiled or laughed and now I-I don't even know if he'll do it again. The Beast that's him it lives in him that's who he is and knowing I didn't try to change him but put him in a position to fall for me. I can't say the same ....

The next day came me and Lyric headed to the mall taken by two new guards that weren't presented back at the estate. I guess Beast took caution in my words, as we were shopping I couldn't get my mind on track.

His face echoed through it the whole time there it was like a haunting memory of pain.

"Yo!" Lyric nudged me. "Are you ok? I've been calling you for about 10 minutes now!"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Cut the shit!" I really have to stop swearing around people. "What's wrong? Wait is it my brother fault, I swear he's always doing something that pisses everyone off."

"No! It's my fault he's not to blame." I looked away trying to erase his face from my mind replacing it with anything I could take hold on.

"What happened." She asked.

"The truth." I murmured and felt a slap on my face. "WHAT THE FUCK!"

"I'm sorry but your over here looking in the abyss like there is going to be a miracle that will appear right at your feet. What the hell happened, he let us go right? That was the whole plan."

Yeah but the plan doesn't always work out the way you want and in this case it just adds more factors to it. More painfully ones at least...

She huffed when I didn't answers her rolling her eyes, "fine don't tell me but I know you and my brother are connected in some way, even though he's an asshole and beyond scary at times I don't think he'll ever let anything bad happen to you. Your lucky!"

She walked ahead of me leaving me with my poisoned thoughts, I'm lucky apparently. So fucking lucky I couldn't say anything back when I know it was so hard for him to speak the truth he's been hiding from me.

"Where the fuck are the guards to take us home, I'm going to show Sienna my new clothes!."

"Sienna?" I questioned.

"Yeah she's one of the head maids there she helps with my clothing choices and is like a good friend of mine, she's been there since we've moved in." Lyric moved to press the elevator button to get to the ground floor.

"Why today Lyric?" I asked curiously. "Of all days why today to go to the mall."

"Well there was a sale I heard about!"


"Sienna. She said I should update my closet with new better stuff which weird because I'm not allow to go anywhere."

I waited for the elevator to ring but I knew it wasn't going to happen, this wasn't going to happen until it did ... it ringed.

"Come on the guards should be waiting downstairs for us."

Or not.

As the elevator descends downstairs I kept my eyes on the red countdown of the floors we were passing. 10.

"Lyric somethings wrong and I need you to know that we are going to get out of this alive."




"What-t are you talking about?! Why are you pulling up your bra- oh my god why do you have a fucking knife in there!"


"Look at me!" I screamed holding her by her shoulders tightly. "If you have the chance to escape you take it! Do you understand! You do not look back if the opportunity was presented you run like the fucking wind! Ok!"


She wasn't prepared for this and what was happening and in a way I wasn't either but I didn't think when the elevator started to slow down, I stared at those close doors waiting for my opponent and they were waiting for me.


I handed Lyric another knife and she was terrified it sucked how I couldn't help her with this because I was ready to help us both.


Lyric gasped seeing two guards in black throats slit open lying on the floor. I stepped out looking around seeing the end of the parking lot empty then heard a scream.


A man in white held her with a knife to her throat she was screaming for help and pushed back at him started stabbing him with the knife I gave her.

I was pushed to the wall by another and held there knocking the wind out of me I regain my breath and kicked him forward punching him in the face and twisting my hips so I would swing low and hit him in a spot that would bring him down. He screamed in pain as I gripped the edge of my knife and slit his throat.

"AH!" Lyric watched in horror dropping her knife. "What the hell!"

"Behind you!" Before she had time to react they injected her with a needle walking over to me quicker dropping Lyric to the ground.


I jabbed one that was about to body slam me down and twisted the other ones wrist taking my knife and forcing it to stay in between one of the others gut seeing his blood start to pour out of his mouth. I grabbed another that tackled me to the floor keeping him within my thighs squeezing the life out of him yelling at the scratches he was making and broke his neck. I had 4 guys down on the ground in the matter of 5 minutes.

I went back over to Lyric picking her up holding her body upwards noticing none of these men had guns on them.

Oh shit, I felt a pinch in my neck and went down crawling away from this delusional experience I was having with my eyesight starting to black out.

"Hahahahah! Not so tough now huh?!"

"F-fuck y-ou!." I kicked him with the little strength I had left and he fell on his ass standing back up with fury in his eyes ready to do something to me.

"You bitch!" He picked up his gun pointing it towards my leg.

He was there the man I saw from yesterday his head down blurry and leaning on a wall he stared back at me shaking his head and shot the guy. I flinched at the sight and waited for him his next steps but he was down as well.

He's down! My vision was starting to fade watching him breath rapidly trying to move towards me but all that moved was another bullet through his chest. They shot him again and left him there!

Me and Lyric was thrown in a back of a van leaving behind everything. My mind was burning and my eyes wanted to close but I fought, my throat hardening feeling the vaccination makes its final push throughout my systems.

One thing that didn't change was the fact that Beast was on my mind and I know he's going to rip apart who did this. I will smile watching him, now when he said he loved me, I can finally say it back knowing it's true.

"I love you too." My eyes shut and dark took over.


I'm sorry I'm tired and updates are slow sorrrryyyy....


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