Kindergarten 2 x Reader (High...

By wolliw7

58.6K 1.6K 1.3K

This was a requirement. This is about you, and your love liiiiiiiife. Basically it's my version of how Kinder... More

First Day Fracas
Is Carla The Devil? (We'll Never Know)
Penny, The Smol Bean (With Maybe Laser Eyes)
Felix and Ted, The Wonder Twins (Plus Some Other People)
Recess, And The Terrors That Go With It! (Plus a doggo)
To The Huxley Cave!
A Mini Text Story (Monty and Carla)
The Return Of Waffle
Wait a second.....
I'm Just KIDding (Haha, I'm Hilarious)
1000 READS!!!!!
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The Texts Between (Y/N) And Kid
The Saving The School And Maybe World Chat Group
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We Are, How You Say, Friends?
Choice A) (Cindy Ending)
Choice B) (Continue The Story)
Castle Von Emma and Kid
Doc Mcstuffins Is A Liar, And A Criminal, Running From The Law
Saved By Business Man Satan
Oh Dear
Murder Accusations And Friends!
The Huxley Twins
Truth Or Dare? pt 1.
HOWWWW? 2000 READS?!!?!?!?!
Choice B) Truth or Dare pt 2. (Ozzy Ending)
Choice A) Truth or Dare pt 2 (Continue The Story)
The Plot Thickens!
Penny, Evil Mode Activated!
Fan Art! (Next Chapter In Progress)
Big, Incomprehensible Science Words
The Laser Pointer Of Penny Saving-ness
Cain's Not Able Pt 1. (Long Chapter Ahead)
Choice A) (Monty Ending)
Choice B) (Continue The Story) Cain's Not Able pt 2.
The King Of T-Poses.....And Then There's The Janitor
Stay Alive
Choice A) (Ted Ending)
Choice B) (Continue The Story)
Don't You Dare Die On Me
Choice A) (Lily Ending)
Choice B) (Continue The Story)
Choice A) (Nugget Ending)
Choice B) (Continue The Story)
Golden Boy Returns!
Follow The Not So White Rabbit
Choice A) (Felix Ending)
Choice B) (Continue The Story)
Liar Liar
Choice A) (Carla Ending)
Choice B) (Smokey Ending)
10k Reads!!!
Choice C) (Continue The Story)
Sleep (Or Lack Thereof)
If You Ever Need To Talk
All The Time In The World
Choice A) (Penny Ending)
Choice B) (Buggs Ending)
Choice C (Continue The Story)
Fate A) (Billy Ending)
A/N (Where I've Been, And Updates!)
Fate B) (Stevie Ending)
Fate C) (Jerome Ending)
Fate D) (Continue The Story)
The Bravest Coward
The End
Choice A) (Kid Ending)
Choice B
Hey Guys, It's Been a Minute
Good News..?


505 16 38
By wolliw7

(Hey guys! So, once again we will be starting from Felix's POV, just to continue that whole drama, but it will go back to your POV after that. Also, WARNING: Gore. I mean, I feel like that makes sense considering this is the final mission

Edit: A while ago somebody pointed out to me that I spelled vamonos wrong. It did take me a while to get around to fixing that, but I did get to it)

Felix's POV

He didn't know what he was supposed to do. 

Loyalty to his family meant holding (Y/N)'s mother hostage, but loyalty to (Y/N) meant confessing what he'd done, and revealing what his father had done.

And Theodore was gone.

He couldn't help thinking about all the moments he'd hurt him, leading up to the final betrayal. 

Theodore betrayed me first.

He thought angrily. What Theodore had done was unforgivable. He wasn't cut out for business. He wasn't cut out to co-run Applesoft. He had to die. Felix had done the right thing.

And, well, even if he hadn't, it was too late now. Ted was long since dead. And he couldn't fix what he'd done.

Before, he hadn't been worried. It was business. One death could be forgotten under the terms of success. The ends justified the means......

That's what he'd thought. But now, scanning his younger, less impressive, less popular brother's room, he wanted to cry.

He'd killed someone.

He was 14! 

And it wasn't just anybody he'd killed.

It was his twin brother.

He wouldn't give up (Y/N), but really......

Ted should've been sitting there with him. He would've been shifting his weight from side to side, as if he wanted to go climb a tree, or play tag, but knew he wasn't allowed. He would've been telling Felix what a good job he was doing, that no matter what, he was right.....

But this time he wasn't.

There was nothing business about killing a sibling. Blackmail, bribery, cheating......those were justifiable as business. But murder? And such a painful, lengthy death Ted had been condemned to. 

And the spiders. The spiders for Ted. The spiders specially chosen to join Ted in his grave.

Ted's spiders.

The spiders had been an unnecessary cruelty. A final blow.

But now here he was. He realized his hands were shaking, holding a picture Ted had framed. 

In the picture, there was him and Ted. Felix's face had been blank, nearly a sneer, but Ted had been smiling so widely. So happy to be this near to Felix, when usually Felix restricted his brother to a personal bubble of at least a foot and a half. He remembered protesting the lack of space, but his mother had said "You two need to act like brothers, not awkward acquaintances." After a great deal of argument, Felix had vetoed the hug, but agreed to stand close enough to Ted for a picture.

 He still has it.

Felix remembered discarding of his copy as quickly as he could. He had assumed Ted would do the same, but seeing that he'd kept it made his heart ache.

Of course he kept it.

"Sentimental idiot."

Felix mumbled, voice cracking on the word 'idiot'.

He was always the kind twin. The twin who would never hurt anyone. He wanted friends, and I killed him for it.

What is wrong with me?

Your POV

"Well, alright."

You said. There was no use delaying it. You turned to look at Monty.

"Listen, if I don't come back.....go to my house. Tell my mom that I'm staying with a friend. When Ted gets there, make sure he has somewhere to stay. And same for Emma. Please."

You said pleadingly. He nodded solemnly.

"Let's not think like that. Just say you'll be back soon. Okay?"

Smokey interjected. You smiled sadly.

"I'll be back soon."

And with that, you, Penny, Lily, and Kid exited the elevator. The doors closed, but you didn't hear it going back up. They were still waiting for you.

"Well, here goes everything."

Lily sighed. You stepped farther in, and Penny pressed a switch on the wall. The lights came on, and you saw the tank. 

It was made of glass, and inside it was three kids, that looked about your age.


One of the girls screamed. You wondered vaguely if that was Ozzy's girlfriend.

"I don't think that's him, Madison."

Said the boy.

Yup, that's her.

"No! You guys have to get out of here! That blond girl is the one who put us here!"

Said the other girl. The non-girlfriend one. Penny huddled closer to you.

"I-I am sorry. I was not in control of myse-"

She began.

"Why don't we save apologies and explanations for after we've saved everyone, and gotten out of here alive?"

Lily suggested. 

"Lily's right. Don't worry. We can back you up on some of the crazy stuff."

You said, hugging her. 

"How do we get you guys out of there?"

Kid asked.

"I don't know."

Madison said.

"Maybe try pushing one of the buttons on here? See if that-"


You turned slowly, to look up at Penny's mother.

"Penny, what are these children doing unsecured in my secret lab?"

She snarled. 

Is Penny still safe?

You thought, side-eyeing her.

Penny sniffed, and looked up at her mother, tears evident in her eyes.

"I am here to-"

She looked at you, your arm still around her.

"We are here to stop you! You can not do this anymore!"

The Principal sighed theatrically.

"I do not have time for this. Penny, I'm sending all of these children to the principal's office!"

She declared.

Nothing happened.

 Penny lifted her chin in defiance.

"Is something wrong, mother?"

She snarled.

Her mother looked shocked.

"P-penny?! Didn't you hear me?! I said-oh. Just as I had suspected. They were tampering with your chip. That's quite unfortunate. That means you're useless to me."

Penny looked startled. Maybe a little hurt.

"But-but I am your daughter. Mommy please-"

Penny cried, stumbling over her words. You saw a laser rise from the platform her mother was standing on.


You screamed. You tackled Penny to the floor, right as the laser was shot that would have gone straight through her head hit the wall behind you.

It was irony that now you were saving Penny from a laser very similar to the one she'd shot that you saved Monty from.

You tried to help Penny to her feet, but the two of you had to plaster yourselves to the floor as another laser flew over you.

"Oh stop! The two of you will die anyways, you might as well make it painless!"

The Principal huffed. You saw Kid and Lily standing helplessly to the side, knowing that they couldn't help you.

"Well, since I don't have a daughter to help me anymore......looks like I'll have to test the new mutator on these good little test subjects a little earlier then expected."

Your eyes widened, but this time there was nothing you could do. You felt another tremor go through the school as Penny's mother pressed a button on the remote she held.

The kids in the tank shook violently, and the kids started changing. Growing taller, scallier, and more like the monsters Bob was fighting upstairs, until the kids were gone, three fully sized monsters standing in their place.

The monster that had been Madison smashed through the cage, and all three of them stomped out of the cage.

The Principal clapped her hands excitedly, and you tried to pulled Penny up. But she fell back to the floor.


You said shakily.


She looked up, and clamped her hands over her head. She was whispering something. A repeated mumble.

"Do not reboot. Do not convert. Do not reboot. Do not convert. Do not-"


The Principal screamed.

Oh my god I'm about to die I'm not ready to die please-


You cried. It was a terrible attempt, but just being alive a few moments longer would make it worth it.

To your surprise, the monsters paused confusedly, and looked back at the Principal. 

"Oh.... well, I supposed since you're about to die I can provide you with a few answers."

She said. You looked over at Kid and Lily. A few answers wouldn't keep you alive forever. Your eyes darted around the room, looking for a possible exit. But even if you found one, the monsters were faster and stronger than all of you, if Penny wasn't going to be able to laser them. Well, and the fact that this mission was about saving the kids, not obliterating them.

You noticed a panel of levers, and gave Kid a significant look. He nodded slightly.


You started, trying to direct attention away from Kid and Lily, as he whispered something in her ear.

"Whaaaaat's with the monsters?"

You asked. Penny's mother smiled widely.

"Marvelous, aren't they? Children are so much easier to mutate then adults. The ones upstairs were animals; extremely sloppy, and not big thinkers. But children make fabulous test subjects. Just a few more kids and I'll be able to take over the other schools in the area."

She said proudly. Kid cleared his throat.

"Um, what's with the green stuff in the janitor's closet?"

He asked awkwardly. You realized Lily wasn't next to him anymore.

"It's produced by the monsters. It creates a nice fuel that I used to power Penny. Overexposure seems to cause memory loss."

She said with a small giggle. 

So that's what smelt so awful. That creepy janitor didn't seem affected by it though. Hmmmmmm....

"Why is Penny a robot?"

You snapped. That was a question you'd wanted to know the answer to since you found out, and now to have someone to demand the answer from, even if you were about to die, was nice.

"There was an.....incident. One of the creatures got out. Penny was severely wounded. I was able to put her back together with some...improvements."

"Improvements? You call forcing her to hurt people, and do things she doesn't want to do improvements?"

You blasted. You tried to pick Penny up, and you put an arm around her shoulders to keep her up. She was trembling, her eyes squeezed closed, still mumbling.

"Well, yes. She's much happier now, as an android. Aren't you, dear?"

She said, looking at Penny.

"Am not. Do not convert. Do not reboot. Do not-"

She said defiantly, before fading back into her rhythm.

"What's wrong with her?"

You demanded. The Principal sneered.

"Well, since you ruined her by removing her chip, and overloading her circuit breaker with stupid conflicting messages, I used a backup method."

She frowned down at Penny.

"Which is going a little slower then planned."

She noticed your confused expression, and laughed.

"It's supposed to  convert her memory chip into a central control chip, so I can go back to being her loving mother, and she can go back to being my darling little weapon. Or, failing that, reboots her memory, so she forgets all about being a hero, and staying loyal to you instead of me."

She explained.

"B-but you just tried to blow her up!"

You exploded. She sighed.

"I was impatient. I can put her back together with even more improvements. This is taking too long."

You gulped, and looked over at Kid. 

"No more questions? Alright then."

She said sweetly.


You turned to the control panel, and saw Lily right about to pull something, when a monster tackled her to the ground, and started trying to bite her leg, as she tried to kick it off. 

You knew you couldn't fight while holding Penny. You noticed a huge box near you, and tried to drag her towards it. A monster dove for you, and you ducked, pulling Penny down with you, before more frantically trying to get Penny to the box. You lifted her up on top of it.

Should I go up with her? But then there would be twice the incentive to break the box.....and I can still fight....

Your thoughts were cut short when a monster leapt onto your back.

 It sunk it's fangs into your shoulder, and you cried out in pain.

You felt blood seeping from the wound, your shoulder undeniably mangled. You vaguely remembered talking to Monty about how unrealistic the opening Georgie scene was, because to pass out, you had to lose at least 40% of your blood.

You tried to rip it off of you, but it weighed to much, and bit down harder. Blood was starting to pool at your feet, and you felt lightheaded. That was one of the signs Monty had mentioned that you were losing to much blood.

 But then, the monster's grip on your shoulder was gone. You looked up hazily, and saw that the monster was hanging from a claw from the ceiling, being very dead. You stumbled backwards, and saw Kid at the panel, flicking another switch, which took out the second monster.


And all three monsters were incapacitated.

"This is unacceptable! I will not tolerate insubordination in my school!"

The Principal screamed.

"Oh be QUIET!"

Penny screamed. Everyone stared at her.

"That is no way to talk to your mother!"

The Principal fumed. 

"You are no mother of mine."

Penny seethed. Her mother gasped dramatically.

She raised the laser again, but this time the entire platform around it opened, leaving just a small island for Penny's mother to stand on.

"Activate goo cannon!"

The Principal screamed. You were extremely sure that you in no way wanted to be wearing the goo made of monsters. 

"Kid! A little help!"

You called.

"On it!"

He said, and pulled a red lever. It dropped down, and grabbed the Principal, dragging her to right above the pit of goo beneath what used to be the platform. 

"Hey! Stop! Unhand me immediately!"

She screeched.

"Oh dear, fire goo cann-"

She started, but Kid cut her off by dropping her into the pit of goop.

Everyone stood in silence, until

"We failed."

Lily whispered.

"What do you mean? None of us died. I'd call that successful."

Kid retorted. 

You put a hand on your shoulder, and it pulled away drenched in red. Lily rushed over, and tied her sweater around your shoulder like a makeshift tourniquet. It wasn't much, but hopefully it would help clot the blood until you got to the surface.

"We set out to save those kids from that awful woman....but...look around. They're all dead."

Lily said, as a tear ran down her cheek. You delicately put a hand on her shoulder.

"C'mon Lily. We did our best."

You said.

"We should get out of here."

Kid said, coming to join the two of you.

"Yeah! There are still other schools we can-"

You started, but then, another sudden, tremor went through the school. Far stronger than the previous ones.

Something tells me that isn't good.

"What was that?!"

Lily screamed from over the shaking.

"I don't wanna know! Let's go!"

Kid shouted. But before any of you could go anywhere, a hideous creature rose from the pit of goo. 

The Principal.

She was a ginormous, octopus like thing, with a huge gaping mouth. One look said that if you went into that mouth, you would not be coming back out.

"What even is that thing? How do we fight something like that?! What are we gonna do?"

Lily shrieked. It opened it's mouth, and sucked in the bodies of the dead monsters, pulling all of you forwards.

"Shit! She almost sucked us all up!"

Kid shouted.

" If we don't find a way to close her mouth, we'll be in serious trouble."

You said shakily. Your balance wasn't great, and although you thought it was clotting, the wound on your shoulder had lost you a considerable amount of blood. 

"Green switch."

You heard Penny mutter.


You shouted at Kid, and he nodded. He threw himself towards the panel, and flipped the green lever. It moved forwards, and then dropped, clenching tightly on the monster's mouth.

"Awesome! She won't be hurting us now! She looks terrified!"

You said dizzily. 

"Awesome sauce."

You heard Penny mumble, and you laughed.


"Let's get out of here."

Kid said finally.

"Not so fast Kid. Look!"

Lily said.

"The ceiling looks like it's about to collapse."

She said, pointing towards the indeed trembling ceiling.

"Maybe if we make her look up, it'll crash in her eye."

You mumbled. Lack of blood was starting to make your mind foggy.

Don't....die. Don't die.

Lily nodded, and he pulled a red lever all the way down. It clamped onto the creature's forehead, and pulled it up.

And then, you heard something, that made you wonder if you were imagining things.


You stared at the ceiling.


And with that, the ceiling caved, and you saw Nugget with-was that a jackhammer?- going straight into the monster's eye. A mess of blood, and eye stuff piled up around him, as he went straight into it's head.


You screamed. He was not allowed to die.

"Is-is he dead?"

Penny cried in dismay. It was then that you realized that she had stopped mumbling.

But before you could respond, or ask what had changed, you heard a gasp of surprise, and you turned to see Nugget walking out of the gap of mouth left open by the claw.


He said proudly. He jumped onto the solid ground, and Kid let the claw relinquish the monster's dead body. 

"Nugget did good right? The monster was no one's friend?"

Nugget asked you. You grinned. Your head felt like it was full of cotton candy.

"You did great Nugget. Thank you for saving us."

Nugget smiled.

"Nugget is happy to have the Pretty (Y/N)'s gratitude!"

Nugget said happily.

"Perhaps this would make a good Nugget Cave."

He added thoughtfully.

"All yours, Nugget. I just want to go home."

Lily said. You wondered vaguely the last time she'd slept.

"I'm still sad about-"

She continued, but was cut off.

"Yuck! This is so gross!"

"So.....slimy. Let's get outta here!"

"I'll take being slimy over a monster any day."

Kids. Yay.

The three imprisoned children dragged themselves out of the slime.

"You're all alive! This wasn't for nothing!"

Lily cried.

"I' happy."

You said, trying to knock the fog out of your head.

"Let's go home. Or (Y/N)'s home, I guess."

Kid said.

"How did you....get back?"

You mumbled to Nugget.

"Thought you were with Felix."

Nugget clapped his hands.

"Nugget very much enjoyed the Nugget Factory! But Nugget knew that Nugget had to be at school at the end of the day, or Nugget's older sister would be very angry with Nugget."

Nugget said joyfully.

We're all alive somehow.

Penny was suddenly next to you.

"I'm sorry I was not of more use."

She said sadly. You put a hand on her shoulder.

"Not your fault."

The group of you returned to the elevator, to see a very distressed Billy. 

When you entered, he started yelling.


He screamed. 

"He's been like this since he woke up."

Smokey groaned.

"It was awful. I wanted to hit him so bad, but he was kinda hurt, so I decided to hit him later when he was less hurt."

Emma said angrily.

"Read: I told her not to hit him."

Stevie added.

You laughed slightly, before sinking to your knees. You didn't speak the entire ride to the surface. You were far too tired.

When you reached the surface, you and your friends left the drain. You stumbled out to the front of the school to join the leaving students. You didn't fit in with the other kids. You were bloody, staggering, and covered in dirt and bits of goo that had been sprayed on you. Nobody asked any questions though.

Crap teachers not noticing their students being injured.

You thought bitterly. Your eyes lit up when you saw Bob. He was bloody too, as was the shovel he was holding. He smiled tiredly at you, and you grinned at him. Part of you found yourself counting off the kids to make sure they were all there, none of them dead.

Pink girl, Buggs, Ted isn't here because he's at the hospital, Jerome, I guess Felix went home after taking Nugget to the Nugget Factory, Buggs, Ozzy, oh hey I should tell him about his girlfriend, and Carla-

Carla threw herself at you.


She screeched.

"Blew up a wall....?"

You asked. She nodded.

"It was epic. You should've seen it! It was SO AWESOME!"

She took in your bedraggled appearance.

"Oh god, did someone pick a fight with you? Give me a name, I'll fuck them up-"

"No one picked a fight with me, Carla."

You said tiredly. She nodded approvingly.

"Good. Hey, can I come to your house after school?"

She asked. You yawned.

"Sure. Stay as long as you' My mom couldn't care less."


You turned. 

"What? Who said that?"

Ozzy asked, spinning around. Madison came rushing forwards, still goo covered.

"Madison! I thought you didn't go to this school any-"

He cried delightedly, before noticing the slime.

"Uh, what are you covered in?"

He asked dubiously.

"Oh. It's some weird slime from the Principal's Secret Lab."

Madison said casually, as if that was a normal thing to be covered in.

"Gross. Why don't we pick this up after you've had a bath?"

Ozzy suggested.

"Oh. Okay. I'll call you tonight then!"

Madison said agreeably. They walked off, and the rest of your friends appeared behind you. Carla looked at all of you.

"Did I miss something?"

She demanded. You choked out a laugh.

"Yeah. I'll uh tell you about it at my house."

Carla gave you an odd look, but nodded.

"Today has been so weird."

You moaned.

"I'm glad we were able to save everyone from that awful principal."

Lily added. Carla looked confused.

"So....what now?"

Kid asked.

"We need to figure out how those kids got kidnapped, and stop it from ever happening again, we need to make sure there are no more monsters lurking around, and we need to deal with the chaos left behind here."

Billy said. You realized hazily that the hall monitors had left. 

"No problem. Give me a week."

You slurred. Lily laughed slightly. 

The other slime covered girl, not Madison, joined your group.

"I want to go home, but I'm not really sure where home is."

She said sadly.

"What do you mean?" 

Kid asked.

"I don't even go to this school. I was brought here....all I remember was going down the slide at my school, and then I woke up in that lab."

She explained. 

"I'll add that to my to-do list."

You mumbled.

"Figuring out how you got here. In the mean time, stay at my place."

She smiled at you.

"I think I'll take you up on that."

"You too."

You said to the boy. He smiled awkwardly, and nodded.

"Yeah, okay. Um, thanks for saving my life today....and stuff."

"Nugget must also leave. Nugget to attend to."

Nugget said cryptically.

"Nugget... before you go..."

You said.


A) Kiss him

B) I wanted to say thank you for saving us today. You were really brave.

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