How It All Started! (Bakuxfem...

Av Foxy_girl19

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Book (1/2) ======== [Edited] Both Izuku and Katsuki are 5 years old "Kacchan" Izuku called out to the ash bl... Mer

1: I'M GOING TO UA!!! (Rewrite)
2: Anonymous Girl (Rewrite)
3: Does He Even Remember Me (Rewrite)
4: Kacchan Cooking (Rewrite)
5: EVER (Rewrite)
6: Black Hoodie (Rewrite)
7: Joe (Rewrite)
8: Kei (Rewrite)
9: Sing It With Me? (Rewrite)
10: Bakugou Truth Or Dare (Rewrite)
11: Shots Fired (Rewrite)
Mikei & Katsuki (Rewrite)
12: Mikei Punching (Rewrite)
14: Smutt Warning (Rewrite)
15: Boner (oof) (Rewrite)
16: Bunny Suit (Rewrite)
18: Amazing Voice (Rewrite)
Not An Update
19: Decline Again (Rewrite)
20: 6:30pm (Rewrite)
21: Call Me...Izu! (Rewrite)
22: Lets Beat These Extras! (Rewrite)
23: I Have A Plan😈 (Rewrite)
24: Date
25: He's jalouse
26: Call Chilly Pepper
27: Like What You See~
28: Waterfall
29: Misses His Girlfriend
30: Hamilton
31: I Love You Too Cry Baby
32: Hola Papi~
Next story info

13: I Have A Boyfriend (Rewrite)

4.3K 82 55
Av Foxy_girl19

Katsuki and Izuku walked out of the dorms and started walking.

"Kacchan where is it were going?" Izuku asked.

"Well we are going to the skatepark of course you already know because I said to bring your skatebored but the rest is a surprise" Katsuki said.

Izuku looked at him and smiled "So are we going to the skatepark first?" Izuku asked.

"Yes we fucking are" Katsuki said with a small smile.

"Kacchan you need to smile more it sutes you" Izuku said looking forward.

Katsuki blushed at the comment "Tch, I only smile for you, no one else or they will probably fall for me" Katsuki said joking.

"If anyone tries something I'll kick there ass" Izuku said throwing a punch with her skatebored.

Katsuki chuckles "Have you ever fucking fought anyone before" he asked looking at Izuku.

"Hell yeah I have! I took boxing classes for a few years and also martial arts that was very fun. I was there top good fighter at both" Izuku said proud of herself.

"Oh and I got in a fight with this one bitch at my old school, man you should have seen everyones faces when they seen me fight it was priceless" Izuku said wiping a fake tear from her eye.

Katsuki chuckled "Well remind me not to fight you" Katsuki said and Izuku giggles.

(Time skip)

They finally got to the skate park and Izuku was way to excited and pulled Katsuki.

Izuku got ready as Katsuki sat down.

"Don't fucking fall!" Katsuki yelled to the small broccoli that was on her skatebored.

"Oh please I've been riding for years now I don't think I'll fall" Izuku said.

Katsuki chuckles "Whatever just ride I want to fucking see if your that good!"

Izuku smirked "Okay then" she turned around and started skating.

(Imagine it's Izuku doing that)

When Izuku finished she was skated back to Katsuki "So how was that!" Izuku yelled as she was getting closer to Katsuki.

Katsuki was suprised on what Izuku can do.

'Shes really has skills'

Katsuki snapped out of his shocked expression looked at Izuku and smirked at her "That was fucking awesome, now get ov-" Katsuki was cut off by some random dude stopping Izuku from riding.

"Hey there cutie I seen how you ride and I was wondering if-" he was cut off by Izuku.

"I'm sorry I have a boyfriend" Izuku said.

The guy got closer to her "Well I don't see him anywhere. Anyways I just wanted to see if you had time to do somethings with me~" the rando said with lust.

Katsuki got pissed off by this 'This guy has the balls to fucking say that' he got up and stomped his way to the guy.

"I think you should run" Izuku said in a calm tone while looking at Katsuki.

"Whys that~?" the guy asked.

"Because of him" Izuku said pointing at Katsuki.

The guy looked confused and turned around to see a tall ash blond standing in front of him.

"So I seen your ugly ass flirting with my fucking girlfriend!" Katsuki said with venom in his voice while glaring at the guy.

The guy got scared and started backing up "I-I-I'm s-sorry"

"You better be fucking sorry or I'll beat your ass up. Now leave!" Katsuki yelled.

"Okay!" The guy yelled running for his life.

Izuku was just sitting down watching while laughing her ass off.

"The fuck are you laughing at" Katsuki glared at Izuku.

Izuku laughs harder "I-its just the guy looked so fucking scared!"

Katsuki scoffed and walked up to Izuku and sat next to her "He was trying to take what's mine so I had to fucking stop him" Katsuki growled.

"Well I'm yours so why would I go with someone else" Izuku said looking at Katsuki.

Katsuki looked at her "And by the way I love it when you yell at people" Izuku said looking away blushing and taking a sip of her water bottle.

Katsuki smirked "Well of course I'm hot" he chuckled "Now can I use your skatebored? I want to show off some of my moves now"

"Yeah sure but you won't be as good as me" Izuku said giving Katsuki her skatebored.

"Yeah we'll see about that" Katsuki said getting the skatebored and riding off.

(Imagine Katsuki did all of that)

Katsuki was riding back to Izuku when he got stopped by a girl.

(here we go again)

"Hey there hot stuff I just wanted to say that the way you ride is really good and I wanted your num-" she was cut off by Katsuki.

"I have a girlfriend" Katsuki said and then rides away but gets stopped again by the girl.

"Look can you just leave me the fuck al-" Katsuki got cut off by Izuku.

"Hey babe is she bothering you" Izuku said glaring at the girl.

"Fuck yeah she is" Katsuki said.

Izuku nodded and walked over to her "Hello I'm this hot guys girlfriend" Izuku said smiling.

"Well he will be better with me" the girl said in a sassy tone.

Izuku chuckled "Yeah okay! I don't think he wants you"

"Well I bet he wants me" the girl said.

Izuku looks at Katsuki and winks at him.

Katsuki blushed and looked away 'Damn this girl!'

Izuku giggles then looked at the girl again "Yeah no so it's best if you leave!" Izuku growls.

"What if I don't!" The girl said in a sassy tone again.

Izuku got annoyed and was about to punch the girl right then and there but she calmed herself down "Look if you don't leave in THREE seconds I will beat the FUCK out of you right now!" Izuku yelled glaring at the girl.

The girl was scared but she tried to act tough "F-F-fine I'll g-go" she said stuttering then ran away.

Katsuki was laughing in the back.

"You seen her face right" Izuku said with a giggle.

Katsuki nodded while laughing "She looked scared shitless!"

Izuku walked up to him and hugged him "I see how you felt when that guy was hitting on me. I wanted to punch that bitch sooooo bad!" Izuku said.

Katsuki hugged her back and chuckles "Well I hope this won't happen a lot" Katsuki said.

They broke the hug and look at each other.

"Damn I really want to kiss you right now" Izuku said.

Katsuki smirked "Well then do it"

Izuku pulled him down by his hoodie and kissed him he kissed back.

A couple of minutes pass Katsuki pulls back, Izuku wines from the loss of Katsukis lips.

"I still have the day planned once we are done for the day then we can have are fucking make out session" Katsuki said.

Izuku sighed and let go of Katsukis hoodie "Fiiiiine"

"Good, now we are going to are next stop" Katsuki said.

Izuku nodded with a smile and grabs Katsukis hand (and her board) as they walk out of the park.

(Time skip again)

"We are here" Katsuki said, pointing at a ice cream place.

"Ice cream!" Izuku yelled. She pulled Katsukis hand into the shop and went to the counter.

"Hello! What would you like to have?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"I will have a vanilla ice cream and she would get a strawberry ice cream" Katsuki said.

"Okay that would be xxxx" the lady said.

Katsuki took out his wallet and got the money then handed it to the lady "Thank you" the lady said then someone else came and gave them there ice cream.

"Here you go" they said.

"Thanks" Izuku said before walking off with Katsuki.

They went outside to one of the tables to eat there ice cream.

"You still remember my favorite ice cream" Izuku said getting more of her ice cream.

"Well we did get ice cream a lot when we were kids" Katsuki said.

"True" Izuku said with a chuckle "Well after this where are we going?" Izuku asked.

"I can't fucking tell you it's a fucking surprise" Katsuki said.

"Aw come on just tell me please" Izuku said making puppy eyes.

Katsuki looked at her and it was hard to resist then his phone rang 'Oh thank the fucking lord' Katsuki thought. he looked at his phone and it was his mom.

"What is it old hag!" Katsuki yelled "Wha-fine....okay, Okay whatever bye" Katsuki hanged up and looked at Izuku who looked confused.

"The old hag wants me and you to go over tomorrow" Katsuki said eating his ice cream.

"Really I would love to go I haven't seen uncle Masura yet and I want to say hi!" Izuku said excited.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Are you done so we can fucking go already?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku nodded and they threw away there trash then started walking again.

(Another time skip)

It's now 6 and Katsuki and Izuku are walking to there last stop.

"We are here" Katsuki said, Izuku looked around and her eyes widen she looks at Katsuki and he had a small smile on his face.

"Is this..." Izuku said.

"Yeah it's the park we use to fucking play at as kids" Katsuki said looking around.

Izuku hugged Katsuki and he hugged back.

When they broke the hug Izuku pulled Katsuki to the swings as she sat down and started swinging back and forth.

After some time Izuku stoped swinging and just sat there and Katsuki was on the other swing.

"So did you like it" Katsuki asked a little nervous.

Izuku looks at him and then at the ground "Nah"

Katsuki looked at her and then at the ground "Oh" was all he said 'Fuck! Did I mess it up or some shit! What did I do wrong? she gonna leave me!? Its over isn't it!' Katsuki thought.

Izuku got up and walked in front of Katsuki and picked up his head "I didn't like it because I loved it" she said smiling at him.

Katsuki smiled and kissed her she kissed back.

Katsuki licked her bottom lip and Izuku opened her mouth as Katsuki slipped his tongue into her mouth.

Both there tongues fought for a while then Katsuki started exploring her mouth.

After some minutes they pulled apart.

'I want more' Izuku and Katsuki both thought.

They were gonna kiss again when Someone calls out to them.

"Oh my god is that Izuku oh look there's Katsuki to!" Some lady said walking up to them.

Izuku steps back a little and looks at the lady then her eyes grew wide and a huge smile appears on her face.

"Oh my god Mrs. Rosie how are you!" Izuku yelled running to the lady.

"Oh I'm good sweet heart, look at you your all grown up and you look beautiful I bet all the boys are trying to get ya huh" Mrs. Rosie said and Izuku laughed.

"Yeah that's true but there's this one boy that won't leave me alone he is very sweet and kind but is also a hot head at times" Izuku said laughing.

"I AM NOT A HOT HEAD!!!" Katsuki yelled getting up from the swing and walking to Izuku.

Izuku gave Katsuki that 'Are you serious' face.

Katsuki looked away "Okay fine I am a hot head at times but I won't leave you alone because what if someone eles ends up having you!"

"Kacchan I want you and only you that's final" Izuku said.

"Tch okay" Katsuki blushed and looking away.

Izuku and Katsuki heard laughing coming from next to them.

'Shit' they both thought as they looked at Mrs. Rosie.

"Oh you two are the cutest! Your perfect for each other. You two were always together as kids and I'm glad you both got together. I seen how Katsuki was when you were gone Izuku he was a mess!" Rosie laughed.

"Ah well I gotta run I need to be somewhere right now, it was nice to see you again Izuku" Rosie said hugging Izuku.

"It was nice seeing you too" Izuku hugged back then they broke the hug.

"Bye!" Rosie waved off as Izuku did the same.

"So....were you really a mess when I was gone?" Izuku asked.

"Ah-I-well...yeah" Katsuki blushed in embarrassment.

Izuku laughs "We should head back to the dorms it's getting late"

Katsuki nodded "Lets go"

(Time skip skip)

Izuku and Katsuki had made it back to the dorms.

When they went in Izuku had a bad feeling like something was about to happen. She felt as if someone was watching her when she looked around she seen Uraraka with a weird smile that made Izuku feel nauseous.

Izuku looked at Katsuki and held his hand tighter Katsuki looked down at Izuku a little confused about the face she was making.

"Hey are you okay?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku looked around again but Uraraka was gone "Um I have a bad feeling like something is gonna happen....and I kinda seen Uraraka stairing at me with a weired grin on her face" Izuku whispered in a low voice but Katsuki still heard.

Katsuki looked around for a while and then he seen in the kitchen Uraraka was there but she didn't see Katsuki stairing at her.

"Can you come to my room I need the company" Izuku said getting closer to Katsuki.

Katsuki looked at her and nodded "Sure, do you still have the black sweat pants I left there?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku thought for a moment "Oh yeah I do" she said smiling.

"Okay then let's go" Katsuki said.

Izuku and Katsuki walked to the elevator and got on then headed to Izukus room.

When they got to her room Izuku was looking for her keys. When she found them she was gonna open the door when she heard something from inside her room fall, it was loud so Katsuki heard it to.

When Izuku heard this she stepped back and looked at Katsuki who looked mad he was trying to figure out who the fuck is in his girlfriend's room.

"Stay here" Katsuki said.

Izuku nodded and stepped back more.

Katsuki opened Izukus door which was already unlocked.

'How is it unlocked I remember locking it when we left did I someone unlocked it but wh-....Uraraka she did something' Izuku thought.

Katsuki walked into Izukus room and seen Izukus guitar on the floor but he also seen something from the corner of his eye.

When he looked he was pissed off as fuck. Behind the door there was the bitch Joe.

Katsuki stomped over to him and graves him "Why the fuck are you fucking here!" Katsuki yelled.

"I was here to see the little bitch now leave!" Joe said.

"Who the fuck even let you in!" Katsuki said.

Joe smiled "Oh it was that short brown haired girl"

Izuku got so mad she wanted to punch something so she went for Joe "Kacchan can you let him go"

Katsuki looked at her and already knew what was gonna happen so he let Joe go.

"Oh thank God you came around I would have died" Joe said walking to Izuku and was gonna hug her but Izuku puched him in the face and he fell back.

"That's only one fucking hit! If you come here again I'll throw more so you can feel the pain you made me feel. Now get the fuck out of here and go the fuck back to New York! I don't want to see you or hear from you again. So stop fucking calling when your bored and get a fucking life! I'm trying to be happy here with my new friends and boyfriend can't you fucking see that! Joe, I hate you and I don't want your Fucking crazy ass in my life! Now leave!" Izuku yelled, Joe was on the floor bleeding because Izuku just broke his nose.

"Tch fine" Joe said sounding a little scared. He got up and left.

Katsuki looked at Izuku and she was crying. He went to her and gave her a hug.

"I..I-" Izuku was cut off by Katsuki.

"Shhh it's okay let's go to my room okay" Katsuki whispered and Izuku nodded.

"Do you need to get any clothes or are you gonna use my hoodie?" Katsuki asked.

"I-I'll use y-your hoodie" Izuku said.

Katsuki nodded and picked her up.

Izuku wrapped her legs around Katsukis waist and hugged him.

When they got to Katsukis room they changed and watched a movie.

"Are you feeling better?" Katsuki asked Izuku.

"Yeah I'm fine now but right now I really want to punch a bitch" Izuku said with a growl.

"Round face bitch, yeah I would like to see her get fucked up by you" Katsuki said.

Izuku giggled "hmm" she was thinking and then got an idea "I wonder" Izuku got up and looked at Katsuki then got on top of him.

(Like on top of him she be sitting on his di-)

Izuku leaned to Katsukis ear "Can you fuck me up~" Izuku whispered as she also kissed his neck.

'So she wants to play like that huh' Katsuki thought.

Izuku got back up and looked at Katsuki he was smirking.

"Well I guess we would have to fucking find out" Katsukis smirk got wider.

I'll end it here so that the smutt part can be on the next chapter. And btw I'm really bad at smutt well I never tried it so it might be bad I'm gonna need to read some smutt books😶
(I'm not gonna be as good as the other story's that make smutt)
😳 well I hope you liked this I made it longer and I'll try to do the same with the next chapters...well byeee🤚😜

Fortsett Γ₯ les

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