My Beast

By Black_Queen_88

415K 7.4K 433

There is two kinds of people in life. Those who have feelings and those who gives no fucks about the meaning... More



7.1K 148 6
By Black_Queen_88

That night

The night of all nights

The night that brings back memories she try's so hard to escape from. Nazira was the type to talk back whenever given an direct order from anyone, she didn't want to be told want to do rather than to do it herself.

Galas were never her thing dressing up in material that hung over her body was never the ordeal she got excited about, she would curl up with her protectors (her dogs) in a place no one would even think to go, in the basement with the prisoners her father kept locked up.

Nazira was a curious girl after her mother's death seeing what it was like to actually watch the action of others her father brought upon them. She would hate the smell of blood but as more galas happened the more she spend her time down in the basement.

Nazira stared at the slim red dress that laid on her bed trying to come up with any specific word to describe what she was looking at. She felt disgusted to actually have to wear a dress to a gala she didn't even want to bring herself to go to. After holding on to the news that she'll be brought back to the hell she was born in, she couldn't bring herself to even look in his direction.

"It's beautiful isn't." Lyric walked in seeing the dress Nazira hated and watched as Lyric's eyes lit up just on her arrival. Lyric could picture Nazira in such a material trying to hold back her excitement waiting for the main course to come together on it's own.

"Yeah, I guess." Nazira said titling her head to another angle seeing if she could get a better feeling about the whole event. "What are you doing here anyway?" She questioned noticing two more ladies maids enter the room with supplies in their hands.

"Oh your gonna hate it but, I am certainly going to enjoy every second of it." Nazira tried to backed up but no backing up was going to help her out of this situation looking at Lyric's crazy eyes and make up brushes in her hands.

He looked ravishing and more decent than anyone else in the god damn world letting his thoughts run while turning and looking in the mirror at his attire. He didn't care about his wardrobe but only of his date's to the event, how her outfit had to be the one to incinerate all others just by who was wearing it.

He paced back and forth waiting while mumbling under his breath on how late they were going to be and his anger reaching it's peek.

She slid on the dress felt her hair being pulled from each angle about to be ripped out her head, brushes filling her eyes and feeling the fur hit her cheeks she just had enough. She gave them all dirty looks as she glared back at Lyric who was smiling in the corner.

They all left and she did what she knows she'll regret in the future, she slid on her golden heels clipping the sides putting on her red lipstick smacking her lips together. Her hair fell at her shoulders curls getting in her face, she liked the feeling of having her hair down whereas she always kept it up.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing

He couldn't believe how long she was taking

Her eyes wouldn't stop blinking, head couldn't stay still

His patience was on the verge of grabbing her out the room and forcing her in the car

She took in a deep breath bowing her head marking this moment as if it was her last looking closer at her appearance.

He slammed his hand on the table turning on his heels about to walk up the stairs, but stopping and letting out a breath he felt like he held for so long not knowing.

There she was standing at the top of the stairs her caramel golden skin popping out with the glorious red wrapped around her slim body that he wanted to tear off as soon as he laid eyes on it. Her mocha eyes shined through his reflecting a mixture of furiousness between them both. He couldn't stop staring at her lips and the way they called to him to suck, bite, and mark as his own not letting go.

"BEAST!!" He got his focus back noticing she was right in front of him and ready to go he tried to shake his thoughts about how her body must look underneath bent and taken as his on every surface he could find.

"Mhm looks like your no mafia princess anymore, Gatta. I like this new look you actually look like a girl." He looked up at his cousin before walking out the door smirking as Nazira gave him the finger of her choice.

"I'm just going to say thank you for your compliment, dipshit." He closed the car door at her last words rolling his eyes and getting in the drivers seat taking off to the event he hates as much as she does. His original plan was to go alone and leave her back at the estate, but in this way it will bring up more action that will be beyond his control.

"Don't leave my side under no circumstance, don't speak to anyone, and no swearing. Can you follow those rules beauty?" He glimpses over from the corner of his eye watching her face expression stay still unfazed by his words. He scrunched up his face ready to yell before getting cut off by Nazira.

"I understand." She didn't look at him she stared straight out the window holding on to the thoughts that kept circling around her mind. He knew she wasn't feeling up to the event and how her past would conflict with such matters but, he didn't bat an eye at her emotions and thoughts he wanted one thing and that was her to look as miserable as possible.

The car came to a jolt and the valet dressed as fancy in black took a look at the car they were in and stay right in place. Beast smiled seeing the older man's reaction to the car he drove knowing his reputation was still intact of being known. He opened Nazira's door taking her hand in his her face confused and annoyed having mixed feelings with the hand holding.

"Take my arm." She complied with his requested noting it was the last request she was going to take from him tonight, seeing hundreds of people in dresses and suits made her think back to the last time she had to dress up.

"Don't think about anything tonight, all that matters is the mission." If only it was that easy she thought to herself hearing beast trying to reassure her like he knew what was going on in her mind.


"Yes I agree all that matters is the mission that I have no idea about." I eyed him walking up the stairs.

"Relax you'll know when it happens." He clung onto my arm like he never planned on letting go holding me as his own which apparently I won't be for long, not that I want to be but it's just all confusing to understand at the moment.

"Beast you made it to the event, I'm surprised and bringing a beautiful young woman as well."

Beast didn't even stop to hear the man that was greeting at the door, he didn't give him the time of night and stayed walking through.

"So? What is the mission."

"The mission is for you to shut the fuck up and sit your ass down and smile that beautiful award winning smile." He held my chin up as I tried to yank it away, it never seems to work with him.

He pulled the chair out for me to sit forcing me pushing me in walking away moving through the crowd but, his eyes always watching me. I took at least 3 champagne glasses getting a little tipsy but my judgement was still intact watching as people started gathering in their seats. I decided enough was enough I got up and walked to the bathroom looking for some type of back exit but no the entrance just had to be the only way.

My dress started to drag a little helping picking up the ends of it walking out the bathroom hallway to be greeted by claps and cheers. I looked around surprised and so fucking shocked a woman smiled inviting me to the stage looking at my outfit with a dirty look.

I'm so fucking sorry you can't rock anything better!

"It is an honor to be the one to present the next auction for our 20th anniversary, as you know I was the first who started this and was given to my husband." She looked over to the man that greeted us earlier with a smile. And what hell did she say auction?!?

Oh shit

I looked at her as she kept speaking making the audience laugh and cheer, scanning my eyes through the crowd locking them on the one and only monster within. He was leaning on a door frame staring right at me with that same sadistic smirk.

"Um! NO! Fuck you I am not getting auctioned tonight or never!" I took the mic from her screaming into it getting pushed into 2 large men hands squeezing me containing my little out burst the fancy woman claimed.

"Oh honey relax it will be fine I had the same reaction as you and now I'm happier than you could imagine." She whispered in my ear.

"I don't know if you heard me with all that plastic surgery you had done to your face to empress your fuckdart of a mafia husband but, honey I don't plan on being sold to no one. Sorry Barbie." She huffed looking back at the crowd calling out bids.

"Can I start the price at 10k."




The numbers got higher and higher as more hungry old ass men kept biding looking at my body as if I was a piece of meat. He was enjoying this more than anyone else and I could believe it, he didn't care for anyone but himself. A monster born into a world of darkness to feed off on.

I bowed my head to shoot it back up hearing a jaw dropping bid, "10 million dollars."

Oh no!

I watched his smile turn seeing only his crusty ass teeth, he was well dressed and didn't look like his normal full of himself type of player. That fucking cheater came all this way and now found me standing right in front of me like I was on a sliver platter, being served. NATHAN!

"Wow are you sure." I shock my head watching the lady ready to process his bid.


They covered my mouth holding me tighter, I guess Beasty got his wished he doesn't need to give me up anymore now knowing I won't be leaving this place with the same mindset I came in with.

"Well in that case, come and collec-."

"100 million dollars." His deep voice echoed the same husky voice I couldn't stand hearing was actually something I wanted to hear in so long. He looked at me and back at the woman which she didn't expect taking his look as a threat. He was standing at the back of the room walking out the shadows causing a release on me and everyone's mouths dropping.


"WHAT!! NO!!"

Nathan tried to walk up to me but was grabbed and thrown out by the guards, Beast came up to the stage taking my hand as I climbed down, everyone was quiet and a song started playing it was slow and smooth while he took my hand and glided it towards the middle of the dance floor.

"What are you doing?" He wrapped his hand around my waist one holding us together tighter than glue and the other holding one of my hands. He didn't speak as I was thinking of 1,000 different ways to tell him to fuck off.

"We are dancing, thought that was obvious."

"No duh! I meant what was all that you put me in this auction and then pay a whole bunch of money to get me back. That's just stupid." I groaned as he grabbed my ass smirking back at my reaction.

"Beauty, who do you think gets the money?"

"What!?" I didn't want to look at him he would always keep making my life worse than it was.

"Look around you, what did I teach you about focusing."

I looked around slightly over Beasty's shoulder watching all eyes on us just staring, it was weird. I couldn't believe what I was actually seeing they weren't making any faces or whispering in front of us on how we looked.

"They're scared."

I looked up at him.

"Scared? Of you?"

"Of you." He turned me pushing me out but catching me back as he pulled me in close towards his embrace.

"Why me?"

"You have all the control here, you are slow dancing with the man that kills for sport. You have a monster at the heels of your feet, who would have saw the day that happened."

"And that scares everyone, I didn't think that would happen." He lifted up my chin his eyes staring into mine.

"Don't think baby just breathe, relax, and dance." He smiled.

I got out my head and let my feet take control I didn't feel like arguing I was enjoying the feeling of others watching me and the greatest killer dance right in front of them. It might sound harsh and crazy but, I'll allowed to be that at times. It was always, "Nazira dance with this prince," or "Hold your head up higher."

Fuck them all!
I am doing my own thing with the man that created it all, and honestly I was enjoying the hell out of it.

I stopped and looked in his eyes watching as they connected with mine in lust and passion he knew what I wanted and he wasn't the type to miss a good show.

I heard gasps but it disappeared as soon as it left my ears.

He claimed my lips holding on to the back of my head rough shoving his tongue down my throat as I gave him the most satisfying groan that left my throat. He let go noticing the sexual tension that was arising more as our lips were held together.

He took my hand and we walked out the doors standing outside in the rain kissing more than we ever did before. He was rough and demanding granting access that he already acquired before long ago. His hand slid up my dress panting wanting more,


"What's wrong beauty?" He held my face with falling rain starting to cover

"Him knowing was the mission ... ,right?!"

He smirked kissing me against the cemented wall again pushing his growing erection deeper between my thighs that were sliding with water and not from the rainfall.

"Your so fucking smart." He said in between kisses grabbing more of my ass putting all his face in mine sucking biting claiming as his own.

Beast is a real one, not romantic wise. Telling me I was going back to my father was his sick way of twisting my emotions as his disposal. He promised that he would find the man that captured me and bring him to my father. He did it!

He brought the man that took me out in the open, showing everyone in the mafia world that's a coward who really had all the control.

"Yeah put him on."


"Sir, I found her."


"No, Sir. I found her with another guy and it looks like he claimed her ... Do you know who the fuck is this Adrian Ricci."

He waited for a reply but didn't get anything but a scream of anger and a crashing of glass.


"Yes Sir,"

My father certainly wouldn't forget who took me now, this Adrian Ricci he knew so well before was not here at the moment.

He was about to meet the man who stole everything from him, who challenged, made him look like an idiot, he was about to meet the motherfucking BEAST!


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