My Beast

By Black_Queen_88

416K 7.4K 433

There is two kinds of people in life. Those who have feelings and those who gives no fucks about the meaning... More



9.5K 203 6
By Black_Queen_88


I can finally sleep and relax knowing I tamed the fucking asshole that doesn't know right from wrong. ME! I did it and I smiled doing so, he thought he could control me in the long run but in reality I was the one who showed him who I am and how much I can actually take to the heart.

All I could see was darkness as I was resting my eyes sleeping dreaming of my secret desires. I heard a huge knock at my door almost falling out the bed at the damn bang. It was 8 o'clock in the morning who could be at my freaking door, and knocking nether less.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" Lyric bounced in at a fucking volume of 10 where she should be at a negative 10000.

"Lyric what are you doing here?" My voice was still groggy from my body still trying to wake up.

"I am here to congratulate you! And tell you I'm so so so happy for you!"

"What hell are you talking about?" Completely ignoring my question she walked around my room opening my curtains letting in the shit that made vampires dusty. "Ahhh Lyric WHAT THE HELL!" I dove for the covers shielding my eyes from hell itself.

"Come on! Get up I have a present for you and I know your definitely going to love it." She pulled the covers off my head sitting on my bed staring intensely into my eyes.

"Ok? What is it?"

"Open it!"

I opened the blue little box thinking it's jewelry or something but man was I wrong.

"What the hell Lryic! Where did you get this from?" I kept looking back at her and the cigar trying to piece this shit together. As much as I want to scream at her for this decision of my present I want to fucking do it as well.

"It's a, "great job on not dying present! You finished all your training and didn't die and went against my brother one on one still living. You deserve it gurl!"

"Your brother?" Her eyes went wide and a smile appeared on her face gleaming left to right.

"Lyric let's put this away and do something else that won't get us in trouble." I should've said but instead I said .... "Fuck it let's do it!"

She laughed and started to fill the paper with the drugs as I watched laughing my ass off on how much trouble future Nazira will be in. Actually no! I deserve this, that thing or man whatever the fuck he is put me through horrible pain and now it's my turn to erase all of it.

"Give me a puff!"

The room was woozy and smelled like fucking Febreze in this bitch! A 22 year old and 19 year old taking this stuff like it was the end of the world. The thing is I wasn't actually being a responsible adult because technically she's a teenager still, but bitch brought the shit to me.

What was I supposed to do, not get high!

It's not like we'll die by this most likely will die at the hands of that monster thingy.

My mind was everywhere thinking up and down moving left to right seeing spots and colors. Looked like the inside of a child's bathroom. Hahahahah I am a child!

"Some days I'm broke, some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch
Some days I'm strong, some days I quit
I don't let it show, but I've been through some shit!!!!" Lyric was singing a song while dancing in a corner higher than a kite, lol!

"When we yawn do deaf people think we're screaming!!!!"

"Why is it when we eat we can't see our food but when we shit we see it all mixed.

"If your waiting for the waiter aren't you the waiter."

"What does WIFI stand for?"

I stared at Lyric for what felt like hours and fell to the floor forgetting how to stand for that second. I should take that man down! Down to the ground and fuck him!


"You should do that!" Lyric added.

"You heard me?"

"Your talking out loud girl!"

And she's talking too much.,...
We both laid on the bed looking at the very white ceiling laughing like hyenas.

"Ugh I can never do anything in this place it's just "Lyric stay in your room!", "Lyric don't try it!", "Lyric! Lyric! Lyric!"."
Whoa that's a lot for her to unload on me like that and I wasn't paying attention to her big speech, damn I'm a bitch.

"Lyric it'll get better! Just have to wait until someone kidnaps you and takes you away from society and your whole family leaving you in a basement for weeks torturing you for months and causing you to rethink your whole mental system." She stared at me and laughed very loudly while I rolled another blunt.

"Mhm if only he wasn't treated that way by my father than none of this wouldn't have happened, plus Azar wouldn't have taken the time and pain to learn who bea-."

"Wait what!" I shot up from the bed looking down at lyric and her crunches up face of confusion.


"Your father started all this?" I felt woozy again not understanding what her response was back to me just watching her moved lips very slowly.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" A voice echoed through the vents and into the room, he's close.
Or he's right in front of us.....

"Oh no Zira?" Lyric whispers in my ear very loudly. "I think my brother found out about us getting high, in this very room ... right now!"

I looked at her and let my breath on smoke come out for which I was holding for a very long time now. "Yeah."


My office was locked until I heard pounding on it coming from the other side, who the hell wants to bother me when I'm trying to work.

"WHAT!" I opened the door seeing Azar standing like a fucking idiot clueless to why he was standing in front of my face.

"Do you smell that?" He asked.

"Smell what Azar! I'm fucking working I don't have time for your dumb childish games!"

"I'm actually serious Adri- beast!" He changed his response from what happened with our conversation last time. I moved past him ignoring his little childish faces smelling something strong and sick.

My guards aren't up inside the house and my services have jobs to do the only one who is stupid enough to take my words as a joke is just a few doors down.

My feet stomped on the hard wood floor trying to keep him in check and my breathing constant but this girl this bitch just makes all of it unstable.

"BEAST WAIT!" I ignored his words swinging the door open releasing a cloud of smoke. I couldn't think straight I could feel my heartbeat grow stronger and my eyes focus on the one thing that flew in and out my mind.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" They both looked up eyes red and big as ever with blank expression on their fucking faces.

"Oh shit Lyric really?! I thought I told you to not touch my stuff!" Azar walked up to her pushing her away from my view so I relaxed my focus on her and her only.

"Hi beasty!" She waved and blew a kiss.

"Shit um? Imma take Lyric back to her room and clean her up and come back and help Na-."

"I got it." He looked at me surprisingly but didn't question me carrying lyric out the room shutting the door leaving us two.

Us two.
The high bitch and the tortuous beast!
She didn't stop there no of course she took another puff blowing it in my direction knowing what she meant only pissed me off more.

"So? Beasty what you up too." I ignored her question walking over to the bathroom turning on the shower for this girl. I walked back out wanting to wrap my hands around her throat seeing her skinny round ass bulge out some black lace panties.

"You turned on the shower, I'm just trying to get wet before the water actually hits me."

I hate this bitch so much she actually made me think of my cock fucking her into oblivion then ripping her to pieces while smiling.

I rolled my eyes at her appearance picking her by her waist having her ass swing in the air wasn't to hard to see. "If you want to touch it you have my permission." She whispered sultry I could knew she wasn't kidding about this either.

I placed her on the ground in the bathroom breathing heavily feeling a pinch on my ass from her flirty smirk. She winked at me and I completely lost it holding her by her neck against the shower doors as the water came down on both of us. This bitch this beautiful devilish eyed woman standing in front of me licking her lips is doing everything in her power to make me lose it on her right now.

"Come on beasty you know you want a little taste!" I held her neck tighter but she seemed to like it more and more as I squeezed. I couldn't control myself and at this rate I didn't want to even. I felt her hands travel below to the hem of my pants still watching her flirty smirk almost fade away noticing she was starting to calm her acts down.

"What the hell do you want from me you keep your sister locked up like she's a damn pet and now what you want to choke me like I'm a doll. Make up your mind?!"

Her black hair was all over her face I moved it and stared back in those mocha orbs. She didn't understand lyric and her living arrangement and I wasn't about to explain it to some bitch that doesn't know how to control her high.

"Lyric is none of your business Nazira." Her eyes went wide.

"You said my name! My actual name are you feeling ok!" Her lips looked so juicy and plump with the added wetness of the water. I knew she was coming back and with her high coming down but I needed to take care of something that before.

"Come on beast! Tell me your story and tell me while taking off the rest of my clothes ...." She moved slower and slower taking off her straps I stepped out the shower getting a towel turning around wrapping her and throwing her on the bed naked.


"What! You said if I can be more tough and focus more than I will be able to kill the one I desire." She held the towel tightly with one hand I knew she was ready to drop it any minute.

"Beauty? Sit your ass down and relax!"

"Or what? Beasty!" She dropped the towel before I could grab something to cover her and looked at me with her eyebrows raised. This had no effect on me seeing her naked was just something to stare at and enjoy in another time.

Now she's testing me.

I grabbed out a pair of clothes for her to relax in and slipped them on her watching as she was biting her lip. "You can fuck me right now beast!"

"I don't fuck bitches." She laughed and turned around towards the wall resting her head. I took off my wet shirt looking down at her glance at me from the corner of her eyes.

"Lay down with me it's not like I'll remember in a few hours." This bitch is stoned but I laid down with her watching her chest raise and fall.

"Your more than I thought you'd be." I confessed looking at the back of her head, she turned around towards my face looking in my eyes like they were the only thing she couldn't ply her own from.

"I'm going to kill you." She whispered and smiled closing her eyes letting her breath breathe in and out slowly.

"We'll see about that beauty?" I kissed her on her Carmel brown complexion too soft of skin tracing the scar on her hairline watching her sleep.

This bitch is a lot and it seems like there's a lot going on with her and the questions and thoughts she brings up. I wouldn't do this for anyone at all and I hate even hearing her unless it's her screaming, but she's more smarter than I imagined.

Maybe she got that from her mother, it makes sense that she did.....


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