My Beast

By Black_Queen_88

415K 7.4K 433

There is two kinds of people in life. Those who have feelings and those who gives no fucks about the meaning... More



22.4K 345 18
By Black_Queen_88

We drove past the city limits and was now out of the whole district. I didn't speak a word I kept my mouth shut trying to look back at all the things I could have done.


"I'm your biggest fan!"

Kid looked like he was about shit rainbows and sunshine.

"When I get older I'm gonna be rich and travel the world sharing all my fortune!"

He was one of the good ones.

I snapped back to reality as we came to a pause, the gate was the first thing I noticed that golden gate that was like 34 feet with spikes on the edges, like who would want to climb a 34 foot gate then get impaled. Didn't make no fucking sense!

I rolled my eyes at the family crest in the front of the gate watching it swing open. We had the biggest land in Sicily Italy but with no neighbors closed off like a fucking slave to the world.

The car went through stopping at the main doors my father took it upon himself to get out first and open the door for me. I climbed down looked at him and ran inside not wanting to see his hideous face.

"NAZIRA!!!!" Screams echoed but if that didn't get me to listen what would with him. I went through the left side of the house heading to my room.

"Alex? Adria?!" I whistled getting my girls attention as their ears shot up surprisingly looking at me arriving. "Hiya! Yes yes! I missed you as well, ok!!" Scratchy tongues and drooling will always put me in a better mood after a terrible day.

Adria and Alex were twin girl Dobermans they were both different both so similar in ways. Alex is always playful and never tired while Adria is always on guard doing her job to protect me but even she has her times.

I pushed the girls off me gave them a snack getting undressed still dirty from the whole jumping off roofs stunt. I took my hair out running my hand through the kinky curls that just nodded up as I did it.


The girls growled giving me an idea of who was already there on the other side of the door. I opened the door still in my underwear and looked at the guard who wasn't looking at my face.

"Um!? Miss-?"

"Yes? Is there something you need?" I leaned on the door not intentionally trying to seduce but giving him the idea that I was thinking of so. "Hello?! You've been staring at me for a while now."

"Um? I'm sorry." His eyes found there way to my face like his tongue found itself outside of his mouth licking that crusty exterior that could scar children. I shuttered at the sight leaning back in my room.

"Maybe we can discuss this in your room." He pushed himself up forward and I smiled awaiting my favorite part of this skit, I opened the door wider to watch his eyes fall from horny to shitting bricks in seconds.

Adria and Alex started barking like crazy growling deeper as they moved closer to the guard that was about to scream like a girl.

"So? Is there anything else you would like to talk about!!" I smiled watching him try to look at me and my dogs at the same time.

"Your-r-r f-father would like to see you!!"

Their growls got deeper as they lowered closer to the ground ready to lunge back to claim their next victim of attack.

"Thanks!" I rolled my eyes and shut the door while Adria and Alex fell to the ground looking at me and whining. "Oh stop it! He wasn't a threat maybe a perv but not a threat."

I walked towards my bathroom taking a shower looking in the mirror observing the new scratches I had adding to my other scars. Some worse from others, others just from me.

When I entered in the shower my first insist was to do the opposite and take a bath but I was already in the shower so, too late now. A woman who jumps off roofs for fun cannot take 5 minutes to sit and wait for a bath to run, no I cannot.

I always loved the hotness of a good shower, the boiling water that hits the spot on your back just right was a dream that became reality to me at least. I poured my conditioner which smelt like lavender washing my hair to noticed that my dogs were more quiet then usual and Alex is never quiet.

Damn it! I swear if they got into my snack stash...

I jumped out the shower grabbing a towel running out the bathroom, "NO PUT IT DOWN NOW!"

"Sorry, I thought I could play with them since technically I did train them, babe." I hate this world! SO MUCH!

I ran to him all wet and dripping slapping his bitch ass across the face walking over to my closet.

"I missed you as well, babygirl!" He said rubbing his cheek. "You idiot I thought you were supposed to be gone for more than 4 years your back early!" He leaned against my bed frame smiling at my wet figure I tried to hide.

Nathan da Vinci was my best friend the only one in this world I could really trust. He's no where related to Picasso for anything but he can surely paint the right picture if he was having sex with some whore. Oh and I hooked up with him back in the past of my teen years. Kinda rebellious those times, still am.


"Wow! That's how your going to do me?!"

"What do you mean?" I turned my back towards my closet.

"You didn't even miss me huh? Nazira?" He sat on my bed as it creeks knowing he was right where I wanted him.

"Ok one, I don't miss anyone who I hate. And two, the question is did you miss this." I slipped out the closet wearing light blue jeans and a black tight shirt that exposed more than it should with some black boots.

He really licked his lips. "I guess by your face expression you did miss me!"

"Your very stupid if you think I didn't miss that body and beautiful face of yours!" He lunged at me and pushed me in his chest before making contact I pushed his chest away from me.

"Wow so your calling me stupid now, asshole!"

"That's not what I said- God Nazira." I laughed I always liked teasing him. He kissed my lips quickly before I had time to react. I backed away from the kiss making room between us, I was over here kissing a man that was supposed to protect me long ago but left me broken even more than I should've been.

"What? Nazira?! What's wrong?" He tried to pull me but, I yanked away. Growls came from the corner as the girls could see I was in distressed.

"Just leave I have things I have to do, please." He looked at me and walked out the door without saying a word.

God I'm such a hypocrite...
Running to him - me
Teasing him- me
Showing him that i was still sexy in all my tight ass outfits - 100% NAZIRA.

But sleeping with a slut in my bed - He wins that round!

When I see him my mind goes back to a newborns, where the first thing you see you just fall in love with it right away.

He broke me down more than I thought I ever could be, letting him leave all those years ago was the best decision I have ever made for myself.
Shit my father called me long ago!!

I walked down the stairs all the way to the kitchen grabbing a apple like always shoving it between my boobs crossing my arms to hide it before entering the dark hell of the unknown, where people enter but never returns.

I sucked in my breath walking in with a smile on my face seeing all the men stand up at my arrival.

"Your late."

"Actually I'm pretty early." I replied staring at the back of his head.

"How so?"

"Well, you never told your little henchmen to tell me when I should come down or what time. I understand that details are very important with you like where, how, why, WHEN!"

He turned around looking at me not showing any trigger to what I responded to.

"Ah your still clinging on to that boy. I thought I did you a favor."

"He was only a teenage boy that had nothing to do with you or us but you just decided to be the executioner in the case without blinking." He was starting to boil my blood, how could he not even recognize the fact that he stole a life from a innocent child. Someone's child!

"I did it for you, to protect your identity that you did so careless to try to keep." I looked out the window blocking him out not caring for the words that came out his mouth.

"The reason I called you in here was to tell you it's time Nazira."

Shit I'm not a mind reader, dramatic pause is not necessary father!

"We are having an event to bring together two mafia families that will-."

"No." I stared straight getting up from my seat taking the Apple out of my bra and throwing it in a guard's face, Hitting him hard. He falls and I grab his gun for which I point at my father.

"NAZIRA!!" The rest of the guards go into attack mode pointing their guns towards me not being able to shoot the "princess!" must be a fucking kick in the balls.


His face turned red steam practically came from his ears and eyes while he stared at me with fury. He can give the order to kill me or he can let me walk out of here so time will pass so he can cool off. I nodded my head watching him stared at me as I walk slowly towards the doors never turning my back towards them.

I ran to my room locking my door being in the comfort of my girls the true ones in my life. I'm 22 and my father has been pushing me towards this since I was 15 years old. Now since I got more power and confidence he doesn't have as many options but to accept that I'm not the marrying type.

I was born in the mafia I followed mafia rules when I was younger but that's because I had that person in my life who taught me rules are just modifications to the real situation.

The situation is me getting married and I'm not, so rules or no rules I'm not marrying anyone. Period.


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