the best friend (Beetlejuicex...

By That_old_timey_kid

28.6K 1K 1.4K

The town of winter river Connecticut was vanilla to say the least. (Y/n) however was different, she wanted ad... More

Chapter one: the beginning
2-Mr Beetleman
3-the news
5-the death, the funeral and a new friend?
6- Suprise...
7- Lyds, Charles and who?
8- what's really going on Scarecrow?
9- Apologies and Priorities
10-jealousy or something else?
11-the kiss (and not the good kind)
12-my only hope
14-Explanations and a sleepover
16-Back friends?
17-Girls night!
18-Goodbye for now
19-life without Y/n
20-Memories and a familiar face
21-Half of home
22-Breaking down.
23-A Date?
24-Mama's home...
26-(Y/n's) New Reality
27-(BJ's) New Reality
28-Recognize me?
30-To the neitherworld
31-A trip to hell with a side of a family run in
32-Partners in crime
33-a spin around the neitherworld.
34-The truth.
35-The beginning of the end (part 1)
36-The beginning of the end (part 2)
37-I can't take it!!!
38-What if?


1.4K 47 28
By That_old_timey_kid

I took a deep breath as I opened the door to the old house I onced loved.
It had been a week or so since Charles had told Lydia and I that they would be moving. He lied that night. He told us we would only be 15 minutes apart but they moved back to the city. So now I am back where I started no real friends and being different from everyone else. I was back to being alone, utterly alone.

It was bad enough feeling the what I presumed to be a ghost or ghosts staring at me whenever I visited. But now I have to live with it. Feel it watching me eat, sleep, shower the list goes on. But there was nothing I could do. My mom already bought the house, we sold the old one so there was no going back and even if we did Lydia was back in the city.

I groaned as I walked into the house i smelt the familiar smell of the Deetz family. I began to walk up the stairs I had so many times before. I was getting what once was Lydias room. So I walked into the room I had stayed in, one of the places that once made me feel warm and safe.

I carefully placed the box I had in my hands down. I didn't own much stuff so i didn't have to many boxes and they weren't too heavy.
My father had already put dressers and my desk up so I didn't have to do that. All I had to do was decorate and make my bed.

Now you see my mom was always saying I had to be presentable and act like a proper young lady. So my old room had to be pink and girly and all that but Lydias' room was already painted dark purple. It already had spooky vibes in it, there was just something about it. Anyway the week before Lydia left we went shopping for room decor that I would like.
I got spider web bedsheets and curtains. A few pillows had black and white stripes on them, some had another cobweb design and I had two with beetles, spiders and bats on them. They were my favourite. Mainly because I loved bugs and things like that. I also had a big purple carpet on the floor. I set my art supplies neatly around my desk and some books I owned where put away on a shelf. When I was done decorating I put a picture of me and lydia on my nightstand.

All I had to do now was put clothes away. I opened the wardrobe and my mouth dropped open in shock. In the wardrobe was the dress I had worn the night of the dinner party. There was a note attached to it.
It said.

'hey Y/N
You seemed to really love this dress and you would get a better wear out of it. So you can have it because let's face it you looked better in it than I ever could.
I miss you already
Xoxo -lyds.

I squealed with happiness but then it dawned on me. Lydia had so many memories of her and her mother in that dress. As soon as I put all my clothes away, mainly because I didn't want to get an ear full from my mother I decided to text Lydia.
I didn't know the time difference but that didn't stop me.

Me: Lydia Deetz how dare you leave me that dress. U and Ur mom had memories with u in that dress.!!!
I sent the text and then placed my phone down on my bed.

"Y/n dear come here for a second."
My mother shouted to me down the hall.

"Coming mother." I say heading towards her. She asked me to put some boxes up in the attic for her. She would have got dad to do it only for the fact he was looking after b/n (brothers name) whilst she unpacked.

So there I was face to face with the attic door. Not gonna lie I was pretty excited to go in since Lydia never let me. I also decided that this would be a good time to find out if there are really ghosts in this house.
I tried opening the door but it was locked. So I picked it with a bobbypin
Something I learned to do years ago when my parents started locking the cookie jar. Like seriously who the fuck locks cookie jars? Anyway not the point. As soon as I opened the door I was met by a gust of dust which sent me into a coughing fit.

I could hear two voices a male and a female from what I could make out.
"Oh Adam do you think she's alright?" The woman asked.
"I don't know Barbara." The man said.
Wait a minute Adam and Barbara it couldn't be they died....unless there the ghosts.
"Adam? Barbara? it really you?" I ask uncertain I'm talking to anyone at all.

There was no answer.
"Guess I'm talking to myself." I say to myself in particular.
I turned the lights on to see better and what I saw shocked me.
First of all the attic light switch turned on these extremely pretty fairy lights.
The lights hung above a model of the town I knew oh so well.
Definitely Adams. I thought to myself.
Adam was always good at making things so it wouldn't have been hard. Apparently it was his passion to make and build these things. In fact if I recall he had a hardware store before Barbara and he had died.
I looked around a little more before carefully placing down the box I was given.

As I closed the door over I could hear the voices again.
"Adam, do you think she can see us?" The female said.
"I don't know Barbara maybe." The male replied.
I must be going crazy. I always thought I was different maybe there's more to it than I'd thought. I think to myself heading down towards my room.

It had been about an hour or so after I was in the attic. I was just laying on my bed thinking of how unfun school would be now that Lydia was gone.
I thought I could hear rustling and rummaging around the attic.
Choosing to think it was my dad I shrugged it off. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mother calling me for dinner.
"Y/N sweetheart, come down for your dinner!"

"Coming mother" I shouted back getting up off of my bed. But just as I was about to head downstairs something caught my eye.
Mr Beetleman I couldn't believe it sitting on the stairs to the attic was Mr Beetleman only he seemed to be wearing a black and white striped suit instead of what he was wearing when I saw him. Why was the handyman in the house? How did I not hear him come in? I thought my dad must have called him. It didn't make sense though when I was with Lydia last week nothing in the house was broken and he fixed the sink. Didn't he? Of course he did you watched him. You reminded yourself.
I rubbed my eyes making sure I wasn't seeing things and sure enough when I looked up he was gone.
Maybe I should see a doctor. I thought to myself.
I continued on downstairs to eat dinner.

I finished dinner and washed the dishes and then decided to go to bed because I had school tomorrow and I was tired.

As I entered my bedroom I began to get changed into my pajamas. As I always usually felt. I felt like I was being watched. It sent shivers down my spine. I quickly put on the rest of my pajamas. I wore a oversized black hoodie and dark purple and navy striped pajama bottoms. Had to keep my brand.
As I lay down on my bed for the second time that day I sighed.
That's when I heard it. That's when my life changed forever.

"What's the matter baby?" A somewhat familiar gravely voice asked. I jumped and looked in the direction of where the voice came from. I gasped. I knew that, that voice was familiar.
"Mr....Mr Beetleman?" I saw him again. Mr Beetleman was there in my room wearing that same black and white striped suit. The same one as earlier. That's when I realized two things.
A) I have not been seeing things so I'm not going crazy.
B) Mr Beetleman was FLOATING. Yeah you heard me. Dude can FUCKING FLOAT.

Mr Beetleman looked at me with a surprised look on his face.
"Holy shit can you....can you actually see me?" He asked moving a little bit closer. Now he had more of a confused look on his face.
I stared at him almost as confused as he was.

"Why are you in my house and why can you float? You didn't do that when you were fixing the sink." I say sitting up to get a better look at him.

"Oh think I'm Mr Beetleman huh?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Umm yes now who the fuck are you!" I demanded an answer.

He sighed and then spoke.
"Ok I'm well i...I uh can't say my name doll." He says.

"Why not?" I asked genuinely curious as to way he can't say his own name.

"Well that's a long story so for short. I did some stuff and yada yada I got cursed to not be able to say my name but eh we could play charades or I could write it down." He says beginning to suggest different ways I could get his name.

"Uh well I have paper but...charades sounds more fun so." I interupted him.

He looked at me with a smirk.
"Ah a girl who likes to have fun I see." He says wiggling his eyebrows.
I was extremely confused until I realized.
I gasped as a look of shock spread across my face.

"Ah dipshit you know that's not what I meant!" I say angrily.

"Yeah but I love the look on your face." He says before beginning the game.
"Ok" he says putting up two fingers.

"Um two words?"
I ask as he shakes his head.

(Quick A/N here)
Beetlejuices writing/speaking will look like this for this part only.


"Second word"








"JUICE?" I shouted forgetting people were in the house.

"Y/n be quite your brother is in bed!"
My dad whisper shouted at me from the door way.
"Who are you even talking to?" He asked.
"No one dad don't worry about it." I say trying to get him out of my room.
"Whatever you say kiddo, goodnight"
He finally left.

"Yes!" Beetlejuice whispered now sitting at the end of my bed. I wondered why my dad couldn't see him I'll ask when I learn his name.

"Okay first word"





"Close but no"

Close what's close to an ant.
Uh random guess time I guess.



"Really, your kidding right. Your name isn't really beetlejuice is it?" I ask in disbelief. His name can hardly be beetlejuice.

"Middle name actually." He states matter-of-factly.
"What's your actual name then?" I ask
"Thats not important dollface, what is important is that i can help ya out here I can get your parents to leave but you gotta say my name 3 times babes." He says leaving me more confused.

"Okay I don't want my parents to leave. What happens when I say your name three times? How did you get into my house? Why couldn't my dad see you just now? And-"
I was cut off by a boney finger being placed on my mouth. It was surprisingly cold.

"Ok babes I'll answer your questions if you'll just stop talking and give me a second to answer." He starts floating again and puts his arms behind his head so now he's in a relaxing position.
"To answer your first question when you say my name three times I am then granted the ability to make contact with the living and their world. I lived here long before you showed up I was friends with Lydia in fact so yeah and your dad couldn't see me because well I'm pretty much invisible to every living person except for when someone says my name three times then people can see me if I allow them to." Damn he really did answer all her questions but she had more.

"Okay so what are you exactly? If you lived here with Lyds then how come I never saw you? How can you float around like that?" I asked a few more questions.

He sighed again.
I guess he didn't like getting interrogated but tough. Some rando just shows up and then expects not to be questioned. That's a him problem.

"Okay more questions.
Well I am a demon, a ghost, a dead guy whatever you wanna call me but I go by the ghost with the most." He says putting one hand through his very messy green hair with a shiteating grin.
"Wait wait wait the what with the what?" I asked in shock. Did I hear him wrong? Did he just tell me he was a ghost. I mean now that I have a better view of him he does have paper white skin to white for a living person. He also had to dark purple circles around his eyes, he smelt extremely bad, he looked like he crawled out of a grave because his hands and clothes where covered in dirt and speaking of his clothes and face where covered in what looked to be mold.
Yup definitely a dead guy but hey at least I wasn't quick to judge.

"The ghost with the most" the dead man repeated.
"You your the ghost who watched me whenever I came over aren't you!" I say suspiciously.
"Yup guess ya caught me. Now let me answer your god dammed questions." He says and I nod in agreement.

"As I said I can decide who can see me when someone says my name 3x so I wanted to meet you so fucking bad but Lydia never let me. She said it wasn't good to expose me to other people. So yeah... And the flying thing well I can do all sorts of things like this I call it my juice but you breathers call it magic."
He says answering more questions.
I had loads more but I was really tired and this was a lot to take in.

"Ok well thanks for answering my questions beetlejuice." He seemed to perk up when I said his name.
"But it's late I'm tired and have school tomorrow so goodnight." I say lying down under the blankets getting comfy. "And can you turn the light off on your way out thanks beetleboy."
I say closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

I woke up in a room. As I looked around I soon realized it was my living room. I looked at my window and there was a smudged hand print on it in red paint. Oh wait no it was blood. I walked to peek out the blood smeared window and saw a body. It was Lydias and she wasn't moving.
Oh nononono this can't be happening.
I begin hearing screaming and shouting. "Please Stop, Stop It Stop It" I screamed back it wouldn't stop.
Then everything started fading away I felt as if I were falling.

I shot up in my bed shaking like mad and panting. Fuck that dream was terrifing. I could feel tears burn as they ran rapidly down my cheeks. I didn't want to wake my parents because I was fifteen I didn't want to go running to them when I had a bad dream. The only person that came to mind was. Yeah you guessed it that stupid demon.
I say between pants and shaky breaths.
The tears were faster now and I thought I could hear distant screaming. I pulled my legs up to my chest and began rocking from side to side.
"Beetle..juice" I said it one last time and as the final part left my mouth a lighting dash could be heard outside. It didn't make sense since it wasn't raining but I didn't care.
I never usually got scared by dreams but damn that shit was fucking petrifying.

A proof of green smoke appeared and along with it a certain green haired demon.
"Yes thank god/Satan someone finally said it!" The dead man exclaimed full of excitement. But what he saw next shocked him.
"Hey, hey Y/N what happened shh baby it's ok I'm here." He said sitting in bed next to her. He wrapped his arms around her and rocked back and forth with her. Soothing her.
He wiped away her tears and she rested her head on his chest.
She finally caught her breath.
She explained to beetlejuice about her nightmare and then he soothed her some more.
She fell asleep in his embrace. He layed her back down and tucked her in and then he floated up to the attic.

Hey guys
Thanks for making to the end of another chapter. I really hope you're enjoying the story.
That's all thank you!

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