30-To the neitherworld

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"Adam I don't think I can do this!" The blonde women said in distress as she paced back in forth in the attic.
Her husband sitting in his chair calmly listen to his wife vent.

"Barb it's for her safety you know that." The brown haired male said as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose a little. Someone had to Keep their head on right and today it just had to be him as there was no sign of Barb calming down.

"I know but can't we rebel like we did with Lydia?" Sweet Barbara asked as she placed some of her fingers gently over her mouth, thinking of something.

She wasn't on bored with while plan, she didn't understand what was going on and the need for it to begin with.
Y/n had done nothing wrong so why did they have to go against her?

Well my dear reader you'll just have to wait and see...

(Barbs pov)

"You can open your eyes now Maitlands." Was the last thing we heard before opening our eyes.

Fortunately we weren't met by Cheryl however we weren't met by Juno either instead we were approached by.... Lilly? Was she in on this?

"Hey Barbie, ken!" She greeted us, I tried not to grimace at the nicknames she gave us. We've known her since high school, back then she was awful yet she still thought that we were friends. I felt bad for pretending but I wasn't fake I just wanted to spare her feelings.

"Lilly? Why are you here?" Adam asked as I remembered that he wasn't there when she showed up.

"Long story short Ken, Lydia sent me back here." She said spreading her arms out wide, showing us she meant the neitherworld. "And Juno sent me here." I said now pointing to the ground. " she told me to tell you guys to go home and she needs you to hurt Y/n." She explains. "Emotionally and mentally." She added on. "Y'know make her want to kick the bucket."

"What why would we do that? We love her." I proclaimed as Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Look I don't know, Juno said something like her being a very strong force and she needs to mentally and emotionally give up and break down." Lilly explained. This seemed off to me but I mean if Juno said it, it must be true. I pinched my lips together, clearly unconvinced and disapproving of this lie I was clearly being told.

"Barb why do you think she sent Beetlebrain on the case. To keep them apart, tear her apart. She easily could have done this herself or gotten those sport bimbos who still call her coach to do it." She shrugged.

It made sense, I didn't want to believe it but in my mind it made so much sense...

And that leads us to where we are now.

Adam and I returned back home after heading to Juno's office to confirm that the information given was indeed correct, which it was. We hadn't even faced them yet but we could hear Y/n cry out for Beetlejuice. It really broke my heart. She was still in so much pain and we were about to make it worse. She had been through so much and yet she survived, but we're just going to be putting another traumatic memory in her scrapbook.

I sighed and messaged my temples, still frantically pacing. Adam grabbed ahold of my wrists.
"Barb you've been pacing around for hours, everyone's up we have to go down now." He said, he seemed to be dreading this to but not as much as I was. No one could dread this as my h as me.

I gave him a pleading look but he shook his head lightly and dragged me down the stairs. We arrived at the kitchen, everyone but Emily's back was turned to us.

"Is there room for two more?" I asked trying my best to hide the sadness in my tone. I ran a hand through my hair and giving them a warm smile.

Their eyes lit up and were full of hope and life. Especially y/n's. I'm sure if it was possible I would have been more pale. "Guys we missed you." Lydia said running up to us and tackling us down. I giggled at her before getting back up.

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