21-Half of home

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(y/ns pov)

Time seemed to be going by quicker than expected. Not that I'm complaining the quicker time moved meant the quicker I could see Lyds and Beej.

But today, today was a day just like any other. I was in the room I slept in, sitting at my desk, well really a desk re-reading the letter Lydia had sent back to me, to myself.

Hey y/n
It's so good to hear from you, you don't even know. We're having a pretty hard time without you.

Beej and I got rid of Melanie so you don't have to worry about that whenever you come back but weirdly we or I haven't ran into Vince since y'know.

Barb went to the neitherworld to find Adam and hasn't come back but not to worry I'm sure there fine and she won't be watching Brigadoon. (I got you fam)

Delia actually made it back and told dad and I what had happened and how you helped her. That was sweet of you..what happened? You've changed. >:)

I think that's about it. I can't wait to see you again and by the way we moved back to the Maitlands house.

Love you lots and miss you more.
-Lydia, Beej And tHe D SquAd.

Ps. Beej said he did in fact make a dirty joke related to your letter. I'm sorry but he can't be controlled :/

Ps again. SOrry Y/N butt I am the sexyist of them alL.

I giggled at the last part. It wasn't hard to disciple who wrote what. But I loved it. I looked at the clock more excited then ever. I had my bag up and packed under my bed. I waited excitedly as in two hours I would officially be an adult.

I took this time to reflect on just how much I have been through, it was almost surreal to think that after all the shit I've done and lived through I was finally gonna be happy again.
Actually now that I am looking back how am I not dead yet?
That is one of the many mysterious of the world.

Living here was an utter nightmare. I mean back in winter river my parents might not have cared a whole lot about me but at least I could be myself and in all honesty that's what I wanted. I mean I had anyone's dream life here, popularity, money, looks. The whole meal deal right here but that wasn't what I wanted.
So the second I turn 18 I am out of this house.
Donna knew for a fact I was leaving and all she said was.
"Please you won't make it out there on your own." In her stupid posh, condescending voice that was anything but pleasant.

Her opinion didn't even matter to me. Sure she let me sleep in her house for like half a year but that's because she was my legal guardian.

Next time I glanced at the clock there was an hour. One long, hour to wait.
One full of impactions and thought.
I thought about what life had in store for me next. I mean I passed the tests it's thrown at me so why can't I finally have my happily ever after.
Jesus because y/n it's not some fairytale, it's not about a handsome prince and curses and ugly step sisters.
But it's about a demon, no not just a demon a moldy rat boy whom just so happens to have my heart, a goth girl who is the strongest person I know and a young women who just wants to go home to her friends and family and finally be with the trash rat that stole her heart.

Little did I know that life had other plans in store for me...

10 minutes..

10 minutes until I grab my bags and head back to Winter River, to my friends, not just my friends but my family and my home.
Of course it would be different without Adam and Barbara but as long as we were all together we would be fine.

the best friend (Beetlejuicexreader) (COMPLETE) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt