37-I can't take it!!!

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Suicide mentioned and it's a little dark.

Also imma stop saying this'll be the last chapter because this is not the last chapter.
Now without further delay...


A nice refreshing shower.....is what I expected to have and I somewhat did but the second I was dry my mind wandered back to how Beetlejuice acted today.
What was that about? Because that was definitely NOT my Beetlejuice, he would have never done that to me before. So what happened in the neitherworld that changed him?
Whatever it was, I don't like it, not one bit.

But pushing my thoughts aside, or at least trying to, I put on a pair of grey booty shorts and an oversized green hoodie that reached just above my knees on. I twisted my wet hair into pigtails to let it dry and to keep it out of my face. I slipped on some fluffy socks and headed down to the kitchen to make some ramen and tea.

I slid down the wooden planked corridors as my selection of socks allowed me to slid and glide across them. Unfortunately I was so distracted by my love of sliding on the hard wood floors that I didn't see the stairs approach up ahead and ended up tumbling down them and absolutely destroying my back.

"Awe ow." I grumbled as I layed there rubbing the tender flesh of my lower back. "C'mon really y/n?" I mutter to myself still in the position I landed in, my legs were swung over my shoulders and I was laying on my back.

"Y/n are you alright? Here let me help you up." Barbara said rushing over to help me. I hadn't even noticed she was there until now. None the less I didn't protest her help.

"Thanks Barbara." I thank looking into her beautiful green eyes I felt bad for the way I acted earlier. I sighed and absentmindedly rubbed my hair. "Listen Barb I'm sorry for how I acted in the attic I just.....it's.....I was tired is all and y'know I get cranky and I fought with Lowell and that's no ex...excuse really but-" I rambled and stuttered as my words betrayed me and wouldn't stop when I wanted them to.

Barbara cut me off with a smile and her gently placed hand over my mouth.
"It's alright, just know I'm here for you no matter what and i just want what's best for you, you're like the daughter I never had but always wanted." She says tears beginning to pool in her emerald orbs as she spoke, afterwards latching onto me. I normally would have cried from her touching words but I was numb, I hadn't realized but within time I had grown immune to feeling.

I smiled weakly at her though it wasn't sincere as I wished it could be. It took a lot now to even get a fake smile out of me.
"Thanks Barbara." I thank the women again before she pulled away.

"How are you after your fall?" She asked reminding me I had just took a tumble down the stairs.

"Surprisingly I feel fine, my back is a little sore tho." I say rubbing at the tender skin under my hoodie for the second time, only to see that when I pulled my hand back out it was covered in a warm sticky red substance.
Had I really become so numb that I couldn't feel the pain of my bleeding back?

"Oh my gosh y/n honey you're bleeding!" Barbara exclaimed in a panic.

I bit my tongue to keep myself from snapping about her stating the obvious. I nodded slowly still not feeling..... nevermind that I began feeling a little light headed but surely I was imagining things.

"Here I'll get the first aid kit. Whatever you do stay awake." She commanded as she rushed to the kitchen. I don't see why she told me to stay awake it was just a little blood on my back it's not like I have a concussion. Actually scratch that I probably do but my numb ass wouldn't let me feel it.

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