10-jealousy or something else?

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It had been a few weeks since Lydia had been back and met Vince. The were pretty close now but mainly because of there new found interest in bullying Y/n about how her and Beej acted like a couple. Yeah they were still doing that.

Speaking of the ghost with the most he hadn't made much progress with finding Cheryl. Hell he didn't even know where to start. He began paying close attention to whatever was going on around him hoping for a sign. I mean how hard could it have possibly been to find a demon in a world of breathers. Well as hard as it is to find a needle in a hay stack. You'd think it would be easy, well it wasn't. She was being to careful. But one day she'd slip up and Beetlejuice would notice.

As for y/n she noticed something. She noticed the difference in Beetlejuice's behaviour. He seemed so observant now. Unlike the chaotic mess he was before. He always had this stressed out look but tried hiding it as much as possible but Y/n saw through it. She knew him to well to know when something was wrong.

"Are you sure you're ok?" She asked the dead man again for the millionth time that day. She asked him everyday but he seemed more off today.

He took a moment to answer but when he did it was the same as usual.
"Sugar I'm fine really."

(Y/n p.o.v)

He lied again. This is so frustrating why can't he tell me what's wrong?!? I couldn't keep putting it off but now this is getting ridiculous. Something is obviously bothering him. My thoughts were interrupted when a voice cut in. "Take a picture hon it'll last longer." Followed by a snicker from Lydia.

"Y'know Vince I think I might." I said playfully. Taking my phone out a snapping a picture of him but he hadn't noticed because he was turned away from me. He only turned once he heard the click of the camera.

"Hey!" He said trying to grab my phone. As I was sitting on the outside of our booth I could extend my arm farther than he could reach. I began teasingly laughing at him.

He huffed and went back to looking out the window. I thought he gave up, we all did but as I sat myself back into a normal sitting position he swiftly began to attach me with tickles. I erupted into a cackling mess. I'm pretty sure If the diner had been full everyone would be looking at me. I accidentally snorted louder than intended earning a devilish grin from the poltergeist. It began to hurt. "Stop! Stop! It hurts....ow." I said trying to push his hands away but ultimately failing.

"No you deal with the consequences." He said continuing with his evil actions.

"Stop! Please." I begged tears forming in my eyes from the laughter and pain. He knew what he was doing.

"Not until you have learnt your lesson." He said. I could make out Lydia and Vince watching in confusion through blurry vision.

"Ok I'm sorry." I say struggling for air.

"What was that?" He asked looking amused. He heard me, I know he did.

"I'm sorry." I say a little louder. Continuing to try escape this act of evil.

He asked one more time. "What I still can't hear you."

That's when I got my Idea. He wants to play that game does he? Well game on! I put on the most devilish grin I could muster. "Sorry daddy." I said just loud enough for only him to hear me. His eyes widened and he stopped immediately. I waited until my breath became normal and the tears left my eyes. Beetlejuice had that light pur-...wait a minute it was green! Why was it green? It was never that colour it was always purple.

"What was that about?" Lyds asked confused. "Y/n I think you broke him." She laughed and so did I.

"Yo earth to Benny." Vince said waving his hand in front of Beetlejuice's face.

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