11-the kiss (and not the good kind)

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(BJ's p.o.v)
When I droped Y/n to her front door I went to the roof to think. I have been trying to observe everything closely because of Cheryl. I thought back to what Junie had said. "Not necessarily she's obsessed with you." So if she was obsessed with me as the ol' hag had said she would definitely here.

Knowing her she'd wanna try win me back which would mean destroying the things I care about. And Juno said that she had learnt to basically posses someone but only for a few minutes so she was weak. Perfect. The problem is I can't seem to figure out who it could be. Though Lyds was acting weird today. Asking Y/n all those questions and tripping her up and then walking away. Maybe Lyds was being possessed I mean usually I could had a pretty good sense when things were off. Gah this is so frustrating. I should keep an eye on Lyds next time I see her. I better go check on Y/n. And so with that I went off.

(Y/n p.o.v)

I was cuddled up in a ball in my bed asleep but was suddenly awoken when Beetlejuice appeared and landed harshly on my bed making me jump. "Woah!" I said as I grabbed onto his arm for balance.

"Sorry doll didn't mean to scare ya." He said chuckling lightly at me.

I let go of his arm a let out a hmph before sitting up to face him. "What is so important you needed to wake me up?" I ask annoyed. No matter how close we are or how much I like him nobody wakes up Y/n L/n and gets treated nicely. Easy to say I am NOT a morning person.

"Gee calm yourself babes I just wanted to make sure you were okay after earlier." He said. How can he make me feel bad for being grumpy at him. I never feel bad for being an angry, grumpy person when I wake up. But when it's with him why do can't I stay grumpy? This isn't fair.

"Oh." I practically whispered. Heat rushing to my face from embarrassment. "I..I don't know." I say answering honestly. Thinking back on today it was weird. I got that weird call at the diner and then Lydia asking questions and then her not helping me after I tripped.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked adjusting himself on my bed. Guess he didn't plan on leaving or taking no for an answer.

"I guess so." I said adjusting myself to match his position. We sat with our legs crossed and he rested his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. He nodded to show that he was ready to listen to what I had to say.

I sighed and began. I guess this is an honer because Beetlejuice hated sitting still and listening to other people's problems. "I don't even know.." I say breathlessly more so to myself than anything.

"Babes y'know I ain't good with this whole talkin bout uck... feelings thing." He said shivering as the word feeling rolled off of his tongue. He began to gently rub my arm soothing me.

I couldn't even be annoyed at the fact he was absolutely no help in this situation. I would have normally been annoyed at the insensitive and absolute useless help but for some reason I couldn't be annoyed at him. I sighed in frustration and began thinking of how to start. Finally I got it. "Well I mean I'm confused. Is she mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" I ask dropping my head slightly but keeping my gaze on Beej.

"No, no doll you did nothing wrong. She probably had a bad day." He said reassuringly and continued rubbing my arm.

I sighed again. "It's just it's not like Lyds to look me in the eye when I need help and just walked away and with all those questions it's not like her. So it must be me." I say dropping my head lower as I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. No I can't cry now. I can't be emotional.

"I just-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because the tears began to fall. I had to drop my head lower and shift my gaze to my crossed knees. Within a few seconds I was crying into Beetlejuice's shoulder as he held me in his embrace he rubbed circles on my back as he held me.

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