23-A Date?

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Y/n woke up the next morning with her face nestled soundly in the dead mans chest and her body was on his lap.

She jumped not expecting to wake up the way she did, though she couldn't complain this is what she wanted after all right?

She stealthily shifted to get off Beej though it was rather hard for her as the poltergeist had his arms firmly wrapped around her waist. She did eventually manage to escape the comforting grasp. She held her breathe hoping she didn't cause him to wake up.

Once she did she reached for her phone to check the time and saw that it was 9:45 and decided it was time to get up and get ready to meet Tommy at creamed.

Getting fully up she made her way to the kitchen and quietly made Breakfast for Lydia and Beetlejuice for when they woke up as she knew Lydia probably couldn't be bothered to cook herself breakfast.
She didn't make anything extravagant as they hadn't gone grocery shopping yet. Y/n made a mental note to do that later.
She made scrambled eggs and toast and put them on the counter because she knew they'd awaken soon enough.

After she made breakfast she wrote a note saying.
Hey Lyds and BJ
Going out for a while be back later. I made you two breakfast enjoy.
And attached it In between the the two bowls of egg and toast then made her way to her room to get dressed.

(Y/n's pov)

I ran quietly up to my room to get dressed. I threw on a pair of black ripped jeans, a black spaghetti strap top and a white jean jacket. The only thing my aunt made me wear that I liked. I put on some natural makeup and grabbed some money, my phone and keys. I left the house quietly and made my way to creamed.

Tommy was outside waiting for me. "Hey." He said as he approached me.
He was tall about 5'8/5'9 with dirty blonde tips that blended nicely with his natural brown roots his hair was curly at the front and his eyes were a frosty grey colour and his skin was a paled tanish colour and he had freckles all over his face. He was quite masculine and wore a warm smile.
Which of course I returned.

"Hi how are you?" I say as we began walking to the coffee shop. As soon as I entered the warmth had over taken me and the strong smell of coffee filling up my senses.

"Good and you?" He replied looking at the menu to see what he wanted me on the other hand? I knew exactly what I wanted.

"Good! Do you wanna order together?" I ask as I noticed that we were approaching the counter.

"Yeah what are you thinking of getting?" He asked still eyeing the menu.

"Iced tea unsweetened." I say plainly, I liked it so I didn't think anything of it. Though Tommy clearly didn't like the drink because he turned his gaze to me.

"You like that stuff?" He asked bluntly.
I'm sorry what? I personally thought that was rather rude, especially because he didn't know me that well.

"Yeah. What about it nerd?" I shrugged. I wanted to have a good time so I would just have to ignore that rather rude comment.

"I just don't like it but whatever floats your boat." He said. "I'll order the drinks. Why don't you get us some seats?" He suggested. I nodded in agreement and went off to an empty booth.

I looked out the window as I waited, my hand holding my cheek as I gazed out at the scenery.

I began to get lost in my thoughts.
Why did he feel the need to ask about my beverage of choice?
I mean it was quite rude wasn't it? Maybe I'm over thinking it?
But BJ and Lydia never asked me about. Hell Beej even got it so.
Friends shouldn't question other friends beverage choices.
Speaking of I wonder what they're up to now. Did they enjoy their breakfast? I hope so.
What ar-

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