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(Y/n pov)

I woke up the next morning with a face full of hair. In fact it was the hair of one Lydia Deetz. She was still asleep so I turned around to see if Bella was awake. She wasn't even there. Maybe she was in the bathroom or something and Barbara must of went back to the attic because she wasn't there either.

I heard a soft groan come from behind me. I turned my head to look at Lydia to see if she was awake. She was just beginning to so I turned by while body towards her and she did the same.

"You ok?" I ask. Lydia shook her head, she was never much of a talker once she woke up. Whenever we had sleepovers it took her about five minutes to actually speak after waking up. Unless it was necessary.

"Sleep good?" I ask. She nodded again. Looks like that's all I was getting.

"Wanna get some breakfast?" I ask throwing the blankets off of me and rolling off the bed, landing on the floor with a silent "ow". I expected Beetlejuice to ask if I was okay and rush to my side until I realized we were fighting. It made me sad to think about but I pushed past it. I heard her snicker slightly at me.

I jumped back up to my feet and stared at her with a smile and said. "I'm ok." She giggled this time and then got up out of bed. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her.

"Wanna borrow a hoodie?" I ask realising that she must be cold. She shook her head slowly from left to right and started walking downstairs to the kitchen. I followed behind her and started to see what we had in the cabinets.

Usually when we had guests my mother bought all sorts of food. I found the cabinet with the breakfast stuff in it. "Waffles or pancakes?" I say slamming the two firmly down on the island that Lydia was sitting at.

At the same time we both said. "Waffles." We giggled as usually most people chose pancakes. I guess that was another thing different about us from the other people in Connecticut.

I popped them in the toaster and leaned against the counter. We stayed silent for a few moments until Lydia asked. "What's that?" She pointed to a sticky note on the waffle packet.

Hey y/w/n/n
Everyone went out and I went to the park. Be back later
Love Bella.
Ps. I knew you'd want waffles!"

"Guess we have the house to ourselves." I tell Lydia just as the waffles popped. I put her waffles on a plate and slid them over to her. Then I put my waffles in and ran around the kitchen to get some whipped cream, sugar, syrup and some fruit. Every time I got something I threw it on the counter in front of Lydia so she could use them. She picked up some things and decorated her waffles with them.

Once mine popped and I put them on a plate, I sat beside Lydia and decorated mine just as she did.

"So....are you still mad at me?" Lydia asked cautiously as if she didn't want to anger me.

"Nah." I said. She lit up like a Christmas tree but has a shocked expression.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" She asked.

"Well I was thinking you would give me a second chance so I could do the same. Plus you're my best friend." I say pausing. "But..." Her smile dimmed. "It will take a while for me to trust you again." I say.

She nodded. "I understand." She says. "Happy to have you back y/n/n." She said wrapping an arm around my shoulder and laying her head lightly on my shoulder.

"I'm glad to have you back to." I say smiling and leaning in so my head was resting on top of hers.

We finished our breakfast and went back upstairs to get ready for the day.
"So wanna head to the diner for lunch?" Lydia asked as she flopped down on my bed.

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