12-my only hope

689 22 12

Y/h/l = your hair length...

Y/h/c = your hair colour.


(3rd person)

Lydia waited a few minutes to see if y/m/n would leave the kitchen. She did not so Lydia needed to use plan B.

She quickly ran around to the front door and peeked in the window to see the living room empty. Perfect she thought as she tried her ding-dong ditch technique to see who'd answer the door. She knocked and then ran to hide around the corner of the old house she once called home. She saw it open briefly and y/n's mom's head pop out. Once she realized no one was there she closed it again, fortunately leaving it unlocked for some stupid reason Lydia will never know.

Anyway she cautiously neared to the door and opened it slowly. Being as quiet as she could. She sucksyesfully..I mean successfully made it in. Making sure to stay out of y/n's mothers view she crept up the stairs, skipping the ones she remembered were squeaky. She stepped on the last one and of course it had to squeak. She froze for a minute waiting for someone to go look but nobody did as y/n had been to upset to care about life and all that and her mother looked hung over so she probably wouldn't bother checking and her dad was probably at work so. She mainly waited for Beej to show up but he never did, thankfully.

She made her way to the attic but not before peaking into y/n's room. She was curled up in a ball with the covers pulled all the way up to her shoulders. Lydia had never seen the house so quiet. She felt awful knowing she was the cause of Y/n's sadness. I mean she was the only person who made Lydia feel seen when she felt invisible and now that she probably feels like the world is against her Lydia couldn't help because it was her fault.

She didn't dwell on it though as it was to risky to stay to long. She scurried up to the attic and slowly and quietly...well almost quietly as that was a really squeaky door that nobody bothered fixing. Anyways that's not the point. She crept in and softly shut the door behind her. She leaned her back against the old attic door for support and let out a shaky sigh that was also filled with relief.

"Lyd-' Barbara was about to say when Lydia quickly ran up and placed her petite hand over her mouth.

"Sorry barb but y/n doesn't know I'm here so if we could whisper that'd be great." She explained taking her hand off of the female spectres mouth.

"Of course honey come sit." Barbara whispered, leading her towards the couch.

"Is he here?" Lydia whispered refering to Beetlejuice. She knew if he was here she'd be screwed.

"I haven't seen him since this morning." Barbara said. She knew who Lydia was talking about because she always referred to Beetlejuice as him or he before they were on ok terms.

"Good." Lydia said relief washing over her features. "Okay so we can talk normally then." She said.

"Lydia what's going on?" Barbara asked concerned.

"Well I need to talk to you about something but you need to promise you won't think I'm crazy straight away." Lydia said. Already planning what she would say and if she'd leave out the whole kissing Beetlejuice thing.

"Ok I promise but do you wanna wait for Adam or?" The dead women asked. Lydia hadn't even noticed he wasn't there.

"Where is he?" She asked. Barbara just answered with "the neitherworld." He could wait.

"Uh I'll just talk to you." Lydia said not wanting to be her longer than she needed to. Barbara nodded signalling she was ready to listen.

"Okay." Lydia started. "So remember when I came back for Y/n's birthday?" She asked. Barbara bobbed her curly haired head. "Well... actually I better start from the beginning..." She said.

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