19-life without Y/n

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(Lyds pov)

I slammed my door as I had gotten into another fight with my dad and that whore of his. God the hatred I have for that women has no ends. Anyway that had seemed to be how my life was going right now, picking fights with everyone. It's been different since y/n left. You'd think after a week or two things would get easier, simpler but no she's been gone for three months.

Everything had changed, everything was different. A week or so after she left dad decided we were going to move back to the rickety old white house on the hill. The house that once belonged to the Maitlands, then us, then y/n and now us again.

Speaking of the Maitlands, Adam still hadn't come back from the neitherworld so Barb left to go look for him, that was two months ago and I had given up hope they were coming back, I mean why would they if I could I would abandon me to, Delia did, Mom did, even Y/n did, so I must be the problem.

Lilly stayed though, she said she'd look after me for Barb and look after the house, that was a fat lie. The only reason she stayed was so she could freeload and as of late get into BJ's pants.

BJ...god I feel worse for him than I do for y/n or myself. Well I did, he hasn't been the same since she left, he was always moping around and whenever we tried to talk to him it quickly escalates into a heated argument. That's another thing he's always angry as well, his hair hasn't been green since...I don't even know at this point.

So you can imagine my surprise when i saw him appear in my room, I was still flopped face first on my bed but I could smell him so I turned to face him. It had been the first time he had been in my room since we moved back in but that's not the point.
His hair was the lightest shade of green you could imagine with streaks of bubblegum pink.

"Hey scarecrow!" He said plopping down beside me. I felt the mattress dip as I sat up to look at him. He had a smile on his face and a faint blush, almost unnoticeable.

"What has you so...." I ask not even saying the word because I hadn't felt it on months, at this point I didn't know the meaning. As time went on I realized that Y/n was the glue keeping me together. It was like being strange without the unusual.

"Happy?" He finished my question. I eyed him suspiciously.

"Yeah.." I say dragging out the word. Just then as if on queue walked in the reason of BJ's happiness. Lilly.

I knew she was the cause because when she walked in she said.
"Hey BJ." Dragging out the "hey"
He instantly perked up at the sight of her and it made me sick.
She walked over and whispered something in his ear then pulled back giggling. Whatever she said had some effect on BJ as his hair turned a brighter colour and so did the blush on his face, then without missing a beat Lilly locked lips with him, him kissing back and when they pulled away she walked off.

I was infuriated. I'm sure I had flames in my eyes and smoke out my ears. "Really?" I asked in a frustrated and hurt voice.

He looked down and sighed. "Lyds I-." He said going to place his hand on my arm. I immediately pulsed my arm away and shook my head from side to side frantically yet slightly. Flaming tears of frustration made there way into my eyes, blurring my vision.

"I thought you were different but God you're just like the rest of them." I say more so to myself than him.

"Lydia-" he tried but I cut him off again.
"Don't waste you're time with the whole we need to move forward thing because I've been through that already!" I scold,
getting up and walking out of the room. I couldn't even look at him right now, I couldn't believe he would forget Y/n like this.

I waddled my way to the roof and once I did I sat there hugging my knees to my chest. I felt more alone than ever. I mean at least she wasn't dead. I worried about her though. I wondered if she preferred her life there than she did here. It wouldn't be hard I mean she had the worst time here. She didn't even bother to text me. I knew there was nothing I could have done but yet I feel guilty.
I should have been there for her.
I should have been with her everyday.
I should have protested more when my dad made us leave.
I shouldn't have shut her put like I did.
I should have spoken to her about what I was going through.
Maybe if I did she would have trusted me more.
I could have been a better friend.
God why did I have to feel guilty?

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