Constantly ♡ (Paul Lahote)

By StephanieWithAnA

120K 2.6K 1.6K

"So let's test your theory." "What theory?" Paul smirked at me as he backed me up against the door. I watche... More

1 - Damaged
2 - Angry
3 - Bruised
4 - Hurt
5 - Healing
6 - Jealous
7 - Surprised
8 - Confused
9 - Sleeping
10 - Road Tripping
11 - Leaving
12 - Calling
13 - Assuming
14 - Apologizing
15 - Heading Home
16 - Reunited
17 - Discovering
18 - Celebrating
19 - Getting What You Want
20 - Fighting It
21 - Breaking Down
22 - New Year, New Me
23 - Tasting
24 - Back to Life
25 - Facing the Truth
26 - Starting Over
27 - Screwing Up
28 - Working It Out
29 - Heartbroken
30 - Cashing In That Rain Check
31 - Hot and Bothered
32 - Saying Goodbye
33 - Living My Best Wolf Life
34 - The Wolf is Out
35 - Surprised Again
36 - Challenging
37 - Giving You My Everything
38 - Crying Over You
40 - Confessing
41 - Making Up
42 - Back to School
43 - No Longer Jailbait
44 - Getting Discovered
45 - Getting Marked
46 - Getting Even
The Epilogue

39 - Coming Home For Christmas

2.1K 43 53
By StephanieWithAnA

A/N: big old smut warning for the beginning  (of course) but please stick around for the ending 😮

I sighed when I rolled over and realized Paul and I had fallen asleep on the living room floor. We were both so exhausted from the day's emotional drama, our fight, kind of making up with Embry, and the emotions of the upcoming holiday.

Well that and we had made love three times before we both finally collapsed.  I think I had awoken his inner beast because he was utterly insatiable. And that made me feel so good...and sore, but in a good way.

I looked over at Paul's adorable sleeping face and sighed.  I traced the outline of his lips ever so gently with the tip of my index finger.  He smiled as he slept and it only made me love him even more. I untangled myself from his hold on me and considered whether I should wake him up so we could go sleep in our bed or leave him be.

After getting a glass of water and using the bathroom, I decided to grab a few pillows and a blanket for me and stay where we were. I placed a pillow near his head and one for myself before nestling in his arms with my back to his chest.  He barely moved as I shifted and got comfortable.

He was so warm and holding me so close that I didn't really need the blanket, but I kept it close.  Once I felt all snuggly warm in his arms, I could feel my body relaxing and starting to drift off again.  Paul sighed deeply as his hand smoothed over my hip. I was sure he was still asleep until his breathing sped up and his hand tightened into my hip and he pulled me closer.

"Paul…" I warned, nowhere near ready for round 4.

He hummed as he brushed his lips over my shoulder and I felt his erection pressing into my thigh.  I wondered if he was sleeping or just messing with me. I gasped when he lifted my leg by the knee and moved it over his leg.  His fingers drifted down my side, over my thigh, and in between my legs. 

When his fingers starting circling my clit, I arched my back and opened my legs wider.  I bucked my hips a little, hoping to catch his dick between my legs and sink back onto it.  I felt Paul thrusting toward me and I moaned when he finally entered me.

His fingers continued to tease me as he rocked his hips forward.  I felt his lips near my ear and he chuckled. "Are taking advantage of me while I'm sleeping?" he teased groggily, his voice sexy from just waking up. 

"Me?" I scoffed. "You started this."

His fingers zeroed in on my clit and he wasn't letting up.  "I don't believe you. I think you seduced me in my sleep."

I hummed in anticipation.  "If I did seduce you, it wasn't very hard to do."

Paul began thrusting deeper as he nibbled my shoulder.  "Who's not hard?" he chuckled, his voice still husky.

I reached back to pull his hair a little and he groaned playfully.  "You're very hard, Paul. You must have been having some...good dreams," I managed to squeak out.

"I don't remember them.  I just hope this is real, because you feel really good, Rachel."

I tipped my head back and panted.  I was getting so close. Paul sped his thrusts as my legs began to shake. "That's it, baby," he coaxed.  My whole body spasmed so hard when my climax hit me. I had to grab Paul's hand to stop him because it was just too much.

He held me tightly in his arms and kissed all up and down my arm, giving me goosebumps absolutely everywhere.  He slowed down his thrusts to a stop, but he was still so hard and I knew he hadn't come yet. When I finally stopped shaking, I tried to turn and face him, but he held me still.

"I wanna try something," he murmured and I could feel my body tingling with anticipation. 

Paul piled up a couple pillows and the blanket and turned me over on my stomach. Gently, he folded my arms under my head and knelt behind me.  He leaned forward and licked the small of my back. Then he squeezed my butt with both hands and chuckled. "Your ass looks phenomenal like this, Rachel."

I gasped when I felt him brushing the head of his dick up and down, painting it with my wetness. I raised my hips and whimpered softly.  "Quit teasing me," I panted.

"Somebody sure is anxious," he teased as he used his hands to squeeze my hips and enter me swiftly. 

I shuddered and he stopped moving.  "Is this okay?"

"No..." I sighed.  "It's better than okay."

Paul hummed happily as he began thrusting low and deep.  He dragged his blunt nails over my back and the sensation was amazing.  He gripped my hips tighter as his strokes became more frenzied. My legs began to shake and when he slipped his hand under me and found my clit, I barely had time to ask him to come with me before I began to tumble.

"That's it, baby," he groaned as his climax slammed into me and I clenched all around him.

His body shook and spasmed and I could feel him pressing his forehead to the middle of my back. I sighed when he withdrew his full length from me and rolled away from me.  My whole body felt like mush and when he pulled me close to him, I rested my head on his chest.

I loved the way he smoothed his hands over my body and pressed tiny kisses all over my face.  "I love you," he whispered as he hugged me tightly.  

I could feel my body relaxing as my eyes slowly closed.  "I love you so much," I murmured as sleep crept up on me and I drifted to sleep in his arms.


The next day was crazy.  I woke up freaking out when I realized we needed to prepare the house and shop for our Christmas dinner. Paul lovingly kept me calm as he did some chores on a list I made and I planned for what we needed to buy at the store.  He insisted on accompanying me, pushing the cart and crossing items off my list as we walked up and down the aisles.

It was kind of fun, doing mundane tasks like this because we were doing it together.  Paul kept sneaking little kisses and squeezes as we wandered and I didn't mind the distraction because it was so sweet.  I was debating on what kind of stuffing to buy when Paul slid up behind me pressed his nose to my neck. I laughed when he started pulling on the collar of my shirt and exposing the skin of my shoulder.  "You are so bad," I scolded. 

Paul just laughed as he kissed my shoulder and licked my neck up to my earlobe.  "You like it when I'm bad," he murmured, his voice low and gravelly.

I could feel heat pooling between my legs as I pulled away and tried to get back to my shopping. I was somehow able to finish my shopping, check out and pay before Paul was grabbing me again.  He stopped me when I tried to load the groceries in the back of the Bronco. "I'll do that. Just come here."

He took me by the hand, opened the passenger door, and lifted me onto the seat. He leaned in close to me and settled between my thighs as he stood with the door open.  "I love you, Rachel," he blurted, his face etched with worry.

"Baby," I sighed, running my hands over his face, trying to wipe away the concern I saw there.  "Is everything okay?"

He blinked quickly and shook his head.  "I just don't wanna lose you," he gasped before burying his face in my neck.

"You never will," I whispered soothingly. "We're spending this Christmas together and we never have to be apart again."

Paul held me tighter and whispered, "Promise?"

I nodded quickly and pulled back to look into his eyes. "I promise."


Things seemed better with Paul after we got back home from the store.  It was nagging me that it seemed like he wanted to tell me something but couldn't...or wouldn't.  I had too much to do to think about it. Christmas was coming and I had every intention of making it the best one ever.

I had woken up Christmas morning, more excited than I had been as a child.  I bounced up and down on the bed a few times trying to get Paul to wake up. "Quit it," he groaned.

"Wake up, baby.  It's Christmas...and Santa came...even though you've been very bad."

That got his attention.

A smile started tugging at the corners of his mouth that was peeking out from under his bent forearm.  "Forget Santa. You can come sit on my lap," he growled playfully as he gathered me into his arms and pulled me on top of him.

I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.  "Let's open our presents," I whined.

Paul's eyes snapped open and he shook his head vigorously.  "Not yet! We have to wait for everyone to get here first."

I pouted dramatically.  "We can't do it now?"

Paul slid his hands under my ass as I straddled his waist and pushed up from his chest.  "Your gift isn't ready yet," he weakly argued.

I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed.  "Did you forget to get me something?"

"No!" Paul exclaimed as he reached for my face and pulled me down for a kiss.  "I've been planning your gift for months," he explained after we broke off the kiss.


Paul gave me a half smile as I rested my chin on his chest.  "We could see what's in our stockings," he offered.

My face brightened with the prospect and when I tried to climb off of him, he held me tightly against his body and hummed, "After."

"After what?" I sighed before he lifted his hips and I felt his erection pressing into the apex of my thighs.  "Well good morning to you too," I laughed as he tugged on my shirt, pulled it over my head and tossed it to the floor.


After Paul and I had opened and looked through our stockings, I had to kick his butt into the shower.  He fought me all the way because he wanted me to join him, but I knew I had way too much to do to get caught up in more lovemaking with Paul. 

A few hours later, the house was smelling wonderful with a large pot of my mom's spiced cider warming on the stove, the fireplace roaring and several apple pie candles burning on the mantle.  Paul was already bitching about how hot he was, so I let him open our bedroom window and told him he could duck in there with his wolfy friends if they got too hot.

When all our guests began to arrive, I could barely contain my excitement over hosting my first Christmas.  The best part was Paul's mom, Christine and half-sister Selena were making the long journey from Tacoma so Paul could see them too.  Selena had been so excited when I called her as she was the one who pushed us back together last New Year's. Selena nearly knocked me down when she came bounding into the house and hugged me fiercely.  "I'm so excited to be here," she gushed.

I chuckled as Paul pulled her away to get a hug of his own.  "Hello, sister. I've missed you too," he teased.

When dad and Jacob arrived, Paul and Jacob helped carry my dad's wheelchair into the house and he said nothing made him happier than having all his kids with him for Christmas. We decided to invite Jared and Kim to join us as they weren't celebrating with their families until later tonight and our gathering was for lunch.  When Embry and Rebecca walked in together, I wrapped them both in a warm hug and I was surprised when Paul approached Embry and shook his hand. Rebecca looked relieved when Jacob came over and did the same thing.  

"A Christmas miracle," I teased lightly as Paul slid up next to me and I curled my hand around his neck, pulling him into a quick kiss.  He surprised me by deepening the kiss and sliding his tongue in between my lips. He didn't linger for too much longer before pressing his forehead to mine.  "Paul…" I breathed, shocked that he gave me such a passionate kiss under all our families' watchful eyes.

Paul pulled away quickly and clapped his hands.  "Time for presents."

His announcement was met by chuckles from everyone and an argument from me.  "No, let's eat first. Isn't everyone hungry?" I asked, giving a pointed look to Embry, Jared and Jake.

Everyone, and I mean everyone said no and shook their heads.  "Let's do presents," my dad echoed as everyone began finding a place to sit in the living room.  

"Okay," I replied hesitantly as Paul ushered me into his armchair and knelt down in front of me.  "Paul...what are you doing?"

Everyone in the room gasped as he pulled a small box from his back pocket and held it in front of me.  I held my breath when he smiled up at me, with his beautiful chestnut eyes shining brightly with love. "Rachel, there's been something I've been wanting to ask you…"

"Oh wow," I whispered as he opened the box and revealed the ring inside.  

Paul nibbled on his lower lip nervously as he pulled the ring from the box and held it before me.  "I love you. I've loved you since our first summer together and I know I've made you crazy with my temper and all the mistakes along the way, but I've never been more sure of anything than I am right now.  I wanna marry you, Rachel. I want you to be my girl forever. Will you say yes...and be my wife? Please?"

I blinked quickly as he beamed proudly.  He held my hand in his and continued. "Please don't say no.  I know we have to finish school…"

"And turn 18, Jailbait!" Jared howled, earning a elbow in the ribs from Rebecca and Kim at the same time.

Paul rolled his eyes and scowled playfully. "Two weeks, Jared!"

I laughed lightly as he turned back to me slipped the small silver band with a tiny heart shaped diamond in the center onto my ring finger.  "Just put this on and don't say no. I'll give you as much time as you need to decide. Just don't say no without thinking about it first, Rachel.  And I know you overthink everything so this shouldn't be a big deal."

Everyone chuckled as I stared down at the ring and furrowed my brow.  Paul lifted his hand to my cheek and sighed, "Rachel?"

I blinked quickly again, this time pushing back tears that threatened to fall.  "No," I gasped quietly as a hush fell over the room.

Now Paul was blinking back tears.  "No?" he echoed, his voice rising slightly.  "No, you won't marry me?"

I pressed my lips together and shook my head.  "No...I don't need time to think about it," I breathed before leaning into to press my forehead to his.  "Because the answer is yes."

"Yes?  You said yes?  You mean it?" Paul gushed excitedly.  

I beamed up at him when he stood up and held my hands.  "Yes, I'll marry you, Paul."

The whole room erupted in cheers as Paul lifted me right out of that chair and straight into his arms.  He kissed me fiercely and I kissed him back just as hard. I peered up at him when he finally released me.  "You really thought I was gonna say no?"

Paul chuckled and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.  "I never had a doubt in my mind," he replied with all that arrogant swagger I had grown to love about him. 

"You lie so bad, Lahote," I teased, unable to wipe the grin off my face.

"That's Mr. Lahote to you," he teased back, his eyes glinting with mischief.  He lowered his mouth to my ear and breathed, "I wanna see you in this," he paused to run his fingers over the silver chain and two hearts he had given me and then drifted to my ring. "...and this...and nothing else tonight when we go to bed."

I gasped playfully as Jacob groaned and Jared laughed boisterously.  "You really are bad. No wonder Santa didn't stop here last night," I joked as his mouth hung open.  

"See if you get any more presents from me today," he smirked. 

I pulled him close with my hands around his waist and pushed up on my toes.  "I don't need anything other than this," I sighed, tilting my ring adorned hand wistfully under the lights.  

"Are you sure?" Paul beamed, barely able to hold his excitement.  "Cuz I got another surprise for you."

Paul trotted off with Jared in tow and I didn't see where they went because Rebecca, Kim and Selena descended upon me like vultures wanting to see my ring.  Rebecca hugged me tightly and told me how happy she was. I was already promising the three of them they could be in the wedding when in reality, I had no idea how far off that day would be.  

Paul returned swiftly, shooing the girls away as he slid behind me and covered my eyes with his hands.  "Time for present number two."

Paul guided me outside and down the porch steps as I heard everyone murmuring around us.  "Paul...this is making me nervous," I admitted as Paul continued to hold his hands over my eyes and I held onto his wrists.

"No need to be nervous," he whispered.  "Open your eyes."

He pulled his hands away and pressed a set of keys into my hand. I looked down at them and up at him and he nodded to the unfamiliar car in the driveway. "It's yours," he beamed proudly.  

I gazed at the cherry red suv before my eyes and gasped.  "You bought me a car?"

Paul chuckled as he wrapped his arm around me and led me to the driver's side door. "Actually…" he paused dramatically.  "Your dad bought it. It was a beater. But me and Jake...okay well mostly Jake fixed it up and got it running like we did with my Bronco.  Do you like it?"

I nodded as I slid into the seat.  It was an older model Explorer, looking similar to Paul's Bronco but in much better shape.  Jacob came trotting over to us and I smiled at him. "Jacob! I can't believe you did this."

"Paul is being modest.  He helped me a lot and paid for all the parts we needed.  And he insisted I paint it this flashy red for you."

"I love it!  I love you," I sighed as I slid out of the seat and into Paul's waiting arms.  "I can't believe you did this."

Paul hummed against my neck and whispered, "I can't have my fiancée walking around La Push.  My baby deserves the best."

Jared and Embry approached us, laughing. "Thanks for making the rest of us look like assholes, Paul," Jared joked.

"Yeah, how is anyone supposed to top that?" Embry added.

"You're not," Paul beamed as he squeezed me tightly from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.  "I'm the best looking, I've got the hottest fiancée," he paused as Rebecca walked up and scoffed. "And I have the biggest muscles."

Then the four of them started arguing about it before Jared finally whined, "Can we please eat now?  I'm starving!"

"I knew you guys were lying about not wanting to eat," I replied, shaking my head.  

I walked away from them and approached my dad.  "So I guess you wanna say 'I told you so' now?" I asked, remembering how he was the first one to try to get me to admit my love for Paul.  

My dad held his arms out to me and shook his head.  "I know I'm wise. You don't have to confirm it."

I scoffed playfully as I bent down to give him a hug.  "Your mom would have been so proud of you today," he murmured.

I nodded quickly as I glanced at Paul.  And I knew he was right. My mom would have loved Paul. I smiled as he sauntered up to me and I saw the concern in his eyes when he saw my tears.  "Is everything okay?" he asked with his brow furrowed.

I pulled him close to me and heard his heart pounding in his chest.  "Everything is perfect now," I gushed. Paul slid his fingers under my chin and lifted it gently.  My heart soared when his lips caught mine and we got lost in the moment. 

I had everything I could ever need and it was the one thing I thought I couldn't stand.  That smartass Paul Lahote. Boy, was I wrong. 


A/N: too fluffy?  Time to end it or should I keep going?  For the love God, let me know! Y'all been too quiet lol

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