
By Sadepths

81.4K 2.5K 398

She usually doesn't let anyone in on her secret to success but when she meets this special someone, he change... More

Hard To Get.
Own Me.
Glock 44.
Girl Of My Dreams.
Mob Ties.
Spent Me.
Breaking point.
Living Single.
In Law.
2 In Law.
Burn Book.
Down Below.
If You Hate Me.
Commit. (Alternate Proposal)

Lock & Key. (Final)

1K 32 2
By Sadepths

Persistence- firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

(Roughly 1 year has passed between this chapter and the last.)

I looked over at him as his phone kept vibrating. It's been going on for awhile now and I've been cool about it but I'm starting to get annoyed. We supposed to be watching this movie and he keeping his fat ass head in his phone. Let me relax, it's nothing. I tried to focus on the tv for a couple minutes but the vibrating kept going. Alright. Let me approach this in a reasonable way. "Youre not paying attention to the movie chrisss." I fake whined and sat up, grabbing onto his neck. He shrugged me off and kept his eyes on the phone. His brightness was turned all the way down so I couldn't really see. Oh okay.....I'll be blunt then. "Chris why your phone keep vibrating? Who is taking your attention away from me?" I moved my feet from across his lap and waited for him to answer. He sucked his teeth and looked at me with a mug.

"You know fucking what bruh, just leave damn! Starting shit for no reason at fucking all. I want to chill and here you come on that bullshit." He got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. I frowned hard and looked at the floor. Is he on his period? All I asked was why his phone kept vibrating. I don't want to speculate but it sounds to me that he got something to hide. I got up from my spot and followed behind him. "You must got something to fucking hide to be blowing up like that! I asked a simple question! Look at me!" I grabbed onto his shirt and yanked him around. He yanked his shoulder away from me and took a step back. "Man leave me alone." He tried to walk away from me again but I stepped in front of him. He got me fucked up because now, now he pissing me off. "Chris...listen. You're about to make me fuck you up. Why you bugging so hard?" I folded my arms, looking at him. He looked bothered and stressed out. His hair was messy and his beard was all grown out. Don't get me wrong, he still fine but it just isn't Chris. He been acting like this for the past couple weeks and I been brushing it off but now I'm done. "I just wanna be alone right now. It ain't you, I'm just stressed. I'm going to my house for now so I can calm myself down." He turned and walked away before I could even speak. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, trying to figure out what he could be stressing over. I haven't been acting crazy or anything like that so it isn't me...I think.

A lot has changed for the both of us in these past months and I could say I'm proud.

1.) I've went back to school to finish my degree and I'm almost done. I have a few more months and classes before I officially earn my associates degree.
2.) Instead of trying to be the old me, I've created a brand new Senia. This Senia doesn't take no shit, but she allows others to learn her before she blocks them out completely. I still don't have my guard down all the way but I hear them out.
3.)I'm working on my physical health. I meal prep, eat veggies, drink strictly water, balance my meals, I even own a gym membership. Im dedicated forreal forreal.

4.) Me and Chris don't live together anymore. Still my lovebug of course but I wanted my independence back fully. he always over here with me anyway so it really don't matter! I had to let that house go that I tried to end myself in. I tried to stay there for a couple of weeks but I just couldn't. So I found myself a apartment on the 8th floor, downtown. The view is amazing! I have a balcony so only imagine how many times a week I get my shit wacked up there!
5.) This isn't really and Chris had a threesome. Hear me out! He wasn't asking me, I offered and he ran with it. We found a girl, all that good shit. We drunk our drinks, got to feeling good, clothes started falling off. She got to eating me while he hit her from the back but this where she fucked up. She took the condom off 'secretly' (watched her ass do it) to get him to nut in her. I beat her ass right then and there. I let you into my relationship for a night and you wanted to make it permanent. Aw yeah bitch you getting beating up. So we both learned a lesson that day.

Our relationship has improved a lot being that we've grown in separate aspects but come together as one. It's just for the past...I'll say two months almost, he's been stressing over something and I don't know what it is. I've asked multiple times but he won't tell me. I get that he wants to deal with it on his own time but I don't take your anger out on me. I'm about to start stressing over the shit now.

My eyes fluttered open as I felt the bed vibrate from my phone ringing. I picked the phone up and pressed the green button. I laid my head next to the phone and closed my eyes, waiting for him to speak. "Livi." "What?" "Get up. Meet me at this location I'm about to send you. Wear something warm. You got fifteen minutes." The phone beeped three times. I got as much time as I want because who? I took a second to gather my thoughts before getting up and semi rushed to get ready.

I dressed in a pair of black distressed jeans, a white sweatshirt with the word 'babygirl' across the collarbone area in red, a pair of black and red airmax, and topped it off my black bubble coat. My hair was slicked up into a nice, neat bun and the silver hoops with my heart necklace completed the look. I would say I look pretty comfy and warm. Between dressing and a shower, I took 45 minutes and basically did the dash to the location he sent. I ended up near a fucking lake. He trying to kill me? Kidnap me? Aw naw. I parked my car next to his and slowly got out, making sure to check my surroundings. There was a long dock that lead down to the middle of the lake and I could see light at the end. I felt someone grab onto shoulder and immediately shot my hand back towards their nuts or vagina. "Woah!!" He jumped back and covered his area. "Why would you do that dumbass shit." I turned around and looked at him, but was immediately taken aback at my view. He was alllll cleaned up. I'm talking beard shaved and clean, hair lined up, eyebrows trimmed. His skin was smooth looking and those those lips. He had on a black trench coat with a pair of black jeans as well, a black t shirt and a pair of all black shoes. Damn...

"Besides you about to take my nuts out, you look beautiful baby. Come on." He grabbed onto my hand and lead me to the dock. "Thank you, you look just as good, if not better. What you got up your sleeve?" I questioned. He basically ignored me as we walked down the dock. The water made me slightly nervous but him having my hand, put me at ease. As we came closer to that light, I could see he had a candle lit dinner set up. The table had a bouquet of flowers set up with a couple candles setting around it. Two containers sat on each side of the table and a card sat in front of one of them. We approached the table and he pulled out my chair, allowing me to sit down before scooting me up and sitting down himself. I had a goofy ass smile plastered on my face. This is so cute and thoughtful! "I wanted to treat you to something different than what we usually do. I know I been acting different lately, I'm just stressed." He shook his head and sighed. "What's wrong baby? You know you could've came to me about it and I would've helped you through it." I looked at him, folding my arms across the table. It wasn't too cold, it was in the middle of warm and chilly. "I'll speak on it later, I don't wanna ruin this. Let's eat."

We began eating our food while talking about everything that has been going on recently and in the past. It's been awhile since we had something like this. Just enjoying each others company. But it was something in particular that had me questioning what was really going on.

"So..what would you do if we had to start this relationship from the very beginning again?" He leaned in, seeming really interested. I looked off for a second, thinking. "I don't think I would in all honestly." He gave me a weird look and frowned. "Not like that, I'm saying I don't think I would let you in as soon as I did. I would want for us to at least be in the talking stage for almost a year before making it official. Either way, I would be with you no matter what. I just wish we would've taken the time to get to know each others background. Instead we started hanging out and assuming shit." I explained. He looked more understanding once I explained. "I get it. I wouldn't change it for the world tho. I really love your ugly ass. Come here." He closed his container and moved back from the table. I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face and stood. I walked to his side of the table and sat down across his lap. We adjusted ourselves so that I was leaning against him with his arms wrapped around me. "This view is amazing." I looked across the water. The wind was settle so the water wasn't moving as much. "My view is amazing as well." He leaned up and planted a small kiss on my cheek. "Don't gas." I looked at him. His eyes were glued to me and he looked as if he was memorized. I blushed and tried to look away but he grabbed my chin, turning my head right back to him. "I'm not gassing, I'm serious. You're so beautiful Livi. I can't tell you that enough." He knows I hate it when he calls me that but I'll take it this time only. "Thank you baby. You're going to make me cry, you know I'm emotional." We both laughed a little as I wiped under my eye.

"I just want you to know. Let me show you something." He pat my side, indicating I should stand. I stood and he did as well. He turned my so that we were facing the end of the dock. He stood behind me and laid his hand on my shoulder. "You see how we're surrounded by water?" He questioned. I nodded and stared into the distance, admiring it. "I wanted us to be surrounded, just the two of us in the middle of nowhere. That's how I want the rest of our lives to go..I want you to feel that it's only us two in this world. No matter what we go through, you know we'll be back at square one. That's god telling us that not only do we need to mature but we are meant to be. It's so much that you still do not know about me and it's only a matter of time before you do." He paused, sighing. I was so lost in his words, trying to puzzle them together. "Why don't I know everything about you?" I frowned. He removed his hand from my shoulder. "Before I ever let you in that much, you'll have to do something for before I make this offer, I just want to say I love you very much. You are literally my world and it's so much I want for the both of us, as a couple and as humans period. I want this plant we have to grow into a tree-" He paused again. "And I want for you to not only take me and all my baggage, but I want for you to take me as your husband."

My heart fell directly to my stomach and I slowly turned around. My hands shot directly for my mouth and my knees buckled. The tears began to stream down my face as he was balancing himself on one knee with a small black box with a beautiful engagement ring inside. A photographer was standing not far from us, snapping pictures of this beautiful moment.

"Senia Olivia Kenson,
would you take my hand in marriage
and marry me?"

I couldn't even make our english words because I was crying so hard. I nodded rapidly and sniffed while taking him inside of my arms for a hug. I could hear him starting to sniff as we hugged each other for what seemed eternity. The photographer began to clap and smile, watching us.

The day I walked into the club, never would've thought I would meet my fiancé that night. He walked into my life and flipped it upside down. The good times and the bad times have made not only us but our relationship stronger so now we can go at the hands of time to get us through life. I've taught him maturity and he's taught me persistence. I guess opposites do attract.

We pulled away from eachother and I wiped my face with my sleeve. I can't believe he just did this..I'm going to get married..He laughed alittle while wiping his face and took the ring out of the box. I held my hand to him while trying to hold back the tears. He slid the ring onto my ring finger and pulled me into another hug. At the same time we said our favorite fraze;
I love you.

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