Constantly ♡ (Paul Lahote)

Galing kay StephanieWithAnA

121K 2.6K 1.6K

"So let's test your theory." "What theory?" Paul smirked at me as he backed me up against the door. I watche... Higit pa

1 - Damaged
2 - Angry
3 - Bruised
4 - Hurt
5 - Healing
6 - Jealous
7 - Surprised
8 - Confused
9 - Sleeping
10 - Road Tripping
11 - Leaving
12 - Calling
13 - Assuming
14 - Apologizing
15 - Heading Home
16 - Reunited
17 - Discovering
18 - Celebrating
19 - Getting What You Want
20 - Fighting It
21 - Breaking Down
22 - New Year, New Me
23 - Tasting
24 - Back to Life
25 - Facing the Truth
27 - Screwing Up
28 - Working It Out
29 - Heartbroken
30 - Cashing In That Rain Check
31 - Hot and Bothered
32 - Saying Goodbye
33 - Living My Best Wolf Life
34 - The Wolf is Out
35 - Surprised Again
36 - Challenging
37 - Giving You My Everything
38 - Crying Over You
39 - Coming Home For Christmas
40 - Confessing
41 - Making Up
42 - Back to School
43 - No Longer Jailbait
44 - Getting Discovered
45 - Getting Marked
46 - Getting Even
The Epilogue

26 - Starting Over

2K 52 39
Galing kay StephanieWithAnA

I glanced around the beach and shook my head. First damn day of summer and people were acting like idiots. The fire was blazing, thanks to Jared throwing a shit ton of lighter fluid on it.  A fifth of Jack Daniels was making the rounds, everyone pouring a little into their cups and taking a swig.  

There were girls skinny dipping, even though it was no way warm enough for that. Little shrieks and splashes could be heard every few minutes.  I was already bored and wanting to go find Rachel.  

"What's wrong with you?"

I rolled my eyes and stood, wanting to get as far away from Leah as possible.  "Just leave me alone," I muttered when I found her following me. 

"What is your problem?" she seethed.  

I popped open a can of Coke and added it to the triple shot of Jack I already had in my cup.  "You're my problem. You're clingy and whiny. Go be a bitch somewhere else."

"We had a deal," she reminded me.

I turned to face her now and I shook my head.  "The only deal we had was that I told you I'd listen to you bitch about Sam.  I never agreed to treating Rachel like shit or you trying to kiss me at school today.  Rachel is my girl. I have zero interest in you."

"I can help you," she offered, reaching for my shoulder. 

I pulled away from her quickly.  "Help me do what?"

"Make her jealous," she replied, smirking.  "You saw how she was acting at the diner. She hates me.  You could use that to your advantage."

I shook my head quickly.  "I won't do it. It's not worth it to me.  I can get Rachel back without your help."

"What about me?" she begged.  "I wanted you to help me make Sam jealous.  I know I can, if you just…"

"No!  Sam isn't here, Leah.  He's off fucking Emily somewhere.  He isn't thinking about you."

Her eyes opened wide and her expression looked as though I had slapped her.  "You are such a bastard," she seethed.  

I sighed, suddenly feeling bad.  "Forget about Sam. You can do better.  If he can't see how great you are...then fuck him."

Leah lowered her gaze and sighed.  "I don't know if I'll ever be able to get over this."

"Come here," I urged gently, pulling her into a warm hug.  I laughed to myself when I thought that it must be Rachel's influence causing me to soften toward Leah.  I never would have done this a year ago.

When I pulled away, she gave me a small smile.  I lowered my face to hers and returned the smile.  "You're gonna be okay. Just give yourself some time."

She nodded and told me she was gonna walk home.  I watched her walk away, feeling pretty good about myself.  Then I saw Rachel approaching the bonfire and my heart sank.  I prayed she hadn't seen me with Leah. Fuck.

I watched as she walked up to Jacob and they started talking.  He was no doubt bending her ear about Bella. He hadn't talked to Bella since he crashed her prom and he also hadn't shut up about it either.  

Rachel looked beautiful.  She had changed out of diner uniform and into a pair of very short cutoffs.  When she pulled the elastic band from her hair and let her shiny black locks pour over her shoulders, I felt my cock get hard.  She shook her hair out a few times and slipped the band over her wrist.  

Quil and Embry joined them and I scowled. Ugh.  Time to make my presence known.  I armed myself with a second Jack and Coke, thinking it would be a good reason to approach her.

As I sauntered over, my confidence was suddenly shaken when Embry pulled Rachel into a hug.  Now that would have been okay except his hands were on her lower back, too low for my taste...and he kept them there. Oh fuck no.

She twisted away from him shyly and I cheered inside.  I slid behind her undetected, holding a cup out in front of her.  "I thought you might be thirsty."

When she turned her head to thank me, her hair brushed my nose and I inhaled deeply.  Yum.  She hadn't yelled at me yet, so I took a chance and by moving beside her and letting my arm rest loosely on her waist.  

She leaned in to talk to me over the blaring music.  "Where's your date?" she mused. 

I copied her move, tilting my head toward her ear and replying, "She had to work.  She just got here."

Rachel tried to hide her smile behind her cup, but it was too late.  I see you, Pretty Girl.  I leaned in to look in her cup and she gave me a side eye glance. "Are you gonna give me a hard time for drinking too fast?" she replied smiling, her mouth grazing my neck this time.

I had to keep myself from grabbing the back of her head when I felt those lips on my skin.  I knew she hadn't done it on purpose, because she now had to get on her tiptoes to reach my ear.  "I'm just trying to keep up with you," I flirted.

She turned to face me now.  She tipped her head back and finished her drink. I watched as a few drops dribbled onto her chin and down her neck.  She ran the back of her hand over the errant drops and then licked them away. Holy fuck. She caught me staring and punished me by trapping the tip of her tongue between her teeth and leaving it there.  Out of instinct, I reached for her chin and held it in my hand. I wanted that tongue on my skin, in my mouth and all over my neck.  She was killing me.

"Rachel…" I began.

Jared decided that now would be a good time to interrupt us.  "Looks like someone's in need of a refill," he practically sang, his head bouncing side to side.

Rachel nodded and I watched as Jared poured straight Jack into her cup.  "Do you want some Coke with that?" I offered as she took a sip and grimaced from the burn.

"Ooh," she groaned as she crinkled up her nose.  She gripped the front of my t-shirt and pressed her forehead to the center of my chest.  I couldn't help but beam, being so close to her. I slid my hand under her hair and held her neck gently.  I rolled my eyes at Jared, who was waggling his eyebrows at me. I mouthed, 'thanks' to him and he nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I pressed my nose to the top of her head and inhaled deeply.

She laughed as she lifted her head slowly.  "I don't think I've had a drink since New Year's.  It's a little strong." She squeezed her eyes shut and swayed a little.  When the song changed, she backed away, announcing, "Who wants to dance with me?"

She poured her shot into my cup and stacked the empty cup under mine.  None of us answered her, so she dragged poor Quil by his hand and tried to get him to dance.  Embry stepped over to the space previously occupied by Rachel and crossed his arms. He didn't say anything to me, but I could see he wasn't taking his eyes off Rachel.  "You know she's gonna break your heart, right?" I asked him as we both stared at her.

"You're so fucking cocky, Paul.  You act like you two are back together already."

I sipped my Jack and nodded.  "It's just a matter of time."

Embry scowled.  He continued to watch Quil fumble awkwardly with Rachel.  When Quil turned to us for help, Embry said, "We'll see about that."

Embry cut in and Quil retreated back to Jacob and I.  Jacob leaned over to me as I watched Embry slow dance with Rachel.  "Aren't you gonna do something about that?"

I scoffed.  "Well, Jacob," I paused and clasped his shoulder.  "You almost sound like you want me to break that up."

Jacob shrugged and chuckled lightly. "I just don't think that will end well.  He's gonna get hurt."

"I just told him the same thing, but instead of listening to me, he went to dance with her instead.  Fuckin' hard head."

Jacob looked shocked. "You care about Embry? That's new."

I sipped a little more of my drink and tilted my head.  Rachel didn't look all that comfortable in Embry's arms, but she was definitely tipsy and quite possibly drunk, so I was keeping a close eye.  "They're friends, Jacob. If he makes a move and she rejects him, I doubt their friendship would survive. And Rachel would get hurt. And she is who I care about."

Jacob nodded. "Good point."

I laughed when I saw a couple of girls smiling at Jacob.  "Maybe you should quit worrying about your sister and get you some."

Jacob looked confused so I tipped my head toward the eager females and gave the boys a knowing look.  "I can take care of Rachel. Go talk to those girls, you and Quil."

Jacob looked hesitant and Quil looked curious.  "I don't know…" Jacob began.

"I can guarantee Bella isn't thinking about you right now.  And she's not gonna play with your dick…" I paused to tip my head toward the two girls who were now waving at us. "...but that girl might."

Jacob gave me a disgusted look, but Quil laughed. "Really, Paul?"

"They're interested," I commented.  "You should go talk to them."

Jacob just shook his head.  "Okay they don't have to play with your dick...making out is good too...real good," I told him.

"He's saving himself for Bella," Quil quipped, earning him a punch in the arm from Jacob.

"Come on, you guys!  You should be out there getting some ass…or at the very least, some practice for when the time comes."

"Is that what you were doing with Leah?" Jacob sneered, obviously trying to change the subject. 

"I never touched her."

"Dude...come on," Quil goaded. 

I shook my head and smirked.  "Dude, nothin.' I didn't wait a year to have sex with Rachel just to…"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I cringed. "Pretend I didn't say that," I said quickly.

Quil's mouth gaped open.  "No way! You guys haven't done it?"

I groaned.  "No, we haven't.  Don't say anything.  I shouldn't have told you."

Jacob smirked.  "She's making you  wait? Wow...I got like a whole new level of respect for you now."

"Damn, Paul," Quil began.  "You must really have it bad for Rachel."

I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. "You have no idea."


I told Quil and Jacob that I would be their wingman and I practically pushed them over to meet the girls.  They both sucked at flirting, so I helped out by complimenting Jacob on his mechanic skills and I told them Quil was an amazing soccer player, and he is sort of good.  Just not as good as me.

I finished my drink and tossed the cups into the fire. I wove my way around the people dancing until I was standing behind Rachel.  She was still dancing with Embry, her arms keeping him at a distance. I smiled at Embry and asked, "May I cut in?"

Embry scowled and started to shake his head, but Rachel pulled back from him, basically stepping into my waiting arms.  He rolled his eyes at me and walked away. 

Rachel started to turn and face me, but I pressed my fingers around her waist and held her still.  I heard the hitch in her breath when I lowered my mouth to her ear and hummed. "You feel so good."

"Are we dancing?" she asked as her body began to sway.

I moved my hips in time with hers as she covered my hands with hers. I brushed my lips from her neck to the curve of her shoulder.  She was wearing a tank top with so much bare skin exposed, I just couldn't help myself. 

When she tipped her head to the side, her hair swept aside, leaving her neck exposed.  I wanted to kiss the skin there and nibble on it. I had waited so long for this that the anticipation was unbearable. I was also cautious, knowing her friendliness could be attributed to the Jack Daniels and not necessarily because she forgave me.  

"I missed you," I mumbled against her neck.  "I'm so glad you're home."

She shuddered a little and I smiled against her skin.  When she lifted her hand, reaching up to run her fingers through my hair, the back of my arms erupted in goose bumps.  I trailed my mouth up the side of her neck, landing on her earlobe. I sucked it into my mouth and murmured, "Let's go for a walk."

Rachel nodded quickly, pulling my hand from her waist and holding it while we walked to the water's edge.  She let my hand go as she looked out over the water. "I missed the beach," she announced quietly.

"I missed you," I retorted cautiously. 

She wrapped her arms around herself and shrugged.  "And lucky for you, Leah was here to keep you company."

I stepped in front of her, lowering my head to meet her gaze.  "Do you see her here? No. And she won't be bothering you anymore."

Her eyes bore through me angrily. "All finished with her then?"

I shook my head and frowned.  "I never had anything going on with her.  We're friends. And when she tried to kiss me, I rejected her.  And that was before I knew you were home."

Her expression softened, but she kept her arms protectively in front of her chest.  "Why have you been ignoring my phonecalls? You don't want me anymore?"

My heart broke when I heard the sadness in her voice.  "It's not that. Not even close. Just the opposite actually."

She looked up at me before squeezing her eyes shut and swaying a little.  I stepped forward to steady her as she shook her head, I assumed trying to shake the feeling away.  "I don't feel right," she murmured. 

"Too much to drink?" I asked, although I only remembered her drinking the cup I brought her plus part of the shot Jared poured her.

She pressed her fingers to her temple and shook her head again.  "I don't think I ate today."

No sooner than the words left her mouth, did she collapse against my chest.  "Fuck," I muttered as I scooped her up in my arms and cradled her to my chest. 

She rested her head against my shoulder as I swiftly carried her to my car, carefully trying to avoid Embry.  It was no use. By the time I made it to the parking lot, Embry, Quil and Jacob were hot on my heels.

"What the fuck did you do?" Embry spat.

"Open the damn door."

Embry was seething.  Quil pulled the passenger side rear door open and slid inside, holding his arms out to help me with Rachel.  "What's wrong with her?" Jacob demanded.

"He plied her with liquor so he could get down her pants," Embry accused, his eyes blazing in anger.

I gently set Rachel in the back seat, allowing her head to rest against Quil's shoulder.  I shut the door carefully before grabbing Embry by the shirt and slamming him against the door I just closed.  "Go to hell, you piece of shit."

Jacob used both hands to separate us.  "Quit it! Both of you!"

I finally released the bastard when I saw the panic in Jacob's eyes.  "What happened?" Jacob pleaded.

I sucked in a deep breath and glared at Embry.  "She didn't have that much to drink. She just told me she didn't think she ate today…"

Embry scoffed. "Wonder why?  She had to watch Leah drape herself all over you at school and then you harassed her in the parking lot.  She's stressed the fuck out!"

I furrowed my brow in confusion.  She saw me with school. When? Then it hit me and I suddenly felt nauseous.  "The girl you had pinned to your locker...that was Rachel? You son of a…"

When I advanced on Embry again, Jacob stepped between us.  "Enough!" He shoved me back roughly and I came back to my senses.

I handed my keys to Embry and sneered, "Drive."

"You fucking drive," he retorted, tossing the keys back at me. 

Before I could say another word, he opened the door and slid in next to Rachel.  I rounded the Bronco, squeezing my keys so hard they were leaving imprints in my hand.  By the time I got in the driver's seat, I could see Embry pulling Rachel into his lap. I turned the key and adjusted the rearview mirror.  When I saw him pressing kisses to her forehead, I nearly lost my shit.

When I pulled up to Jacob's house, I couldn't get to Rachel fast enough. Embry was fumbling around trying to lift her up, but I pushed him aside.  "Out of my way, Junior."

He literally growled at me when I held her to my chest and carried her inside.  Jacob waved me into the house after making sure his father was sound asleep. I carefully placed Rachel on her bed.  I gently pushed the hair away from her face. I cringed when I thought about what Embry had said. Had I stressed her out today? Was it my fault she passed out?

She was breathing deeply, sleeping soundly and looking so angelic.  I smoothed my hand over her stomach, coming to rest on the button of her shorts. When I undid her shorts, I heard Embry's voice coming from the doorway. "What the hell are you doing?" he shouted in a  whisper. 

"Changing her clothes," I answered simply.

"You've got to be kidding."

"I just want her to be more comfortable."  Embry stood next to me, looking down at Rachel.  I knew he could see the edge of her panties from behind the half-open zipper of her jean shorts.  I covered her with my hands and glared up at him. "Do you mind?"

Embry glanced away when I caught him looking.  "I'm not leaving her alone with you."

I scowled at him. "You think I've never seen her naked before?"

Embry rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you have."

"Should I ask Jake to do this?  Or maybe wake Billy up?"

Embry scowled back at me.  "I guess not."

I sighed when she shifted a little.  "Look in her bag," I pointed to the luggage on her dresser.  "Can you find her some pajamas?"

I reached around Rachel's back and pulled her to my chest.  With one hand I pulled her tank top over her head. Then I unhooked her bra and discarded it.  I kept her upper half pressed firmly to my chest as I waited for Embry to return. I was letting him help me but I'd be damned if he was gonna get a look at her naked.  He scowled when he saw her resting her head on my shoulder and her nose nestled deep in the crook of my neck.

"Oh, Paul," she murmured as she inhaled deeply.  

I pressed my cheek to hers and smiled.  "I'm right here," I promised softly.

Embry stood there with the pajamas in his hand and shrugged.  "What should I do?"

I lifted one of her arms so he could push her hand through the sleeve.  Then we did the same thing on the other side. I carefully pulled her shirt down, ensuring that Embry saw nothing.  I, on the other hand, got a nice look at her mocha colored nipples which were hard and straining against her shirt.

I made quick work of removing her shorts and dressing her in the pajama pants that Embry had found.  He just stood and watched. There was something about the way he looked at her that really bothered me.  

Once she was dressed and tucked in, I pressed a kiss to her forehead and pushed Embry out of her room.  I shoved him all the way to the front door and gave Jacob a look. "Don't follow us," I ordered.

I pushed on Embry's back hard when we cleared the ramp.  He whirled around to face me and found that I wasn't joking around.  

"You took Rachel's picture, didn't you?  One of the ones she sent me for my birthday?  You saw it and you took it...didn't you?"

Embry just stared, which pissed me off more than lying about it.  "Answer me, you fuck!" I demanded. 

Embry swallowed thickly and nodded slowly. "Yeah...I took it."


A/N: if you read something and you like something, say something ;)

Oh and how do you like this new photo of Alex?

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