The Star Maiden (Fairy Tail N...

By BrunoMari155

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(A/N: I'm re-writing the story due to a bug and because I don't like how I wrote it originally.) Layla didn't... More

Lepus and Lupus
Orion and Layla's keys
Meeting Natsu and Happy
Opening Up
The Dream
Kairi Dragneel and Black Cross base
Bathtime Gone Wrong
Hanging out
Relief and Memories
Doubts about Lucy's actions
Kairi and Freed
Weird Friendship
Unpleasant Encounter
Unpleasant Encounter pt.2
Boiling Anger and Near Death Experience
Mating Season
Mating Season pt.2
Finally Together
The End of Summer
At Fairy Tail
Meeting Kairi and Tina
Natsu's paranoia
In the forest
Meeting Gray
Fairy Tail
The Mission
Eisenwald and Lullaby
The Demon from Book of Zeref
Return to Fairy Tail
The S-Class Job
The Investigation
The Cold Empreror
Lucy's Spell
Return of Ur
Phantom Lord
The Guild War
The Element 4
Gajeel and Jose
Laxus and The Job at Lupinus
Truth about Loke
Saving Loke
Akane Resort
Tower of Heaven
Destruction of R-System
Return To The Guild
Miss Fairy Tail Contest
The Battle Of Fairy Tail
The Punishment
The Celebration
Allied Forces
Wendy Marvell
Oracion Seis
The Hunt
Lucy vs Angel and Natsu vs Venom
Old Friend
Ur vs Jellal
Double Trouble
Erza vs Ayato and Lucy vs Venom
The Nirvana
Return to Fairy Tail and Arrival of Terror
The Siege of Magnolia
The Great Guild War
Margaret Town

The Match and Erza's Arrest

867 21 0
By BrunoMari155

A/N: Hello readers. I'm rewritting this chapter and I'm so sorry about making you wait for another one longer. Anyways, enjoy.

(Lucy p.o.v)

After Natsu brought me into his house, I got out of his grip and glared at him.

"Can you explain what the fuck were you thinking about groping me infront of everyone else?!" I yelled in angry tone.

He shivered and was saying sorry like hundred times. Then he picked me up and started to kiss me all over the face.

I was annoyed and said "Alright, dragon boy. I forgive you. Now stop kissing the life out of me and put me down!"

He yelped and did what I said. He really looked nervous and scared.

"Let's go back to the guild. I'm not in the mood for sex. Plus, you need all energy for your fight with Erza tomorrow. Okay, babe?" I said.

He blushed and nodded. I giggled, took him by the hand and we went back to the guild.

"So, I saw you talking with Levy when I was fighting Gray. Are you two getting along?" Natsu asked.

I nodded "She's a nice girl. Likes books, a little too much but we all got different interests. Who are those two lovestruck guys with her?"

"Jet and Droy. They are in love with her, but she sees them just as teammates. I bet you can lift her up with one hand without any problem." He answered.

"Very funny, Natsu. How about I carry you from here to the guild? I heard that your motion sickness is so bad that you get sick even if someone carries you." I told him.

He smirked "That doesn't work with you since you're my mate. Plus, I actually enjoy being carried by you."

I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Didn't know that he likes strong girls.

After we came to the guild, I saw everyone giving Cana their money.

"What is going on?" I asked.

Natsu shrugged and said "Probably they are just betting on the fight tomorrow. Don't ask why."

We walked to the table where Kairi and the exceeds were sitting. She greeted us and asked "Done fucking each other already? That was quick."

Natsu rolled his eyes "Haha, very funny, sis. Lucy wasn't in the mood for sex because... well, you know."

We saw Erza walking towards us and glared at us "Excuse me? Didn't I tell you do that dirty thing at your house?!"

Natsu shivered and hugged me in fear. I rolled my eyes and said "We gave up from sex, Erza. I wasn't in the mood for that."

"Really? Then sorry for bothering you. And Natsu, treat your girlfriend with respect! And don't harass her like you did when we got back! Got it?!" She told him with a glare.

He nodded quickly like ten times and I laughed at his expression.

After Erza left us, Kairi said "Well, now she's gonna lecture you about relationships, Natsu. Where the heck does she get a right to do that?!"

Natsu shrugged and said "She should just mind her own business. Like I would hurt Lucy."

"I nearly wanted to kill you when you groped me infront of everybody, especially infront of that little boy that was sitting next to Macao." I told me.

"You mean Romeo, Macao's son? He looks up to Natsu as an older brother, but you two should seriously pick the right moment when to get horny with each other." Kairi said.

Both me and Natsu glared at her, but she only ignored us and got up.

"I'm going to see Freed now. See you guys later." She said walking out of the guild with Tina following her.

I turned to Natsu and asked "Who is Freed?"

"Her mate. He's rather distant with the rest of the guild except for his teammates and Laxus who you know as Gramps grandson, but Kairi really made him open up to others." He answered.

"Levy told me that Laxus is a jackass to the most of the guild and that you especially aren't very fond of him." I told him.

Natsu rolled his eyes "He thinks that he's above everyone else in the guild just because he is related to Gramps. I just want to beat that arrogance out of him!"

"Isn't it enough you're going to get killed by Erza tomorrow? Well, not literally but you could at least think before you act." I told him.

He simply ignored what I said and turned around. I should've spanked him when we were at our house.

Well, I hope the next day my boyfriend doesn't die.

*next day*

Today is the day of fight between Natsu and Erza. I'm really worried about how this will all end.

It will end with either Natsu getting beat up to death or he will just give up.

Everyone has bet on the fight except me, Kairi and Tina. I find that stupid and as the waste of money.

Before the fight started, Erza requipped into the Flame Empress Armor. By how others described it, it gives user 50% resistance to fire.

Kairi sighed "Well, my brother is screwed. He won't be able to beat Erza while she is donning that armor."

When Happy saw that, he immediately switched his bet from Natsu to Erza. Wow, betting against his own best friend. That's low.

Natsu smirked "Wow, Flame Empress Armor. That means I can turn up the heat as high as I want!"

Then, Master said "Round one, start!"

Natsu and Erza started fighting as everyone watched. They both tried to land a hit on each other only for those attacks to be evaded.

When they were about to hit each other, there was a loud clap which made everyone freeze in their tracks.

The humanoid toad who was the messenger came in the middle saying that the fight is over.

"May I have your attention, please. I come on the behalf of the magic council.

As the result of the Eisenwald incident, one of your members is charged with eleven counts of the criminal property damage.

Erza Scarlet, you are under arrest!"

Natsu was shocked "Huh? Your putting her under what?!"

The messenger put the restraints on Erza's arms and motioned her to follow. After they were out of sight, Natsu tried to go after them.

I quickly grabbed him by the scarf and he fell on his rear.

"Come on, Lucy! Let me go!" He yelled.

"Are you out of your damn mind?! You can't go fight the entire Magic Council!" I told him.

Everyone was going inside of the guildhall and I followe them while dragging Natsu with me.

However, after I looked away from him for few seconds, he got free and ran off.

"Hey! Why you idiotic, fire-eating, pink haired brother of mine! Come back here!" Kairi yelled.

"That idiot! We gotta catch him before he does something stupid!" I said.

And then we all ran after Natsu to catch him.

(Natsu p.o.v)

I ran in the forest to get away from my guildmembers to save Erza.

This is wrong! She did the right thing save the lives of the guildmasters! Who the fuck do those Council bastards think they are?!

After few minutes, I saw Macao and Romeo coming close. I hid in nearby bush and to wait for them to come close.

Whent they were near, I called them and emerged from the bush.

"Macao, I need you to do me a favor!" I said.

"What kind of favor?" He asked.

"Can you pretend that you are me while I go to the Era to ger Erza?" I asked.

"What?! Are you insane?! Taking on all of the Black Cross is one thing, but taking on the entire Magic Council is completely crazy!" He said.

"Hey! I would never fight the entire Black Cross guild on my own! Even I know my limits!" I told him.

"And taking on the whole council isn't your limit? By the way, why should I even do that?" He asked blankly.

"I saved your life at Mt. Hakobe." I answered.

He sighed and said "Alright, I'll do it. And don't worry, I won't do anything with Lucy. That girl is as scary as Erza. And do you really have a thing for ripped girls?"

I rolled my eyes "I like girls that look like Lucy. Her body is so irresistable!"

"Lucy? You mean that ripped blonde haired girl whose breasts you were touching when she was sitting in your lap yesterday?" Romeo asked.

My face went pale. Me and my idiotic antics! No wonder why Lucy was mad at me!

"Is she your girlfriend? Is that what the two people do when they are in relationship?" He asked again.

What the actual one hundred freaks?! Macao, what are you teaching this kid?! Even I'm not THIS idiotic!

Macao scolded his son "Romeo, that's enough! It's never nice to do or even talk about that!"

Then he turned to me and said "Go and hide back in the bushes. I'll distract them!"

After I went back into the bushes, Macao transformed himself into a salamander and Romeo grabbed him.

"Look, everyone! My daddy caught Natsu!" Romeo exclaimed.

Then, Macao whispered "Here's your chance! Now go!"

I nodded and went to the Era, but I felt something grabbing me by the scarf.

I turned my head around and saw Kairi and Lucy with evil smirks on their faces.

The latter brought me closer to herself and said "Hey, my sexy slayer. Where are you going? To save Erza? Why don't you come and play with me instead?"

Before I could say anything, she grabbed me from behind by the chest like I was a girl which made me pretty embarassed.

Then, Kairi spoke "You know what, twin bro? I believe you're masochist. It explains why you are keep fighting Gray or like to make Erza angry. Deep down, you like getting beat up. Plus, Igneel and Aqua would be dissapointed that you are manipulating a child."

Again I tried to say something, but Lucy turned me around to face her and she grabbed my head.

"It's time for you to go to sleep." She said headbutting me and all went black.

(Kairi p.o.v)

After Natsu was knocked out, Lucy quickly grabbed him by the hand before he could fall on the ground and threw him over her shoulder.

"Alright. Let's go back to the rest od the group." I said.

She nodded "When your brother wakes up, I'm gonna have to punish him for misbehaving." She said patting his rear.

"Whatever, let's go back. Others will probably think that Macao is actually Natsu." I told her.

She nodded and we both went back where the others were.

After we came back, Gramps noticed that Lucy is carrying Natsu and asked Romeo "Tell me, Romeo. If this little lizard is Natsu, then who is that over Lucy's shoulder?"

The little boy turned around and was shocked to see my brother knocked out over his mate's shoulder.

Master hit the lizard with some spell and it turned to Macao.

Macao was nervous and he said "Sorry guys. I owed Natsu a favor since he saved at Mt. Hakobe, but it seems his girlfriend got him first."

"Yes." Lucy said then turned to Romeo "And you kid, you shouldn't be lying to your elders. That's not very nice."

The little boy lowered his head in shame and we all went back to the guild.

After coming, everyone went to each table. Some in groups while others sat alone.

I noticed that Lucy didn't put Natsu down and I asked "Why aren't you letting him go? We already arrived at the guild."

"The moment I let him go, he will instantly go to save Erza. And the last thing we need is him fighting the whole magic council." She replied.

With that, she walked towards the empty table while still carrying my uncosious brother.

Those two. They better not get pregnant.

(Erza p.o.v)

One of the employees was taking me to the court room where the trial will start.

While walking, the employee stopped and I saw one person that I have strong dislike for.

"Siegrain." I said.

He spoke "Hello, Erza. It's been a while. Relax, I'm only here in spirit. I'm sending this projection from Era. In fact, all of my colleagues are projections as well. We didn't believe it's necessary to be here in person for such trivial manner."

"I see. So you are behind this farce. You make me sick." I said in disgust.

We walked past me and said "Let's be civil. I have always been fond of Fairy Tail, but the elders fear that the fault for the Clover destruction would fall in their lap. And to avoid that, they need to place the blame on someone else entirely. You are their scapegoat."

"That's enough!" I said in anger.

"Just a friendly warning. Besides, you shouldn't interfere with destruction of Black Cross. Since your new guildmate is killing them with passion." He said smiling.

'What?! Someone in our guild is killing Black Cross members?! But who is-' I thought before I realized who it was.


"What do you want with her?! She isn't going to kill for you because of money, even if Black Cross are monsters!" I yelled.

He laughed and said "You really believe she's doing it for money? No, she doesn't even care about that. She seeks something else. Vengeance."

I was shocked and he continued to talk "Your guild is always so judge-mental when it comes to killing. But you see, Lucy's parents were murdered by Black Cross. And she would be dead too if it wasn't for her first spirit who saved her life back then. Since that day, she swore as the celestial mage that she won't stop until all of the Black Cross wizards are dead. And she killed around one hundred of them already. Out of all bounty hunters, she is most effective against them. Plus, we don't even have to pay her!"

Now I was beyond angry "You bastard! How dare you use a girl's anger and broken heart to do your dirty work?! Vengeance will not bring her parents back!"

He chuckled and said "Maybe not, but it's better than letting those maniacs go around and burning down settle-ments during night. Besides," he tou-ched my chin "what's the difference between killing few villains and thousands of innocent people? Fiore will finally be at peace once the Black Cross are gone."

"Now if you excuse me, I have to return to my colleagues. I'll see you on the other side." He said before dissapearing.

The employee that was escorting me to the court said "You seem to know some important people. But you shouldn't be disrespecting a council member that way. It could get you even bigger penalty."

Then, the employee led me to the court room. But I still couldn't get off my mind about what Siegrain said about Lucy.

Lucy's parents were murdered by Black Cross? No wonder she is angry when its name is mentioned.

But those killings have to stop, espe-cially since she became the member of Fairy Tail now.

After half an hour, when all members of the council were sitting down with the Chairman sitting at the top.

One of the employees spoke "This trail will now be in order.

Before is the defendant Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail guild.

Please take the stand, Miss Scarlet."

I took the stand and saw Siegrain smiling. If these cuffs weren't on my hands, I would walk up to him and punch him im the face.

The chairman spoke "Erza Scarlet, you stand before the council to answer for the charges from the incident involving the dark guild Eisenwald.

These charges include extensive destruction of Oshibana train station, complete destruction of the Clover meeting hall and the collapse of the railway bridge tha i's connecting the two said cities.

There are eleven property damage charges against you. According to witness report, the perpertrator is described as heavily armored female wizard with red hair and brown eyes also wearing a blue skirt and black boots. And that description matches your appearence. Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

I replied with "I was leading the mages that were with me to stop Eisenwald, so I take full responsibility."

The chairman nodded and he asked his colleagues "What is your verdict?"

After each of them said guilty, the chairman snapped his fingers and the restraints on my arm dissapeared.

"As you see, this trial is just a formality and you aren't charged with anything. We actually find Fairy Tail preferable, unlike those Black Cross scum." He said to me.

I bowed to the council and apologized for the trouble me and my comrades caused and left the courtroom.

Now to get back to Magnolia, others must be worried and I'm gonna have a little talk with Lucy when I arrive.

But first, I'm gonna get something to eat. Haven't ate anything for lunch.

(Lucy p.o.v)

After me and Kairi came home while I was still carrying Natsu, I turned to the water dragon slayer and asked "So, what did you want to talk about? Is it something good or bad?"

She smirked and showed me the paper for an S-class mission "How about we go on this mission? And don't worry, regular mages can go on S-class missions as long as at least one S-class mage goes with them."

I took the paper from her hand while still holding Natsu with my other one and red it "Wow. A golden gate key. This is great! When are we going?"

"We'll get going when Erza gets back from the trial. She called me and said that the trial was just a formality. The council sometimes use others as examples to remind everyone if you break the law, you'll be punished. And it's a good thing we stopped Natsu, can't imagine what would've happen if he actually went there and did something stupid." Kairi answered.

"Wait. Erza is coming with us too?" I asked.

Kairi nodded and said "Your whole team is coming with us. I believe it would be good for all of you to get along. Except for Natsu and Gray, that is."

Then she asked "Are you okay? You should put Natsu on the couch. You've been carrying him since you knocked him out."

"Nah, I'm fine. I carried heavier stuff." I said.

She stared at me and said "Alright, but be sure to tie him with magic restraint ropes. We can't have him going on rampage."

I nodded and went to Natsu's bedroom. After setting him on the bed, I summoned Aquila.

She looked at Natsu and asked "What happened with him?"

"I knocked him out before he could do something stupid. Can you keep an eye out for him while I look for magic restraint rope so I can tie him up?" I asked.

She nodded and I looked for the rope. I found one in one of his chests and tied Natsu's arms and legs.

As I was tying him up, Aquila asked "What did he do?"

I explained it to her. After I was finished, she said "Heh, it's good thing you stopped him. Your friend would have to spend the night in prison if you haven't stop Natsu."

"Yeah. I need to hit him hard few times so his brain could work properly. Anyways, I'm going on S-class mission with him, his sister, their cats and two others from my team tomorrow. It's about lifting some curse on Galuna Island." I told her.

"Lifting some curse, huh? Well, you and your friends better be careful so you shouldn't get cursed yourselves. And you better be careful that your guildmates don't find out about your past doings. You did tell me that Fairy Tail is judgemental when it comes to killing." She said.

I nodded "I hope they will never find out about this. I don't want to leave Fairy Tail. Even though I have been here only for few days, it's really fun. I wish it would stay like this forever."

"It will, Lucy. Just make sure so that no one finds out about your past. It will be very bad. Anyways, I have to go now. Enjoy doing some nasty things to your boyfriend!" She said going back to celestial world.

I blushed at the last sentence that she said, but I didn't make the big deal out of it.

I layed next to Natsu and quickly fell asleep.

A/N: Author here. I'm very sorry for re-writing this chapter, but I didn't like how I wrote it. The scene where Lucy grabs Natsu by his man breasts is inspired by the picture that Hiro Mashima drew. I won't re-write anymore chapters from now on and I will make sure they all look good. Anyways, see you in the next chapter. Bye!

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