𝐖𝐨𝐫π₯𝐝𝐬 π€π©πšπ«π­ | 𝐓�...

By yiminsuu

245K 6.7K 2K

βž€π˜‰π˜–π˜–π˜’ 1 ➀𝘍π˜ͺ𝘭π˜ͺ 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘒π˜₯𝘦𝘳 𝘹 π˜’π˜ͺ𝘭π˜ͺ 𝘹 π˜›π˜©π˜°π˜³π˜ͺ𝘯 The old books you found in the basement tel... More

| INFO |
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | An Unexpected Journey
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 | The Desolation of Smaug
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 | The Battle of the Five Armies
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
| NOTE |

Chapter 31

3.2K 91 33
By yiminsuu

As soon as the sun came out, I got my axe prepared and flew over the skies, accompanying Thranduil and Bard until they arrived with their armies in Erebor, the entrance to the kingdom full with elves. Thranduil and Bard rode to the gate but were stopped when Thorin shooted an arrow in front of the elven king. The dwarves hadn't seen me yet, that is good. 

"I will put the next one between your eyes!" The dwarves cheered when Thranduil's elf army aimed their arrows at them, all the Dwarves except for Thorin ducked down. Thranduil ordered his army to stand down. "We've come to tell you... Payment of your debt has been offered... And accepted." 

"What payment? I gave you nothing. You have nothing!" Thranduil looked at Bard and the bowman took out the Arkenstone, showing it to the dwarves. "We have this." Kili was shocked, tho I couldn't hear what they were saying, he then looked at the two races in front of the gate. "Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the King!"

"The King may have it, with our good will." Bard then puts the Arkenstone away. "But first, he must honor his word." Thorin then turned to his company and started whispering to then look at Bard and Thranduil again. "The Arkenstone is in this mountain! It is a trick!" I saw Bilbo between the dwarves, I was confused, he was in Dale last night. Thranduil and Bard looked concerned, did he said that he was the one that took the gem?

Thorin turned to Bilbo as the whole company soon did too. The dwarf king then throws his bow down and walks towards the hobbit, until I could finally hear them, or at least Bilbo. "The Dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!" Thorin whispers something to him but then turns to the dwarves. "Throw him from the rampart!" 

I gasped at him, only to see the dwarves standing still, none of them obeyed Thorin's order as Bard and Thranduil looked on in disbelief. "Did you not hear me?!" He then pulls Fili, who pulls back, and Thorin turns back to Bilbo angrily. "I will do it myself!" He grabbed Bilbo and lifted him up, the other dwarves rushed to stop him. "Curse you!" Fili screamed at Thorin but he wouldn't leave Bilbo. 

"Cursed be the wizard that forced you on this company!" I was tired of hearing, and as Gandalf walked to the bottom of the wall I landed forcefully next to Thorin. "If you don't like my burglar, then please, don't damage him. Return him to me." Thorin stops at the sight of me and Gandalf, the dwarves staring at me as I wielded a giant axe in front of them, my tattoos and eyes gleaming.

"You're not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain. Are you, Thorin, son of Thráin?" Thorin slowly puts Bilbo down as he kept staring at me, the dwarves helped the hobbit to get to my arms and I floated out of the kingdom with him. "What's with the giant axe...?" Bilbo whispered to me. "You're not the only burglar, my friend." I smiled as we landed next to Gandalf.

"Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised?" I saw Thorin looking to a nearby hill expectantly, not responding. "Give us your answer. Will you have peace? Or war?" A raven stands near the dwarven king, I see Fili and Kili staring at me, and soon Thorin did too. After the raven from earlier arrives, we heard noises from the hill approaching, sounding like an army. "I will have war."

"Ironfoot." Gandalf says and I looked in disbelief at the army approaching. "I can't believe this." I whispered to myself, Bilbo and I staring into the distance, I was so done with dwarves by now. The Company started cheering and shouting at their arrival.

Thranduil and Bard rode away and the elven king spoke in Elvish to his guards and they started marching forward. Before walking away, I catched a glimpe from the company, Kili and Fili staring at me as I looked at them worried, I gave them a small reassuring smile as I turned around and stepped forward with Gandalf and Bilbo.

"Who is that? He doesn't look very happy." Bilbo asked. "He is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. Thorin's cousin." Both of us looked at the wizard. "Are they alike?" Gandalf sighed at my question. "I've always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." Oh my god...

Dain and his army from the Iron Hill have just arrived and Dain marches forward while riding a pig. Poor pig. "Good morning! How aaare we all? I have a wee proposition, if ye wouldn't mind givin' me a few moments of yer time. Would ye consider... JUST SODDING OFF?!" His voice had startled me, why are dwarves like this? "All of you! Right now!"

"Stand fast!" Bard commandrf his men and Gandalf stepped forward. "Come now, Lord Dain."

"Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!" The people murmured, but of course, nobody would do anything. "There is no need for war between Dwarves, Men, and Elves. A legion of Orcs march on the Mountain. Stand your army down."

"I will not stand down before any Elf." The dwarf looked at Thranduil. "Not least this faithless woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people! If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!" He looks at me and bows slightly, winking at me as he rides back to his army, Bilbo looked at me knowingly and I just hid my face in embarrasment. Oh my god...!

"Dain! Wait!" Dain ignores Gandalf and the Dwarves from Erebor cheer, but Gandalf looked on distressed. "Let them advance, see how far they'll get." We heard Dain shouting as he rode away. "You think I give a dead dog for your threats, ya pointy-eared princess?!" That made me smirk a bit.

"You hear that, lads?! We're on! Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" The elves marched forward as I standed next to Bilbo, looking at Dain's army. "Bring on the goats!" Goats?? The elves point their arrows up into the sky and the dwarves from the Ironhills charge at us.

"Stop this! This is madness!" Gandalf shoutrf out. Madness? No, this is Erebor. I took Bilbo into my arms and started flying backwards, the arrows were thrown at the dwarves. "Baruk khazâd!" They fired javelins with spinning tails behind them, destroying the arrows and killing many elves as soon as it landed it. Bilbo stared in disbelief and my eyes watered at the sight, I putted Thranduil into this.

The dwarves launched the spinning tails again and the disaster was enourmous, the dwarves had attacked the elves and they were killing each other, making a masacre in front of my eyes. "We have to do something!" Bilbo says, but there was nothing we could do, suddenly we heard rumbling noises in the distance. 

"Were-worms..." Bilbo looked at me and then at the hill with shocked eyes. A massive worm-like creature bursts through one of the mountains before being joined by other were-worms. 

"Oh come on!" Dain exclaimed out, suddenly an army of Orcs running at us while shouting in Black Speech, a horn sounding as they come towards us. "ORCS!!!" I shouted out at the armies.

"You heard the Lady!! The hordes of hell are upon us!" Dain shouted out. "To battle! To battle, sons of Durin!" I looked as the dwarfs go to battle against the Orcs, but the elves remain still, I chose to land next to Gandalf. "The elves... Will they not fight?" Bilbo asked but nobody told him nothing, it was sad to see that the dwarves had enough honor to battle.

The dwarves putted themselves in position as the elves jumped in front of them and started frighting against the Orcs. "Charge!" Dain shouted as he rode while killing goblins. "Uh, Gandalf. Is this a good place to stand?" We both looked at the wizard as another horn blew. 

We were literally in the middle of the war and Gandalf didn't stop looking everywhere, another horn blew and I see some Orcs marching to Dale. "Azog." Gandalf whispered. "He's trying to cut us off." Trolls and giant Orcs were appearing from the caves and Bard had no choice but to fall back with his people to Dale, but Gandalf stopped me from going with him. "You are the one I trust to keep Thorin and his dwarves in line. GO." I nodded and flew off to Erebor, in the way using my magic to kill as many goblins as I could.

Another horn blew and I reached Erebor just in time, none of the dwarves were there, maybe they had closed themselves in rooms where I cannot see them, I walked to the throne room but as I was about to step in, I heard Dwalin and Thorin speaking. "Did you not hear me? Dain is surrounded. They're being slaughtered, Thorin."

"Many die in war, life is cheap. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend." He has so much hate in him. "You sit here, in these vast halls, with a crown upon your head... And yet you are lesser now than you have ever been."

"Do not speak to me as... If I were some lowly dwarf lord..." Thorin's voice begins to break. "As if I were still Thorin... Oakenshield..." He suddenly draws his sword, enraged. "I am your KING!" Dwalin's voice started breaking too. "You were always my King. You used to know that once. But you cannot see what you have become."

"Go. Get out... Before I kill you..." Dwalin tearfully leaves, and I closed my eyes in disappointment, turning around to see Kili staring at me, he had startled me. 

"Kili... God dammit... Don't do that...!" Kili is staring at me with his chocolate eyes, totally serious, and I understood that I had to explain everything. He did not talk but only stared at me, not once leaving my eyes, the silence was dreadful, almost if like we've never been...

"How are you feeling?" I asked, his stare softed. "I've been better..." Kili replies with a small smile and I returned it, but I know it's weak. All I can think of is him leaving me for Tauriel, pain aching again my chest. "Is everything alright...?" Kili asked looking at me with a worried expression on his tired face.

"I'm just... Glad you're okay..." I whispered taking the opportunity to take hold of Kili's hand and squeezing it lightly. "You can't get rid of me that easily..." Kili joked but I didn't smile or laugh. Thinking about how easy it was for Kili to stop wanting me, one smile from the elf and his love was tripping over himself with affection for her.

"You sure?" I asked looking at Kili before fixing his stare at me. "What are you talking about?" He asked looking confused, once he realized what, or who I was talking about, Kili took hold of both my hands but all I could see was his fingers touching Tauriel's hand.

"(Y/N)--" The young prince started, but I talked over him. "Kili please don't. I love you but I can't sit and watch you fall in love with someone else. It hurts too much..." He sighed as my stare looked almost drained. "(Y/N)..." Kili said reaching out to hold my cheeks.

"What? Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't love her..." I demanded and when Kili's gaze fell from his face to the floor I felt my heart rip into two. "I can't because I do love her, but not the way you think I do. I love her like I love Bilbo, a friend. A good friend, nothing more." Kili said. "But you were so struck by her..." I whispered still not believing what he was saying, it seemed like a cruel joke.

"She is beautiful for an elf and is so different from the others, but she is only a friend." We stayed quiet for a few minutes before I heard him talk again. "I love you with all my heart, there will only ever be you. Your my starlight and sun, you are my One, (Y/N)." He said his voice filled with love as he cupped my face in his hands, I leaned down so that our lips were joined, I had missed this. But wait... "Then... Why did you give her your runestone...?"

"I promised her I would make my uncle accept her in the kingdom... At least until she has to go back to her husband." My eyes averted. "She has a--?!" He grinned and laughed at my face, grabbing my hand and walking away from that area.

We walked to other dwarves and as they looked upon us they gasped at me, and I smiled gently as some of them came to hug me, all of them asked me about my axe and I sat next to them to explain how I got it, of course, without telling Sauron's part. "Didn't you say you weren't fan of axes?" Gloin asked me and I smirked. "Not little axes." I winked and the dwarves laughed, Fili coughed while blushing slightly and both Kili and Bofur had just died.

"It was too dangerous to fight does things like that, you could have died." Fili told me as he grabbed my hand. "Well, I am reckless." I smiled and he did too, staring at each other as we holded hands. The silence invaded the room as we heard foosteps approaching us, looking forward, we saw a familiar face staring at us.



Baruk khazâd! = To battle!

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