My Green Eyed Drummer

By HeDa_WaHeDa

458K 14.1K 11.3K

Clarke is new to the Miami Beach side. She meets a drummer that will change her world forever. Years of love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chaper 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapert 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
66 Chapter
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 104
chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127

Chapter 31

5.2K 144 140
By HeDa_WaHeDa

My cheek hurts. I look at my mother with tears in my eyes. "Fine mother! Fine! You want to know this! You want to know what I truly think!" I yell at her.

She stands there ferocious. "I THINK, that Lexa is adorable! I THINK, that Lexa has the most beautiful eyes! I THINK, that Lexa is the smartest person I know! I THINK, that Lexa is so extremely talented! I THINK, Lexa is wonderful and so cute when she is with her little brother! And I THINK, that I want to kiss her EVERYTIME SHE SMIRKS OR WINKS AT ME! AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I THINK MOM! Huh? I THINK, Lexa is a great kisser!" My mothers mouth drops as she gasps.

"Clarke... you have... you are?" She says stepping closer to me. I keep my ground. I nod.

"I think I'm falling for her." At those words she hits me again. This time she hits me o hard I fall on the floor and start to cry. "GOD STILL LOVES ME!" I yell as she kicks me and walks away.

"Pack everything you need. You are never coming back here again." She says as I run upstairs. I can feel blood on my eyebrow as I pack. I grab some more clothes and my little bear that my dad gave me. At that I run out of the house. Run down the street and sit at a bus stop.

I call Lexa. She picks up after a couple rings. "Hey gorgeous what's up?" She says with a groggy raspy voice. "It's 3:30 in the morning? Are you okay." Her voice gets worried real quick.

I cry. And I cry. I tell her I'm at the bus stop at the end of my road and then I cry some more. And cry.

In the blink of an eye Lexa has me in her arms. "Shhh shhh it's okay. It's okay. Come on let's go home." She says picking me up bridal style and putting me in her Jeep.

"No Lexa not home! Not with my mother! Don't bring me home!" I beg.

"Oh Clarke I wasn't going to bring you to your mothers house. I was going to bring you to your really home. With me." She says tucking hair behind my ear showing my bruise and cut. Her eyes went wide. "D-did She... no... did she hurt you?" Her eyes fill with hate and anger. I just cry harder.

By the time we get home. I like calling it home. I have stopped crying. She carries my stuff upstairs and throws it on the bed. We head to her bathroom. She lifts me into the counter then gets out the first aid kit.

"Clarke. Why?" She says placing herself between my legs. I wrap my legs around her.

"I told her I... I kinda have a thing for you." I put my head down and she lifts it up. She smiles at me. "I told her I like your smile" I touch her lips. "Your eyes." I lightly tract the out line of her eyes. "I told her I think you are smart, talented, and super cute when I see you playing with your brother." I outline her jaw line. It has nothing to do with what I'm saying but I'm just having fun. "And I may or may not have told her I think you are the best kisser ever." She laughs.

"Mhm, I see. You were kinda asking for it cause I'm not the best kisser. I know someone better." She says finishing cleaning my cut.

My eyes get sad... "who?" She has kissed someone that's the best kisser ever. Of course she has. She is Lexa Woods.

"You." She whispers. I barely hear it. I lean in and lightly kiss her. Our lips part but come back together. We open and close our mouths slowly. Memorizing each other. I break away from the kiss and smile.

"I don't think so but what ever you say." She smiles at what I say and lifts me off the counter. "OH SHOOT!" I whisper scream.

When we get in Lexa's room and close the door she asks me what's wrong.

"I forgot your hoodie at my moms house!" I say putting my hand in my head.

"We can get it tomorrow." Lexa says shrugging.

"My mom doesn't work tomorrow. She will hurt me." I say in fear.

"She won't hurt me. I'm a boxer and know house to fight." Lexa says getting back in bed. She had her pjs on the whole time. Which is only a sports bra and shorts. How did I not noice?

"You are going to hurt her" I say frowning.

"Of course not. I'm will defend myself but I promise I won't lay a hand on her." Lexa says getting comfortable on the bed.

"Close your eyes I'm going to change." I say grabbing another one of her hoodies that says Marching Grounders 2114 on the front and her last name in the back. What is with this girl and hoodies. Well what's with me and stealing her hoodies.

She does as told and I quickly change then hop in bed next to her. She is about to open her eyes but I stop her by putting my hand on top of her eyes. "Wha-"

"Hold on Lex I didn't tell you you could open them yet." I say grinning. She closes her eyes again and I kiss her forehead then start leading a trail of kisses down her nose and onto her mouth. She kisses back. The kiss deeps and we break away for air. Not shortly after we go back into the kiss. We kiss for about 10 minutes before I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Can I open my eyes now?" She asks and I laugh.

"Ya you can Lex." I say and she opens her eyes and puts an arm around my waist. I turn my back to her stomach and curl in. "Thank you for everything Lexa."

"Anything for my princess." She says snuggling into my neck.


"RISE AND SHINE LE- OH SHOOT!" Luna says bursting into the room. "I should have known." Lexa groans at Luna and hides back in my neck. I giggle and close my eyes again.

"Get up or I swear I will post this pic of you two cuddling." Luna says holding up her phone. Lexa groans again.

"Why are you even here!?" Lexa ask moving her face out of my neck.

"Cause we are helping Lincoln's dad at the construction site." Luna says throwing clothes at Lexa. "Clarke were are your clothes so I can throw them at you?" Luna asks as Lexa and I get up.

"Top drawer." I answer rubbing my eyes. She laughs.

"YOU HAVE A DRAWER!?!!??" She yells.

"Shhhhh, you are going to wake up Ad-" before Lexa could finish that though Aden come walking into the room.

"Lexa why is Master Luna yelling?" Aden asks and Lexa picks him up and puts him on the bed.

"Master Luna?" I laugh.

"It took me a whole month but I was worth it." Luna says with victory in her voice.

"And it's taking me way longer to reverse the name" Lexa says to me then looks at Aden and says. "Because Luna is a rude, mean person waking me up." Aden giggles and Lexa smiles.

"I'll take him while you guys get ready." Luna says scooping Aden up and walking out of the room.

"No I don't trust you with him!" Lexa says but Luna was already gone. Lexa groans and lays down again.

I go over and taker her hands trying to lift her up. All that happens is I fall right on top of her. She puts her hands on my waist and smiles. "Mine now." She says.

"Lexa we have to get up and help Lincoln's dad for some reason." I say cupping her head leaning in for a kiss. When we are about to touch lips I slowly lean back and she follows. She follows me all the way off the bed and I smile.

She realizes what I did. "You!" I laugh and grab some clothes and go in the bathroom. When I go back to the room Lexa is in a black tank top that shows her abs nicely and all of the muscles on her arms and back. It looked amazing. And she had shorts on but that really didn't draw my attention like her abs.

"Lets go." She says walking down stairs grabbing her wallet at the front door and putting it in her pocket. "See you later Aden!" Lexa says smiling at him and grabbing an apple for both of us.

As we are in Luna's car we eat the apples. Raven is in the front seat. "I didn't know Clarke was spending the night with you Lexa. Was it pleasurable?" She asks.

"First off I didn't know either, and second anytime with Clarke is a dream." Lexa says putting her hand on mine. I smile.

"You two make me sick." Luna says starting up the car and driving to Lincoln's dad work place thingy. I don't really know where we are going.


After 30 mins we reach a construction site. All of our friends are there. Lexa and I get out and join them.

"Hey guys thanks for coming. So everyone is in there groups already, um Luna and Lexa you will be with us boys like normal and Clarke you will be with the girls." We all nod and walk to the assigned places.

With the girls we are working in a garden. It's really hot out, I am glad that the garden is inside. I look from what I am doing to see Lexa breaking rocks with a hammer out the window. My jaw drops.

All of her muscles are showing when she swings the hammer. She is sweating. She takes her shirt off to show a sports bra like normal. Her whole body is glistening. She looks up from her pile of rocks making eye contact with me. She smirks.

I blush and look away. When I look back over she is tossing rocks into a cart. She is way too beautiful for this world. Luna walks over to her and starts helping. Luna, like Lexa, also has her shirt off. She isn't as ripped as Lexa but she does have a good load of muscle.

I turn my head to see Raven right next to me staring at Luna. I laugh. "You and Luna would make a cute couple." I say poking Ravens arm.

"Shut up." She says. Rolling her eyes at me.


After 5 hours of working in the sun the boys and two girls come into the building that is girls were doing the gardening. We all walk into the office area of the building and Lexa collapses on the couch. All of the boys plus Luna lay on the cold floor. Us girls laugh. We have been inside the whole time.

Lincoln's dad comes in. "Great job guys. There are some sodas in the fridge if you want them. Thank you so much for clearing out my construction site!" He says smiling and walking out.

I go to Lexa on the couch and lift her head up. I sit down and place her head on my lap. I put my cold hands on her head cooling her down a little. She is still sweaty but that's okay to me.

"Did you have fun inside?" She asks me and I laugh.

"It was fun watching you- guys, you guys break rocks." I say.

"Nice save. It almost sounded like you were going to say you enjoyed watching me break rocks sweaty and shirtless." She says smirking but keeping her eyes closed.

"Pfffttt, what did I say. Your abs don't impress me." I say giggling at her. She touched her heart and gasps.

"You hurt my feelings Clarke!" She exaggerates. I laugh at her silly ness. I lean down and kiss her head. She smiles.

"We are going to go to O's house and jump in the pool if you guys want to." Jasper says to us.

"I don't think I'll go I have to get home." Luna says. Raven agrees.

"They are our ride. Plus, I have a pool at home." Lexa says sitting up. I nod in agreement.


The car was quiet when we got to Lexa's house.

We go inside and Lexa jumps in the shower real quick while I read a book in her bed. She comes in drying her hair. She is wearing what looks to be one of her old basketball jerseys and jeans. She always amazes me with her beauty.

"You ready?" She asks.

"For?" I look at her questioning.

"We are getting the jacket back." She says grabbing her Jeep keys off the desk.

"Oh Lexa! You are tired maybe tomorrow." I don't want her to get hurt but I also don't want to go back.

"It will be fine." She says grabbing my hand and lifting me off the bed. She kisses my nose. "What's the worst that can happen."

I roll my eyes. "I hate it when you say that cause then all the worst possible scenarios go through my head!" She laughs and I frown.

"Then you can stay here." She says then she walks out the room. I chase after her. We get in the car and I sigh.

"I don't like you." I mutter. She laughs and holds my hand. I hold hers back.


15 minutes we are at my house. My moms car is here. "Ok lay down I don't want you to be seen." She says and I do as told.

Lexa's POV

Once Clarke is hidden I walk up to the door and knock. Her mom answer but closes it. I put my foot in the door way blocking it. "Ma'am I'm not here to cause trouble I'm just here to get my jacket." I say in a calm voice. I push the door open and walk inside. It smells like alcohol in here. I see my jacket on the floor and go to pick it up.

"You move one more step I will shoot you." Her mom says. I turn to see her holding a gun.

I have had NO WiFi! I am sorry that this is late but I will also upload another chapter tomorrow! I think my WiFi will get fixed today. Right now I am using the WiFi at my work. Anyhoo thank you for your support! Please Vote and Comment!!

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