I Want You

Par amateurwriterlisa

37.8K 1.2K 476

FanFiction - Amourshipping A girl grown up living a lie. Innocent she didn't know any different. There's a gu... Plus

How Do I Look?
Walking To The Edge
🍋In The Moment🍋
So I've been thinking
🍋Morning After🍋
Meeting a Friend
It's Your Choice
The Past is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery. Thats Why Today Is A Gift
I Can Give Her Space
New Start For Me
Heart to Heart
No Remorse
What Have I Done?
Lonely Hour
Endless Torture
Entire Empire
Questionable Intent
First Night in Alola
The Plan
Surprise! Part 1
Surprise! Part 2
Surprise! Part 3
The Day Has Almost Arrived -- Ash's POV
The Day Has Almost Arrived -- Serena's POV
'No Need To Thank Me'
Special 1K Chapter
New Book
Special 1K Votes

Rising Sun

631 30 11
Par amateurwriterlisa

Serena's POV

Feeling cold, I was in a daze to where I was. I noticed as I began being aware of my surroundings, lights shone brightly in my eyes to the point I was following them.

Instinctively I moved my arms freely in front to block the light. However I realised the lights were drawing me in. I didn't want to leave.

Stopping myself from spinning, the room I was in became clear. A room filled with all sorts of machinery, a metal tray of medical instruments and big monitors to watch what the surgeons were doing.

I was confused so I spun round, and saw a disturbing scene. A body on a long hard surface, the body was covered in blood as were the surgeons around the body trying get something out.

They were saying all sorts of words, however I found it hard to make

Then it happened.

That sound that everyone dreads to hear, a longed out, continuous monotone beep. Signalling that someone was dying.

In a fuzzy way I heard someone shout "Quick! We need to shock her! She has gone into cardiac arrest!"

I watched from above a large machine attached with two metal plates with coils getting wheeled over, the nurses were prepping this girl to get shocked. The next scenes were happening in slow motion.

"Okay charge to 360. Clear!"

Everyone moved. Clearing the view of this girl. I recognised her. Her body, was pained from the wound clearly in her stomach. I felt like I was gliding down to get a better view. 'PULSE' I felt a strange shock go through me.

The girl had honey blonde hair, 'that looks like the same as mine?' I began to notice that her facial features were also similar to mine? "What?" I started to hyperventilate because I realised I was seeing me.

It was ME being shocked on the table. "Am I dead?!" Then it hit me. How can I be dead?"

I remembered the last 12 hours instantly. The talk with Ash by the river, where we made made love, we got kidnapped, Calem...Calem was helping us?

The last thing I remembered was lying on my back, being held too tightly by Ash.

Think about it more I remembered his face... he was heart broken, I remembered the tears falling down... I remembered his voice being a silky smooth blanket that I felt safe in. He kept saying, "don't give up till it's over" I know I couldn't say it but I was thinking "of course I won't give up, I only just found you again" ... And now... now I'm here. I'm watching myself die, and there is nothing I can do about it!

I then heard a multitude of small beeps, on the machine. Much to everyone's relief, they got back to work straight away.

I was watching them closely, especially the surgeon he looked like he had some kind of long tweezers.

The small thing he was holding in between his hands, was a small metal circular object. It was the bullet that Gio shot me with.

A lot a commotion happen, people were congratulating each other on a job well done, on nurses said that "her vitals are becoming stable."

They scurried round, as the doctor told them to patch me up, and get me on the recovery ward. He was going to tell Ash the news.

I began to follow him. Glancing back over my shoulder, I saw myself, it was a weird sight, I never thought I would see myself in this position. It was something that I know I would never forget.

This feeling of floating right next to someone and after a few minutes and they still didn't realise I was next to them.

No one could see me. It felt alone... so lost. I past a few people, and nothing no reaction just carried on as normal. The feeling was surreal.

I followed him as we past the main part of the hospital, into A&E waiting area.

I saw Ash holding his head in his hands, still covered in my blood. Over the other side of the room, Calem was there? "I don't understand why he was still here."

A  guy with similar build and hair to Ash's but his was mahogany brown. In between Ash and Calem, there was a middle aged man wearing a light brown trench coat and a young girl with aqua blue hair in a smart suit.

Gary caught Ash's attention by tapping his shoulder. Ash glancing over to him and realised why he tapped him.

"Doc? Is there any news on Serena yet?!" Jumping from his seat. Asking the doctor in desperation.

"We got the bullet out. It wasn't as deep as we thought so that's a good thing. She did however lose a lot of blood. At the moment we have her stable but that can change." The doctor said heavily in exhaustion. The tone of his voice was saying this isn't over yet.

I saw the confused look spread on Ash's face. "Well... what does 'that' mean?"

"It means that we had to revive her, her heart almost gave up. The next few hours are critical now. Her body could go into shock after the trauma, which means her heart could give out." Doctor looked sympathetically at Ash. Not knowing how else to put anything to him.

Even though they have done everything to save me, I still could die? I felt my vision becoming blurry; With the realisation I would never see, hold, smell, touch Ash again. The pain was excruciating. This hurts more than the bullet.

"Serena?" I heard a deep echo like voice from behind me. I glanced round my shoulder surprised with who I saw.

"Dad?" Wide eyed in shock.

"Yes Serena, come take a walk with me?" He asked me while holding out his hand for me to take. I began to reach my arm out and I hesitated.

"I can't leave Ash dad..." I said while turning back round to see his distraught face.

"Do you want to see him again?" Lysander asked?

"More than anything" I replied holding back my tears.

"Then let me show you something"

Torn between going with Lysander my dad, or watching Ash's face cry with tears I couldn't even dry. I decided to follow my dad.

We were walking through the A & E area, till we reached outside. The colours of the sky were beautiful, filled with amazingly vibrant oranges, pinks, blues as the sun rose in the distance. We had a seat alone on the bench nearby. Just like the last time I spoke with him when he was alive.

Nothing was said for a while, it was a peaceful and comfortable silence. Time seemed to run away, it doesn't matter here.

"You love him don't you?" Lysander asked to break the silence.

Never breaking eye contact with the sun which had almost risen fully I simply replied with "yes, I don't want to stay away from him anymore. I left him because I thought it was what was best for me. I didn't trust anyone, not even myself. However he did what he does best I suppose..."

I saw out of the corner in my eye he was nodding in agreement with me.

"So why did you leave Kalos then?" He pressed on further.

I shrugged my shoulders and said "I dunno?... like I said I didn't trust anyone, but..." I sighed, I knew the reason, I didn't want to admit it "I guess it was because I was scared. I was scared he didn't love me back. Now I know I was wrong."

"So what is it your scared of now? Did you know what's why your out here instead of in your body, in a way you were ready to leave?" He asked

The reality hit me like a tonne of bricks. What was I scared of now? Was I ready to leave? I didn't have an answer to that so I did what I do best, I also can ask the right questions "Your here because your can't move on can you?" I asked

"Oh... smart" he let out a light hearted laugh "I can if I choose to. But I felt you may need me a little longer, so I stayed to watch over you, you have the potential to become an invincible woman Serena, when you put your mind to it. You put others first... that is something you got for me and your mother...but you have a certain sparkle that only shines when your happy. I have only seen that once in the last few years. Where you laid eyes again on Ash"

I carried on listening intently to him.

"You can't be afraid of might happen, that's the same as being scared to go out your front door, which I know your not that person. Work with Ash at the factory, enjoy making mistakes to learn new memories. Enjoy the future for what it may hold. Take everyday as a gift and see what it becomes. That's my present to you."  he finished smiling.

"Are you not going to say goodbye?" I asked feeling that the conversation had finished.

"No. Goodbye means that we won't see each other again, which is clearly not true now is it?"

He stood up from the bench as I watched him walk away, waving his hand as he did, I mirrored his actions and watched as he faded into the light.

I felt myself starting whole again. I took this as a sign. I want to be with Ash. I can't give up. In a matter of mere moments of saying this to myself. I felt myself being pulled back at blinding speed.

Some Time Later

'Beep.' 'Beep.'

'Is that an alarm going off? It can't be as I groaned. Trying to lift my hand to notice a sharp pinch in my skin. Confused I opened my eyes to find a needle with a long tube attached to a bag of liquid going into my arm.

I glanced over at the noise to see what was making it. I was hooked up to a monitor. I was in the hospital in a private room. In the corner I saw my handsome raven haired man sleeping in a tall chair with a blanket covering him. I smiled to myself instantly feeling whole again.


I followed the sound to where the noise was coming from, I saw that there was a guy with mahogany brown hair, standing in the door way with two cups of coffee. The look on his face was one of relief. "Uh...who are you?"

He smiled, "I'm Gary best friend to our Ashy boy here! You know he never left your side in the last 4 days?"

Stunned by the comment "I was out for 4 days? But I thought..."

Gary had walked over to where was Ash was, set down the two cups of coffee, and woke Ash up.

"Agh, Gary sod off mate, I trying to sleep as you told me too" Ash irritatedly said to Gary.

"Yeah I did say that, however I need to go get the doctor for a certain honey blonde chick, who seems to be staring at you in awe."

His eyes shot wide open. I drank in the gorgeous auburn brown eyes. I missed those eyes. They looked bloodshot from the lack of sleep, it that didn't matter to me. The look of pure happiness was worth every bit of pain I had knowing he was by my side. He strode over to me and pulled me into a deep longing kiss. I gladly accepted and reciprocated.

Much to my dismay we broke apart of air and he looked into my eyes as I for his "Se?! Oh I was so worried about you. How are you feeling? What pain are you in? Seeing those big bright blue eyes was worth all the pain" he hugged me so tightly he never wanted or was going to let go.

"Come now she is still the patient, I need to check her vitals" A nurse came in seeing that I was awake, Gary had gone to get a doctor.

Within an hour I was brought up to speed with what had happened to me. The doctor said that everything was good and the pain in my stomach should subside in a day or two because the wound wasn't that deep. But I shouldn't over do it he said.

Glancing towards Ash, I knew what I wanted. To be with him. No matter what happens we will always love each other.

"When can I go home?" I asked the doctor

"You can leave this afternoon, I would suggest that you take theses pain killers, they are strong only to be used if you need them. I will get the nurse to help you with shower, because that always makes anybody better. She can assist should the stitches were to come open. And then once we sorted out the paperwork your free to go." He finished smiling.

"Ok that's great, so we get to go back to Kalos Ash?" I asked him. He lowered his head to cover his eyes. Something was wrong.

"What's wrong Ash?" I asked in a state of panic

"We can't go back to Kalos yet. Giovanni is still alive. We will be picked up soon though and placed in protective witness programme, that's why Gary left the room earlier to inform Looker that your awake."

"How is he alive though? We saw that Calem shot him! He was dead!" I cried silently the tears rolling down fast on my face. Ash took hold of my hand in an attempt to comfort it. "Se I promise I will keep you safe."

"Doctor? How soon can we get everything done? We need to go. No one is safe here" Ash said to the doctor. He realised the severity of the situation, "give me 1 hour." He said, "is that the best you can do?" Ash asked him with a heavy heart. "Okay give me 30 mins we will have everything done by then. Nurse? Can you help this young lady to the shower, keep an eye on the stitches. Help her get washed, dressed and ready in 30 mins okay?"

"Okay, Doctor" the nurse got right to work helping me up. To be honest the pain wasn't that bad, it was more like something was prodding my stomach but... bearable"

Within the time it took me to get a shower. A slight tad more difficult than I thought. I was ready to go being wheeled down in a chair by Ash. Gary was ahead looking for someone.

We found a woman wearing a smart suit, pull up in a huge SUV. Hurriedly Ash carried me bridal style into the car in the back. I didn't complain as I know I could have done it. Ash wanted to get out quick. Gary got the wheelchair into the boot and just ran round to jump in the front passenger seat of the car. Ash did the same ran round the passenger side of car and slid in next me.

Next thing I know is that we are going somewhere, where we can be safe. I hope

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