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By CriticHorizon

59.7K 1.5K 130

What happens when authority and the past attempts to overshadow the love between two individuals? In the worl... More

The Beginning | Chapter 1
Chapter 2) Ashley's Debut
Chapter 3) Meeting Dean Ambrose
Chapter 4) Sellout Backstory
Chapter 5) Roman vs Sheamus
Chapter 6) Reassurance
Chapter 7) Confronting Him
Chapter 8) Spending Quality Time
Chapter 9) Asking Her Out
Chapter 10) Who Is This?
Chapter 11) Please, Don't Worry
Chapter 12) Where's Ashley?
Chapter 13) The Secret
Chapter 14) Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 15) The Meeting
Chapter 16) Disaster Awaits
Chapter 17) The RAW Before The Rumble
Chapter 18) Rumble Preparations
Chapter 19) The Royal Rumble
Chapter 20) Trouble
Chapter 21) Vengeance
Chapter 22) Controversy?
Chapter 23) Meeting Roman's Family
Chapter 24) Our Secret Hideaway
Chapter 25) Back To Work
Chapter 26) Pressure
Chapter 27) Seth's Plan
Chapter 28) Not The Same Without You
Chapter 29) Not The Same Without You [2]
Chapter 30) Triggering Flashbacks
Chapter 31) Surprising Her
Chapter 32) Too Much Pressure
Chapter 33) The Break
Chapter 34) Thinking
Chapter 35) Please, Wake Up.
Chapter 36) Forced To Work
Chapter 37) Good News!
Chapter 38) Hanging Out
Chapter 39) Revenge
Chapter 40) Training With Eva & Sasha
Chapter 41) The Monday Before Fastlane
Chapter 42) It Happened So Fast
Chapter 43) Preparing For Fastlane
Chapter 44) Meeting with Eva
Chapter 45) Fastlane
Chapter 46) Bad News
Chapter 47) Heartbreak & Pain
Chapter 48) The Truth
Chapter 49) RAW After Fastlane
Chapter 50) It's My Fault
Chapter 51) Interview
Chapter 52) Depression
Chapter 53) Security Footage
Chapter 54) Thoughts Of Revenge
Chapter 55) You'll Pay For This!
Chapter 56) She's Awake!
Chapter 57) I Want The Truth
Chapter 58) Remembering
Chapter 59) Take Care Of Her
Chapter 60) The Authority Always Wins
Chapter 61) He's Hurt!
Chapter 62) Feeling Better
Chapter 63) My Childhood?
Chapter 64) Moments Like This
Chapter 65) Terrified & Traumatized
Chapter 66) He's Not Getting Away With This!
Chapter 67) Police Investigation
Chapter 68) Deep Regrets
Chapter 69) Arrested
Chapter 70) The Restuarant On Cherry Street
Chapter 71) Nightmares & Anxiety
Chapter 72) Pensacola, Florida
Chapter 73) What Happened?
Chapter 74) I Remember
Chapter 75) The Plan
Chapter 76) Family Time
Chapter 77) Confronting Brock Lesnar
Chapter 78) Court Calls
Chapter 79) The Courtroom
Chapter 80) It's Finally Over
Chapter 81) What To Do
Chapter 82) Family Cookout
Chapter 83) I'm Onto You
Chapter 84) Far From Over
Chapter 85) WrestleMania Preperations
Chapter 86) WrestleMania 31
Chapter 87) The Aftermath
Chapter 88) Therapy Session
Chapter 89) Reminiscing
Chapter 90) Planning
Chapter 91) Taking Care of Business
Chapter 92) She's Back!
Chapter 93) The Wedding
Chapter 94) The Bahamas
Chapter 95) What's Wrong?
Chapter 96) The Announcement
Chapter 97) The Visit
Chapter 98) The Future Is Now
Chapter 99) Taking In The Moment
Chapter 100) Blessed

Chapter 32) The Authority Strikes

539 14 1
By CriticHorizon

RAW: February 9, 2015

I kicked off the show as I stepped into the ring and decided on making my point across to everyone in the back, in the crowd, and to the entire world about how I felt about the entire situation. 

"This time last week, I stood here the winner of the 2015 Royal Rumble match, and you see when you win the Royal Rumble match, you guarantee your spot in the main event of WrestleMania. Which says I fight Brock Lesnar and I beat him. But also, this time last week, the authority made it very clear that I'm not the guy they want in that spot. So, if that means the way I prove myself is that I win the Royal Rumble, I beat Daniel Bryan at Fastlane, and I go on to WrestleMania and I beat Brock Lesnar. Because from this point now on, I don't care who gets in my way. If you get in my way, I got a Spear with your name on it; and you can bet your ass that you can believe that." I looked at the crowd with a smile until Daniel Bryan started to come out.

And just like that, my smile began to fade.

The crowd started to chant for him throughout his entrance. Daniel then looked at me with a smirk.

"Now easy there, Big Dog, okay? Alright? I didn't come out here to fight you. I actually came out here to thank you. Because last week in my match with Seth Rollins, you came out here and you speared The Big Show; which was amazing by the way and without that, I mean, Seth Rollins might've beaten me. I mean, I might've been a goner and I wanted to come out here and thank you for the opportunity last week." He said with sarcasm.

"But now you have an opportunity of your own at WWE Fastlane. You versus me and the winner faces Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania."

"Now I get it, you're bigger than me, you're stronger than me; when it comes to looks, I say that we're about even."

I started laughing at him. "But the reality is, and everybody here knows this. When it comes to wrestling, I am the better wrestler than you!" He said.

The authority came out with just Hunter, Stephanie, Kane, and Big Show.

"Hang on a second, gentlemen. I know that the two of you are ramped-up for Fastlane; we're all so excited. Fastlane, which by the way for new subscribers is available for free on the WWE Network as is the entire month of February," Stephanie advertised and I rolled my eyes.

"The same pay-per-view, Fastlane, where I will go face-to-face with Sting. If he shows up, it's been two weeks since I've called Sting out. I have yet to hear a word so I'm giving him until the end of the night. Sting, if you're listening, I want an answer by the end of tonight. Are you a man? Or are you the coward that I think you are?" Hunter said.

"That's right, tensions are incredibly high. With everyone, and I think that's why the two of you have been so antagonistic lately. Roman, I'll start with you; not only did you cost Seth Rollins his match last week on Raw, but then you Spear an innocent Big Show who was just minding the ring; and the only reason why is because Big Show pinned you earlier in the night in the middle of that ring, you did it out of spite!" Stephanie said.

"No, no no, I actually I did it because I could." I interrupted her and laughed.

"Well that's even worse; and you Daniel, two weeks ago you stuff Kane into a casket and closed the lid? I mean, that's where deceased bodies go to decompose. How sick and twisted are you?" She asked with disgust.

"I mean, in all fairness, you guys did put me in that match and also..."

"Mentality!" Stephanie interrupted Daniel.

"And also, considering what your husband has done in caskets, I thought you guys would've appreciated it." Daniel joked.

The crowd then started to emerge in laughter, referring to the Katie Vick joke, dating back to the Attitude Era.

"You know, we can stand here and throw barbs back and forth but as the authority, as management we take accountability very seriously and the two of you have caused emotional distress, physical pain, public humiliation; therefore, we're gonna take action and the two of you will be in tag-team action tonight against Kane and The Big Show and that match is right now!" Stephanie said.

Daniel and I were teamed up to face Big Show and Kane. I was in the ring with Big Show and when the match started, he ran towards me as my eyes widened and threw me against the ring post. I watched as Stephanie and Hunter were smiling and clapping for him whilst throwing me around like a ragdoll.

I stood up and began hitting him until he had his hand around my throat. I quickly reversed the Chokeslam and hit him with the DDT. I ran towards Daniel Bryan and tagged him in while I stood at my corner to rest for a moment. Daniel kept running himself into Big Show as he performed the Yes Kicks.

"YES! YES! YES!" The crowd chanted.

Daniel stood on the top rope and attempted to throw himself onto Big Show as Kane and him caught him and double-teamed him into the ropes, and he fell. I watched as Daniel and Kane went into the ring and Daniel attempted to perform his submission move, The Yes Lock on Kane.

Triple H pointed at Daniel while looking at his wife and looked unimpressed and knew this match wasn't going the way they planned as Big Show grabbed Daniel and slammed him against the timekeeper's area. The bell rang as a sign of disqualification. Without a single thought, I started hitting Big Show repeatedly on the back.

Kane grabbed me and I shoved him into the ring post and went back to Big Show. I was forcefully hit in the stomach with a steel chair and felt pained. I went back inside of the ring and hit him with a Superman Punch and then hit him in the back with the steel chair as much as I could. Then I tossed him out of the ring. Kane punched me once again while Daniel accidentally hit me with the Running Knee. At first, I was quick to assume that he done this on purpose and I shoved him down to the ground.

"You kicked me in the face?" I shouted at Daniel.

"You two seem to get along great. What a team! I'll tell you what we're gonna do. I'm gonna give you the opportunity to team up again tonight. When you face Kane, The Big Show, J&J Security and this man."

Seth came out as he had the biggest grin on my face. The authority took pleasure in pushing my buttons; knowing exactly what they've done to me a few days ago.

Unfortunately, I was already exhausted from the match I just had, but I had to have another against everyone else. I was then forced to team-up with Daniel again. I sighed in frustration and waited for the bell to ring. I stood side-by-side with Daniel as we had Big Show, Kane, J&J Security, and sadly Seth to deal with.

Everyone scurried into the ring. I went for Kane and Daniel went for Seth and his little goons. I was laying on the floor helpless as Kane and Big Show lifted me up for the Double Choke-slam and threw me back on the ground. I looked up and then Kane kicked me out of the ring.

Everyone began attacking Daniel while I was passed out at ringside. Kane quickly went for the pinfall. I rolled-in and broke up the pin. I pummeled through him with full force while Seth tried getting in my way. I forcefully shoved him to the side and watched J&J Security make their way inside of the ring in attempt to move me away. I threw punches everywhere at them until Kane turned around and had me in a hold. Big Show then hit me with a huge Knockout Blow.

Kane and Big Show were clearing the announcers table, leaving the commentators in freight. Seth was quick to their aid. J&J Security were making their way out of the ring until Ryback's entrance began playing and had the authority confused.

"The cavalry has arrived!"

Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, and Erick Rowan made their way down to the ring as the authority charged towards them to brawl. I watched Dolph attack Kane; while Ryback and Rowan went to attack Seth. Everyone was brawling and it even broke out into the crowd.

Rowan kept throwing blows to Seth in the head while Kane hit Dolph in the face with the Big Boot. Kane then went to Rollins' aid as they both began attacking Rowan. We watched as Dolph got in their way. Daniel had J&J Security on the canvas and he hit them with his signature Yes Kicks. Then, he prepared for his finisher.

I wanted to take this win for myself. I tagged myself in and Speared Jamie Noble and got the pinfall. Daniel looked at me with confusion as the announcer said, "Here are your winners, Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns!"

I heard Daniel mumbling a bunch of nonsense about me underneath his breath. I didn't care. All I wanted to do was head backstage to see Ashley, and relax after our two matches due to our exhaustion. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "I'm going to the back."

I tried to go backstage as Daniel pulled me from the arm and looked me in the eyes. "Don't you turn your back on me!" He pointed in my face. I wasn't in the mood for his attitude. I moved the hair from my face and sent a deathly glare at him.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me. I did all that work!"

"Is that right?" I scoffed.

"I did all that work!" Daniel repeated himself.

"You did all the work? You did all that work?" I asked.

"Yeah! I did all of the work!"

Daniel shoved me. I went to the ropes and forcefully Speared him to the canvas and kept him knocked down on the ground. The crowd started to boo me after my actions, but I didn't care.

"Don't you ever fucking shove me again!" I shouted at Daniel.

Backstage, Hunter and Stephanie were watching on the TV as their mouths opened in shock.

"Wow, did you see that Hunter?" Stephanie said.

He replied, "I did, that was insane."

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