The Light of Day

By JanjaFan

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The third book of my series. (Megatron's Son and Darkness Rising) During the time of Transformers Robots in D... More

Chapter One: From Cybertron to Earth
Chapter Two: A New Team
Chapter Three: A Challenge
Chapter Four: Trust
Chapter Five: New Decepticons, More Challenges
Chapter Six: True Colors?
Chapter Seven: Solo Missions and Teamwork Issues
Chapter Eight: Adventures in Bee Sitting
Chapter Nine: Hunting Season
Chapter Ten: Injustice
Chapter Eleven: Teamwork and Understanding
Chapter Twelve: Steeljaw's Attack
Chapter Thirteen: A New Team Member
Chapter Fourteen: Field Trip
Chapter Fifteen: The Darkness Part One
Chapter Sixteen: The Darkness Part Two
Chapter Seventeen: Minicons
Chapter Eighteen: Two Teams, Two Problems Part One
Chapter Nineteen: Two Teams, Two Problems Part Two
Chapter Twenty: New Teams, New Enemies
Chapter Twenty-One: Misdirect
Chapter Twenty-Two: New Team Members and Promotions
Chapter Twenty-Three: Graduation Exercises
Chapter Twenty-Four: Decepticon Island Part One
Chapter Twenty-Six: History
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Grades and Scores
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pretzels
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Starscream and Minicons Part One
Chapter Thirty: Starscream and Minicons Part Two
Chapter Thirty-One: Starscream and Minicons Part Three
Chapter Thirty-Two: Past Into The Present
Chapter Thirty-Three: Strongarm's BFF
Chapter Thirty-Four: Attack
Chapter Thirty-Five: Captured
Chapter Thirty-Six: Detectives and Officers
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The High Council Part One
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The High Council Part Two
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Carriers
Chapter Forty: Manners
Chapter Forty-One: Minicon Trouble
Chapter Forty-Two: Contentment
Chapter Forty-Three: Dangerous Felons and Fear
Chapter Forty-Four: Packs of Many
Chapter Forty-Five: Dark Alliances
Chapter Forty-Six: Trials and Family
Chapter Forty-Seven: Freedom and Danger
Chapter Forty-Eight: Missing
Chapter Forty-Nine: Dark Prison
Chapter Fifty: Backup to Nothing
Chapter Fifty-One: Three against All
Chapter Fifty-Two: Into the Prison
Chapter Fifty-Three: Musical Decent
Chapter Fifty-Four: Dark Plans and Reunions
Chapter Fifty-Five: Meeting the Dark Angel
Chapter Fifty-Six: Tasks
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Fighting the 'Angel'
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Meet and Greets
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Running Away and Reveals
Chapter Sixty: Final Fight
Chapter Sixty-One: Finale

Chapter Twenty-Five: Decepticon Island Part Two

153 3 30
By JanjaFan

Bumblebee's Profile:

  " Ah Breakdown. You may take Sideswipe and Knockout aside if you wish." Steeljaw said to Breakdown.

  Breakdown gave a nod that he understood then looked at his mate and child. Knockout ran over to him and hugged him while Sideswipe walked over timidly. The three then vanished within the crowd.

  " Now back to business." Steeljaw said, turning to look at us with his signature smirk.

  " What do you want Steeljaw." I said, a glare fierce in my optics.

  " What I've been wanting always. This planet as a home to Decepticons." Steeljaw said, but he had a 'Really?' look to it. Guess he stays to what he says.

  " Then why repair the ship!" Wingblade asked angrily.

  " Not all of us want to stay here on Earth. So the ship will be taking those that feel that way to Moonsta. That way, we all win!" Steeljaw said with a smirk, " Of course, we can't have anyone stop us. Which means this is the end of the road for you, Autobots."

  All of the Decepticons jumped forward to attack. Wingblade took to the air, distracting most of the Decepticons while we ran to the door. Me and Drift got shot and fell to the ground. But Drift's minicons helped us to our pedds allowing us to escape with the others.

  We then heard a cry of pain as Wingblade fell to the ground and transformed. The other cons surrounded her, taking her prisoner. Grim hit the door panel, closing the door letting us escape. Wingblade would be alright, we'd just have to come back for her in a moment.

  Right now, we had to get a head start against those Cons.

Breakdown's Profile:

  I entered my room, my mate and son following me in. Sitting on the berth, I hugged my mate and placed my son on my lap. Sideswipe wrapped his arms around my neck and cried into my neck. I rubbed his back with my free arm while Knockout adjusted his arms so he was now hugging Sideswipe as well as me.

  " I've missed you so much." Sideswipe said to me, finally able to stop crying.

  " I have too my little racer." I said to him.

  Sideswipe eventually fell asleep allowing me and my mate to talk. I got up and tucked Sideswipe under the covers of the berth. Knockout leaned over and kissed his helm and then looked at me.

  " I'm sorry." Knockout shook his helm.

  " You did nothing wrong. You just went over the speed limit, you were arrested without trial. The officer should be sorry." Knockout said, hugging my chest.

  I rubbed his back similar to how I did for Sideswipe. " KO, everything is going to be okay. Once our little racer wakes up, we'll leave. Okay?" Knockout nodded.

  " Now come on, you need some sleep too." I then picked up Knockout, much to his shock, and tucked him in next to our son.

  Knockout curled around Sideswipe, gave me a brief kiss, then fell into recharge right next to our sparkling. I just sat there watching over them.

  I would protect my family.

Bumblebee's Profile:

  All of us stopped. We needed a plan and now. I then realized I had dropped my Decepticon Hunter back there, too late now. We had to focus on the mission, then free Wingblade with the time we had left. The others would have to be out of the Island on their own accord.

  " Optimus, we're down a teammate and we've lost on of our most powerful weapons! We need a plan!" I yelled at my sire as he continued to act as 'leader', did he not trust me..?

  " We don't have time." I could not believe this!

  " We can't keep going in a group this size! Drift and Ratchet could go free Wingblade while we continued with the Stasis mission!"

  " Sir, me and Grimlock could free the minicons using a sonic frequency Fixit used to free the collar around Toolbox's neck." Strongarm offered.

  " Do it." I said with a nod.

  Strongarm grinned and ran off with Grimlock while Ratchet and Drift ran to find and free Wingblade. I knew in my spark Sideswipe was safe, and Knockout and Breakdown would most likely leave the island.

  " Toolbox can you take me to the ventilation hud?" I asked the minicon, completely ignoring my sire again.

  My respect for him was almost nothing now.

Fixit's Profile:

  I looked over at the water. " I should be helping! Trying to free my fellow minicons!" I said to Denny and Russel.

  " Fixit, you know we're staying here as emergency backup." Russel said to me.

  " Speaking of which, we should probably get our disguises and cover stories ready." Denny said. " In case the bots come back and there are humans here."

  Denny and Russel walked off. In a matter of minutes, I was in the second boat and sailing off to the island.

  I HAD to help.

Ratchet's Profile:

  Me and Drift looked into a room discover Wingblade in a Stasis Pod and a single Decepticon guarding the door. I recognized the con at once, Overload. The decepticon that had badly harmed Bumblebee. I remembered seeing Optimus sitting over his med berth begging Bee to stay alive.

  A sight I never wanted to see again. I released my minicon, all of us ready to fight.

  " I suggest you stand down!" I said to Overload.

  " Overload's the name! And I suggest you heed your own advice!" Overload said, charging at us.

  I met his attack quickly, even though I was a medic, I knew how to fight. Unsubspacing a wrench, I threw it at Overload's helm. Overload seemed a bit dizzy but kept fighting.

  Drift and my minicon joined the battle quickly. I watched as my minicon was punched into a stasis pod while Drift was knocked to the ground. I tried to punch at Overload but he twisted my arm behind my back and used me as shield against Drift's swords.

  As I gave out a cry of pain Overload spoke, " I do love a game of slapstick." Overload threw me which knocked over Drift.

  " Now I'm afraid it's time for you to leave the stage." Overload said, a smirk on his face.

  We were thrown into two stasis pods while Drift's minicons jumped from Drift to attack. " Master!" I heard the minicons yell.

  Things aren't looking too good for us.

Strongarm's Profile:

  I ran with Grimlock down the halls. We found the room we were looking for and went in.

  " I was hoping there was going to be some punching!" Grimlock said, a bit sad.

  " This is even better, Grim. This is the communications room, it has what we need to free the minicons." I told him.

  I ran over to a computer and began to type when, " Hey! We got a score to settle Dinobot!" I turned to find Thunderhoof and a gladiator Grimlock faced off against I don't know how long ago.

  " I want my trophy!" The con charged at Grimlock and attacked with a fury.

  Grimlock quickly transformed into dinobot mode and got ready to meet his attack. While they fought, I turned my gaze to Thunderhoof. There was a glare in his optics and a smirk on his face, he was up to no good.

  " Give it up, Thunderhoof! We have defeated you multiple times what makes you think you'd win this time?" I said to him, Decepticon Hunter out and ready.

  " Let me give you punk a lesson I picked up as a boss on Cybertron." He began to charge at me while I fired at him, " It ain't who wins the most fights!"

  I got knocked to the ground, " Just who won the last one!" He finished, glaring at me.

  Why wasn't Sideswipe here? It would be so much easier taking this con down.

Bumblebee's Profile:

  I followed Toolbox while my sire followed me a bit behind. " Shouldn't we be at the Ventilation Hub by now Toolbox? I asked for the fastest possible route." I asked a bit confused.

  " We had to take some detours due to large concentrations of Decepticons blocking our path." Toolbox explained swiftly.

  However I was still angry, " Doesn't anyone take orders on this team?!" Optimus stopped me and turned me to look at him.

  " Bumblebee, don't take your anger out on others. You're upset with me." He said, a guilty look in his optics.

  " You're right, this isn't the best time for this conversation but the situation is too critical not to have it." I said, looking my sire straight in the optics, " Tell me, why do you think you should be leading the team now?"

  " Experience." My spark sunk as he said that, " I have always lead."

  " Here's my case. I know Steeljaw, I know what our teammates can and cannot do, and I've been leading them for a while without you looking over my shoulder. I've learned from the best. You said you wanted to be equals on this team, fine, I respect your voice above all others. But right now I need you to have my back. Because, if a SINGLE voice does not lead, it means disaster for all of us." I said, getting the words out of my helm, " Do you remember who said that?"

  " I did." Sire said, looking at me with high respect and...pride?

  " Sirs!" Both me and Sire turned to look at Toolbox, who waved us down a hallway.

  Following him, we managed to enter the Ventilation Hub. Thankfully for us, no one way there.

  " Perfect! Let's get this done!" I took off the containers with Sire's help and we placed it on its location.

  I then began to set the bomb when I heard a voice, " I thought you'd come." Me and Sire turned to find Steeljaw standing above the entrance with a smirk on his face.

  " You need someway to attack the entire island at once, am I right?" He said, stepping out of the shadows, curse his stealth!

  Steeljaw jumped down holding his two Decepticon Hunters in one hand and mine in the other, " Lets see, not explosives. You wouldn't want to destroy yourselves. Kyro-Gas? Whatever it is, step away." He threatened.

  Both me and Sire stood protectively in front of the Kryo-Gas. We couldn't let Steeljaw get to it! If he did, he would win.

  " I read in our ship's library what these weapons can do when three individuals combine them, but I'm curious what happens when one being brings them together." Steeljaw said with a smirk on his face, when his voice took a dangerous turn, " Shall we find out?!"

  He took the three Decepticon Hunters and joined them together above his helm. A blue orb surrounded around Steeljaw, consuming him, powering him. When the orb fell, Steeljaw stood there with a single powerful weapon and strong blue armor around his fur.

  " I feel like I can take down all of the primes together!" Steeljaw yelled, the single weapon turning into a giant, dangerously sharp, sword. " What chance do you have?!"

  His voice was much different, much more dangerous than how my rival's voice normally was. Something in me didn't quite like the change. Like it preferred Steeljaw being...well, Steeljaw. Someone I could kind of predict. Not this maniac in front of me. I briefly wondered if the connection of the three weapons messed with his brain chemistry.

  We were definitely in for a load of scrap.

Fixit's Profile:

  I looked around another corner as I snuck around the 'Island'. My spark was racing. Any minute I could be spotted and taken captive, but I HAD to do this. For my fellow minicons.

  Rolling around, I looked into a giant room. Minicons, completely identical to me, were all in there. A minicon then collapsed. A Decepticon turned and walked over to it. Even if the con meant no harm, seriously it was a Decepticon of course it was going to do harm!, I felt a strong urge to protect.

  Rolling out my spot, I activated my weapons. " HEY!" I called out the Decepticon.

  The Decepticon turned to look at what?

Jetstorm's Profile:

  Me and Slipstream looked out for my our hiding spots. Overload still hadn't noticed us. He was typing some code on a Stasis Pod. A Stasis Pod holding our Master no less.

  Slipstream and I creeped out of our hiding spots and began to sneak over to Ratchet's Stasis Pod to free him. Ratchet spotted us and put a single digit in front of his mouth. He then pointed to something over to our right. We turned and looked at Overload who was working.

  We nodded at Ratchet and opened up his Stasis Pod. Running quickly to the other side of the room.

  " What is this? Improvisation!" Overload asked.

  Quickly, we opened up Wingblade's Stasis Pod. We needed her help for this. The Pod opened and Wingblade, although asleep, fell out. She groaned, then opened her optics, glaring as they caught sight of Overload.

  Overload growled and walked over to us, aggressively. Wingblade got to her pedds while we had our weapons pulled out and ready. Ratchet then jumped up and tipped Overload forward towards us, distracting Overload.

  " NO! Not the face!" Overload screamed when he realized what was happening.

  It was too late, Wingblade sucker punched him all the way to the other side of the room. Where he collapsed. By a single punch he was out. I made a mental note to NEVER get on Wingblade's bad side.

  Ratchet then walked over and put Overload in a Stasis Pod and closed it. Drift then broke his Stasis Pod door and got to his pedds.

  " HEY! I needed that!" Ratchet yelled accusingly at Drift.

  What did he need a Stasis Pod for...? Or did he just really want to say that line...?

  Wingblade quickly broke down another Stasis Pod, taking out Ratchet's minicon and handing it to him. " There is no time for delicacy. We MUST get to the rendezvous point!" Drift said, we all ran out the door to discover Soundwave, Arcee and Arachnid standing there.

  " Arcee filled us in. We might not like it, but we are coming with." Arachnid swiftly said.

  Ratchet nodded, and we all raced to the meeting point. We HAD to get moving.

Strongarm's Profile:

  I yelled as I was thrown back into the air again, then again, and again. All while Thunderhoof just kept stomping his pedd, the shockwave causing me to fly into the air. Too bad Sideswipe wasn't here.

  " This is so easy it ain't even fun." Thunderhoof said, but he had a smirk on his face and kept doing that. " You about finished yet?"

  Thunderhoof looked over at him 'companion' who was attacking Grimlock. " I'm still working up to my best moves!" The gladiator said, punching Grimlock harder.

  All of the sudden the door opened. " Oh, was I not supposed to enter this room?" All of us turned to find Sideswipe standing there, grinning like an idiot.

  I was so happy to see him, I didn't even care. Sideswipe ran over to a computer in the room while the Decepticons were still in shock. He pushed a button causing a frequency so loud and harmful we all stopped to cover our audios.

  Scratch what I said earlier. I was going to kick Sideswipe where it hurt when I got the chance to.

  " Sideswipe! Shut it off!" I yelled at him.

  " Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please!" Grimlock then shouted.

  " You just have to take it! One second longer than they can!" Sideswipe yelled.

  I realized what he meant. He couldn't fight the other two for, obvious reasons. If they passed out, he would be in the clear. Sideswipe wouldn't have to fight.

  Thunderhoof and the gladiator tried to move over to Sideswipe but we slowly losing their strength. They then both gave out a scream of pain. Thunderhoof fell down, the gladiator falling on top of him.

  Sideswipe then turned off the frequency. Thank goodness. Me and Grimlock walked over to him.

  " Can you modulate the transmitter to the frequency Fixit used before?" Strongarm asked me.

  " Sure!" Sideswipe quickly began to type in what I needed.

  A weird beeping noise was then heard over the ship, " Maybe." Sideswipe amended.

  I crossed my arms and glared, oh he was so doomed when I got the chance to pound him.

Fixit's Profile:

  The Decepticon was almost over to me when he fell to the ground. All the collars on my fellow minicons were gone and they had their weapons out and activated.

  " Let's get out of here!" I said to the others.

  They all looked at each other then back at me. " Follow me! To liberty!" I said.

  All of the others yelled and laughed with joy as we raced out of the room.

Bumblebee's Profile:

  Me and Sire tried to keep Steeljaw's arm pinned, struggling heavily so. " I honestly can't decide if you're that weak or I'm that powerful!" Steeljaw raised his arm up and threw us to the ground near the bomb.

  He laughed in a laugh that was MUCH more evil than his normal one, " You're right, I'm that powerful." I really hated this new Steeljaw.

  He then began to walk over to the bomb when Sire tripped him. Sire then tried to hit Steeljaw with his weapon but some forcefield caused Optimus to fall back. Steeljaw then got back to his pedds with his creepy laughter.

  " Looks like this armor is more than a fashion statement." Steeljaw said with a snarl.

  I really, actually, was missing the old Steeljaw. He was much better than this! Steeljaw then flicked his weapon at Sire causing him to fall back against a wall by some green flames.

  " Interesting, I simply imagined a force beam and the weapon provided it!" I think that is how Decepticon Hunters work....I couldn't believe how stupid Steeljaw sounded saying that.

  I quickly tackled the wolf before he could get to my sire. " You're done Steeljaw!" I cried out to him, punching and kicking him.

  Steeljaw then caught one of my punches. " No, you are!" Steeljaw then threw me back against a wall with a strength more powerful than I could've imagined.

  I fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Watching, I saw Steeljaw ready to end me when a multitude of blue lasers started hitting Steeljaw. Looking over, I saw a small army of Fixit look alikes firing at Steeljaw.

  " Minicons, attack!" I recognized Fixit's voice, he sounded like a true leader.

  Steeljaw was desperately trying to defend himself, but not even with his new powers, could he defend himself against all those minicons. He slowly began to back up, away from me. I then felt some of my strength returning.

  I crawled across the floor to the bomb. Hoisting myself up to it with what strength I had left to set it.

  " GET AWAY FROM THOSE!" I heard Steeljaw yell at me.

  I turned to see Steeljaw running at me. Turning back, I connected two wires together, then turned back to Steeljaw holding my arm up in means of protecting myself. Suddenly, Sire appeared knocking Steeljaw away from me.

  A smile crossed my face, " No need to worry, Bumblebee. I have your back." I kept smiling and turned back to the bomb, connecting the final wires.

  The bomb's timer began to count down. " The timer is running." I said to my sire, running up to him.

  " Hopefully the others are at the rendezvous point but we need to make sure Steeljaw stays on the island." I finished up quickly, Steeljaw then began to get up to his pedds.

  " With his weapons and his armor, he may be immune to the Kyro-Gas." Sire then said as Steeljaw snarled at us.

  " Then we need to disarm him to end his threat once and for all." I concluded.

  " Even if we are taken by the Kyro-Gas as well. Whatever it takes."

  " Whatever it takes." I repeated, looking up at my sire.

  Steeljaw then charged at us as we charged at him. A blue orb surrounded us when we fought Steeljaw. My servo was holding onto Steeljaw's weapon while Sire restrained his other arm.

  The other minicons began to join the fight. They used some strange laser ropes to grab hold of Steeljaw's servo that was holding onto the weapon. All of us struggled together to make Steeljaw let go of that weapon. But his grip was one of iron.

  But he was no match for all of us. He dropped his weapon, the weapon splitting into the three Decepticon Hunters. However, the split knocked us all to the ground. As Steeljaw got back to his pedds, normal Steeljaw, he looked at his normal armor in shock and rage.

  Me and Steeljaw then ran towards the Decepticon Hunters at full speed. I got there first. A blue orb surrounded me, powering me, consuming me. But I felt only power. Armor grew around me while my weapon was laying strong in my servos. I felt like a Prime.

  " You haven't won." Steeljaw said, backing up ready to charge at me. " I will still claim my throne!"

  " Not today Steeljaw, not ever." I vowed.

  I created a heat beam below Steeljaw, melting his legs to his knees. I then froze the heat to a solid cement. He wouldn't be getting out of there any time soon. Steeljaw roared in frustration and began to claw furiously at his trapped legs.

  My attention they turned to the timer on the bomb. It was getting dangerously low. I seperated my Decepticon Hunter from the other two, I couldn't let power and greed get in my way. Me and Sire ran out of the room with the minicons, Steeljaw yelling furiously at us.

  " This isn't over! I will tear you to ribbons, BUMBLEBEE!" I just ignored him and transformed.

  Sire transformed too, the minicons then began to link up and grab onto each other and to us. We swung down the halls at top speeds. We HAD to get out of here.

  As we got closer to our exit, I saw my team, Knockout, Breakdown, Airachnid and Soundwave. No sign of Starscream but we didn't have time. He probably had escaped already.

  " Get in the boats! Now!" I yelled.

  All of them raced onto the two boats. Me and Sire transformed and raced onto the boats with the minicons. We all then raced away from Decepticon Island. The moment we got to a safe distance, the bomb went off.

  I thought I saw someone escape the Island, but I wasn't sure. I could only feel relief.

Steeljaw's Profile:

  The moment Bumblebee was gone I opened my comm, " GET OFF THE ISLAND!" I yelled.

  I could hear my pack running through the comms but Thunderhoof spoke for all of them, " Whats going on Steeljaw?"

   " A bomb, full of Kyro-Gas, is about to go off! You need to get off the Island!" I yelled.

  After a few long tense minutes, I stared at the bomb. 15 more seconds.

  " We're off the Island. But, where are you?" I heard Clampdown ask.

  " By the bomb. Stay away from the Island, I'm not getting away this time." I hanged up before getting their response.

  I watched as the bomb went off, darkness filling my gaze.

Glowstrike's Profile:

  Me and Saberhorn watched as Steeljaw's pack ran off the Island near us. We followed then from afar. We soon were a 'safe' distance from the island.

  " We're off the Island. But, where are you?" Clampdown asked.

  " By the bomb. Stay away from the Island, I'm not getting away this time." Steeljaw's voice came from the comm before it went silent.

  Steeljaw's pack began to run back towards the Island but not a moment later, the 'bomb' went off. They stared at the Island, a look of disbelief. Me and Saberhorn just watched them.

  " We better leave." Saberhorn said.

  I didn't mind agreeing. The sight was just too sad to stay.

Bumblebee's Profile:

  We were all back at the dock. Victory was high in the air. A ship was here, all of the minicons, except Fixit, were going back with 'Decepticon Island' to Cybertron. Where the ship would be fixed and the prisoners would be loaded into proper Stasis Pods.

  " If you don't mind," Wingblade walked over to the minicons, " I would like to accompany you. It's been far too long since I set foot on Cybertron."

  " We'll hitch a ride as well." Ratchet and Arcee added.

  All of us turned to Arachnid, Soundwave, Knockout and Breakdown. They all smiled at each other then looked back at us, " Pass."

  We smiled as the last of the minicons got onto the ship followed by Ratchet, Arcee and Wingblade. " Will you stay?" I asked my sire.

  " I believe I should return to Cybertron. And investigate this new regime but should you ever need me, I will come to your aid." Sire promised. " Whatever it takes."

  " Thank you Optimus." I said to him as he got onto the ship.

  Then then took to the air and flew off.

  We then headed back to the Scrap Yard where we discovered a note scrawled in purple spray paint on the Command Center walls, Justice For All........

Stay Cool guys and Peace Out!- JanjaFan 😎✌

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