Omniverse: Beginnings

By KiddoZombie

21.3K 389 110

I do not own anything in representation or reference to something else, but this is a fanfic so you get the i... More

Chapter 1: Entry
Chapter 3: Genin Exam
Chapter 4: Rivalry
Chapter 5: New world
Chapter 6: Welcome to Remnant
Chapter 7: Spooky Map
Chapter 8: The Shining Beacon
Chapter 9: Teaching
Chapter 10: Frozen Guardian
Chapter 11: Kill La Kill
Chapter 12: Time Skipping Bastards
Chapter 13: Kill la kill (2)
Chapter 14: Kill la kill (3)
Chapter 15: Kill la kill(4)
Chapter 16: Kill la kill (5)
Chapter 17: Fight club
Chapter 18: Creepy Pasta
Chapter 19: Dimensional mishaps
Chapter 20: Sudden death run off election
Chapter 21: BEGONE THOT!
Chapter 22: Cheer up Ryuko!
Chapter 23: Shield?
Chapter 24: Dimensional Mishaps 2
Chapter 25: Underverse part 1: Doodle sphere
Chapter 26: Underverse part 2: Escaping
Chapter 27: God dammit...
Chapter 28: Cell lookalike
Chapter 29: Iseki
Chapter 30: Underwar Part 1: Prelude
Chapter 31: Underwar part 2: Ritual
Chapter 32: Underwar part 3: Final Battle Begin!
Chapter 33: Underwar FINAL PART
Chapter 34: Universe 7 vrs Universe 6
Chapter 35: Normal Life in HHV! (1)
Chapter 36: Normal Life in HHV (2) Chara....
Chapter 37: Taming the Kyuubi
Chapter 38: HHA!
Chapter 39: A new problem...
Chapter 40: Fear
Chapter 41: Godly What?
Chapter 42: Candidate VS Candidate!
Chapter 43: Minecraftian Saga (1) Village!
Chatper 44: Minecraftian Saga (2) Pillage! ... Right?
Chapter 45: Minecraftian End?
Chapter 46: Going back to HHV
Chapter 47: All The Way
Chapter 48: Visiting Old Friends
Chapter 49: Welcome to the Family
Chapter 50: Visiting Isekai
Chapter 51: True LOVE
Chapter 52: Interrogation...?
Chapter 53: Training!
Chapter 54: Highschool DXD (1)
Chapter 55: Highschool DXD (2) Riser
Chapter 56: Highschool DXD (3) Rias' Wedding.
Chapter 57: Anger!
Chapter 58: Reincarnation and a Demon
Chapter 59: Fallen down.
Chapter 60: Tension!
Chapter 61: Speed run gone wrong.
Chapter 62: Meeting of The Demons.
Chapter 63: Surface?
Chapter 64: whrn I wake up
Chapter 65: What's Beacon
Chapter 66: The Shining Beacon.
Chapter 67: The Emerald Forest?
Chapter 68: Omniverse's Anniversary
Chapter 69: First day of Beacon
Chapter 70: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter 71: Competition, and Jaundice
Chapter 72: Another Other World
Chapter 73: Don't even try and comprehend this one, I was board
Chapter 74: Encounters!
Chapter 75: BRJV
Chapter 76: Showing off
Chapter 77: The Secret Battle for Remnant (part 1)
Chapter 78: The Secret Battle for Remnant (part 2)
Chapter 79: Yin City.
Chapter 80: Meeting of Gods.
Chapter 82: A walk.
Chapter 83: Team Sea Men
Chapter 84: Keeping up.
Chapter 85: Looming Threat From Another Time
Chapter 86: Oh for fu--
Chapter 87: Return to DXD
Chapter 88: Verg of War in Multiple Worlds
Chapter 89: Realization
Chapter 90: Preperation.
Chapter 91: Trunks' Future [Future Trunks saga part 1]
Chapter 92:Black [FTS pt2]
Chapter 93: Fusions. [FTS part 3]
Chapter 94: Future Trunks saga Finale.

Chapter 2: Mixed World

1.6K 25 7
By KiddoZombie

I do not own anything in reference to something else.

Remember these:
~(words) = POV change or timeskip
'(words)' = Thinking
*words* = Action being preformed. (like sighing)
Demonic Voice/Voice change
[(words)] =Notification
'(words)'/(words)/(WORDS) = Sarcasm, or a quote or a pun(sometimes yelling for the caps)Underlined words =  References or something important.


Caleb: Ugh. So i'm here.

I'm currently in a forest at night. I was taking in my surroundings when suddenly a blue screen pops up. Oh, this is gonna be a fun power

[Welcome to your very own MINECRAFT SERVER!]

The amount of things I question.

[The system is adapting to this world, so you get all of your abilities from Naruto! Since you already have Uchiha DNA in you, we will let you get an extra clan! DBZ will be unlocked later]

Caleb: Oh, nice!

[You are from Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga Clan and were born in the Hidden Leaf Village in the Land of Fire. Your chakra natures are Fire, Lightning, Wind, Water, and Earth! You have Kekkei Genkai Sharingan! You have Kekkei Genkai Byakugan! You have Kekkei Genkai Wood Release!]

Caleb: I thought is one extra clan, holy shit!!! Oh well, the more the merrier. Status.

[Caleb Daniel(Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga) Lvl: 0

Clan: Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga
Rank: Academy Student

HP: 45/45 R:5 per min.
Chakra:250/250 R:5 per min.

Intelligence:0(can not upgrade with skill points)


Caleb: WHAT?! THAT'S UNFAIR! I'M NOT THAT DUMB!-- Oh, wait. That's probably for... Oh... That makes sense now. Skills.


Gamers Mind (Passive) LVL MAX
Gamers Body (Passive) LVL MAX
Snap (Active) LVL MAX!
Observe(Active) LVL 2
Sharingan (Active) LVL 0(Locked)
Byakugan (Active) LVL 0(Locked)
Wood Release (Active) LVL 0(Locked)
Wind Release (Active) LVL 0
Water Release (Active) LVL 0
Fire Release (Active) LVL 0
Lightning Release (Active) LVL 0
Earth Release (Active) LVL 0

Chakra control (Passive) LVL MAX:
Due to the abilities of the gamer, you are a master of chakra control, and don't need to focus when regulating chakra.

Chakra Charge (Passive) LVL MAX:
Because you are the gamer, you have the ability to charge your chakra to restore it.
+50% Chakra Regen

Substitution Jutsu (Active) LVL MAX:
Allows user to replace themselves with a object or person.

Advanced Regeneration (Passive) LVL MAX:
Because of the Tailed Beast sealed within you, you have a faster regen rate than most other humans.
Notice: Regen rate will increase if Tailed Beast sees fit.]

Caleb: Well hot damn. Now if this goes how I think it does, then I can kill innocents until I'm lvl 26.... WHAT?! Just some animals! ... Who am I talking to?!

[Quest Alert!:
Make it to Konohagakure to unlock story mode!
(Notice: Must make it to Naruto before you make it to RWBY)]

Caleb: BULLSHIT! UGh! Fine. Hey that looks like a boss tower from SA-Ooooooo fuck...

[Mini Map Updated]

Caleb: Display mini map.

A screen popped up, showing a way point on the mini map where Konoha is supposed to be. I started walking towards it, hoping to find a path somewhere along the way.


I was walking for a while until I found a broken down caravan on it's side. I walked over and saw... Well it wasn't pleasant. I found some of their stuff inside and around the caravan, and It looks very interesting. I could possibly learn from some of these scrolls in the future.

???: M-mommy... D... Daddy... where are you...?

Oh god dammit. I quickly put the... "stuff" in my inventory. When I walk to the other side of it the caravan, I saw a little girl trapped underneath. I let out a quick sigh of relief when I saw it was just the light roofing of the structure that was stuck on her.

Caleb: It's okay, you're safe now.

I say trying to lift it.

???: It's no use Mr... Leave me be...

Caleb: I'm.. ONLY 14!!!

I somehow managed to flip it over, but I saw it coming back down and held it up.

Caleb: Hey... Now would be a good time to crawl away...

She looks at me for a moment.

Caleb: GO!

She quickly crawls away from where she was, and stands back up to look at me.

Caleb: Okay, here goes nothing. Inventory.

I tried to let the caravan fall into the inventory-- which surprisingly worked. I had to quickly run around and push the rest of it in. I quickly put everything else in my inventory, before going over to the girl.

Caleb: Hop on.

The girl slowly nods before crawling on to my back.

Caleb: Hang on tight, cause I'm pretty fast.

I channel chakra through my feet and start running as fast as I can along the path.


Caleb: Ah, finally. GUARDS!

Guard 1: Huh?! What happened to you! (To the other guard:) Don't just stand there! Get help!

The other guard haistaly nodded before disappearing. I motioned for the small girl to climb down, but she was hiding and leaning against me. Probably dizzy from all that running.

Guard 1: What happened?

I look to the small girl behind be and she gives me a gentle nod.

Caleb: As far as I know, it seems her caravan was attacked. By whom or what I don't know, but when I got there she was the only one left.

The guard looks at the girl with sympathy, but then looks at me with a suspicious look.

Caleb: I were to attack someone, I wouldn't help them. So let's stop with the assumptions.

The guard looks surprised for a second before waving his hands and apologizing. The other guard came back with a medical team. They tried to pick the girl up, but I quickly shook them off.

Caleb: Let me do it. She's been through a lot, it would be best to try and keep her calm.

Everyone looked at me for a moment, taking in my serious glare. They then nodded slowly, and I placed her on the stretcher.

Caleb: It'll be okay.

The girl gave me a small smile before she was taken away.

Caleb: If you'd excuse me, I'd like to see lord hokage. How's the old man doing anyway?

The guards looked at each other for a moment.

~Small Timeskip

I was waiting in the hokage's office for lord third, when I suddenly see Tsunade and her office aid walk in? Oh... FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! SON OF A BITCH!

Caleb: *sigh* He's dead isn't he?

Tsunade looks down at the ground before walking to her seat.

Tsunade: Before we get started, what was your relationship with mas- I mean lord third.

Caleb: Did you just get the job?

Tsunade: Ah...

Caleb: Hn...

Shit, my Uchiha is showing.

Caleb: He was... A friend of sorts... Like a grandpa really... Talk to him a lot when he had time off... Thanks to him, I know a lot more than any average Genin. And for me to speak any further I have to ask that you have all the Anbu within hearing range be removed immediately.

Tsunade: What?! How did you know?! I barely sense any chakra from you!

Caleb: Like I said. Learned a lot from lord third.

Tsunade nodded and gave the order. After a few seconds it was just me, Tsunade, and Shizune, her assistant.

Caleb: Usually, I'd only like to talk one person, but since your the hokage's aid, I'll let it slide this time, Shizune.

Shizune: Wha-?! How?!

Caleb: What the fuck am I talking about?! I've never done this before!

Tsunade: Wat the fa...?

Caleb: I don't know how to explain this, but yes, lord third was like a grandpa, but I never met him personally.

Tsunade: WHAT!

She yelled breaking her desk.

Caleb: Calm down! As I was saying, I knew him, because of my special ability.

They both looked at me quizzically. I let out a quick sigh of relief seeing as I'm no longer gonna be murdered.

Caleb: I have a unique ability to traverse worlds-well more like universes. From my universe- which almost all others originate- I basically saw the future of this world- although I cannot tell you what will happen, because I know the ending, and if that ending is not achieved... Also, I cannot do anything that will make this world stray off the path too much, and I see since everything up till now has happened, everything should be on it's way for now. So I already know a lot, more than you could find out if you tried right now. But if this information was somehow leaked, this timeline could break, and we'd all be erased. Though that is just in theory.

Tsunade: Holy...


They both looked at me stunned for a moment.

Tsunade: Wh-What are you talking about?!

Caleb: Because...Holy shit, I didn't think of it like that... HOLY SHIT!

Shizune: What's wrong.

Caleb: Nothing, never mind. I need to see how this plays out. But yeah. So I'd like to become a ninja. I know nothing, but I'm apparently an Uchiha, Hyuga, Uzumaki, AND Senju, so that's gotta mean something.

Tsunade/Shizune: WHAT?!?!

Caleb: So... What do I gotta do?-Huh?

Suddenly another blue box appears.

Shizune/Tsunade: What is it?

Caleb: It's another one of my abilities.

I decide to read it out to them.

[Story Mode Unlocked!]

[Quest Alert!: Shurikenjutsu Training!!!
Take these Shuriken and learn how to use them!
Rewards:+Shuriken X64, +Martial Arts skill book, +10 EXP!]

[+X5 Shuriken]

Suddenly a shuriken appears in my hand.

Tsunade: What the...

[Quest: Shurikenjutsu Training!!!(complete)
Take these Shuriken and learn how to use them!
Rewards:+Shuriken X64, +Martial Arts skill book, +15 EXP!]

[Completed because of your naturally high Shurikenjutsu stat]

[LVL increased by 8]

Caleb: Who-ho-ho-holy shit!

Shizune: What does all of this mean?!

Caleb: Oh, basically I'm like a video game character. A video game is like using a monitor to play as pixelated people in an made up world. I no longer of to eat or sleep, and I'm basically immune to physical damage...

I then go on to explain the rest of the mechanics of the ability. After I'm done their mouths somehow dropped through the floor. Yea, the floor fucking broke. My ongoing thoughts were interrupted as another quest appeared.

Caleb: Yeah, another one just appeared.

Tsunade: What does it say?

Caleb: Hold on let me try something. *snap*

Tsunade: Whaaaat theee fuuuuuck...

Caleb: Can you see it?

Shizune: Y.. Yes...

Caleb: You won't be able to see everything that pops up, but at least you'll know to some degree. This will also notify me of future events sometimes, I assume.

Tsunade: V... Very well. You'll have to pass the Genin exam though.

Caleb : Ah right.

I face the blue screen towards them.

[Quest: Learn Shadow Clone Jutsu LVL 1:
Learn the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!
Rewards:+5 EXP]

Tsunade: Hmm... We'll have to have someone supervise your training.

Caleb: It would have to be someone very trustworthy. But for now, don't let any Anbu follow me. Lucky I know the most of the layout of the village thanks to two games based of this world. Not any secret passages though, so don't worry.

I walk out and and walk towards the training field. I know my secret won't be released, so I activated my chakra control and ran over to the field as fast as I could.

~At the training field

Caleb: Okay, I think I got it.

[Acquired skill: Shadow Clone Jutsu LVL 1]

[Shadow Clone Jutsu (Active) LVL 1 EXP 0/30:
Create a clone of yourself.(1 at a time)
Chakra Cost: 10]

[Quest: Learn Shadow Clone Jutsu LVL 1!
Rewards: +5 EXP!]

[LVL Increased by 1!]

Caleb: Status.

[Caleb Daniel(Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga) Lvl: 9

Clan: Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga
Rank: Academy Student

HP: 45/45 R:5 per min.
Chakra:250/250 R:5 per min.



Caleb: Seems like the Shadow Clone Jutsu took up 1 JP. Oh well. I can kill peaceful things until I reach LVL 26. That's when I'll have to stop training off of clones.

~83 clones later

[Caleb Daniel(Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga) Lvl: 26

Clan: Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga
Rank: Academy Student

HP: 45/45 R:5 per min.
Chakra:250/250 R:5 per min.



Caleb: Ugh.

I held out the shuriken in front of me and used Observe on it.

A weapon that utilizes both Kenjutsu and Shurikenjutsu.
+4 attack damage]

Caleb: Huh. No wonder I completed that quest right after I got it. My Shurikenjutsu is 5 points higher than required to throw one. I'm pretty strong for an academy student, but I'll be a Genin soon, so I'd better put some into speed. I'd also better find a way to raise that intelligence stat for the future. Ah, that's it!

[Caleb Daniel(Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga) Lvl: 26

Clan: Uchiha/Uzumaki/Senju/Hyuga
Rank: Academy Student

HP: 45/45 R:5 per min.
Chakra:250/250 R:5 per min.

Kenjutsu:0(+5 = 5)[+]
Speed:0(+20= 20)[MAXED]


Caleb: This unevenness is going to get annoying.

I then started to head back to the village.

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