War of Hormone | JJK

By taekookiesncream

8.3K 167 49

"We're just really... close..." ~ ~ ~ Jungkook and Madeleine have been friends, in fact close friends, for a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 33

120 4 0
By taekookiesncream

Introducing a new character in this chapter as you can already tell ;)


It's been a few weeks, just about a month, and Dana was moving in with Taehyung in just two days. She didn't want to jump into moving in, she wanted to wait a little bit to make sure she was confident about her decision and indeed, she was.

She was sleeping over tonight because this was the last time she would be able to sleep over in a little bit. Not that she can't ever sleep over any more, she just needs time to move into Taehyung's apartment and adjust living with him.

We were laying down on the couch, having the time of our lives laughing and watching tv just like we used to. It was nice and I truly missed this way more than I thought I did.

Once we calm down from one of our many fits of laughter, I speak up.

"I already know the answer to this but are you excited to move in with Taehyung?" I rest my head on the arm of the couch so I can fully face her and listen to her.

"I'm so excited." She smiles. "I was really nervous, you know I was. But now I'm just really excited. I see myself being with him for a very long time so I think this is a big, necessary step."

"I completely agree. You both are crazy about each other and it's so evident. I really, really like Taehyung and I really do hope you stay together for a long time."

"That's what's most important to me. You and my parents of course. They were worried about me, as they have a right to be because I've never lived on my own. But they like Tae, too and they feel a lot better knowing I'll be living with him."

"Well that's great." I say, genuine. "I can't believe you're moving out of your house. It's such a big step and I'm so proud of you, but it's just crazy to think about." I look at her while thinking about all the past memories of her saying she was going to live with her parents forever.

"It is so crazy to think. But I'm really confident in my decision. Plus I'm graduating this year so whether we stay in the apartment we're gonna be in now or get a house, we'll be living together, in our home."

It warmed my heart when she said that. She really deserves this and I couldn't be happier with her. She hasn't mentioned her ex and I won't bring it up either. I can tell she's finally moved on completely from him, which is what she needed so badly.

"You can visit anytime! Seriously, Tae said you can come over and sleep over whenever. We have a guest bedroom so please use it." I laughed at her comment, but honored that both her and Tae want me over often.

"I will, I promise."

We both mindlessly watch tv for a few seconds until she breaks the silence.

"So..." She inquires.

"Yes?" I ask, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"Have you met any guys or anything in any of your classes?" She asks nonchalantly.

I roll my eyes in a half joking, half annoyed manner. I'm finally in such a good place, the last thing I need is a guy ruining everything.

"No, I haven't. I haven't met anyone nor do I plan on it." I say.

"Oh come on, there aren't any cute guys in any of your classes?" She drags this on further.

"I haven't really noticed." I shrug. It's true, I haven't noticed because I haven't been looking as I've been focusing on my work and only my work. "I'm just focusing on my work and stuff, nothing else. I don't have time for all that." I swat my hand as if swatting the boys away.

She looks at me for a second and it looks like she wanted to say something but decided against it.

"That's fair. But you never know what could happen." She says as if she can tell the future.

"I mean, you're right. But I don't really want anything to happen, especially not right now."

She sighs a little bit then smiles.

"Okay, I get it." She softly smiles then looks back at the tv.

She was acting slightly strange as if she wanted to tell me something or knew something I didn't.

Oh, well. Probably Dana just being Dana.


It's been about a few days since Dana moved in with Taehyung and she couldn't be happier.

I helped her move in a little bit, but not without protests from her because she still thinks I need to rest from being in the hospital which happened a while ago. But now she's all settled in and loving the apartment.

I had a day off from work, and yes, I unfortunately had to go back but I'm taking it easy, so I was able to go to their apartment to just hangout. Taehyung was at work as it was a Friday and neither Dana nor I have Friday classes which is great.

She invited me over to just hangout and have lunch. I picked us up something on my way there so we could just relax and talk. This was something I hoped would happen quite often and I assumed it would. Whether I was hanging out with just Dana or Dana and Taehyung, I wanted to be able to do it as often as I could.

"I love how you guys decorated." I say before shoving a forkful of salad in my mouth as I glance around the visible parts of the apartment from the little dining room table we were sitting at.

"Thanks." She smiles. "It was really me." She said proud.

"Well you did a great job." I assure her.

"Decorating was the least I could do. I'm kind of embarrassed to say this, but Taehyung is still paying for the apartment. Like he's paying for the whole thing himself. I feel kind of bad." She says shamefully and lowers her head to look at her food.

I can see where she's coming from. I bet it's nice to have your home paid for as my mom is paying for most of my apartment, but there's also that feeling of guilt as well.

"I'm sure he doesn't mind, though."

"He definitely doesn't. And I'm very grateful, but I still feel bad. He said all I have to worry about is going to school and helping with grocery shopping and stuff. Which I promised I can do."

"Well that's your contribution then. I think that's pretty fair. You have to remember you are still in school. He has a full time job and an amazing one too. You just worry about buying groceries and lingerie for your man." I look at her suggestively before popping another bit of food into my mouth.

"Now that, I can definitely do." She smiled and continued on eating.

"But yeah, don't feel bad. I know you can't help but feel bad, but he wouldn't do it if he couldn't or didn't want to. But he's able to pay for it and still able to live comfortably with his paychecks so if he can, hell, let him do it girl." I assure her.

"Yeah, you're right. He's just so good to me, I'm not used to all this."

"I know you're not. But now that you finally have someone you deserve, let him be good to you. I think after everything you deserve it."

"I guess so." She smiled ever so softly and played with her food while looking down at it. "Oh, while we're still on the topic..." She puts her fork down before she began to speak and unlocked her phone.

I look at her, waiting patiently, but confused as to what the topic we were on and what she could possibly want to tell me involving this.

"Just hear me out first, promise?" She looks up from her phone and looks at me, her eyes showing a slightly pleading look.

"Okay." I have no idea what I'm agreeing to, but whatever it is, it must be really important.

"So, there's this guy-" she begins to say and I already know what's coming.

I close my eyes and sigh out of annoyance as an immediate reaction because I know exactly where this is going.

She ignores my reaction and continues talking.

"- that Taehyung knew when he was in school and he's still pretty good friends with him. His name is Seokjin. He's 25, an elementary school teacher, he's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and he's gorgeous. Don't tell Tae I said that. But he is."

"And?" I say and cross my arms.

"I don't know, maybe we can introduce you to him?" It was more of a question, but my answer would be no regardless.

I didn't expect this and clearly, I didn't want to have this kind of conversation. This must have been what she was hinting at last time we hung out. It all makes sense now.

"I'm okay." I say dryly.

"Oh come on. Don't you want to see what he looks like?" Before I even got a chance to answer, in which would have been no, she shoves her phone in my face.

I'm forced to look anyway.

The screen displayed a picture of a blonde haired man with the most flawless and soft looking skin I've ever seen in my entire life. He also had a smile that was contagious and if it was any other situation besides this one, I would have commented on it. He was attractive. Very attractive to say in the least. But that didn't sway my decision in the slightest.

"He's attractive, yeah." I shrug. I didn't want to give her the full satisfaction of me thinking he was downright gorgeous. I wouldn't tell her that because she wouldn't leave it alone if I had.

"Exactly! So..."

"I appreciate it, Dana. But I'm not really interested."

"Come on, Maddy. You literally haven't looked at another guy since you started hooking up with Jungkook like a million years ago. You have to let yourself branch out and try new things."

I was slightly hurt that she brought him up. I mean, she wasn't wrong. I really haven't looked at anyone since I started hooking up with Jungkook. But it doesn't matter. That was my business and his. I could've been involved with someone else if I wanted to, I just didn't want to.

But regardless, he has nothing to do with this situation.

"So? I could've met someone else if I wanted to."

"You could've, but you didn't." I could tell she was just concerned and wanted me to be happy. I appreciate that, but this is just too much. Plus it's way too soon for any of this.

"Because I didn't want to, Dana. I appreciate this, but I'm just not interested. I'm slowly trying to get my life together and focus on me. I'm in a really good place right now. I don't want to even think about being involved with another guy. Plus it's too soon. With all that's happened recently, I'm just not feeling it." I try to explain to her so that she would just drop this. But if I know anything about Dana, I know she won't.

"You don't even want to meet him? Just once?" She asks.

"No, Dana. I don't." I snap. "Like I said before, I really appreciate you trying to help, but I don't need it. I'm not interested and I'm not ready for something like this. Just the thought is really overwhelming. Maybe sometime in the future, but not now. I don't want to meet him or any other guy. So please Dana, please, just drop it." I say on the verge of becoming frustrated.

"I'm sorry." She says, genuine. She knew she pushed me and I could tell she feels bad. "I didn't mean to make you upset."

I reach over to her and grab her hand, letting her know I'm not mad at her.

"I know you didn't. And I'm sorry for snapping, but I'm really not interested. He's really attractive and maybe somewhere down the line I'll eventually want to meet him, but not for now." I say and look into her eyes.

"You're right. I should've respected that. I just feel bad about everything that happened and thought it would benefit you to meet someone like him. Someone that's not Jungkook."

I close my eyes in a painful manner and sigh as she clearly offended me.

"Dana," I whine. We've talked about this. I don't care what happened between me and Jungkook. He's still one of my best friends and will be talked about as such.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That was too far. But you know what I mean. You just deserve someone that will treat you the way Tae treats me. I've met Seokjin a few times and he seems like the person that would do that. But I'll back off." My facial expression softens. She was just trying to do this selfless thing for me, which is really nice of her. But I don't need it.

"Thank you for looking out for me. Seriously. But don't worry about me. Yeah you're lucky enough to have that and I'm so glad you do. But that's your life and I'll have that eventually. My time just isn't right now, and I'm okay with that. I want you to be okay with that, too." I assure her. Of course I want someone like Taehyung in my life. But that's not what I'm looking for right now and I'm perfectly fine being by myself for now and I really want her to be too. I don't want her to be worried for me. I'm not lonely or anything. I'm really happy.

"If you're okay with that, then I'll be too. I'm sorry for being pushy." She apologizes.

I accept her apology, but what she said about Jungkook affected me more than I thought it would and I don't know why.

"It's okay. Thank you for looking out for me. That's why you're my best friend." I pull her into a hug to assure her that I'm not mad at her and that I am in fact grateful for her.


Upon leaving her apartment, in which I left earlier than I intended to, I raced to my car needing to call one person.

I immediately dial his contact. I probably should've given myself a minute to collect myself so I didn't get overly and unnecessarily emotional, knowing how I usually am.

He picks up immediately and the second he did, I thought about the possibility of him being at work and me disturbing him.

"Hey, Maddy. What's up?" I stare out at the road in front of me, looking at nothing in particular for a few seconds before answering.

"Hey, are you busy?" I ask, getting a little emotional. Why am I like this?

"No, not at all. I'm off today. Is everything okay?" His voice sounded calm at first and the background was quiet, indicating that he was indeed off today. But then his voice was evident with concern.

"Um, yeah." I bit my lip before continuing. "Are you doing anything later?"

"I was just gonna hang out with Jimin and Hoseok, but I don't have any solid plans, no."

"Can you come over?" I blurt out. I know we can't have sex or anything, which I'm fine with. I just need him right now. I need to talk about everything I just talked about with Dana because the entire conversation invoked emotions that I didn't think would surface.

"Of course. Are you okay though?"

"Yeah. I was with Dana before and she just made me a little upset, that's all." I tried to play it off as if it wasn't a big deal because to anyone else it really wasn't, but to me it was.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Maddy. How about I bring you dinner? I mean nothing fancy, just some leftovers, but then you wouldn't have to cook." I smiled to myself, a little bit of sadness disappearing.

He really is such a good friend. He's an idiot sometimes and has given me a hard time in the past, but that sweet, loving, friendly side of Jungkook has never failed to shine through.

"That sounds great."

"Okay, no problem. When should I come over?"

"Hmm. How about 6? I want to go home and take a shower and relax a little bit. Is that okay?"

"That's okay with me. Do you want me to sleep over?" He asks. And not gonna lie, it was a little unexpected. He usually just slept over anyway, but this time, I didn't really know what to say.

"Um-" I start to say.

"How about we decide when I come over?"


"Okay. I'll see you at 6, Bye Maddy."

"Goodbye, Jungkook."

I hang up the phone and take a second to deeply inhale then exhale.

I don't want to think about anything until he comes over and that's exactly what I plan on doing.


After I've showered, shaved, made some tea, and relaxed a bit, Jungkook came right on cue.

He walked right in as I told him to do so when he got here.

I set my tea down on the table next to the couch and ran up to him.

"Hey." He said after closing the door.

I didn't even reply. Instead I just slammed into him, hugging him and holding his body close to mine.

I immediately get emotional and silently cry. I wasn't bawling or sobbing, but the tears were coming out. It was that kind of crying where your eyes start to water and your face gets hot because you didn't plan on crying and you're frustrated with yourself that you did. Yeah, that kind.

He held onto me the best he could with the arm that was carrying the food in a container while his other arm was draped over me so he could pet my hair.

He just let me cry in his arms his a little bit until I pulled back.

"Hi." I laugh as I pathetically wipe the tears away. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened."

"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I'm sorry you had a bad day." He looked into my eyes and I immediately felt safe and comforted. "Do you want to talk first or eat first?" He asks, raising the food when he said "eat."

"I could eat." He let out a small, closed-mouth laugh and nodded his head.

"Okay. Why don't you get comfortable on the couch and I'll heat this up and bring it to you." I nodded and went back to the couch while he went to the kitchen.

After he heated the food, in which I didn't even know what it was yet, he brought me a bowl full of the mystery dinner with a bottle of water.

"Thank you." I say, taking the bowl and the water.

"Hoseok made lasagna. Wait until you try it, I'll give it to him, he can really cook." Jungkook said as he sat down on the couch a comfortable distance away from me so I had space but he also wasn't far away.

"Well, it smells amazing." It really did. The aroma that filled my nostrils made my mouth water and I don't even care that I burnt my tongue and mouth multiple times on it because it was so damn good.

We sat in silence as I ate my food. Jungkook went back and forth from watching whatever was playing on tv to his phone occasionally. I just watched tv, not really paying attention.

When I was finished with my amazing meal, I put the bowl on the table and gulped down the rest of the water.

Jungkook clicked his phone shut and put it down on the table. He got a little closer to me.

"So, what happened?" Jungkook asked and turned his body toward me, signaling he was all ears.

"Well," I began to say as I started fiddling with the blanket that was messily strewn onto the couch. He didn't rush me or question me, he just let me talk at my own pace which I really appreciated. "I went over Dana and Taehyung's apartment to hangout with Dana and it was fine at first. We were just talking about her moving in and stuff. And then out of nowhere she kind of like bombarded me. Basically she wants to set me up with this guy and she showed me a picture of him and everything and I told her multiple times I wasn't interested and wasn't ready for that. I don't want to meet anyone, especially not now. But she was so persistent about it, which I appreciate her looking out for me, but I thought I was clear. And then she said that I deserve someone like Taehyung that's not... you. Which really hurt me, I don't know why it hurt so bad, but it did." I was proud of myself that I managed to get through all of that without crying.

Jungkook was intently listening to whole time and I appreciate him not interrupting me.

"I'm sorry she made you upset, Maddy. She was just looking out for you, but I understand you saying no and not wanting that." I appreciate him being honest rather than just taking my side. I value honesty more than I do with being agreed with.

"Oh I know. It was really nice of her. But I'm happy now, you know? I don't need anyone. And I just couldn't get over what she said about you."

"Of course, I get that. I'm glad you are. But you know," he begins to say then grabs my hands in his. "We've been together, well not really together, but hooking up and stuff, for years. Neither one of us has even looked at someone of the opposite gender. I didn't realize that until we stopped doing it. It's kind of crazy when you think about it. But I can see why she wants you to meet someone new. And what she said about me, she's right, Maddy. Don't let that bother you too much because it didn't offend me." He smiled.

"You are absolutely right, though, and Dana said the same exact thing about not even looking at another guy while we were hooking up. I never wanted to or really felt the need to, you know?"

"I totally get that. But I do think, when you're ready, not right now, of course, but when you're ready, you should try to meet someone. Maybe even this guy if you want to. I think it will be good for you. It will be good for both of us to do that. It'll be a little hard, but it'll be really good." He's being so mature about this whole thing and I'm impressed but also just really happy I can talk to him about this naturally.

"And that's what I told her. Eventually, when I'm ready I'll put myself out there. And maybe even meet that guy. I just don't want to be forced, you know?"

"Yes, of course. That's understandable. Don't let anyone force you to do something."

I smiled at him, just silently thanking him for being here.

"You don't have to talk about him if you don't want to, but what did she say about this guy? Like do you think you would be interested in him maybe later on?" He asked, genuinely but maturely. Although he was genuinely interested in knowing, it felt a little weird talking to the person I've had sex with numerous times about another potential partner, if it got to that.

"Well she said that he went to school with Taehyung and they're still pretty good friends. He's 25, he's an elementary school teacher, he's super nice, and he's really attractive. She didn't tell me that, I found that out for myself because she showed me a picture." I blushed a little bit. 

"Wow." He nodded his head as if he was impressed. "That's great. I think, again, not right now," He put his hands out to emphasize his point, "but maybe sometime in the future he's worth at least meeting. He sounds like a great guy. Someone that you definitely deserve." He smiled.

It was super weird talking about this. I still would've regardless because Jungkook is my friend no matter what, but still. It was nice to just talk to him.

"Yeah, maybe. Not right this second. But he seems like a possible future candidate."

"I agree." Jungkook nods his head.

I look at him for a few second, thinking about how grateful I am to have been able to talk about this to him and just have him in my life in general. I don't even know what I would do without him.

I felt a lot better after talking about this. Like significantly better.

"Thank you. For coming over and just listening to my pathetic rants."

"Maddy, you never have to thank me for that. That's what friends are for. If I can do it then you best believe I will. And they are not pathetic." He smiled and I smiled to match his.

Although I felt better, I didn't want him to leave. Not that he would leave right at that moment, but I wanted him to stay longer. I wanted him to spend the night.

"You don't have to if you can't or don't want to, but I would love if you slept over." I say.

He smiled and I immediately felt relieved as I had just received my answer.

"And I would love to sleep over. I brought my work clothes with me just in case because I have work in the morning so we can't stay up too late."

"That's fine with me. I'm down to lay down early and just relax and maybe just cuddle a little bit?"

"I don't see why not."

I'm so glad to have him here. And I'm actually okay with not having sex. Technically I can because I've been cleared from the doctor, but we're still staying true to our promise. No more hooking up or having sex. But we both pretty much agreed that spooning and cuddling is allowed, which is exactly what I plan on doing tonight. 

I am so sorry I haven't been updating this consistently. I said I would try to stay on track a while ago, but I didn't and I apologize for that. I've been focusing on my other fanfic, "Reflection" and haven't really been motivated to write this story. But I do feel a little more motivated because I wanna get to the good parts of the story but I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. What do you think is gonna happen, is Maddy gonna meet Jin or nah? ;)

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