A Bubble Of Happiness {COMPLE...

By Cuteminger

163K 6.8K 672

The day when Akshita singhaniya walked through the gates of her college, 4 years after her small world was cr... More

A Bubble Of Happiness
character INTRO
ohh shit the lights are ON!!!
Those mysterious black eyes...
You can call me Abhi, and I will call you battery
The Singhaniya Men
Not the one who is best
Notanki Sala
Close Or Far
the fight, the corridor and the practical lab
the unknown summer
the unknown summer- 2
The visitor
14. party or confrontations.
the tale of friendship to love
Answers to the Questions
The departures!!!
when departures end and arrivals began
Adjusting, discovering new surrounding
Anything and Everything
Routines and New comers
He Returns
The Talk
warnings and doubts
Black out
Parents Arrival
The Pre-Event
Opening Chapters part 1
Opening Chapter Part 2
Implanting Doubts
Tying the knots
The Question
Did he Propose?
Tackling Situations - 1
Tackling situations -2
Getting Approvals
The over night stay
Preparations and Conversations!
The anniversary party
Surprises and Girl's night out
Returns, Gatherings and surprises
The Dinner
The Date
The Holi
Years later
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3
A little something
A small request
Updates on new stories

Phone calls

1.6K 97 3
By Cuteminger

please do read the authors note at the end.

It was still dark when the landline of the well maintained house of Siddharth Singhaniya rang. None of them wanted to get up. The weather was cold in Australia and as lazy Siddharth was he really wanted to be cuddled up in his bed with his wife in his Arms.

But when the phone rang for the third time and he felt his wife almost waking up due to the sound he decided to answer it.

With groggy mind and eyes he answered the phone and was shocked to hear from his sister. He didn't mind the time now that he knew it was her, Rather worry gathered his body as he tried to understand the much disturbed and stammering sister of his.

"Akshi I am sure it's really something important or else you wouldn't call me this late. What is it?' he asked.

The time had now changed from what it was back in their childhood. As much as he hated it, it was his wife now to whom his sister was much close to. But he knew somewhere he had an upper hand and preference in Akshi's life than Sonika. Though call him a selfish and self centered man, but Akshi was his baby sister first, than Sonika's sister in law.

"Bhai, if ... if back then you wouldn't have taken that step what would have happened? Do you think you would have been able to live?" Akshi asked. Siddharth had expected this question from her.

The moment he came to know that his sister was demanded to be sent back to India, he had expected to hear these questions. His family seemed nice, but they were nice in their own twisted way.

"I could have, just the way Kartik is leaving and you are. Akshi I told you back than as well, I was not strong enough to stay without Sonika. It would have been my death."

"And what about her?... Did you ever asked her if she wanted to do those things that you had planned for her?" the slight temper in Akshi's voice didn't go unnoticed by Siddharth. He looked at his wife who was sitting right beside him and had asked him to keep the phone on speaker when he informed her it was Akshi.

She listened to the question and held his hand said,

"I was angry, very much, it was him who was taking decision for the two of us... but you know what he said... he asked me if I had someone much better in my mind for him. He asked if I was strong enough to let him go, because he was sure, if your family at least agreed now, they won't later on." Sonika quickly erased the tears that had filled up in her eyes and rested her head on Siddharth's shoulder and continued,

"Akshi when in a relationship someone decides for you, it isn't necessary that it has to be perfect for you, it can be the best thing, but at that time you need to understand him, know if the decision was beneficial for you, if yes... then just ask yourself that was it that bad that he loved you so much to not even think of himself or herself and be there for you."

She smiled at the silence that she received and continued,

"Sacrifices are good Akshi, but you need to know till what extent and if the other person really knows you well he would understand your pain and would reach out to you even before you would know about it."

When the two still didn't heard anything from her, Siddharth smiled and said,

"Right now just try to understand Abhi, you two were very young at that age, but if you ask me as a guy who loves his girl, he did the thing which even I had failed to do."

"Siddharth-" , Sonika tried to warn him and stop him but he just kissed her forehead and said,

"Akshi back in college, Sonika wanted to continue with modeling, but I didn't like it all. Not because she would be posing out for different people out there, but I had my selfish needs, I couldn't let her go away from me, I was afraid I couldn't function without her, but Akshi though Abhi was in the same situation, he decided you to have better future to make your mistakes and standup for yourself, he made sure that at the end of the day when you would look at the things that you wanted to do, you wouldn't feel bad of yourself, and feel as if tied up, regret for ever loving him... though Sonika never regretted being with me, but I know she still whishes that I would have let her accept that consignment. "


"just talk with him, try and be friends but I am sure that friendship step wouldn't be required in your life, just go and ask him all the questions that are there in your mind and see, you will only find that you were silly enough to look for those answers somewhere else." Siddharth hugged his wife and kissed her forehead.

His heart still felt guilty for being so naïve back then, but he knew better than to even think that his wife was not happy with him. Even a blind person could tell that they loved each other dearly and would do anything for each other.

He only wished that the love that he shared, his baby sister would as well be able to experience it... but not at the cost of what he had to pay.

"And Akshi, tell him... tell him about mom and dad. His answer to that question would be a decision maker for you."

"I know Bhai... and you aren't bad, Bhabhi loves you and so do I, thank you. "

"I know Akshi, I just know that. Alright if your doubts are over can I sleep now?" Siddharth asked earning a slap on his chest from his wife and a beautiful laugh from his sister.

They finally bid bye and went off to sleep.

But somewhere he knew, the story that had began from his love story... was about to end, and he only wish it to be a happy ending and not at all a devastating one like theirs.


With small steady steps, a whole lot of thoughts in her mind Akshi walked back towards the classroom. She wanted to think over what Siddharth said, but at the same time she was scared, what If she would really be late. What If Abhi really would give up on her?

With a deep breath she opened the door and stood there shocked as she saw Parthiv walking right into her.

"Ahh Akshi, how are you?" he asked, while he adjusted his hair.

"I am good, you are going somewhere?" Akshi stood at a side as the other walked out of the class and stood right in front of her with a smile.

"Yeah, actually I just got a call from Abhi, there are some problems with the auditorium, I need to check them out there... so see you around?"

"Yeah, even I have got something to look into." With a smile Akshi walked in to look everyone talking about happily. It seemed as if a huge disaster was here and had washed off now.

She walked towards Juhi who was trying to calm her senses; it seemed as if someone had dropped a huge bomb on her.

"What happened?" Akshi Asked as she helped her with the chart papers and the sketch pens which she tried to handle.

"Parthiv was here." Juhi said, the way she called out his name sounded as if someone had snatched away her life from her.

"Yeah I met him outside... and he will be here Juhi, how does it make a difference?"

"He made an announcement." That made Akshi's ears perks up in excitement and a bit of tension.

An announcement from Parthiv meant a danger to their life.

"Okay what was it about?"

"he wants us volunteers to arrange a pre- event for the college, it is supposed to be conducted on Monday, and you know its freaking Friday, Saturday is holiday, Sunday is Sunday, the logistics claims that we could get the materials only tomorrow, can you freaking believe only one day to work this whole shit!!" Juhi kept on speaking and panicking, but her words went on deaf ears.

Akshi's mind was with her till the time she said about the pre event being on Monday, but as soon as she turned around to look for few more chart papers and her eyes landed on a very busy Abhi, talking with some beautiful girl her breath got caught in her throat again and again all she could hear was his statement, warning her to not be late.

Was she really late? She thought. The pain that engulfed her heart was unbearable. It was at that moment looking at him smiling at some girl who wasn't her made her realize that Sonika was right, it didn't mattered what he did, it didn't mattered how many decisions he made for them... for she wasn't strong enough to stay away from him and to look at him with someone else.

Though it had been 4 years, she was still the same Akshi by heart who had loved him, and was scared that he would run away if she claimed and explained to him how much she loved him.

But now, now she knew the feelings were mutual, and it was time to let Abhi know who she was. A talk with him was necessary.

"Akshi are you even listening to me?" Juhi snapped at her and banged the paint brushes on the bench.

"I am Juhi, now listen we are a whole lot of people here and we could work it out. Let's have a talk with Parthiv and Abhi and know what do they want and then start making things with what we have for now, and till then someone will make the list and give them to the logistics. Chill everything will be done." Akshi explained and walked towards Shikha.

The girls than began working with the things as Akshi had predicted. It was evening and none of them had, had anything to eat when one of the Pr members came to them and asked,

"Shikha did you and your team had lunch?" the whole group nodded in negative and said that they would eat it afterwards.

The whole room had begun to increase with the number of people and it was becoming difficult for the creative to work while thinking differently and the lack of food was taking a toll on them.

On the other side of the room Abhi, Parthiv and the rest of the team was working on the schedule of the pre- event. But as the people kept on coming in, and with all of them working on their own things, the noise in the room increased.

Akshi could feel the slight head ache that she had developed, but decided to ignore it and work on the X that she was working on. It was difficult to concentrate on the work, with Abhi's intense gaze on her and the loud voice.

She was about to ask everyone to keep it down, when she heard the loud voice of Parthiv calling out to everyone and asking them to get out of the room.

The situation was getting even worse with the sudden power cutoff. The loud voice of people booing made Parthiv even more irritated and finally everyone was kicked out of the room. 

Author's note 

hii everyone,

I know, I have been really late with the updates, but it had been quite a hectic schedule for me, but now i am finally back, though for a months time but i believe i would be able to come up to at least the last few chapters of this story. 

but again what do you think how many more would be there left??? 

i cant really believe that this would be my second novel here on wattpad, and all i hope is that you all would support this as well as you guys supported "and we fell in love".

so all i have to say is, you all can really count on me for at least 2 or three updates a week. i have got a couple of chapters done... and when i read them i was all giddy and excited to share them with you all ... keep guessing and wishing what would really will happen with our two souls. 

as well a big question,

what do you think would be Akshi's questions?

why did siddharth think that their family is twisted in their own sweet way?

do you think their family is the villain in this story?

 keep guessing till next updates, 

happy reading!!!!1  

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