The Boy

By kitsnake

1.5M 59K 58.2K

Uchiha Sasuke gets a rude awakening when a little boy arrives at his office with a note saying "It's time to... More

Chapter 1: Surprise
Chapter 2: Good start
Chapter 3: Bad Start
Chapter 4: Should Have Called
Chapter 5: Reunited
Chapter 6: Start of a family?
Chapter 7: Maybe Not
Chapter 8: A Mess
Chapter 9: Missed You
Chapter 10: Minochi
Chapter 11: Good Night
Chapter 12: Ready For Work
Chapter 14: 911
Chapter 15: Protective much?
Chapter 16: Naruto
Chapter 17: A Lie
Chapter 18: Explanations and Accusations
Chapter 19: Sasuke
Chapter 20: Wine
Chapter 21: Unconditional Love
Chapter 22: Unloading
Chapter 23: Tough Love
Chapter 24: Dammit Itachi
Chapter 25: Delivery
Chapter 26: The Twins
Chapter 27: A Father
Chapter 28: Parenting
Part Two: Coming Soon
Part Two Is Out

Chapter 13: Work

47.7K 1.9K 1.9K
By kitsnake

"Alright, are you guys ready?"

Naruto looked up from over the couch to see Sasuke all dressed up with his briefcase at his right in his hand.

"Do we have to? Can't you just drop us off at Gaara's house?"

Sasuke held back his tongue this time from making a brief comment.

"I'm joking Sasuke calm down!" the blonde assured with a smile on his face after seeing the man resist.

Minochi peeked around from Naruto's lap to see his dad taking a deep breath.

"We need to get going. Got everything?"

"I think we are good. Right Minochi?" Naruto asked the little boy in his lap whom just nodded, holding up his bag of stuff.

"Good, then grab your coats and let's go."

Despite cloudless baby blue skies it was still freezing outside so the snow wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Thankfully truckers had come by to clear the driveways for the people to get out. The storm had ceased but now they were in a cold front.

As they put their things in the trunk Sasuke felt sort of weird. He'd been going to work solo for so long that his routine was kind of off besides the fact that he hadn't been to work in days.

"So...Sasuke...what do you want to talk about?" Naruto asked because the silence in the car was driving him insane.

"When was Minochi born?"

"Right before your brother's birthday I believe." Naruto saw Sasuke look back at their child whom was busy playing with his action figures in the back.


"Yup that means we can have two parties back to back." Naruto and their son seemed to be the only ones happy about that.


"Hn what?" Naruto raised an eyebrow at the man driving.

"Nothing, I just find it odd...In a good way though!"

"Sasuke you better not be thinking what I think you're thinking."

"I'm not!"

"You swear?"

"I swear on everything that I am absolutely not thinking about that."

Naruto rolled his eyes and leaned back against the car door. He could easily tell when Sasuke was lying his ass off and when he wasn't.

Minochi slowly held up his two actions figures behind his parents and pretended like they were them.

Naruto noticed this and grinned while Sasuke was too busy dwelling into something he shouldn't.

"How do you know Itachi's birthday? "

"Sasuke we were doing so well please don't mess this up." Naruto pleaded with the man.

Behind them a few inches away two action figures were moving in time with them. One action figure was Tony Stark (Iron Man) while the other was Steve Rodgers (Captain America). Guess who's who.

"I know, but I'm just curious to know how you know. It's not a big deal honestly."

"You're doing it again." Naruto pointed out as he drove his fingers through his sun kissed hair in an attempt to keep calm.

"Doing what? I'm just asking because we never spoke about my brother's birthday."

Naruto glanced over at him with a discordant expression and said, "That's a lie! You know I dated him months after high school! How the hell do you think we met?! Pardon my language Minochi."

"But wasn't that like 6 years ago or so?"

"Yeah I guess Sasuke."

 The Iron Man action figure was looking down as if it was thinking about what Captain America said.

"Did you two ever get back together...?" Sasuke went ahead and asked.

"Nope, not even after I left you if that helps."

"So....not even once? "

"Pull over."

Sasuke pulled over into a Gas Station where he and Minochi watched Naruto get out of the car.

"Sweetie can I have Tony right quick?"

The boy had a quizzical look on his face while handing Naruto his Iron Man action figure.

"Thank you." Naruto managed to close the car door without slamming it.

They both watched the blonde walk a good distance away into some grass field nearby and start shouting at the poor Iron Man toy.  His rants of rage came as muffled noises from what they could hear.

Passerby vehicles gave the blonde disturbed looks.

Sasuke rolled down the window slightly to hear, "INSECURE MOTHER FU-" before he quickly rolled it back up.

"Is 'mom' okay?" the boy asked while watching Naruto continue to give all his anger out on his toy.

"He's fine I think." Sasuke mused as he honked the horn to signal that he was clearly in a hurry.

Naruto gave the raven a glass shattering scowl for rushing him.

Minochi rolled down the window as Naruto was coming back over.

"Can I have my toy back?"

"Here ya go sweetie, sorry about that." Naruto handed the toy back with an apologetic smile.

The child happily reunited Iron Man with his 'friend'.

Naruto opened the car door and got back inside to see Sasuke smirking.

"What are you smirking at?" Naruto asked as he closed the door and buckled up.

"At how you call me the insecure one, but you're the one yelling at inanimate objects and blowing up over a quest- Minochi will you stop that!" Sasuke snapped, reached back and took the toys away from the boy that was still using them to mimic them.

"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" Naruto asked while stopping the man from putting them in the glove compartment.

"What he's doing is immature. I'm trying to actually teach him some manners."

"This coming from...Forget it." Naruto gave up and threw his hands up in the air to emphasize it.

The child pouted, crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at the man whom caught him in the rear view mirror.

"Stop that."

Minochi rolled his eyes in a so Naruto way it made Sasuke smile actually. The driver switched the car engine back on and prepared to pull out of the gas station.

Naruto then decided to undo his seatbelt and crawl to the backseat.

"Really?!" Sasuke shouted in disbelief as the blonde stepped all over his leather seat and other precious parts of his car.

Naruto didn't say anything while he sat down beside Minochi and buckled up.

"Fine...fine. Could have used the door like a normal person but oh well." Sasuke pulled out of the driveway getting no response from either of them in the back.

"Are you two going to remain quiet the entire day?" Sasuke looked up in the mirror to see the two doing sign language.

"Before you ask, no Minochi is not deaf. He was having trouble hearing a few years after he was born so we practiced sign language just in case."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I was afraid you'd think I was with the sign language instructor."

"You had an instructor?"

"Oh god." Naruto signed chicken butt dummy to Minochi with his hands making the little boy giggle.

"I know that was about me." Sasuke couldn't help but grin up at the reflection of the laughing two.  He didn't get a response from them but they made sure to glance at him whenever they were laughing.

The rest of the ride was in silence. Well silence for Sasuke while Naruto and Minochi talked up a storm in sign language. When they finally made it to his work place Sasuke knew that he should make amends.

"Okay before we go in I want you to know that I am sorry okay. I get jealous easily because I'm...I'm...-"

"Possessive?" Naruto chipped in an idea.

"Yeah that, and you obviously love me more than my brother since you chose me so I should have a little more faith."

Naruto smiled at the man and leaned up between the two front seats to be near his ear.

"You're right but you're not off the hook that easily."  The blonde whispered and lightly brushed his lips to Sasuke's cheek.

Sasuke sighed and settled for what he got before they all got out of the car. They picked up their things from the trunk and headed inside.

"Do we really have to sit through such boring you know what?"

"Yes you do." Sasuke chuckled at the two behind him sighing in depression. He held the door open for them and entered afterwards.

"Sasuke, you're here!  Oh my god you have so many missed calls and appointments!!! I don't know where to begi-"

"Ms. Haruno I need you to breathe, okay? Now just start off from first to last. We'll go in order and work our way down. Get Shikamaru to help with who we should bump to first then give them a call and let me know afterwards. If they ask what happened just tell them I had a sick leave. If they persist on speaking to me directly then call me."

Naruto couldn't help but admire the raven for his quick attention to problems. But when it came to family he was a damn moron, so he found that admiration going away as quickly as it came.

Minochi was already getting bored with the large yet 'empty' place.

"Okay I'll get right on it! Oh hi Naruto and Minochi!" Sakura said as she picked up the phone and dialed for Shikamaru's office.  

Naruto nodded his acknowledgement while his son just hid behind him.

They took the same elevator up to his office at the top.

Once there Minochi ran out down the hall and into the room. He went straight over to the couch to start unpacking his things.

"Is it possible I could help in anyway?" Naruto asked suddenly while he took of his coat and sat it on the guest chair.

"Wait why do you.....Oh you don't want to play with Minochi huh?" Sasuke whispered to the man. He placed his briefcase on the desk and sorted through it for a sec.

"I do, I do! He just takes it to far sometimes." Naruto whispered back urgently.

"You mean farther than Cthulhu?"

"Heh-heh wayyy fartherrrrr."

"Hn, well in that case. Hey Minochi, Naruto will be over there to pla-Mmf!"

Naruto had slapped his hand over Sasuke's mouth.

"What?" Minochi asked with an innocent smile as he held his transformer and squeaky duck in his hands. He gave the duck a light squeeze releasing the dreadful quack noise in the awkward silence.

"One sec." Naruto said with a nervous voice before turning to the raven.

"Okay what do you want?!" Naruto asked in a hurried whisper after removing his hand from the raven's mouth. 

'Finally' Sasuke thought to himself with a shadow casted over his eyes to hide the evil glint.

Naruto started to feel a bit uncomfortable at how the raven was looking.

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