The Mystical Wolf

By Lun4r_

4.5K 536 187

Amelia, 18 years old, is a vampire and a werewolf. Everything changes when she finds out that she's the mysti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 30

44 12 3
By Lun4r_

Amelia sat on a rock nearby a waterfall as she took in the fresh air. She was no longer pale, fragile and hurt. She had managed to do her normal routine and take care of the pack with the help of her brother, Blake. She talked to everyone except for Jayce. She don't want to talk to him because of the thought that he might hurt her and scream at her. She stood and walked towards the training area.

She then saw the kids running towards her with a wide smile on their face. She crouched so that she's at the same level as their height and said, "Hello there. Having fun?" They all giggled as they nodded their head and one of them said, "We miss Luna soo much! How are you?" Amelia smiled at them in awe and told them that she's fine. She talked and played with them, happily. Amelia really appreciate that everyone care about her.

She went to Blake's office and Blake greeted her as she walked in. "You know, you don't have to help me. Go take some rest" Blake said and Amelia shook her head. She wanted to help but not to lay on the bed and doing nothing. She had been in her room for soo long already and why would she get some rest? With that, Amelia sat on the chair in front of Blake's desk and he sighed in defeat.

"Alright, these are your paper work and also your laptop. You were supposed to receive these before but- Uh..I've done some of it already and you only have to do the rest of it" He told Amelia and Amelia nodded. Blake told her to sit on his seat and excused himself before going out. He walked towards Jayce's office and he didn't bother to knock before he walk in. He stopped, shocked at what he saw and he clenched his fist.

He saw red and in a blink of an eye, Jayce was lifted to the air by his neck. The girl who was on his lap stayed in the corner, shocked. "You cheater! You tortured my sister and now you're cheating on her?! Go to hell idiot!" Blake roared and Jayce laughed coldly. Blake frowned and Jayce said, "It doesn't matter, Blake. She's the reason why I'm doing this! She's the reason why my little sister is dead! She ruined my family!"

Blake was furious and he felt like he wanted to rip Jayce's head off of his body. He clenched his fist and he shook in anger. How could his bestfriend do this to his sister? Jayce loved her but why not now? Jayce only felt hatred towards Amelia now and Blake was disappointed in his self for trusting Jayce. He knew that Jayce played with girls heart. He knew Jayce was a player but he just let it go. He let Jayce made Amelia fall for him and now, he's torturing her.

Blake threw his fist towards Jayce's cheek and Blake was thrown to the side of the room by Hunter. Vanessa soon came with Amelia and Hunter said, "What are you guys doing?! Alpha and Beta are supposed to be together. Not to fight!" Amelia's eyes caught the girl standing in the corner and curiousity came. It was Laura, Leah's bestfriend. "It is not my fault that I punch that idiot! He cheated on my sister" Blake roared and Amelia gasped. She bit her bottom lip, trying to hold back her tears and Vanessa comforted her.

Hunter looked at Vanessa and she nodded, yes. Vanessa told Amelia to come with her but Amelia wouldn't move. She was hurt, angry, betrayed. Vanessa looked at Hunter, worried and Hunter sighed. "Luna you-" Hunter started but was cut off by Amelia. Amelia was standing in front of Jayce in just a second and her eyes were glowing red. Jayce looked at her hard in the eyes as Amelia said, "You cheated on me?! I thought you love me! I thought you would protect me, love me, take care of me and help me out but you don't! You turned out to be a monster! You torture me Jayce!"

Tears streaming down her cheek and Jayce chuckled coldly. "Protect you? Why would I do that? You ruined my family. My parents died because of you! Leah died because of you! Now what? Do you want to kill everyone here in this pack?" Jayce roared and Amelia wasn't scared at all. Amelia slapped him on the cheek, hard and Jayce fell to the ground. Everyone gasped in shock and Hunter looked at Vanessa. Vanessa shook her head and Hunter stayed on his position, not wanting to move.

"I didn't kill them Jayce! I am not stupid! I'm trying! I'm trying to protect everyone. I told you that I will bring danger and you wouldn't listen. It is not my fault that you're here doing a freakin' dumb thing with her! I have feelings Jayce! I can't believe you go out with her! You did some dirty stuff on her you idiot! You're a coldhearted monster who go out with different girls and hurt them at the end! You're a heartless person who hurt people without even thinking. I hate you!" Amelia roared. Her voice were changing and she was shaking in anger.

"I promise you Jayce. I promise that I will go far away from here, from you! Keep this in mind Jayce, I will never ever going to forgive you that easily! You tortured Amelia. Us!" Amelia roared and everyone gasped. It's not Amelia who's talking but her wolf. Everyone in the room could feel it. The strong aura from Amelia. It's incredibly strong and powerful. She's showing her true self. Jayce stood from the floor and was about to slap Amelia but he was frozen.

Amelia took his fist and twist it. Jayce screamed uncontrollably and Amelia stopped. "That's what you get for torturing me! I won't let that ever happen to me again!" She screamed and Jayce fell to ground. He held his right hand, groaning and Vanessa walked towards Amelia but Amelia stopped her track. Amelia put invisible barrier around her and Jayce but how?

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