Forbidden lovers | Kakashi Se...

By Queendreamteam

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(Y/n) (L/n), once a ordinary girl, living her life in the city of Queens, New York, will soon, and literally... More

Chapter One: Help me
Chapter Two: Sealed away
Chapter Three: Death is inevitable
Chapter Four: Ninja training
Chapter Five: Troublesome sensei
Chapter Six: The Void
Chapter Seven: Late
Chapter Eight: Itachi Uchiha
Chapter Nine: Team Gai
Chapter Ten: Yoko Kurama
Chapter Eleven: Exam
Chapter Twelve: Intoxicated
Chapter Thirteen: Lovers
Chapter Fourteen: The Academy
Chapter Fifteen: The kiss
Chapter Sixteen: Squad Seven
Chapter Seventeen: Survival Test
Chapter Eightteen: Tenzō sensei
Chapter Nineteen: Pass or fail
Chapter Twenty: Failed Attempt
Chapter Tewenty One: You Pass
Chapter Twenty Two: Battle skills
Chapter Twenty Three: First Date
Chapter Twenty Four: Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Excitment
Chapter Twenty Six: The Demon Brothers
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Vow
Chapter Twenty Eight: Demon of the Mist
Chapter Twenty Nine: Team Work
Chpater Thirty: Releasment
Chpater Thirty one: Truth
Chapter Thirty Two: Training
Chapter Thirty Three: Hot
Chapter Thirty Four: Nightmares
Chapter Thirty Five: Reality
Chapter Thirty Six: Star gazers
Chapter Thirty Seven: Lies
Chapter Thirty Eight: Friends
Chapter Thirty Nine: Consequences
Chapter Forty: Battle on the bridge
Chapter Forty One: Scream
Chapter Forty Two: Will of Fire
Chapter Forty Three: Love
Chapter Forty Four: Screwed
Chapter Forty Five: Immature
Chapter Forty Six: Very skilled shinobi
Chapter Forty Seven: Dangos
Chapter Forty Eight: Hamburgers
Chapter Forty Nine: Precious
Chapter Fifty: Caverns
Chapter Fifty One: Job
Chapter Fifty Two: Goddess of light
Chapter Fifty Three: Reason for a home
Chapter Fifty Four: Sister
Chapter Fifty Five: Preliminaries
Chapter Fifty Six: Support
Chapter Fifty Seven: Toads
Chapter Fifty Eight: Deal
Chapter Fifty Nine: Minato Namikaze
Chapter Sixty: Fifth Hokage
Chapter Sixty One: Murderous rage
Chapter Sixty Two: Pulverise
Chapter Sixty Three: Cease to exist
Chapter Sixty Four: Whatever
Chapter Sixty Six: Stick Figures
Chapter Sixty Seven: Strongest
Chapter Sixty Eight: Unique girl
Chapter Sixty Nine: Time
Chapter Seventy: Apart
Chapter Seventy One: Hickey
Chapter Seventy Two: Wild Fire
Chapter Seventy Three: Truth Untold
Chapter Seventy Four: Apples to Apples
Chapter Seventy Five: Meant to be
Chapter Seventy Six: Departure
Chapter Seventy Seven: Battles and Betrayals
Chapter Seventy Eight:
Chapter Seventy Nine: How long has it been?
Chapter Eighty:

Chapter Sixty Five: Uchiha Charm

1.5K 68 10
By Queendreamteam

Lord Third. We will miss you, but your Will of Fire will be carried throughout all of us. No one will ever forget you, and what you have done for the Village, and the King.

My eyes moving to Konohamaru tucked into me and Naruto's bodies, we rub his shoulders in comfort. My black sleeves of my outfit rubbing against Naruto's, we share a glance at each other, before we both look away again.

"Iruka Sensei, why do they do it? Why do people risk their lives for other people?" Naruto asked as his eyes lifted towards old man Third.

"Well, when someone passes, it's the end. His past and future, all the dreams he's once had, they disappear along with him. This is true even if he died honorably in battle, as so many have, as Hayate did. All the tires that bind him to the living are severed- all but one, the lost important of all, people. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers, the people who were important to him. And these people, the ones left behind, are joined together in a great circle by their shared memories of him- a circle- a circle of friendship, trust, and sacrifice that grows larger and stronger as time passes. It's hard to explain it. We remain in the circle together. We have no choice. It's important to us." Iruka explained solemnly.

"Mhm." Naruto looking away from the statue looks back at the photos of those lives taken. "So we do it because we have to. I get it. Sort of. Still, I'm sad he's gone."

"Think how sad it would be if he'd die for nothing." Me and Kakashi say in unison. My eyes locking up at his, I nod as I allow him to talk.

"But he left us something priceless. Don't worry. You'll understand one of these days." Kakashi spoke as his eyes looked down at Naruto.

"Hey," Naruto's head lookin back at Kakashi he had a gleam in his eyes. "Give me some credit. That much I understand." A small tsk escaping my lips I feel my lips tug into a lazy smile.

"Well, I know that, at least, Naruto." Naruto's blue eyes moving and locking on mine, he returns my small smile.

"Yeah, (Y/n)." Naruto's raspy voice said half heartedly. The rain coming to a stop, the clouds cleared slowly, revealing peeks of sunshine. Illuminating the dreary hours of weeping we all had undoubtedly done. Looking up, I close my eyes, as the sun absorbs my coldness, into warmth.

This is a sign, from the old man, and everyone else.

"(Y/n)." My eyes opening, I look back down, and around me, to see people leaving. My eyes locking on Iruka, I see him give me a nod over in the direction of the exit. "We're leaving now, the service is done," Iruka spoke softly to me.

Nodding I give him a smile, "thanks. I would have never known- could of been up here for days." Iruka giving a small smile, he turns on his heel back towards the stairs. Making his way down the stairs, I watch his form slowly disappear out of sight.

"Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki." I whisper out lightly as I turn my head in the direction I sense their chakra presence. Lifting my hands I close my eyes as I pinpoint exactly where I placed one of my kunai near the pair of rogue shinobi. My purple/green eyes widening as I find one less than ten feet away from the pair, I smile as I pull my chakra into transporting myself. With a small gust of air, rustling through my long white hair, I appear behind brush of a couple trees and bushes. My eyes locking on Itachi and Kisame, I smile lightly, as I hear some of their conversation.

"Don't tell me you still have feelings for your old home?" Kisame asked.

"No. None." Itachi said coldly, as he tilted his head up to look at the Village, the small bell on his hat sending off a chime to echo throughout the wind. Stepping over the brush, without trying to hide my presence, I smile as I see them both turn around and look at me. "Seems we have company."

"Hey." A menacing smile replacing the sweet one, I lift my hands in a gesture of peace. "How are you, Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki?"

"How do you know our names little girl?" Kisame growled out at me as he took off his hat, placing it on the ground next to him. His eyes piercing into mine, Kisame's look could have scared any small genin away. Though I wasn't any small genin. Narrowing my eyes at him, I run towards him, quicker than the wind that rushed past us. Standing behind him I place my hands on his elbow before I bent it the wrong way, breaking his arm entirely. Stepping aside as Kisame growled and cursed at me in pain, I smile sweetly.

"Let's get this straight. My names (Y/n) (L/n)- Megami. I am seventeen years old. I am not a little girl, I'm Captain of the Anbu Black Ops, a member of Team Seven, and future Hokage. So when you address me, address me appropriately."

"You..!" Kisame growled out as his other arm grabbed ahold of Samehada, pulling it out in front of him.

"Kisame." Itachi said with his silk voice, "let's talk first. We're not here to fight a full scale battle, we'll only attract more attention from other ninja around the area." With a blink of my eyes, the ones I had when I fought against Haku reappeared. Locking onto Itachi's sharingan eyes.

"Your genjutsu won't work on me, Itachi." Taking a step towards him I let my eyes stayed trained on him, as I felt Kisame's body tense up at my presence. "You were once top of your class, Captain of the Anbu Black Ops, and assigned to guarding the Hokage himself, all at a young age. You must understand the position I have." Lifting my hands I let them rest on my hips. "I have a proposal for you."

"What might that be?" Itachi asked with his unreadable expressionless façade.

"I'll allow you to enter the Village, if you and I can talk in private," my eyes moving to lock on Kisame's I look back at Itachi. "I'll even heal his broken arm. Though if you don't take me up on this offer.. I'll have to take you into custody. Or do the preferable thing and murder you both right here, right now. What do you say?"

"Itachi, she's lying. I say we kill her." Kisame said begrudgingly as his eyes looked at me.

"No. I'll talk to her. If this is the way we can enter the Leaf Village without any hassle, I'll do it by any means." Itachi said as he started walking off into the brush I came out of. With the small chime on his hat echoing, it leads a trail to follow, "let's talk over here."

Blinking my eyes away, I nod, "wise decision." Turning I follow Itachi into the brush, looking around, I see him leaning against a tree. Walking towards him, I stop right in front of him, showing my dominance of the situation. "Lord Third has passed in a battle with Orochimaru, as you may already know. And as I am his apprentice, I think you should have the pleasure of knowing that including the elders, I have also learned the secret- and the truth."

"I don't know what you mean." Itachi whispered back at me, his sharingan piercing my normal eyes.

"Yes, you do. And I know that the longer you use those eyes of yours, the longer it takes away your sight." I whisper back through clenched teeth. "You may not know me, but I know you. Your past, your present, and your future."

Man that sounds creepy.

"Your lies do not scare me (Y/n)." Itachi said as he pushed his back off the tree stump to stand toe-to-toe with me. Looking down into my eyes, Itachi narrowed them at me, his hat overshadowing the both of us.

"The way you were able to unlock your Mongeko Sharingan was not by killing Shisui Uchiha as you told Sasuke and everyone else in your clan. It was because Shisui gave you the one he still had left, after Danzo took his other one. He trusted you, and committed suicide right in front of you. The Uchiha planned to stage a kutata and Sasuke was to young to know of this. The only reason you slaughtered your entire clan was because the Leaf Village elders wanted someone with the same ability and 100% capability to be able to take down the might of the Uchiha. And that was you." His eyes going back to his original color, his eyes flickered in remembrance, remorse, and surprise. "Need I say more? Or are you finally understanding?"

"How do you know all of this?"

"You don't want to know. Though I have something of greater importance to discuss with you. So, bare with me as I am on time restraints." My eyes locking on his with determination I swallow the knot that clogged my throat.

"Very well."

"Some of this may be news that isn't worth your time of listening to, however, I feel the need to inform you anyway. Sasuke, is on my squad, with Kakashi as our leader. He's doing very well, his skills keep improving and he's a very bright intellectual kid. Anyway, with Lord Third gone, your informational meetings will not be happening any more. If there is something of importance that will be happening in the Akatskui, please, inform me. Though, I do plan on joining the ranks of the Akatskui myself as well-"

"No." Itachi said firmly, cutting me off mid sentence.

"Excuse me?" Narrowing my eyes at him, I stare up at him as I feel his onyx eyes pierce mine.

"I will not allow another shinobi like yourself, to derail your whole life that you could have ahead of yourself, just to provide intel for the Village. That's my role." Itachi stated firmly, his black hair moving forward as he tilted his head further down.

"You have no right to tell me what to do." Lifting my hand I poke his chest with my pointer finger aggressively, "Itachi, you better listen to me, and listen carefully, I know you better than you know yourself. I know how much information you retain, but it's not enough. You took a giant bullet for the Leaf Village- and still are- but no one knows that, so they ridicule you, and everything you have done.. it's not fair, but what you do is not for recognition, but what's best for the Village. You are a true hero. And you need to understand that about yourself, and me as well." My voice that once started off hard and stronger, found a lighter, softer tone, as I tell Itachi exactly who I see him as, and the actions he's done for the Village. His onyx eyes trained on mine, a small redness to his cheeks appear. Moving my finger from his chest, I move it to his forehead covered by his headband. Jabbing it softly I smile as a shocked look crossed his face, "maybe another time, I'll explain it more in detail, Itachi." Stepping a bit away from him I turn back towards Kisame's direction. "We should get going before your partner gets suspicious, plus, I have to heal him. Even if he is a complete jerk fish. Haha get it? Fish not face? No, okay." Smiling at him I give him a thumbs up, "I'll take care of everything." Walking away from Itachi and the brush, I look at Kisame over looking the Village. "Hey shark face, get over here so I can heal your wound."

Kisame looking over his shoulder with clenched teeth, "who you calling shark face, little girl?" Narrowing my eyes I take a step forward before a hand is placed on my shoulder. My heart jumping out of my chest I look over and see Itachi looking down at me.

"(Y/n), is not our enemy right now. She's offering us passage into the Village and a place to stay. She's on our side." Itachi explained calmly to his- high rate killing machine- partner.

What? I did not say you could stay in my house!

My eyes widening, I look at Itachi to see his black eyes look into mine silently. As though if I don't allow this to happen, suspicions will arise. Sighing, I let my shoulders hang down, as I let my posture completely go.

"Why should we trust this little girl? She's a threat to us Itachi. I say we kill her." Kisame hissed out at me, gaining my attention back. Reaching down on my leg I grab my kunai before swiftly throwing it at his shoulder. His eyes widening he dodges it swiftly. "She's got spunk, but she'll be a handful."

Smiling contently I give Kisame a wink, "don't doubt my capabilities as a ninja again."

"What did you do to her Itachi? Uchiha charm?" Kisame said to Itachi, with a dry sense of sarcasm in it.

My jaw dropping to the floor, I feel Itachi's hand move itself from my shoulder, "no."

"Mhm. Alright." Kisame smirking at me and Itachi, an angry blush dusts my face.

"Screw you and the sea horse you rode in on! Like hell I would date or fuck this guy!" Looking over my shoulder I laugh lightly, "I mean your not ugly or anything, I'm just not into you like that." Itachi's eyes giving me a small glare of annoyance, if I hadn't known him I wouldn't be able to tell, as he brushes past my form.

"Let's move from this subject, Kisame, (Y/n)." Itachi walking past me stands next to Kisame. "Let her heal you so we can be on our way. We can't afford anymore time being wasted."

"Fine," Kisame holding out his arm towards me I walk towards him. Letting my chakra flow to my hands, I begin healing the bones and ligaments I broke with ease. "He still has that Uchiha charm on you, I know it."

A small chuckle escaping my lips I feel the corners of my eyes crease as I smile lightly, "no. He doesn't."

"Mhm. Just you wait, when we stay at your place, we'll see how much charm he's put on you." Kisame taunted back at me.

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