that stupid wolf

By ablackthorn

133K 4.7K 792

"Look dude, you're cute and all but I have a boyfriend." He growled, tightening his would on the girl's wais... More

the air you breath smells like sweat and cheap perfume
the little bitch can cook!
thanks, white boy
he needs a lady for the night, so whose going to be the lucky gal?
you're mine, angle eyes
take control of your fucking wolf!
let me kiss you
i'm your bestfriend's boyfriend!
not an update
i need a breath from all this awkwardness
when i say run, you run
i'm sorry for cheating on you
i trusted you!
don't roll those pretty eyes at me
i know everything about you, little mate
silas, the big softy
you better behave yourself, angel eyes
she's my girlfriend so back off!
let's go on a date, a proper date
i hate when harms comes to her
i will know who made you a whore
gosh, I'm sailing a ship
i'm riding shotgun, bitches!
whose going to keep that old man on his toes when I'm gone?
i think the girls can handle a night without me
i wouldn't want my girlfriend to have an lose screws
that was amazing, call me
you're weird when you're high
mora's like, damn she's like the hottest thing on the planet
guess who bought the fucking cheetos!
i could never take my eyes off her when she smiled
it's jeremiah, dumbass
i just hope they hook up at the end of this
your wolf strength does not define you
you're not that innocent either
you haven't even seen my naked
when it comes to Silas, i'm not allergic to nuts
but i just got my nails done
i was cocky for a second
she's a slut
she might attack me with those long ass nails!
and I... just saw you naked
silas is far from innocent
you smell heavily of my scent, angel eyes
you're fast, love, but not fast enough
girl, you know how much drugs I had to sell to make this green shit?
anything with your pretty little face on, i'll like
all I've ever wanted was kimora
this kind of reminds me of that that scene in twilight
god, i missed this
the food won't be the one making you moan
i'm doing a lot of teasing tonight, wolf
i'm going to take you now, angel eyes
all i've seen is you
you fucking dumbass
you, kimora, are my world
you're like my second mother
stay safe
is he mine?
i ruined your family

you love sick puppy

2.6K 124 34
By ablackthorn


Christian slammed the black wolf onto the ground with the help of Paris and Mike, who huffed as they tried to keep the wolf calm but he kept struggling as he watched his scared mate run in the opposite direction.

Christian leaned down, close to the fighting wolfs ear, "Silas, you better calm your wolf and shift before Lucas finds out you're not in control and bands you from seeing your mate."

Silas's eyes snapped from his mate towards his friend, who watched him with narrowed eyes, slowly Silas stopped moving his legs until he was only letting out rugged breaths. Christian sighed, "We're going to remove our hands now, okay?"

Silas wanted to roll his eyes as he muttered through their mind link, 'I'm not a pup, you idiot.'

Christian chuckled, leaning away from Silas who stood up on all fours, shaking out his fur before starting to shift back into his human form. Chris held out  a pair of basket ball shorts as Silas stood on his two feet. One hand reaching out for the shorts while the other covered himself.

Once he was covered, he ran a hand through his hair before pushing past Christian. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To find my mate."

"No, you're not." Lucas's voice boomed across the open space causing the four men's heads snap towards him. The Beta and Gamma bowed their heads while Christian rolled his eyes and Silas growled, not liking that he was being refused to see his mate.

"You're out of control." Lucas stated, walking over towards the group.

"No, I'm perfectly fine." Silas growled out but he was slowly starting to shake again, his eyes flashing to their gold brown. His Wolf was making it's appearance. Lucas eyed him with a blank look. Silas had just proved his point.

"You lost control in front of your mate, you could of harmed her." Lucas stated, not even bothered that the more he spoke, the angrier his wolf became. Silas couldn't control the angry bark that left his wolf, the thought of harming her sending his body into a fit of shakes. "My point proven." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"I'll never hurt Kimora, she is my mate." Silas stated, trying to calm down. He didn't want Lucas to be right about his unstable wolf.

Lucas chuckled, as if what he said was funny. Silas huffed, he was struggling to calm his wolf since Lucas kept making unwanted comments.

"You were chasing her around the forest and as she cried for help."

Silas clenched his fists hard, trying to control his anger towards his Alpha. "She was scared because I showed her my wolf form."

The Alpha nodded, "And you lost control because she ran away, you frightened your mate more by growling and barking at her instead of comforting her and making sure she was ok. Maybe that human is better off with you."

Silas couldn't control his wolf, his canines extending, "Stop!"

Lucas smirked, "You will not see your mate, she will come to you when she is ready."

Silas laughed humorlessly, his wolf now close to the surface, "I don't care if you're Alpha, you can't band me from seeing my mate."

The Alpha scowled, not liking that Silas was ignoring his authority, "I most definitely will. If I see you anywhere near your mate, I'll having the warriors tie you up until you beg to be let free."

Silas chuckled, "You're bluffing."

Christian cleared his throat, "Brother, you know how Silas is with his—"

"I don't care. Go on, get out of here. I'll have one of the mated warriors escort her home."

Silas growled but Lucas rose his hand, silencing the warrior, "You're lucky I chose a mated wolf."

Lucas wove his hand, sending them off before turning around while Paris and Mike followed after him. Christian took a hold of Silas's shoulder, "Don't defy Lucas, okay? He might see you as a brother but he will do what is needed when it comes to punishment."

Silas grunted, pushing Christian off of him and walked pack towards the cottage. His friend trailed behind him. "What happened?"

"I thought if I told her I was her mate, she'll leave her boyfriend and be with me. But she freaked out when she saw my eyes. I should have taken that as a sign she wasn't ready but like the dumb ass I am, I showed her my wolf and she looked so scared." Silas stopped walking, leaning against a tree and looked towards Christian, "I scared my mate, what if she never comes to see me again? All those years, waiting for my mate, only for her to run away, scared for her life."

Christian frowned, "I understand that this must hurt—"

"You don't understand, Christian. You don't even want a mate, you're comfortable with all the women that throw themselves at you. I want a mate, I've wanted one since my mother told me about them. I've wanted one even more when I saw how never finding her mate affected my mother." Silas sighed, "Kimora is everything to me, I might not have fallen in love with her yet but I know I easily will. I know I love things about her, like how her freckles stand out when she blushes. Or how her skin feels like silk against my hands and how her hair shines in the sun and turns slightly red. I love how you can't see her eyes when she laughs. Everything was perfect when I was alone with her and then I ruined everything because I can't control my wolf."

Christian's frown deepened as Silas's expression grew serous, "I can't lose her Christian and I can't not see her. I need you to help me sneak out just to see her."

Christian sighed, slowly nodding his head, "Fine, I'll help you. You love sick puppy."


Kimora couldn't stop crying. Her heart was pounding so hard that she could hear it in her ears. Her hand were shaking as sobs left her and her legs were aching from all the running. She was sweating, her black hair messy from trying to escape. Her shirt wasn't beige anymore, covered in dirt from her tripping a few times in a rush to get away and her skirt were starting to hurt her thighs. It was not made for all this running.

She was lost, sitting against a tree crying her eyes out. Her chest hadn't stopped aching since she'd run from the man who turned into a wolf. She didn't understand why. Why was she so hurt about running from him? He was just a stranger.

Hearing footsteps, she gasped. Sitting up straight, she looked around as she tried to calm her rugged breathing. She moved to stand up, she could make a run for it but it was too late. Just as she stood, a huge man stepped out from behind a tree, catching Kimora as her knees buckled.

She didn't even care if this man was also a werewolf, she was lost, covered in tears and dirt and she wanted to go home.

The man steadied her on her feet before looking down at her, "You're Silas's mate? Kimora?"

Kimora nodded, a few tears leaving her at the sound of Silas's name. She couldn't seem to control her body when ever he was around or mentioned. She didn't even understand why being away from him effected her this much.

The man frowned, stiffening as the small woman cried. Noticing the man tense state, she frowned, "I'm sorry I'm crying, I just can't seem to stop."

The man nodded, "You ran from your mate, your body is trying to make you go back to him."

Kimora looked up at the man with a confused expression but he didn't explain any further as he spoke up again, "Alpha said to take you home, he didn't trust Silas to come after you."

Kimora frowned, remembering Silas's angry wolf and nodded. Liking that she did not protest, the man took a hold of her arm and started leading her further away from pack territory, "Where do you live?"

"I think it's at the edge of the forest."

The man nodded, "I know the house, my daughter saw it a week ago while playing with her friends."

Kimora looked up, staring at the normal looking man guiding her. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he was part wolf. That her mate was part wolf, "Do you have a mate?" The words left her mouth before she could stop them. She was curious.

The man nodded, his face lighting up at the mention of his mate, "Her name is Cara, she's human too."

Kimora gasped, shocked that there were other humans that were mated, "Really, how did she take the news of you being a werewolf?"

"She cried..."

Sighed in relief, at least she isn't alone.

"But after I shifted back, she calmed down. She was never scared though, she even called me her personal Jacob Black."

Kimora giggled before she sighed, "I don't know why I'm crying, I've known Silas for a little over 24 hours."

The man nodded, "It's the bond and you've been marked already. You are going to crave being with him when you're apart."

Kimora frowned, "Will Silas also feel pain?"

The man nodded, "Yes, he will feel the bond more then you since he is a werewolf."

Kimora nodded, "I'm just so scared."

The man sighed, "I've trained with Silas since he was five. He's always wanted a mate, he'd brag to me that his mate would be so beautiful and that he'll love her more then anything."

Kimora frowned, "Can you tell me more?" She couldn't help but want to know about her mate even though she was scared shit less of him.

The man smiled, "Most male wolfs don't wait for their mate, they lose their virginity and enjoy the pleasures of other women until they find their mate. Silas hated the idea of being with anyone other then his mate. He didn't talk to girls, he didn't even touch one." The man suddenly chuckled, "I remember when he was ten, he had been ordered to spar with a female warrior in training. She had jumped on him, straddling his waist. He had immediately pushed her off, crying that her gems were all over his body. He had cursed at her, saying that onto his mate could sit in him like that."

Kimora smiled, "Really?"

"Silas would love you with all his heart, Kimora. He'd never make you feel unloved, ever. His stubborn and has anger issues but he'll never harm you."

Kimora nodded, looking up to see her house a few meters away. "Silas won't give up on me, right?" Deep down, she knew Silas was a good guy. That he cared for her and wouldn't warm her but before she could fully trust him. She had to wrap her head around the fart that he was a wolf.

The man chuckled, "I'm sure he'll find his way to you again, Kimora. Even if you don't want to see him."

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