Smoke & Roses For M (Book 3)

By noot_in_the_mood

72K 1.7K 641

Marilyn's story with her new gang involvement, because of Mr. Baker, continues to bring out the worst and bes... More

1: Cabin Fever
2: Guest
3: Sleep
4: Testing
5: Gold C
6: "Dinner"
7: Mr. Baker
8: Rules
9: Wanting
10: Bail
11: Ring For Sex
12: Baby Girl
13: Babysitting
14: Grillin'
15: Wreck
16: No Comers
17: Chance 2
18: Nope
19: Stephanie
20: The Bakers
21: It's You.
22: Fear Itself
23: Bet
24: N Ø
25: Blue Eyes
26: Naughty Girls
27: The Happy Couple
28: Tit
29: Fucken Nod
30: Okay
31: O.G. Fo Sho
32: Stars
33: Rock
34: House Hunting
35: Fuckaaaaaaas
36: Kitten
38: Thick & Thin
39: Macky's
40: Kyari
41: XX
42: Attention Whore
43: Show
44: Stumble
45: Popsicle
46: Erectile Malfunction
47: TV
48: Candy
49: Some Other Bitch
50: My Girl

37: Party Trick

1.3K 32 13
By noot_in_the_mood

It's been about a week or two, and the guys have all been away, on tour. All except Mars. He was gone for a few days on work, but then he came back.

Mars, Tasha, Izzie and I were just getting off the plane. Mr. Baker had told us to come to his after party, tonight. Saying he had some big announcement for everyone. 

It seemed like such a long flight to me. I was tired the whole time. It was better than driving and a boat, though.

We arrived a few hours early, which gave me enough time to nap. A well needed nap.

Izzie was excited to see Rook, but they still had beef going. Tasha wanted to get her freak on, while Mars just wanted to enjoy his vacation.

I really just wanted a toasted bagel, with strawberry cream cheese, with lunch meat in between the creamed halves. Oooo... make that a jalapeño bagel. Oh, and some ice tea.

"Marilyn, you needa get ready to go." Tasha hustles me.

"Yeah. We have fifteen minutes until we need to be there. The drive, itself, is ten minutes. So, really you have five minutes." Izzie rambles.

"I'm ready." I sigh, sitting up.

"You not gonna do your hair?" Tasha looks at me.

"I did my hair." I glare at her.

"Oh, baby..." Iz shakes her head.

"Okay, damn. I'll fix my hair." I get up and go to the mirror.

Although they were right, I was still salty. I took a deep breath and brushed out my hair. It still looked ratchet as hell. I huff, trying to find a style that looked good.

"Marilyn, come on. No one cares how your hair looks." Mars rushed me.

"I haven't seen my man in almost two week, Mason. If I want to look good so that maybe I can get to shagging, if I'm up for it, then we'll be late, but at least we'll be there. Quit rushing me, and go the fuck away." I shout, at him.

"Oh, shit." Izzie mumbles.

"You better bounce, boy." Tasha looks at him.

"You better have both of them down here, in five minutes, or-" he demands Tasha.

"Or what, Mason?" Tasha crosses her arms.

He huffs and walks away, slamming the door behind him. I roll my eyes, as Izzie walks over and helps me.

"Here, babe. Lemme help." Izzie takes my hair in her hands.

"Thank you." I sigh.

"My baby mama be too damn tired for these disrespectful niggas." Tasha shakes her head, leaning against the counter and watching Iz do my hair.

"I really am though." I whine.

"There you go." Iz moves her hands.

"Thank you." I really meant it.

I look at my hair in the mirror. She had put my hair up in a half bun, French braid. Tasha ended up adding some pins, that had diamonds on them. I didn't mind though. The helped me look nice for the night.

"Right this way, misses." The bell boy, guided us to the cab. "Careful. Fragile load." He helped me in.

I knew he was referring to my small baby bump. I gave him a half smile to be polite, and looked out the window as we drove off.

"Is there gonna be food at this place?" Izzie blurts.

"There better be, or imma divorce Colson." I growl.

"Y'all ain't even married, yet." Mars looks at me.

"Mason Dean Mars, you are on thin ice." I glare at him.

"There'll be food." Tasha assures us.

"Spain is so pretty." Izzie says, in awe.

"You should see it during the day." Tasha informs. "The best honeymoon a girl could have had."

"How long are we staying?" Iz asks.

"Oh my god. Stop the car." I blurt, as the driver floors his breaks.

I get out and slightly jog a little, catching up to them. I basically hauled them down.

"What's the best thing?" I ask, getting my wallet out.

"Chili cup." The woman nods, pointing to it.

"Oh my god. Yes. I'll have the rest of them." I say, seeing only three made.

I pay and walk back to the car. Making sure all the cups full of chili powder covered fruit were safe, in my lap.

"Did you really stop the car, for a fruit cart?" Mars scolds me.

"Mason, if you don't leave baby mama alone, we'll drop your ass, right here." Izzie said, dead serious.

"This is why I got one for my girls." I say, handing Tash and Iz one.

"Maybe you should save them, just in case there's no food." The driver blurted.

"Oooo.. he smart." Tasha nodded.

"You right." Iz nodded.

We waited to eat it, until we arrived. We arrived early. I stood off to the side eating my fruit, as we caught the last bit of the show. I bobbed my head to the music, as I was mesmerized by the food.

"Ight, ight." I heard Kells announce over the mic. "The last song, tonight."

"Awww.." I whined, not looking up from my fruit.

I could barely see what I was eating. So, I turned the flashlight on my phone on, and tucked my phone between my boobs. No hands, and I could see my food.

"I have a very special guest joining us, tonight." Kells informs.

"Post Malone!" I holler. "Posty! Posty! Posty!" I chant, still looking at my food.

"Now, there are two things imma be announcing real soon, but right now imma let y'all know that our special guest is my beautiful fiancé." He chuckles, causing me to look up with wide eyes, as a spotlight shined over me.

"Damn. I wanted Post Malone." I huff, then noticed everyone looking at me. "Uh-heh. Hi." I wave nervously, slowly chewing my food.

"So, this next song is for all my ladies in the house, tonight." Kells smiles, fixing his earpiece.

He went on to sing Bad Things. I ate my fruit at a pace, so that I would have some at the after party. The last song was so amazing. I loved watching him up on stage.

"Your name's Marilyn, right?" One of the girls from the barricade asks.

"Yeah." I nod, barely able to hear her.

"You're really pretty." She smiles.

"Awe. Thank you, love. You're really pretty too." I smiled, as she held her hand out to me.

I grabbed her hand, as she sang the rest of the song along with the guys. I absolutely loved the experience. It was one of the best, so far.

The show eventually ended, and I made my way back stage so that we could go to the after party. I was guided by security to wait in a car. I looked at Izzie, who couldn't stop smiling.

She noticed, and we both started to softly laugh. Everyone else was taking too long and Iz and I started to bust up laugh for no reason. She was hunched over me, holding her stomach, laughing, as I leaned against her cracking up. We both needed sleep bad.

"Wh-What's so funny?" Slim asks, opening the door.

"O-Oh my goodness." I try to calm down, but end up laughing harder.

"Wh-What's the joke?" Basil looks at Tash and Mars, in the back.

"No idea." Tasha shakes her head.

AJ sees us laughing, and starts laughing too, not knowing what was going on. Slim, Basil and AJ get in, as Rook walks over.

"Babe!" Iz jumps up and hugs him.

"I missed you so much, baby girl." He hugged her, and kept his arms wrapped around her, as they sat behind me.

I watch as Colson walks over to the car. I still couldn't stop laughing. He gives me a confused look, as he reaches the car.

"Are you Okay?" He asks, as I hug onto him.

"I'm gonna kill you if there's no food." I laugh.

"There's food, babe." He kisses my cheek, and gets in. "Why are you laughing so hard?"

"Little to no sleep." Mars announces.

"Shut up, Mars. No one asked you." I glare back at him.

"Daaammmn." AJ looks at me, concerned.

"I'd just stay quiet, Mars." Slim chuckles.

"What's this?" Kells asks, picking up my cup of fruit.

"The reason we were late." Mason huffs.

"That's it. Hold my fruit." I say, and start to climb to reach Mars.

"Hey, hey." Basil calls out.

"Damn." Rook watches.

"Babe, ch-chill." Kells pulls me back.

"Once were out of this car, then I'll kick your ass." I shot Mason a look that could kill. "And I'll have you know, we were early, motherfucker."

"Mason, whatever you did to piss off M, really got her worked up." Slim shakes his head.

"Just don't say nothin' to her." AJ advises him, as we pull up.

"You still want this fruit?" Kells asks me.

"No it's just strawberries. You can have it." I say, as he helps me out of the car.

"Imma just toss it." He looks at me, as everyone else gets out.

"Okay." I nod, as he goes to throw it away.

I button up my jacket, to hide my bump. Checking my reflection, on the side of the car. I look over and see Rook and Izzie kissing, then try to look away to see Tash and Mars kissing. I furrow my brows, realizing Colson hasn't kissed me yet.

"Ready?" Kells asks.

"Mhm." I let my whole mood change.

He holds his arm out for me to take. I huff and walk right past it. The party would be great, if I could get drunk or smoke. Everyone else was. I felt like a third wheel to everyone.

I stood in the corner and watched everyone else have fun. I sighed and looked at my cup of apple juice. I was swaying a little to the music, but my feet were starting to hurt. I was ready for bed. I was ready for a solid dinner.

I looked around and saw Rook and Izzie. They looked like they were arguing. He seemed annoyed and she looked aggressively irritated. She threw her drink on him and started walking away. It took a moment for him to take a breath and chase after her. He turned her around and said something to her. The music was too loud to hear. She went to walk away again, and he turned her around kissing her this time.

I laughed softly to myself, shaking my head. I looked down at my phone checking the time. Even if it was only 11 at night. I wasn't used to these hours. The time change was killing me. I was also just tryna find an excuse for wanting to sleep.

I looked up and finally spotted Colson. He was talking to some people. I walked over to him, and waited for him to finish talking.

"Hey, babe." He smiles, and wraps an arm around my hip.

"I'm gonna go." I say loud enough for him to hear, over the music.

"What? Why?" He looks at me.

"I'm tired and I'm hungry." I start.

"There's food here." He watches my expressions.

"Colson, edibles aren't food." I give him an exhausted look.

"Wel-" he starts.

"I would like to give a moment for my boy.... Kells..." Drunk Slim nearly yells over the microphone. "To say somethin'."

A mic ended up in Colson's hand, as everyone passed it down. Kells smiles and nods, as I did my best to hide my baby bump. The spotlight on us made it extra difficult.

"Everyone havin' a good time?" He chuckles.

Everyone cheered a little, causing him to laugh a little. I was so tired, but put on a front for all the intoxicated people, watching us.

"As a lot of y'all already know, this is my fiancé, Marilyn." He points me out.

I give a fake smile and nod. All I could see was the spotlight and Colson.

"Well, here's a bigger announcement, that not even all my boys know." He moves out the way, and undoes my jacket. "I gotta baby comin'." He hollers.

I have never been more upset in my entire life. There I was, put on display for a bunch of people that I barely knew, as Colson smiled. I would have been fine if it was a bunch of people I did know, but I flew all the way out here for no affection, no real food, no sleep, and now I'm some attraction for the party.

"Imma have me a lil one." Kells shouts, as someone takes the mic from him.

The music picked back up, and the spot light left us. I took a deep breath and watched as he got congratulated from people who's names weren't even in his head.

"You didn't tell the guys?" I ask him.

"Wh-What?" He looks at me and notices my attitude. "What's wrong?"

I made a growl noise, raising my hands as if I were going to strangle him. I shook my head, jerking my hands away, and turned around, walking away. I could not have this discussion, in front of a bunch of people.

"Congratulations." Random people keep saying, as I walk out of the loud building.

I whistle, stopping a taxi. For Spain, it really felt like New York. The cab pulls up and I get in, as Colson runs out. I gave the driver directions, as Colson runs over to the cab.

"Hold on." He tells the driver.

"I have a limit." The man says.

"Just go." I say.

"No. Wait." Kells directs the driver. "Why are you leaving? What's wrong? What'd I do?"

"Is he coming?" The driver asks.

"No. I'm not with him. Just go." I inform.

"Damnit, Marilyn." Colson huffs and climbs into the cab.

"He can pay his own separate fee." I explain to the driver.

"Whatever you say." He sighs and starts to drive.

"Wh-What's going on? You hungry? We can get you some food. It's..." he looks at his expensive watch. "Four A.M. We can order in. You tired? We can lay down and relax." He looks at me.

I look at him, as if I had a bad taste on my tongue. He didn't get it. He didn't understand what he did. We've been together long enough for him to get it.

I shook my head and looked away from him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Baby..." he leans in to kiss me, causing me to lean back and raise an eyebrow, looking at him.

"Really?" I watch him.

"Wh-What? I can't get a kiss?" He looks at me.

"Oh, so, now you want a kiss? Made sure we were away from everyone first." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"What?" He looks at me confused. "I just announced that we were pregnant."

I looked at him, hinting that that was what was wrong. He looked at me confused and then got it, after a moment or two. He sighed and shook his head.

"Baby, I was just excited. I hadn't seen you in almost two weeks. I just missed you." He tried to kiss up.

"I missed you too, but did I use you as a party trick for people that you don't even fucken know?" I huff. "Hey, everyone, This be my baby daddy. His dick is 9 1/2 inches long." I shook my head.

"Really?" Colson cleared his throat.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I glare, as we pull up to the hotel. "Did the one cab driver make you embarrassed? Maybe he's gay. Are you gay, Sir? If you are, feel free to keep him." I huff, slamming the door as I get out.

I take the elevator to my floor. I watched as the elevator doors closed, right as Colson got to them. I didn't hold them open. I needed a breath from him.

It hasn't even been a day since I've seen him again, and he's already managed to piss me off. Someone should congratulate him on that.

I hear the lift ding and step off, as the doors open. I take a breath and walk to my room. As I was unlocking it, Colson stepped off the opposite elevator.

"Seriously." I groan.

Colson was almost locked out of the room, but caught the door before it could latch. I took off my jacket, and my shoes, changing from my pants into some comfy shorts.

"Why don't you want people knowing we're about to have a baby? What's wrong with being excited about it?" He watches me.

"I've been through a lot of pregnancies, Colson. You see any kids?" I glare at him.

"Who's to say this one won't be our one in a million?" He looks at me.

I take a breath and sit at the foot of the bed. I was so tired. I didn't want to be fighting. It was always something. It really was.

Kells walked over and kneeled down, in front of me. He had on hand on my thigh and one holding my folded ones. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"I'm so happy, M. I'm so happy with you and our baby." He looks me in the eyes. "I've never been this happy. No one could take this away from me. I get to marry the love of my life and raise my baby with her. Our baby. Mine and yours. Ours." His eyes were so full of love.

I felt an unexpected tear fall from my eye. I took a deep breath and wiped it away. Colson leaned in, slowly. I noticed and cupped his face in my hands. I examined his features for a moment longer, before I kissed him softly.

The passion he kissed me back with was deeper than I was expecting. His lips tasted like home. Feeling butterflies in my tummy, as I felt his mouth against mine.

I slowly pulled out of the kiss. He leaned down and kissed my small baby bump. Placing his hand on my belly, he looked up at me.

"I love you." He says softly.

"Colson..." I cup his face with one of my hands. "I'm fucking starving."

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