Forbidden lovers | Kakashi Se...

By Queendreamteam

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(Y/n) (L/n), once a ordinary girl, living her life in the city of Queens, New York, will soon, and literally... More

Chapter One: Help me
Chapter Two: Sealed away
Chapter Three: Death is inevitable
Chapter Four: Ninja training
Chapter Five: Troublesome sensei
Chapter Six: The Void
Chapter Seven: Late
Chapter Eight: Itachi Uchiha
Chapter Nine: Team Gai
Chapter Ten: Yoko Kurama
Chapter Eleven: Exam
Chapter Twelve: Intoxicated
Chapter Thirteen: Lovers
Chapter Fourteen: The Academy
Chapter Fifteen: The kiss
Chapter Sixteen: Squad Seven
Chapter Seventeen: Survival Test
Chapter Eightteen: Tenzō sensei
Chapter Nineteen: Pass or fail
Chapter Twenty: Failed Attempt
Chapter Tewenty One: You Pass
Chapter Twenty Two: Battle skills
Chapter Twenty Three: First Date
Chapter Twenty Four: Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Excitment
Chapter Twenty Six: The Demon Brothers
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Vow
Chapter Twenty Eight: Demon of the Mist
Chapter Twenty Nine: Team Work
Chpater Thirty: Releasment
Chpater Thirty one: Truth
Chapter Thirty Two: Training
Chapter Thirty Three: Hot
Chapter Thirty Four: Nightmares
Chapter Thirty Five: Reality
Chapter Thirty Six: Star gazers
Chapter Thirty Seven: Lies
Chapter Thirty Eight: Friends
Chapter Thirty Nine: Consequences
Chapter Forty: Battle on the bridge
Chapter Forty One: Scream
Chapter Forty Two: Will of Fire
Chapter Forty Three: Love
Chapter Forty Four: Screwed
Chapter Forty Five: Immature
Chapter Forty Six: Very skilled shinobi
Chapter Forty Seven: Dangos
Chapter Forty Eight: Hamburgers
Chapter Forty Nine: Precious
Chapter Fifty: Caverns
Chapter Fifty One: Job
Chapter Fifty Three: Reason for a home
Chapter Fifty Four: Sister
Chapter Fifty Five: Preliminaries
Chapter Fifty Six: Support
Chapter Fifty Seven: Toads
Chapter Fifty Eight: Deal
Chapter Fifty Nine: Minato Namikaze
Chapter Sixty: Fifth Hokage
Chapter Sixty One: Murderous rage
Chapter Sixty Two: Pulverise
Chapter Sixty Three: Cease to exist
Chapter Sixty Four: Whatever
Chapter Sixty Five: Uchiha Charm
Chapter Sixty Six: Stick Figures
Chapter Sixty Seven: Strongest
Chapter Sixty Eight: Unique girl
Chapter Sixty Nine: Time
Chapter Seventy: Apart
Chapter Seventy One: Hickey
Chapter Seventy Two: Wild Fire
Chapter Seventy Three: Truth Untold
Chapter Seventy Four: Apples to Apples
Chapter Seventy Five: Meant to be
Chapter Seventy Six: Departure
Chapter Seventy Seven: Battles and Betrayals
Chapter Seventy Eight:
Chapter Seventy Nine: How long has it been?
Chapter Eighty:

Chapter Fifty Two: Goddess of light

2.6K 134 37
By Queendreamteam

Slouching, I spin on the ball of my feet and head back inside, "not anymore you old geezer."

"Good," placing a hand on my shoulder, he gives it a firm grip, making sure I understood I couldn't leave. Walking back inside the building, we open the door back up to see Kotetsu and Izumo sitting on the couch looking at the piece of clothing I gave them. The doors creaking sound catching their attention, they stand up an bow swiftly to the old geezer. "Where's Anko at?" Releasing his grip from my shoulder, he shuts the door behind us, before fully walking in.

Kotetsu glancing at me, his eyes settle back on the old geezer, "she's in the back room. She's in a lot of pain because of that curse mark. Before (Y/n) tried to leave, she told us to have you seal it." Lord Third glancing back at me, he nods in approval, "also.. (Y/n), herself, has a curse mark on her sir."

My heart skipping a beat, the old man completely turns to look at me, "when did you get this?"

Looking down, at the tiled floor, I look back into his eyes, "the curse mark was given to me a day ago. I've been asleep in pain, I woke at day break."

"So that means someone must have seen you, is that right Captain (Y/n)?" Lord Hokage asked rhetorically. Nodding slowly, I close my eyes as the memories flooded in my mind.

"Sakura and Sasuke, saw me when Orochimaru cracked my mask off my face. When I was given the curse mark however, Sakura was the one who looked after me. When I woke, I came to the realization that I wasn't the only one to have a curse mark," staring directly in his eyes, I feel myself let out a breathe. "Sasuke Uchiha, also received one after I was knocked down sir. I am truly sorry. I tried to protect him to the best of my efforts, but in the end I couldn't protect him, please, believe me." Bending my back, I bow down to the old man sorrowfully, as I let my hair act as a curtain, hiding me.

"Stand straight, (Y/n). No one is blaming you for what happened." Doing as told, I look to see a fatherly look in his eyes, "you did the best, to protect the king." My eyes shutting a little, I remember the talk me, Asuma, and him had.

"Yes.. I guess you are right, Lord Third." My voice being no louder than a whisper, I look back up at him. "Do you need my help in sealing the curse mark on Anko?"

"No, that'll be all right." Turning away from me, he walks into the back room where Anko was suppose to be. Closing the door behind him, I look at Kotetsu and Izumo.

"Can you hand me a tin can of some sort, water, sterilizer, a towel, and a knife please." Walking towards the couch, I sit down as I unzip my anbu vest, pulling it off, I look up to see blushes dusted on their cheeks. "Today, maybe?" Their eyes widening, they quickly run out of the main room and into the other smaller room. Rustling being heard from the pair, I lift my hand up towards the collar of my shirt, ripping it off I show a large portion of my neck. More importantly, where my curse mark was. Kotetsu and Izumo coming back they place everything in front of me, their eyes widening they finally realize what I planned to do. Lifting my hand in a hand sign my absorption wall appears as a barrier between the three of us.

"We can't let you do this!" Kotestu yelled angrily as his fists banged against the forcefield. Grabbing the knife, I dip it in the sterilizer. Lifting my other hand, I feel for the aching pain on my back shoulder.

Nodding I quickly raise my hand in another sign, "water style: reflective mirror," a small frozen piece of water being frozen in my hand, I toss it up. "Wind style: tornado fist," holding my fist out underneath the mirror I quickly move my hand away so the mirror stayed floating above the tornado.

"(Y/n), don't do this!" Izumo yelled as he also tried breaking more absorption wall, "we don't know what could happen to you!"

Smiling I give him a thumbs up, "don't worry since Yoko's sealed in me, any inflicted wound should heal fast. Also, this isn't a vital organ, and there's no way I can bleed out. With that I also am a medical ninja, I can self heal." Picking up the towel, I place it in between my teeth, forcing myself to bite on it. Focusing my attention back on the curse mark, I suck in a deep breathe before digging the knife in my skin. The piercing blade entering my skin, I slowly begin to cut around the circle of the curse mark. Blood dripping onto my clothing and the floor, I bite down on the towel harder as the pain coursed through me. Completely cutting around the chunk of skin, I drop the knife in the tin dish. Picking up my unattached skin I hold it up, before also dropping it in the dish. The wound sizzling I look in the mirror to see my skin healing itself back together. My eyes widening, I look to see my skin self healing with the curse mark. Anger boiling, I stand up, throwing the knife on the ground, the towel coming from out my mouth, it also falls to the ground, "damn it!" Lifting my hand, I undo all of the three jutsu I did to help with the procedure.

"(Y/n), we're sorry," Kotetsu said softly as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"What's going on here?" Turning my head I look to see Anko and the old geezer.

Sighing I let my head hang low, "I tried cutting out the curse mark." The old man walking towards me, he looks in the tin jar to see my flesh, then looking back up at my shoulder, he sees my body healing itself with the mark.

"It's alright (y/n), at least now we know that cutting out the area of the curse mark, will not remove the curse itself." Placing his hand on my shoulder, I lift my head and look at him. "Let's go and talk in the other room (y/n)," placing his hand in the middle of my back, he leads me to the other room. Sitting me down, on a two seater chair he also sits next to me. Taking off his hat, he places it in his lap, looking at me. "I know you must be scared, and I know having three chakras in your body, one only being your own, it's hard to control. Having a small form of my chakra hold it in, and yours add more restraint. To have your body hold two seals together, use medical ninjutsu, use chakra to battle enemies, and store your chakra on the side. It's a death wish I cannot bestow upon you." My heart beat stopping, I widen my eyes as I let my eyes meet his.

"What, what are you saying?" My voice being a whisper, I look at Lord Third to see his gaze drop before looking back up at me.

"From me here on out, you will be suspended from all active ninja missions."

"No!" Standing up from the couch I look at the hokage, "I won't let weird, murderer, snake man, Orochimaru ruin my life!" Trying to walk out the room, Lord Third grabs me by my shoulder. With his firm grip, I find myself paralyzed in my stance.

"(Y/n), it's for the best. It's the only way I can protect you and the people who care for you." Biting down on my lip, I lift my gaze to stare at him. Unconsciously, I let my eyes gaze shoot daggers at Lord Third.

"I am (y/n) (l/n). I may not belong to a clan, and I may not have a family, but what I do have is power. Power to overcome any obstacle thrown my way, even if, that means putting my life on the line." Lifting my hand I smack the grip the old geezer had on me off. Chakra rushing towards my eyes, I pierce his worry filled ones. "I will do what I must to protect these people I care for. I will stop the end of useless pain and suffering we all go through. I will find a way. You must trust me, Lord Hokage, if you wish for me to be safe, and save other people, you must let me continue on with missions, and remain captain of the Anbu Black Ops." His gaze moving from mine, he walks back over to where his hat laid on the couch.

Picking it up, he places it back on his head, "your eyes. They have the look of the sharingan, but the color of Yoko sealed inside you. If you can use those eyes of yours and not pass out, you must have enough chakra in you to fight." Walking back towards me, he places a hand on my head soothingly, as a father would do his own daughter. My heart stopping, I feel my chakra flow to my eyes crease as I peer up at the old man. "Even now, your still stronger than me. You remind me of the previous Hokage, my teachers. Your strength, determination, protection, everything about you, seems to remind me of my younger days. Even more importantly, of a story Lord Fourth once told me."

"W-what do you mean?" My eyes analyzing his, I see him smile softly at me.

"Back when I retired as Lord Hokage, Minato told us of a rumor- a folk tale- of a women, with skills and characteristics like yours. She was said to have brought nations together along with people. The only one strong enough to with hold all of the tail beasts at the same time. She went by the name of Hikari Megami, which meant the goddess of light. It was said she came from an extinct clan, known to master every, and all forms of jutsu. However, as powerful as she was, she was said to have died in childbirth. The child she barred, was said to have lived, but went missing. No one knew why, how, or what caused her child to disappear."  My eyes widening, Lord third laughs heartily, "but, that's just a folktale Lord Fourth spoke of, he truly did have a creative mind."

"Minato sealed me in you."

"Ancient scripture."


"Is there any descriptions of the women, the clan? Did she have tattoos like mine?" My brain recalling all the information everyone's told me, I feel my head rank up every detail of myself. "When did Lord Fourth speak of this? How long before the nine tails attack on the leaf?"

"He spoke of this.. a month before the attack."

Then that would make me a baby when Yoko was sealed in me.. but is it possible for a child, in my world, to have the seal still in tact? Wait, in my world, if that's not my world, then.. this is. Would that explain my obsession and connection with the characters? Or is that just my otaku side talking?

Feeling a piercing migraine begin at the thought of everything at once, I look at Lord thirds concerned features.

"I'm alright. I-I think it's just the curse mark," my eyes looking down, I feel my migraine get worse. My vision becoming blurry, I slowly find my self leaning against the wall.

"(Y/n)," Lord Third grabbing my forearm to keep me balanced. He opens the door to the other room, "Kotetsu, come and pick her up and lay her down on the couch! Izumo, get Kakashi immediately!"

K-Kakashi.. why is he asking for Kakashi?

"Why Kakashi, Lord Hokage?" Izumo asked as Kotetsu picked me up bridal style. Walking me back over to the couch, he laid me down gently.

"Because he's the only other one besides me who can seal this curse mark, none the less seal it using your own chakra and not mixing his." Replied old man Hokage.

Izumo nodding, he ran out of the room to get Kakashi, "right."

Hikari Megami.. the goddess of light. My.. mother?

Closing my eyes, I allow myself to slip into my inner conscious to see Yoko Kurama. Reopening my eyes, I look in the cage to see the giant silver haired fox staring at me. Stomping my way over to the barred cage, I grab hold of the cage with my hands. "You! You need to tell me what happened to me now!" Peering into his deathly red eyes, I feel my anger only rise.

"Hikari Megami, she is," Yoko pausing, he ducks his head down, a giant poof sounding, he steps closer to me in his demon form. "She's the goddess of light.. your rightful birth mother."

"M-my mother.." my voice coming out no louder than a whisper, I let go of the bars, taking a few steps back, I trip on my own feet, falling on my butt. Yoko grabbing the bars, he lets his arms hang through them.

"She had both heaven and earth in her. Earth standing for strength, and heaven standing for her wisdom. You remind me a lot like her, except, more outgoing and charismatic." Yoko looking down at me, his silver hair follows his movements. Peering into his now gold eyes, I slowly push myself up to my feet. My gaze loosing all focus, I stare at a Yoko lifelessly.

"Everything I knew, everyone I loved, my brother, my p-parents. There all.."

"They were your parents." Yoko cutting me off, I stare at him shocked. "I was with you the entire time. They loved and cared for you. When you left this world, and went to the one you remember and call home, your spirit traveled to that universe, taking harbor in your mother's body. When your body, was.. no longer of use in that world, you came to this one, taking a new form. However, as you continuously used your chakra, developed your abilities, you took your original form of how looked in this world, and your age from the other world. The downfall is however, you progressed so far ahead that, this universe can't keep up, making you stay your age you are for three years."

"T-that makes sense." Walking back to the bars, I quickly grab his arm and twist it. "Tell me the rest Yoko, you know something I don't."

Yoko growling at me, his gold eyes looked at me deadly, "that's all I'm able to tell you at the moment. Your lover is here to seal that curse mark that snake put in us." Feeling my conscious being pulled back into my body my eyes snap open, looking at Kakashi's face.

"Your awake." Stated Kakashi cooley as he stood up from the side of the couch. Also sitting up, I look at Anko and Lord Hokage. Standing up, old man Hokage's gaze follows me closely.

"(Y/n). Anko, has told us that when she faced Orochimaru in the woods, that you must partake in the chunin exams, otherwise, there would be consequences." My brows furrowing at the Hokage's words I take a small step forward.

"But, I'm a jonin already."

"You must (y/n). Join your squad in the chunin exams." Remembrance of the matches flash through my mind.

"As you wish, old geezer Hokage." Bowing with a smile, I stand back up at him to see a small smile on his face. Turning to face Kakashi my smile fades, "let's get this curse mark sealed away." Kakashi looking down at me, nods, leading the way to the back room, where he already had the black outline and kunai's stuck in the ground. Closing the door behind us, I lock it swiftly.

"Take off your shirt and bra, sit in the middle of this." Lifting my head, my eyes widen, as I stare at Kakashi.

"Excuse me?" The pain of the curse mark acting up, my hand moves to clutch it, my body stiffening in its place, I clench my teeth in pain.

A/n: 35+ likes and I update!

(I know a lot of you have been asking why I do this, and honestly I don't care about the likes but I have to because if I didn't, I would be writing this book all day and not doing my homework 😭)

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