Forbidden lovers | Kakashi Se...

By Queendreamteam

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(Y/n) (L/n), once a ordinary girl, living her life in the city of Queens, New York, will soon, and literally... More

Chapter One: Help me
Chapter Two: Sealed away
Chapter Three: Death is inevitable
Chapter Four: Ninja training
Chapter Five: Troublesome sensei
Chapter Six: The Void
Chapter Seven: Late
Chapter Eight: Itachi Uchiha
Chapter Nine: Team Gai
Chapter Ten: Yoko Kurama
Chapter Eleven: Exam
Chapter Twelve: Intoxicated
Chapter Thirteen: Lovers
Chapter Fourteen: The Academy
Chapter Fifteen: The kiss
Chapter Sixteen: Squad Seven
Chapter Seventeen: Survival Test
Chapter Eightteen: Tenzō sensei
Chapter Nineteen: Pass or fail
Chapter Twenty: Failed Attempt
Chapter Tewenty One: You Pass
Chapter Twenty Two: Battle skills
Chapter Twenty Three: First Date
Chapter Twenty Four: Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Excitment
Chapter Twenty Six: The Demon Brothers
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Vow
Chapter Twenty Eight: Demon of the Mist
Chapter Twenty Nine: Team Work
Chpater Thirty: Releasment
Chpater Thirty one: Truth
Chapter Thirty Two: Training
Chapter Thirty Three: Hot
Chapter Thirty Four: Nightmares
Chapter Thirty Five: Reality
Chapter Thirty Six: Star gazers
Chapter Thirty Seven: Lies
Chapter Thirty Eight: Friends
Chapter Thirty Nine: Consequences
Chapter Forty: Battle on the bridge
Chapter Forty One: Scream
Chapter Forty Two: Will of Fire
Chapter Forty Four: Screwed
Chapter Forty Five: Immature
Chapter Forty Six: Very skilled shinobi
Chapter Forty Seven: Dangos
Chapter Forty Eight: Hamburgers
Chapter Forty Nine: Precious
Chapter Fifty: Caverns
Chapter Fifty One: Job
Chapter Fifty Two: Goddess of light
Chapter Fifty Three: Reason for a home
Chapter Fifty Four: Sister
Chapter Fifty Five: Preliminaries
Chapter Fifty Six: Support
Chapter Fifty Seven: Toads
Chapter Fifty Eight: Deal
Chapter Fifty Nine: Minato Namikaze
Chapter Sixty: Fifth Hokage
Chapter Sixty One: Murderous rage
Chapter Sixty Two: Pulverise
Chapter Sixty Three: Cease to exist
Chapter Sixty Four: Whatever
Chapter Sixty Five: Uchiha Charm
Chapter Sixty Six: Stick Figures
Chapter Sixty Seven: Strongest
Chapter Sixty Eight: Unique girl
Chapter Sixty Nine: Time
Chapter Seventy: Apart
Chapter Seventy One: Hickey
Chapter Seventy Two: Wild Fire
Chapter Seventy Three: Truth Untold
Chapter Seventy Four: Apples to Apples
Chapter Seventy Five: Meant to be
Chapter Seventy Six: Departure
Chapter Seventy Seven: Battles and Betrayals
Chapter Seventy Eight:
Chapter Seventy Nine: How long has it been?
Chapter Eighty:

Chapter Forty Three: Love

4.4K 173 32
By Queendreamteam


This.. may have been a fake death, but the thought of losing everyone I love and care for, made me realize that.. I love this man.

Looking at him, I see him glance down at me to give me a weak smile.

"(Y/n). We have a lot to talk about once we lay you down in Tazuna's house. For starters, the new hair and tattoos you pull off very well." Kakashi mused as he lifted me up even higher.

Placing my hands on his chest I let out a small laugh, "thanks. Guess I had to do a change in wardrobe."

Kakashi chuckling, he looks over his shoulder at Squad Seven, "we have a pretty good team. They're a good group of kids, don't you think?

"Yeah, they are." Whispering out I feel a shooting pain in my legs, moaning out in pain I clutch into Kakashi's bloodied vest. "Kakashi, you need to know something very important- now." His eyes meeting back at mine in panic he watches me intently. "The dream I had with Orochimaru, everything I told you about my hair, the tattoos, my body, my age, it's all happening and by the end of the week, I'll be back to my original height of five foot three inches- or so I think. My age will also change to me being seventeen years old, so my features will change slightly as I get older. Yoko, has said that the continuum of this world has finally caught up to me and that.. that I," my words slowing down I feel my eyelids become heavy. Slipping into darkness, I fight my conscious as it tries and drifts to one of a peaceful sleep, "Kakashi, it's.."

"Tell me the rest later, (Y/n), rest now," Kakashi's thumbs rubbing against my arms relaxingly, I allow myself to rest in his comforting arms. Falling asleep, I let Kakashi's body comfort me.

Opening my eyes slowly, I wake up to see Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura sleeping alongside me on the floor. Slowly sitting up onto my forearms I hiss in pain as I look to see myself in a different change of clothes. Specifically Kakashi's extra pair of sweatpants and bagging t-shirt. Looking at my comrades, I smile as I stare out our beautiful team. Moving my self from the comforters, I wobbly stand up on my two feet, I move from our room to the bathroom. Silently making my way to the bathroom, I lean against the walls of the house for support. Twisting the door handle open for the bathroom I step inside and flicker on the light. Turning to look in the mirror, I see my white hair flowing around me, underneath my eyes I have three triangular tattoos. My eyes dipping down to my arms, I see my tattoos on my arms, looking back in the mirror I find three tattoos on my neck. Lifting up my shirt, I find another large tattoo on my chest, turning around I find two large tattoos surrounding my back muscles of my shoulder. Rolling up my pants, I find four other tattoos, two on each thigh. Sighing I let a couple tears slip out from my eyes. Curiously looking at the top of my hands, I find the tattoos I showed Kakashi that were appearing on my hands, gone.

"Who am I anymore?" My tears falling down, I place my elbows on the wooden counter and place my head in my hands. "W-who am I?" Whispering out I feel a hand touch my back gently. My eyes lifting up quickly, I'm surprised to see Inari's mother, "I'm- I'm sorry did I wake you?"

Smiling gently she opens her arms for me, "you look like you need a hug dear." Her words coming out gently I let my tears fall more, as her mothering embrace makes me miss my own. Walking into her embrace quickly, I let my tears soak her shoulder, "(Y/n). I know I may not know what your going through, but I do know you are the same girl that will do anything to protect the people she loves. I heard what you did on the bridge (Y/n), your very noble." Inari's mother comforting me, I let her hold me up as my legs go numb.

"B-but, I'm not the same. Look at me, I-I don't even recognize myself anymore." Crying out I hold on to her with my arms.

"(Y/n). Looks do not define who you are, your personality and attitude define who you are. Your the most respectful, outgoing, and brightest young women I've ever met. So, yes your looks may have changed a little bit. Thought that doesn't define you, and it never will. Everyone know's who you really are," her voice soothingly me, I find my balance once more as I slowly let go of Inari's mother. Getting enough distance in between us, I look up into her kind mothering eyes.

"Thank you. You-you put my worries, at ease," I whisper out as I pull her into another hug. A light hearted laugh escaping her throat, she places her hands on my head and combs through my hair with her fingers.

"Even though you may be leaving tomorrow (Y/n), if you ever need me, I will be there for you." Lifting my hand I wipe away my tears on my right cheek, pulling back I look up and nod at her in recognition of her statement. Her right hand lifting up, she wipes away the rest of my tears. "Why don't you go back to bed. You have a long journey ahead of you." Forcing a smile onto my lips I nod, separating our selves I bow to her respectfully.

She's like my Naruto Universe mother..

"Thank you, once more." Turning around I slowly make my way back to my room, where I left my team sound asleep. Slowly pulling open the sliding doors, I look to see them all sleeping soundly still. My eyes drifting to Kakashi, I slowly walk over, and place my self kneeling down next to him. Moving down I place a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you too, Kakashi Sensei." My eyes smiling sadly I lift my hands up to hover over his wounded body. Chakra flowing into my hands, I start healing him with my medical ninjutsu. The wounds slowly healing enough for our mission to make it back home, I crawl over to Sasuke's sleeping form. Looking down at him I move some of his stray hairs from his face.

He's so young.

Lifting my hands over Sasuke, I manage to heal every needle wound in his body quickly. Looking over at Naruto, I see Kurama's chakra healing him nicely. Glancing over at the window I see the sun slowly rise from the horizon.

I healed Sasuke and Kakashi all night, huh?

Smiling I shake my head as I look at my ragtag bunch of friends. "I really do love them.." my words being whispered out loud to my self I slowly stand on my feet. Feeling no more pain I walk towards my backpack and take out my extra outfit. Going back into the bathroom, I slip off Kakashi's loaner clothes. Trying to slip my outfit back on, I realize that it no longer fits. Sighing, I give up and fold it back to the way it was. "No use. I'll just have to borrow Kakashi's outfit on our journey back." Walking back towards the bedroom, this time I open the door to see Kakashi's onyx eye looking at me. His hand lifting he rubs his sleepy eye to get a better look at me.

"How are you doing?" Kakashi mumbled out as he looked at me curiously. Shrugging my shoulders I walk over towards him and sit alongside him.

a/n: I don't exactly know the metric system that well so sorry if I'm off but I'm trying!

"I'm okay. I've grown quite a bit actually, in my old world I was actually 160 cm (5ft 3in), though in this world I was 150 cm (4ft 9in) , right now I'm like 165 cm (5ft 4in). It's a big difference, it's very noticeable for me. I've been up for awhile, and I went to go get dressed, but.." looking down at my clothes in my hand, my heart drops at the site. "My clothes don't fit me anymore. Is it okay if I borrow this on our journey home?" Pinching at the material of the shirt I look at Kakashi to see his eye trained on me.

"Of course. Though I think I can loan you my spare outfit I brought. I think it'll fit better than my sweatpants." Kakashi said as he gently took the clothes from my hands. Holding it in his large ones, he placed it on the floor next to him. "Where were you going to go, (Y/n)?" My eyes dropping back to the floor, I feel my heart become once more heavy.

"Just was going to take a walk and watch the sunrise. Would you like to join me Kakashi Sensei?" Kakashi's hand grasping my shoulder, he squeezes it gently to grab my attention. Looking up hesitantly, I meet his caring onyx eye.

"Yes. I would like to join you, (Y/n)." Standing up his hand moves from my shoulder as he held it out for me. Lifting my hand I clasp his in mine, pulling myself up, I look to see him smile down at me gently. "Let's get going, shall we?" Nodding he interlocks my hand with his, my eyes glancing down at my squad members, I see them sound asleep still. Following Kakashi's lead, I watch his back longingly. Leaving the house, we walk into the forest, shaded by the tress I stop, pressing my feet into the ground. Kakashi turning around I run into him as I wrap my arms around his body.

"K-Kakashi," more tears leaving my eyes I place my head underneath his chin. Hearing a sigh come from him, his arms wrap back around me. His soothing voice coming out, he holds me more gently than ever before.

"(Y/n). I thought I lost you on that bridge. And it's my fault if I did. I'm the one who dragged you into the shinobi life. I'm the one who taught you everything. I'm the one who made you this way. And I'm sorry (Y/n). I'm sorry I couldn't protect you the way I said I would." Kakashi moving his head, he ducks down and places it on my shoulder. "I'm sorry (Y/n)." The water droplet tears dropping onto my shoulder, I knew then, that Kakashi was crying in my arms, for the first time. My heart beat stopping, I wrap my arms more tightly around Kakashi, my hand grabbing onto his shirt, I tuck my face more into him than before.

"It's not your fault Kakashi, because even if you-u didn't teach me, I would have gone and trained to become a shinobi otherwise. And I'm happy, I'm genuinely happy, I have you as my teacher. You protected me, in a different way, you protected my heart. You made me realize, that I loved you, Kakashi Hatake. You made me feel an emotion I thought I never would feel this strongly." Feeling my heartbeat quicken in speed at my confession, I let my hands gently relax from his grip on his shirt. Moving my arms from around him, I place my hands on his shoulders as I move us apart slowly. Kakashi's tearful face looking at mine, I lift my hand and move some of his grey hair from his eyes. "I love you." My hand moving I cup his cheek as I lean in and kiss Kakashi through his mask. His hands wrapped around me slowly, tighten more around me as he pulls me closer into his body. Our body's melting into each other I let our lips move together, before I pull away for air. Looking back at Kakashi, my blood rushes to my cheeks as I see his eye searching my features. Glancing down, my eyes lock back onto Kakashi. "Now, I know I didn't exactly wait for a reply from you, and I'm sorry if I pushed you into a corner I just-"

"- I love you too (Y/n)." My words being cut short, my eyes widen as a smile works onto my face.

"I'm sorry, say that one more time."

A small chuckle leaving Kakashi he pecks my lips sweetly, "I love you, beautiful."

Smiling I move my arms to wrap around Kakashi's neck, "permission to move this mask sir?" Kakashi looking at me with his eyebrows raised questionably, he lets out another chuckle.

"Yes," murmured Kakashi as he leaned in placing his forehead against mine. My eyes searching his, I move my right hand to pull down his mask swiftly. Not wasting a moment, out lips collided against one another. My hand moving back, they entangle themselves in his hair. Kakashi's hands pressed in the small of my back, I feel him move us closer together. Standing on my tippy toes, I slowly lift my legs to wrap around his torso. Kakashi moving us forward he presses my back against the tree.

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