WWE- Are You The One (Season...

By SinnaMonnBun

60.7K 2.1K 6.2K

What would you do if you were throw into a house with 20 something strangers and told that one of these stran... More

Game Format/ Description
Male Cast
Female Cast
Episode 1- Part 1
Episode 1-Part 2-Challenge 1
Episode 1- Part 3- Dates
Episode 1- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 2- Part 1
Episode 2- Part 2- Challenge 2
Episode 2- Part 3- Dates
Episode 2- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 3- Part 1
Episode 3- Part 2- Challenge 3
Episode 3-Part 3- Dates
Episode 3- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 4- Part 1- Challenge 4
Episode 4- Part 2- Dates
Episode 4- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 5- Part 1- Challenge 5
Episode 5- Part 2- Dates
Episode 5- Part 3
Episode 5- Part 4- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 6- Part 1- Challenge 6
Episode 6- Part 2- White Party (1)
Episode 6- Part 3- White Party (2)
Episode 6- Part 4- Dates/Match Up Ceremony
Episode 7- Part 1- Challenge 7
Just a Quick Question about Ships
Episode 7- Part 2- Dates
Episode 7- Part 3- Match Up Ceremony
Episode 8- Part 1- Challenge 8
Episode 8- Part 2- Dates
Episode 8- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 9- Part 1- Challenge 9
Episode 9- Part 2- Dates
Episode 9- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 10-Part 1
Episode 10- Part 2- Challenge 10
Episode 10-Part 3-Dates
Episode 10- Part 4-Matchup Ceremony
Episode 11-Part 1- Challenge 11
Episode 11- Part 2- Dates
Intro Video
Episode 11- Part 3- Matchup Ceremony
Episode 12- Part 1-Challenge 12
Final Matchup Ceremony Discussion
Episode 12- Part 3- Final Matchup Ceremony
Reunion Special

Episode 12-Part 2- Last Date

783 42 64
By SinnaMonnBun

Date: Biking in the forest.

VC-Paige-Today is our date and guess who else is on the date...Billie and Elias. Out of everybody else who could have gotten that last spot....they had to get it. How great.

The four couples trekked through the forest until they came across the bikes that were set up for them.

"Oh sweet." Dean said as he mounted a bike and rang the bell.

VC-Sasha- So uh...ive never really....rode a bike before so...im nervous.

"Hop on." Dean said to Sasha.

"Uh, you know what, I think i'll just wait until you're done riding around."

"What? Why?"

"Im not feeling well. Im really nauseous at the moment."

"Really? You seemed fine like 5 minutes ago."

"Dean I dont know how to ride a bike okay!"

He chuckled, "You're joking right? I guess you know how to ride other things."

"Wow is that a sex joke?"

"You bet. Do you want me to teach you?"

VC-Sasha- Am I about to put my life in the hands of Dean Ambrose.....

She sighed, "Fine. I guess. Theres nothing else to do."

She hopped up on a bike and strapped on her helmet. Dean began explaining the do's and donts of bike riding.

VC-Dean-When it comes to any outdoor activity, im the man. How to ride a bike? Piece of cake. Sasha couldnt have asked for a better teacher.

"Okay, you ready?" He asked her as he stood next to her holding onto the bike,

"Dont let me go okay."

"I wont."

"You sure? Because if you let go of me Dean i'll slap the shit out of you."

He giggled, "I promise."

She slowly began peddling of course with Dean slowly walking at the side of her still holding onto the bike.

"Someone forgot her training wheels?" Seth asked when he saw them.

"Mind your business Seth." Dean fired back at him.

Sasha kept peddling for a few minutes with Dean by her side.

"I think im getting the hang of it." she happily said.

"Great. I'll let you go now."

"Wait what? No. Dean dont you dare."

"You said you got it."

"I said im getting the hang of it! Do not let go of me!"

"Too late." he said as he gently pushed and released her.

She began panicking but did not stop peddling.

VC-Sasha-The only thing going through my mind right now is dont fall dont fall dont fall.

The handle bar kept going side to side.

"YOU'RE DOING GREAT!" Dean shouted.


VC-Dean-I taught her well. She hasnt crashed yet. She's still going.

Sasha was speeding. Because she was in panic mode she started to peddle way faster.

VC-Sasha-Im going so fast right now and im scared for my life. I tried using the brakes but nothing is slowing down.

Sasha's screams echoed through out the forest. As her speed decreased the bike started to lose balance. She knew she was about to crash. She kept wobbling the handle bar as she tried to keep the bike upright but it leaned a little way over to the left and she crashed right onto the dirt floor.

A  few minutes after Dean met up with her. She was still on the floor, panting.

"There you are speedracer."


"Then how would you learn?"

She took some deep breaths.

"You okay?"

She blew the hair out of her face as she unbuckled her helmet, "My elbows and knees are pretty bruised."

"Walk it off. You'll be alright."

"Easy for you to say. Lets just get to the picnic."

"Hey. Im proud of you."


"Dont be mad. You were bound to fall off at some point."

"Okay but what if I had broken some part of my body? Or gotten seriously injured? Would you tell me to walk it off then?"

"I mean...probably. But look on the bright side, you're still in one piece. Just put some Neosporin on that and you're good to go."

She reached out her hand and Dean helped her up, "Look, lets just forget it. Thanks for teaching me. Lets just try to enjoy our last date shall we?"

"Thats the spirit."

After the bike riding, the four couples headed off to a separate part of the forest to have lunch. Well...some of them did. As Dean and Sasha was walking to their spot, Dean spotted Roman and Jojo having their picnic. He headed their direction as Sasha awkwardly followed.

"Dean where are you going?"Sasha whisper-shouted.

"Hey brotha." Dean said as he unknowingly crashed Roman and Jojo's picnic.

Roman looked up, "Hey man."

"What are you guys doing?"

"Uh...just having lunch." He said with a tone that said 'cant you see what im doing', " You?"

"Nothing much." he took a seat next to Roman.

"Dean we got to go to our site. We cant come over uninvited." Sasha said.

"Uninvited? Roman is my boy, I dont need an invite. You're cool with it right man?" Dean asked Roman.

"Yea but I mean this is our-"

"See he's cool with it. Dont worry we wont be here for too long. I just want to have a beer with my pal."

"We can have beers together when we get back to the house."

"No but this is our last date. I think that we all should have a beer together to commemorate our last getaway date."

"Cant that wait? This is sorta Jojo and I's personal time."

"Yea Dean. We can wait until we're ready to leave to have a beer with everyone. We'll invite Seth and Paige and the rest over."Sasha said.

VC-Sasha-No I dont want to hang out with Roman and Jojo. You know how awkward that'll be for me?

"Dean.."Roman said under his breath, "Help a brother out."

Jojo had an annoyed look on her face.

Dean stared at him, trying to decide if it would be a good idea to wait until later so everyone could hang out.

VC-Roman-I was hoping to have a romantic and..intimate time here with Jo but...Dean apparently wants to double date.

"Nahh come on, it'll be better with the four of us." Dean said, "Sasha take a seat."

Everyone groaned.

Dean grabbed a beer from Roman and Jojo's picnic basket and cracked it open for Roman.

"Thanks man." Roman said, obviously a little pissed.

VC-Jojo-Well...isnt this just great.

VC-Sasha-Thanks Dean. Now everyone is uncomfortable.


Paige and Seth had already had their lunch and decided to take a stroll around the forest. They didnt talk to each other much. The only sounds they heard were the rustle of the leaves and chirps of insects and birds. The atmosphere was serene and beautiful. She knew if she was here with Elias they wouldnt have been so quiet *wink wink *.

"You having fun?" she asked Seth.

"I guess."

"Sorry im such a downer right now. Theres a lot going on for me at the moment."

"No its fine. I understand."


Silence filled the gap between them again.

"Look, I need to get something off my chest." Seth said, "I hate to bring this up but I feel like im the one at fault for you and Elias to break up."

"Yea pretty much. I did sleep with you. But whatever, its more of my fault."

"No I mean I should have kept my mouth shut. If I hadnt said anything he wouldnt have known. Then you and him would still be together."

"But he still would have found out anyway when the show airs. Like...im happy he found out now because imagine if we were still together and he watched the show only to see you and I...do what we did. That would have been horrible. He would have hated me even more."

"Yea I guess you're right. But im sorry for everything thats happened between you and him. Its partly my fault."

"Its whatever. Im just focusing on moving on right now. I still have a lot of feelings for him but he made it clear that he doesnt want me anymore so...why even try. He would never trust me again. I just hope hes happy with Billie."

"You know, we all make mistakes. Im sure hes not a saint either. You screwed up once but...people change. I should know."

"Oh yea. You cheated on your fiance."

"Yea. But ive learned from my mistakes. But in your case, you were drunk. You didnt know what you were doing. He should let that go."

" I doubt he would. If he thinks Billie can give him what he needs then fine. I wish him best of luck. She doesnt even have ass."

"You know its funny. This is our first real conversation." Seth said.

"Oh yeaa. I never took the time to get to know you."

"I wonder why."

"Because I dont like you."

"Im still wondering why."

"Because Dean and I are besties. You hurt him. An enemy of my friend is also my enemy."

"Wow okay. Is Dean enemies with your enemies too?"

"I do have quite a few enemies but I dont think he is."

"I always thought you were pretty cool though."


"Yea. I just really like your personality. You know how to have a good time and as I can see when you're in love, you dont let anybody get in the way. Thats admirable. What man doesnt want his woman to fight for him?"

"True. You're a fighter too. Remember the fight you got into with AJ for Alexa."

"That really wasnt for Alexa. That was more of an arrogance thing."

"You know, the more I think about it, you and I are pretty similar. I mean, we're both hated by many, we both cant keep our mouths shut, we've both made bad decisions."

"True." He said as they both fell silent once again."So tell me about yourself. What kind of movies, music, stuff like that, are you into? Lets start with the basics."

"Im a metal head. I listen to bands like Bring Me The Horizon, A Day To Remember-"

"No way. Me too."


"Yeaa you should check my music library. Im a huge fanboy."

"Thats awesome! High five." she said as they high fived.

VC-Seth-A girl that listens to the same music I do? Oh yea, im already interested.

The two continued their walk and their conversation, getting to know things about each other that they knew they should have found out earlier. The more they talked the more they realized how similar they really were. Their conversation seemed like it never wanted to end because of their constant flow. They didn't know it before but what they came to find out was that the chemistry between them was strong.

Truth Booth

"Hey everyone. Welcome to your final Truth Booth. You guys nervous?" Shane asked.

Everyone responded with a yes.

"Lets welcome back our daters, guys, how was the date?"

"It was great. Elias and I really enjoyed our alone time." Billie said.

"Um..as you can see," Sasha pointed to Dean who was passed out sleeping on the couch, "Dean enjoyed himself. He taught me how to ride a bike, crashed Roman and Jojo's date and drank all their beer. He had a blast."

"Yea. Dean enjoyed himself for all of us." Roman said.

"And what about you guys?" Shane pointed to Seth and Paige.

"I had a great time with Seth. We used our time to really get to know each other and honestly, I cant believe im saying this but I think he can also be my match." She smiled at Seth.

"Well thats great. Now, lets see who everyone chose to go into the Truth Booth one last time." Shane said as he pointed to the screen. A few seconds after a picture of Seth and Paige popped up.

"Well, look at that. Seth, Paige, start making your way to the Truth Booth."

The pair got up and headed out the doors.

VC-Chris-I really like our chances here. I voted them in because I think they have a high potential of being a match. However, if they arent a match then that means Paige might be my match and Seth might be AJ's match. I worked it all out guys. I know what im doing.

"They look cute together." Mandy said.

"They actually do." Renee agreed.

VC-Elias-If Seth and Paige are a match then..I wont be surprised. I guess they may have been made for each other.

They entered the booth and the scanners began.

"Alright. I guess this is it." said Paige.

"Lets hope for the best."

"Come on everyone. Good vibes." said Renee, "Be positive."

"Give us one for the road."said Dolph.

"Perfect match! Perfect match! Chant with me everyone!" Chris said and one by one everyone started chanting.

VC-Finn-Honestly, I voted for Sasha and I to go into the Truth Booth. I just needed assurance on that.

Paige and Seth's hearts raced as they held hands looking at the scanners.

"Im freaking out."she said to him.

"Me too."

"Your hands are sweaty."

"I know I cant help it."

VC-Paige-I hope everyone did the right thing and made the right choice by sending us in.

"Please be a matchhh!"Dolph whined. AJ covered her face with a pillow.

VC-AJ-I don't want to look.

VC-Cesaro-Everyone is so nervous right now.

Finally, the results came up.

"Oh...my...god..."said Renee.

Everyone shot out of their seats cheering!

VC-Dana-Its a match! Oh my god its a match!

VC-Mandy-I always had a gut feeling they were matches. I ship them so much its crazy *flips hair*

"Holy shit!" said Paige when she saw the results.

"Oh my god!"

"This is crazy!" she jumped up and hugged him.

"Wow. I dont know what to say." he said as he hugged her tightly.

"Buddy, you and I are fucked up people for a reason. We're meant to be together."

VC-Paige-I never in a million years would have thought that Seth....would be my perfect match. But thinking about it now, I totally see why we are.

VC-Seth-Something in my mind was always telling me that Paige was my match. I ignored it because of reasons. Im just relieved that I found my match. Im done with my part of the game.

They raced back to the house where everybody welcomed them with cheers and hugs.

"What the hell is going on?" a groggy Dean asked when he heard the cheering.

"Paige and Seth are a match!" Renee said to him.

"We won the game?"

"What. No. Paige and Se-"

"Hell yea way to go everybody! Drinks are on me." he said as he turned over and headed back to sleep.

VC-Paige- All this time...Seth was my match. I think what happened that night happened for a reason. There was good and bad that came out of it. *tears starts rolling down her cheeks * Im just so happy I found my match. I went through so much lately and...the best thing that could have happened to me right now is for me to find my match. Im so happy the house voted us in. Seth is a pretty cool guy and I should have gotten to know him on a deeper level earlier. I just judged him from what I knew already and thought no way he could have been my match. Never judge a book by its...table of contents people. I just made that up.

"Guys!" Paige stood on top the table and knocked a spoon against a glass, "We have 2 more days left. We all have went through hell and back in this house so tonight, why dont we kill the bad vibes and end things off with one last party huh?"

Everyone started cheering.


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