The Mystical Wolf

By Lun4r_

4.5K 536 187

Amelia, 18 years old, is a vampire and a werewolf. Everything changes when she finds out that she's the mysti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 11

114 15 11
By Lun4r_

Jayce's P.O.V

I look at Amelia, sleeping peacefully. She's on her heat. Her scent are strong anfld intoxicating. I want her. I need her. No, I don't want to do something she doesn't agree. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

'Alpha. We spot a rogue in our territory. He's alone'

'Okay. I will send Blake there'

'Okay, alpha'

Pshh. Sending rogues while he's out there doing nothing. Idiot. I looked at Amelia and smiled. "Don't worry, love. I will protect you even if it takes me to die for you" I whispered and kissed her forehead.

'Blake, there's a rogue in our territory. Can you please check it out? I can't go there because Amelia needs me'

'What happened to my sister?'

'She's on her heat'

'Aren't you guys gonna mate now or something? Amelia is in between life and death. Heat is not something you mess with, Jayce'

'I know. Can you just go and check the rogue?'

'Oh, right'

Life and death. I sighed and kissed Amelia' forehead. I got off of the bed and sat on the couch. I checked the paper work and turned on my laptop. There's a knock on the door and I told them to come in. It's Rosalie, the beta female of the Ember Moon Wolf Pack. "I apologise for disturbing but may I come in?"

"Of course. I believe that you're here to check on Amelia?" I asked and she nodded as she walk over to Amelia. I continued doing my work and there's another knock. I told them to come in and I heard the twins. "Jayce!" Jessica called.

I stood from my chair and walked over to the twins. "How's your work, Jayce?" Alexander asked. "Good. You're leaving today, am I right?" I asked and he nodded, looking at Madilyn, lovingly. I smiled and I looked at the twins. "Hello there, Jessica, Jason. Did you have fun here?" They smiled and said, "We had a lot of fun here., We were playing with our new friends and Amy!"

I looked at Madilyn when I smell another scent on her and she looked awah. Alexander chuckled and I asked, "You're pregnant?" Madilyn nodded and Alexander wrapped his hand around her. That's good news. "We have a little sister!" Jessica said, jumping up and down. "No! Little brother!" Jason said.

"What's with the little sister and little brother arguement?" I turned to the voice and saw Amelia, smiling. I smiled at her and the twins ran over to her. They sat on the bed beside Amelia and Jessica said, "We have a little sister! Mommy is pregnant!"

"No! Not little sister but little brother!" Jason protested.

Amelia chuckled and I walked over to them. Rosalie walked towards Madilyn and chuckled. "Jessica, Jason. Let's wait until your parents know your new little sibling's gender and then no more arguement. Okay?" Amelia said and the twins nodded. I walked over to them and put my hand on Amelia's shoulder, smiling at her lovingly.

"Well, we're going now. Get well soon, Amelia" Madilyn said and the twins said, "Bye Amy! Bye Jayce!" Rosalie smiled and walked out of the room with the others. I closed the door and walked over to Amelia. I lean down and kissed her. She kissed me back and I wrapped my hands around her. My hand slid under her shirt and caressed her body.

She gripped my shirt and I growled, lowly. I kissed her hungrily and I closed my eyes before pulling away. "I'm sorry. We need to stop or else I can't control myself" I said and walked over to the couch.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I heard a soft voice behind me. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. Mate me?" I turned around, looking at Amelia and said, "Amelia, love. You don't have to force yourself into this"

She looked down and sighed as she hid her face on my chest. "It's okay. I'm ready now" She murmured and I made her look at me. "Are you sure about this?"

She nodded, slowly and wrapped her arm behind my neck. I kissed her and in a second, I landed her on the bed.


I woke up to see Amelia's beautiful face infront of me, sleeping peacefully. I caressed her cheek and she woke up, looking at me annoyed. "What do you want?!" She said, annoyed and I looked at her, confused. "You woke me up, you jerk!" Oh no.

She stared at me and she chuckled. "What?" I asked and she said "I was joking. You should of seen your face!" I blinked my eyes and realised that she got me. Darn it!

I kissed her forehead and she looked at me. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked and she said, "C-can you look away when I got up from bed and umm. I want to go to the bathroom to take a shower"

Her face turned scarlet red and I chuckled. I seen her body and she's still hiding it from me? She hid her face with her hands and I said, "You can go now. I won't be looking"

"I uh-okay then" She murmured and she rushed to the bathroom.


I looked at Amelia as she walk back and forth, looking for something. "Amelia. What are you looking for?" I asked and she didn't answer.

I looked down and saw a small box under the bed. I grabbed it and asked, "Looking for this?" She looked at me and walked over to me. "Where did you find it?" She asked and I answered, "Under the bed" I gave her the box and she smiled.

Both of us looked at the door and no one came in. "Blake, I could smell your scent from here! Come in" I said and he came in, smiling sheepishly.

"Hello, you two. How's my sister feeling?" He asked and Amelia shook her head. "I'm good. What brings you here?" She asked and Blake walked towards us. I pulled Amelia to sit on my lap as Blake sat beside me and he rolled his eyes, looking at me. "You haven't open the box yet, sis?" Blake asked and Amelia answered, "No, I haven't. Why?"

His expression changed to a sad smile and Amelia looked at him confused. "That box. It's from your biological father. He told me to give it to you when I find you" Amelia gasped and she held my hand tightly.

"Where is he now? Where does he live? I want to see him, please. Let me see my biological father. I deserve to see my own father. I'm his daughter. Please, tell me" Amelia said with a hoarse voice and I hugged her from behind.

"He-he died, Amelia. He died after he gave the box to me. M-my father, he killed him. I tried to stop him because I know that you will be needing him. My father locked him in the basement and I used to check on him, to make sure that he's fine. My father hated him soo much because he seduced my mother and she gave birth to you. My father kept him in the basement for years. That's when they sent you away. He died when I was 16 years old, Amelia. I wanted him to stay but I couldn't. I felt miserable after he died" He stopped and looked at Amelia with a sad face.

"He told me to tell you that he's sorry because he couldn't be there for you. My father tortured him. I'm really sorry, Amelia. I'm sorry that I couldn't save your father" He stopped, looking down and Amelia said, "I-It's not your fault, Blake. I-I wish I could s-see him. I wish I c-could spend some time with him" She cried as she hid her face with her hands and she turned around, burrying her face on my chest, crying.

I rubbed her back to comfort her and Blake said, "I'm sorry Amelia. Please don't cry" Amelia shook her head and I said, "Amelia, love. It's alright. Please stop crying" She didn't stop and Joel sighed.

Amelia started to calm down a little and pulled back. I wiped her tears away and she smiled a small smile. Amelia looked at Blake and she shook her head smiling. "It's not your fault, Blake. Stop apologising" She said and she stared at the small box.

"I-" Blake was cut off when Amelia dropped the box to the ground and she ran over to the walk-in-wardrobe, into the bathroom. I picked up the box and put it on the table as I walked over to the bathroom. I knocked the door and asked, "Amelia, are you okay?"

She didn't answer and I opened the door seeing her standing infront of the sink. "Amelia?" I called out and she looked at me. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked and she answered, "I'm fine" She washed her hands and walked over to me. Blake was still sitting on the couch.

Amelia looked at me and said, "I'm craving for strawberries with chocolate fond. Do you have it here?" I blinked my eyes several times and nodded in respond. A wide smile spread across her face and said, "Can you get some for me?"

That's kind of weird. She never asked me for something. Blake stood and said, "I'll get some for you. Jayce, just stay here and take care of her. I know you don't want to leave your mate" I glared at him as he walked out of the room.

After a few minutes of waiting, Blake came with a bucket of strawberry and a bowl of chocolate. Amelia smiled and Blake put down the strawberries and chocolate on the table.

"Don't go anywhere, Blake. Eat these strawberries with me and Jayce, please?" Amelia plead and Blake said "Sure" We all ate the strawberries and I looked at Amelia as she dipped the strawberry in the bowl of melt chocolate.

She stopped eating and she closed her mouth with her hands as she rushed to the bathroom. I followed her behind and rubbed her back as she throw up. Nothing came out though. I heard Leah walked in and asked Blake something.

"Amelia? Are you okay?" She asked, leaning against the bathroom door frame. She looked at Amelia carefully and she gasped. "Amelia! Are you-" she paused, looking between me and Amelia. "Are you pregnant?"

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