Forbidden lovers | Kakashi Se...

By Queendreamteam

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(Y/n) (L/n), once a ordinary girl, living her life in the city of Queens, New York, will soon, and literally... More

Chapter One: Help me
Chapter Two: Sealed away
Chapter Three: Death is inevitable
Chapter Four: Ninja training
Chapter Five: Troublesome sensei
Chapter Six: The Void
Chapter Seven: Late
Chapter Eight: Itachi Uchiha
Chapter Nine: Team Gai
Chapter Ten: Yoko Kurama
Chapter Eleven: Exam
Chapter Twelve: Intoxicated
Chapter Thirteen: Lovers
Chapter Fourteen: The Academy
Chapter Fifteen: The kiss
Chapter Sixteen: Squad Seven
Chapter Seventeen: Survival Test
Chapter Eightteen: Tenzō sensei
Chapter Nineteen: Pass or fail
Chapter Twenty: Failed Attempt
Chapter Tewenty One: You Pass
Chapter Twenty Two: Battle skills
Chapter Twenty Three: First Date
Chapter Twenty Four: Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Excitment
Chapter Twenty Six: The Demon Brothers
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Vow
Chapter Twenty Eight: Demon of the Mist
Chapter Twenty Nine: Team Work
Chpater Thirty: Releasment
Chpater Thirty one: Truth
Chapter Thirty Two: Training
Chapter Thirty Three: Hot
Chapter Thirty Four: Nightmares
Chapter Thirty Five: Reality
Chapter Thirty Seven: Lies
Chapter Thirty Eight: Friends
Chapter Thirty Nine: Consequences
Chapter Forty: Battle on the bridge
Chapter Forty One: Scream
Chapter Forty Two: Will of Fire
Chapter Forty Three: Love
Chapter Forty Four: Screwed
Chapter Forty Five: Immature
Chapter Forty Six: Very skilled shinobi
Chapter Forty Seven: Dangos
Chapter Forty Eight: Hamburgers
Chapter Forty Nine: Precious
Chapter Fifty: Caverns
Chapter Fifty One: Job
Chapter Fifty Two: Goddess of light
Chapter Fifty Three: Reason for a home
Chapter Fifty Four: Sister
Chapter Fifty Five: Preliminaries
Chapter Fifty Six: Support
Chapter Fifty Seven: Toads
Chapter Fifty Eight: Deal
Chapter Fifty Nine: Minato Namikaze
Chapter Sixty: Fifth Hokage
Chapter Sixty One: Murderous rage
Chapter Sixty Two: Pulverise
Chapter Sixty Three: Cease to exist
Chapter Sixty Four: Whatever
Chapter Sixty Five: Uchiha Charm
Chapter Sixty Six: Stick Figures
Chapter Sixty Seven: Strongest
Chapter Sixty Eight: Unique girl
Chapter Sixty Nine: Time
Chapter Seventy: Apart
Chapter Seventy One: Hickey
Chapter Seventy Two: Wild Fire
Chapter Seventy Three: Truth Untold
Chapter Seventy Four: Apples to Apples
Chapter Seventy Five: Meant to be
Chapter Seventy Six: Departure
Chapter Seventy Seven: Battles and Betrayals
Chapter Seventy Eight:
Chapter Seventy Nine: How long has it been?
Chapter Eighty:

Chapter Thirty Six: Star gazers

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By Queendreamteam

A/n: So I know i am #1 in Narutoxreader, but as chapters continue on I get less reads, comments, and likes. I don't really know if I should continue this.. anyway, here u guys go.

Sakura's face relaxing, she looks at the little boy saddened to see his state, to see him begging on the streets. Smiling I move to squat in front of the little boy to watch the scene unfold. Sakura smiling sadly, and almost apologetically, immediately began digging in her pouch.

"Uhh- here you go." Sakura said gently as she placed some candy in the little boys hands. His eyes opening he smiled as he looked down his hands, his laugh carrying through our ears and hearts.

"Oh, thank you." Sakura looking down she nodded weakly at the thought of him being happy over something so little.

"Hey kid, come here I have something too." I whisper as I raise my hand, gesturing him over towards me. Reaching in my back pocket with my other hand, I pull out three rice cakes. "Here you go, share that with whoever you need to." Smiling I see his eyes light up and his lips upturn into a full grin.

"Thank you so much!"

"Of course kiddo," ruffling his head I slowly get back up to my regular standing position. "If you and your friends or family want some medical help or some hair cuts, I'm up to give some on my free time. My names (Y/n) (L/n), just in case you ever need me."

"Your the best! Thank you big sister (Y/n)!" Seeing the little boy run away into the crowd, I let out a little sigh shaking my head.

"Kids shouldn't have to live like that. No one should have to live like that." I whisper lightly as I close my eyes, sorrow and irritation coursing through my veins. Tazuna stepping next to Sakura filled in our missing blanks we searched for.

"This is how it's been since Gato's been here. The children suffer. And the adults are scared to stand up to him. They've lost all hope. That's why we have to finish the bridge. It will bring commerce and trade, but more importantly, that bridge is a symbol of courage. We must restore the spirt of our people. When the bridge is finished, people will start to believe again." Tazuna finally loosing his temper balled his hand into a fist of frustration. "They'll believe that they can live with dignity. We can't let Gato stop us." People silently passing by the three of in the middle of the road, I breath out my anger.

"That's exactly why Team Seven will help you complete this bridge Tazuna. I promise you."
Hearing a grunt in response from him we silently made our way back to Tazuna's place.
Reaching Tazuna's house, we all go in silently, me and Sakura taking off our shoes and placing our stuff in our room. Walking to the kitchen, Sakura opens the small sliding panel door. Both of us slipping in we take the only available spots. Sakura running takes the head of the table, Naruto to her left and Sasuke to her right. Irritation bubbling from lack of manners, I slowly go to sit in between Naruto and Kakashi. "Excuse me as I slip in between you two."

"There's more than enough space (Y/n), no trouble at all," Kakashi spoke genuinely as he moved over a little more. Naruto nodding he gave me his trademark, genuine grin.

"Kakashi Sensei is right, believe it!"

Smiling I completely sit down in between the two, "Thank you very much." Inari's mom placing the food down in front of all us, we all thank her. Silently picking up my dish and digging in with my chopsticks. Immediately hearing Naruto and Sasuke divulge into their dishes I laugh lightly and shake my head.

With Tazuna laughing, he comments, "this is fantastic. It's been ages since we've had so many guests around our table." Laughing I slowly nod in recognition.

"This food is fantastic, I can't believe you prepared this all by yourself ma'am." I say sincerely to Inari's mother.

"Thank you (Y/n), I try my best." Stated Inari's mother as she turned her head over her shoulder, shining her smile at me. The room going back to the sound of Naruto and Sasukes eating. They both slam their hand on the table, lifting the empty bowls in the air.

"I want some more!" The both yell in unison as they shoot glares at each other. Laughing lightly I move more into Kakashi's body, as Naruto as Sasuke both throw up at the same time. Clamping my hand over my mouth, I feel my self pale. Kakashi's arm wrapping around me, he quickly rubs my shoulder in support. Feeling his gloved hand on my shoulder, my blood rushes to me face.

"K-Kakashi Sensei, I'm fine. I work in the hospital all the time. I'm used to seeing stuff like this." I say as I slowly unclamp my hand from my mouth.

"Then tell me why you look like your going to throw up after seeing Naruto throw up." Kakashi teased as he rub my shoulder slowly.
Blushing even more, I take my hand on his and move it from my shoulder.

"Oh shut up and stop messing with me Kakashi Sensei. Naruto, Sasuke, drink some water please! And don't leave without cleaning this up." I demand to them both, giving them pointed looks. Sakura getting irritated she stands up slamming her hands down on the table.

"Don't eat so much if your gonna puke it up! And Kakashi Sensei, stop annoying (Y/n)!" Nodding I slowly reach over to Naruto and rub his back.

"Yes, please listen to us females in the group. We tend to know things." Coughing lightly I slowly slip in a word, "superiority."

"I.. have to eat." Sasuke grumbled to me and Sakura as he began wiping his mouth, and turning to glare at Naruto.

"And, I have to eat more than him. It's the only possible way I'll get strong enough to beat him." Naruto grumbled as he also turned back to glare at Sasuke.

"That's true, but puking won't help you." Kakashi mused as he crosses his arms across his chest, nodding his head up and down.

All knowing Kakashi Sensei huh? Please, you can fool them, but not me.

An irk mark appearing on my head I raise my hand and hit Kakashi on the head, "oh shush! Just give them some good advice would you! Like a normal Sensei would!" I yell at him as my chest heaved up and down with anger. Kakashi holding his head grumbled at me.

"You can't hit the crippled (Y/n), never the less, your crippled Sensei!" Sitting down back in my spot I shake my head and remain quiet.

"Sometimes I wonder why I like to spend time with my team." Looking at the table I wait for everyone to finish their meals before I collect the dishes. "I'll help clean the dishes. The least I can do for you after Naruto, Sasuke, and my behavior earlier." Taking the dishes I leave the cups out for the tea still on the table. Walking over I place the dishes in the sink. Before I could even start the water, I feel Inari's mom next to me. Looking up I smile nervously, letting a laugh slip out.

"You're are guest (Y/n). Please sit." She smiles at me. Shaking my head no, I look at her pleadingly. "Fine. I'll wash, you dry. Okay?"

Nodding I bow swiftly, "thank you very much."
Cleaning the dishes we silently work on it as the table settles down and Sakura moves about the room. With the house being nice and calming, I slowly release a breathe awaiting for when Sakura breaks the silence.

"Excuse me, this picture is torn. Is there some reason for that? Inari, you kept glancing at it all through dinner. It looks like there was someone else in the picture, but they got torn out. I mean, that's kind of strange, isn't it?" Sakura probed as her body faced the torn picture hung on the wall, and her curious glance on the two family members sitting at the table.

Sighing I shake my head. "Sakura you can't go and ask questions about people's personal life like that. Please excuse me, I must go do something." Using the awkwardness as an excuse, I speed walk out the room. Leaving to find Haku.

I hope he's still there and didn't think I bailed on him.

Running to the tree we bumped into each other at, I look all around before noticing a note tacked onto the tree. My eyes widening in curiosity, I quickly rip the note off the tree and open it up.

To (Y/n):
I'm sorry I couldn't see you today. Tomorrow morning would be more ideal. Something came up and I had to be there. Rest assured we will see each other again.
~ Haku

Smiling I fold the note back before placing it in my pouch.

"Well, I guess my worries are left to sleep until morning." Yawning, I stretch my arms above my head. "About time I head back to Tazuna's place." Wrapping my arms around the back of my head, I slowly walk back to Tazuna's place while the insects chime in harmony for the perfect late night stroll. Breathing, I feel my body slowly grow numb as I walked through the forest by memorization. Closing my eyes I breathe out one more large breathe before approaching Tazuna's house.

How much do I get paid for this mission again?

Sighing I sweat drop as I open my eyes, "not enough." I whisper quietly as I open the door to Tazuna's house. Taking off my shoes I slowly make my way to the kitchen. My feet dragging after all the nerves I had finally left my body. Dragging myself into the kitchen, I walk into the argument I tried oh so hard to avoid. Leaning against the frame of the wall I watch Naruto's truth spill out of him.

"You can whimper all day if I care. Your nothing but a coward." Naruto hissed back as he lifted his head to stare down Inari.

"Naruto, you went to far!" Sakura nagged as she looked at Naruto annoyed by his actions.
Shaking my head I watch Inari's tears flow freely. Soon enough Naruto gets irritated before quickly standing up from the table and shoving his right bruised hand in his pocket.
Naruto leaving the room, looks up at me, before looking down again. Reaching my hand out I grab Naruto's forearm.

"We need to talk." I demand as I see an irk mark appear on Naruto.

"No way! Let off (Y/n)." Naruto yanking his forearm out of my grasp, he heads back to the woods to train. Sighing with sadness to Naruto's reaction towards me, I watch him as he leaves Tazuna's house. My attention turned back to the sobbing Inari. Quickly I turn and go to me and Kakashi's room. Opening the small door, I walk over to my back pack. Unzipping it, I slowly take out my ink and paper.

"Maybe a little fairy tail can cheer him up after Kakashi talks to him. Something that shows Naruto, and his fathers struggles.." I mumble lightly to myself. "I'm definitely not good at drawing, but it's worth a shot. A little laugh should be enough for me.." Walking back to the room, I already find Kakashi and Inari gone. Moving to the outside door, I slowly creep up on the two. Kakashi looking up at the moonlight water slowly speaks to Inari.

"He's probably told himself that a thousand times."

Damn it, I'm towards the end of your tear jerking speech. Fuck you Kakashi! Which I wouldn't actually find doing.. no, no, no, no! Keep a good mind set.

Sighing I slowly creep up to the two of them even more. Slowly I clear my throat, grasping the two's attention.

"May I speak with you, Inari..?" I whisper out quietly. Getting a nod from them both, I join sitting with them on the dock. "Kakashi Sensei's right Inari. And so is Naruto. Everyone has been through a lot, and many similar situations if you don't believe me, count me and Naruto as one." Taking some ink, I slowly drag it across the paper to make four stick figures. "My family doesn't know where I am. We were ripped apart; and I didn't even get to say goodbye. Or say how much I missed and loved everyone, even though I may tease them. My brother.. (b/n). He was like your father in a sense to me. I admired him. Something bad happened to him, as he fought for good and justice. And it's taken me years to finally realize, that he's a hero." I whisper as I slowly draw a frown on my brother. "I don't want you to make the same mistakes I have Inari. Please, just know, your father, is not, and never will be a coward. Especially not to those who know that what he did was right. In order for you to move forward like Naruto and I, you need to first forgive your self for what you've done. Fight for what you believe in. And you'll find your way." Handing the paper to him I nod at my work of stick figure art. "Now here. Take this odd drawing and treasure it. Just because I want you to kid." I laugh lightly at him as I see a blush dust his cheeks. Inari nodding, gives me the first smile I've seen since we've been here. My own smile spreading, I grab him and squeeze him into a hug. "Your just so cute!" I yell as I hear Inari's protests from my warm embrace.

"Let go!" Whined Inari as I slowly rubbed his head with my fist.

"Okay, okay,"releasing my embrace I smile at him. Soon enough he gets up and runs back to the house.

"I didn't know you missed them that much." Kakashi whispered as I felt his eye piercing my form. My eyes analyzing the moon and stars, I slowly sigh.

"I miss them a lot. My only reason for being out this late... is the hope that some how, someway, they can feel my presence. Or know where both looking at the same sky.. in a way."

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